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Should Hamas support rallies in Canada be stopped?

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1 minute ago, ExFlyer said:

Nope, the stupid person is theone whining about Pakistan in a middle east discussion... LOL

The stupid person is always the one who can't deal in actual facts and reality.

You can't deal with the reality of how MEasterners view Pakistan and Israel through the most bigoted lens imaginable, just like you can't even look at "covid deaths in Canada" when you discuss the topic of the covid vax. 

You just keep citing your opinions, which are blatantly stupid, and linking articles which you really don't understand. 

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2 hours ago, Nexii said:

Egypt's border is not open. The Rafah crossing was bombed and is closed.

Yes, Israel has a lot of might in a shorter conventional war. They don't need the USA even to not be overrun. The carrier deterrant is there for militia groups from surrounding countries that are likely to pile on. Especially if Israel steps up the genocidal actions. In a longer, asymmetrical war, however, Israel is vastly outnumbered. Like the USA or USSR in Afghanistan, or the UK in Northern Ireland, it's never as easy to keep control of a hostile population as is often assumed.

It could play out a lot of ways though, war by nature is always unpredictable. No one predicted Ukraine holding against Russia for example. 

The crossing was only partially closed...due to Israelis airstrikes near the crossing...

Rafah crossing between Gaza and Egypt disrupted by Israeli air raids | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera

Egypt confirms 'Rafah Crossing' linking country to Gaza is open | The Peninsula Qatar

Not sure how it can be described as genocidal actions, when it is fighting well over 25,000 terrorist who hide among the population...was the war in Afghanistan, Syria or Iraq described as genocidal?

Yes it is hard to win a war with terrorist when the rules of warn are written by civilized nations, they tie both hands behind your backs, becasue to fight on level ground would just be uncivilized.. war has nothing to do with about being civilized, (it's about closing with and destroying your enemy by any means)... these targets being hit in the last 5 days are according to "Israelis military", all legitimate terrorist targets.

Israel has been fighting this asymmetrical war since it's inception, nobody does it better than Israel, and when not doing that on two fronts north and south, it has been fighting major conventional wars with it's other neighbors, they have always been out numbered. It's a great motivator for Israelis to fight with their backs up against the wall every conflict...

Not to take anything away form The Ukrainian military, but with out the deep pockets of their allies this war would have been over more than a year ago...Russia did not account for any of that..., that and the amount of corruption in the Russian military was never fully understood until this last year...

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4 hours ago, eyeball said:

Hamas terrorize people and people are terrified of the IDF.  On and on it goes. Where it stops nobody knows.





In southern Israel, Hamas terrorists broke into a room where a family of five was hiding and slaughtered every one of them. In Gaza, a father wrapped in gauze held his child, butchered in an Israeli strike, for the last time.

These scenes pose a very simple moral test: Do you believe that it is wrong for innocent people to suffer in this way? That mass death should be deplored, not defended, regardless of who its victims are? If the answer to either of those questions is no, then you are a morally broken person.

Depressingly, the Israel-Palestine discourse has exposed many of them.


One is an act of terrorism, killing a civilian to make a political point (is a cowardly act)....the other is call collateral damage...tragic but happens in war...

The answer to your question , is you don't understand war, and if you can't determine the difference from someone deliberately targeting civilians for fun or to make a political point cutting the head off your husband while in front of your wife and kids is pure evil.....killing someone by accident is just that an unintentional act..... then you sir really don't know what your talking about in this case. 

There is nothing morally right about war, it brings nothing but death and destruction it is a political tool to bring on side back to the bargaining table, the cost is lives, be it one, thousands or millions, and in the end it will be written about in a history book and forgotten by the news cycle in a week...

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4 hours ago, ExFlyer said:


Once again.   https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israel-palestinian-dispute-hinges-statehood-land-jerusalem-refugees-2023-10-10/

"The conflict pits Israeli demands for security in what it has long regarded as a hostile region against Palestinian aspirations for a state of their own."

"A two-state solution, Israeli settlements, the status of Jerusalem, and refugees are at the core of the dispute."




Two-state solution - an agreement that would create a state for the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip alongside Israel. Hamas rejects the two-state solution and is sworn to Israel's destruction. Israel has said a Palestinian state must be demilitarised so as not to threaten Israel.

I found this in your source as well, so i would say there is more to this dispute than you have stated, kind of hard to make peace with someone who has sworn to your destruction...it is after all HAMAS that refused the 2 state solution...they don't want peace they want to kill jews...And since Hamas is the elected government for the Palestinians, i would say that peace in the region has come to what we have now...Israel is opting for the military option...which Hamas drove them to... 

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2 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

Nope, the stupid person is theone whining about Pakistan in a middle east discussion... LOL

Well actually the Pakis do give financial support to Hamas, and in terms of military training, so it seems to be fair game.

"The links with Hamas go back to the time when international sanctions were imposed on Hamas because of its refusal to denounce violence against Israel. At that time, Pakistan offered $3 million as aid for the Palestinian Authority and support for Hamas. Since then the ties have deepened. While there are limits to the monetary and material assistance that Pakistan can give Hamas, Pakistan has plenty of offer in terms of training and perhaps even some cannon-fodder for Hamas’ ‘jihad’ against Israel."


It's old news. 2021.


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2 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Israel 'may or may not be ?' a nuclear-armed country. They are believed to have as many as 400 nukes. 

"Winning" a war against them could be very costly. 

Lol ok. If Israel starts nuking, Iran/Pakistan will glass them. And it will only get worse from there. Not a likely scenario

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8 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

Whoa whoa there little man (or mannequin).

Is there something wrong with having a different opinion or point of view or even a neutral take on things in any discussion? A little devils advocate game "make your widle head hurt."?

"your bwownskin fwends all angwy" sounds very racist to me.... you seem to have a real personal and discriminatory problem.


Dorfenburger? That is more childish than your normal babyish negging behaviour.

Hey whatever triggers you, fella. I can't help it. There's too many trigger words on your list for me to keep track of, so I figure why bother anymore.

Statehood shmatehood, my love. Like said, if them was all Jihadis there'd be no problems y'all. They'd have a muslim hootenany.

Who you calling a nagger?


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6 minutes ago, Nexii said:

Lol ok. If Israel starts nuking, Iran/Pakistan will glass them. And it will only get worse from there. Not a likely scenario

They will not.  They wills shut up and do nothing, Period

But it will never happen. Gaza is so small you just can't use nukes without contaminating the hell out of your own country.

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28 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

They will not.  They wills shut up and do nothing, Period

But it will never happen. Gaza is so small you just can't use nukes without contaminating the hell out of your own country.

Israel doesn't need to nuke Gaza, it's small enough to flatten with conventional bombs.

Tehran is a different story, and at some point it may be necessary to bite the head off the snake.

Israel is very small, they don't have a lot of room to retreat. They're also very narrow in the middle. Tactically they're at a huge disadvantage if they get separated by a deep incursion into the middle of the country. 

This foray into Gaza is a big risk for them. Who knows how many bombs they have there. 

For all we know there could be 500,000 lbs of explosives in the tunnels down there. Maybe they want to swallow up 60% of Israel's military with one big blast. 

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2 hours ago, Army Guy said:

you don't understand war...

...it is a political tool

It seems the politics must come first but since neither is working as evidenced by the fact things just keep getting worse...

You know what Einstein said about doing the same thing over and over again.

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3 hours ago, Army Guy said:

One is an act of terrorism, killing a civilian to make a political point (is a cowardly act)....the other is call collateral damage...tragic but happens in war...

TBH Hamas doesn't even have a point about collateral damage from legitimate military attacks, and what they use for "justification" is the fact that military-aged men get taken into custody without charges, like Jan 6thers. 

Comparing "We burn people alive" to "when people shoot rockets at us, we fire back, and sometimes innocent civilians are killed" is ridiculous.

It's all the same to eyeball and ExFlyer, that's proof of how f'd up it is. 

Edited by WestCanMan
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59 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Israel doesn't need to nuke Gaza, it's small enough to flatten with conventional bombs.

well this is what i was saying - like it's really not very big at all. It'd be like nukeing moosejaw.  I mean, you COULD, but....


Tehran is a different story, and at some point it may be necessary to bite the head off the snake.

Maybe - but nuking another country really would have seriuos reprocussions. I don't know that anyone would nuke them back but i think there'd be some pretty brutal sanctions and such.



Israel is very small, they don't have a lot of room to retreat. They're also very narrow in the middle. Tactically they're at a huge disadvantage if they get separated by a deep incursion into the middle of the country. 

This foray into Gaza is a big risk for them. Who knows how many bombs they have there. 


Well historically the isrealis have dealt with this kind of thing by sucking up more territory. I think they'll look at overrunning the stip and taking it over. I feel like that might be their end game here


For all we know there could be 500,000 lbs of explosives in the tunnels down there. Maybe they want to swallow up 60% of Israel's military with one big blast. 

Well isreal has the gear and the experience - I wouldn't bet against them

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53 minutes ago, eyeball said:

It seems the politics must come first but since neither is working as evidenced by the fact things just keep getting worse...

You know what Einstein said about doing the same thing over and over again.

You might not like it , but this is how war has evolved, maybe you'd prefer how war was fought back in the day, and until we find a better way to solve our problems this is what we have...man will never learn to live without violence, we just get better at killing each other...

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1 minute ago, Army Guy said:

You might not like it , but this is how war has evolved, maybe you'd prefer how war was fought back in the day, and until we find a better way to solve our problems this is what we have...man will never learn to live without violence, we just get better at killing each other...

Politics is that other way.

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52 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Not when it happens over and over again. I mean c'mon, it's even predictable.

And your point is, what? accidents can't happen, mistakes don't happen, that you have never made a mistake or cause an accident...war is brutal, and if you think that we can conduct war with out innocent people getting killed your naïve...

Terrorist deliberately target civilians becasue they are weak... soft targets, becasue they are cowards, what type of person cuts the head off a child....vermin...cockroaches...Palestinians have picked their side, by voting them into their government...


6 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Politics is that other way.

And yet we are happy with the system we have , for the most part we live with it...and bury the dirty parts we don't like...

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13 hours ago, Moonbox said:

Since when have you cared so much about what's been officially declared?  ?

Terrorist isn't worth much as a word anymore.  It's been bandied around by leaders all over the world to basically label anyone that opposes them as "the bad people".  It's a slogan.  The Turks call the Kurds and the Armenians terrorists.  The Indians call the Sikhs terrorists.  The Kremlin complains about Ukrainian terrorist attacks on their infrastructure.  It's just a word meant to make you angry now.  

Now that's moronic, because not aping the words like everyone else does isn't the same thing as giving Hamas legitimacy.  I suspect if you read the CBC you'd see them unequivocally condemning Hamas and doing very little to criticize Israel's response.  

Your response here highlights the problem - ranting, not thinking.  


Don't make this personal! 

You don't know squat about me!


Your argument is moronic!  I suppose you and the BBC/CBC don't see ISIS as a terrorist group!  


Going house-to-house, hunting for people!  A baby riddled with bullets!  can you visualize that?

You can try to white-wash them as much as you'd most likely try to white-wash the NAZIs. 

But..............it still  boils down to this:   HAMAS - a terrorist group - is E V I L! 


You got a problem with that? Too bad.



Edited by betsy
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11 hours ago, Army Guy said:


I found this in your source as well, so i would say there is more to this dispute than you have stated, kind of hard to make peace with someone who has sworn to your destruction...it is after all HAMAS that refused the 2 state solution...they don't want peace they want to kill jews...And since Hamas is the elected government for the Palestinians, i would say that peace in the region has come to what we have now...Israel is opting for the military option...which Hamas drove them to... 

To be fair, I have posted links so a person can make up their own mind.

I personally do not care what goes on there. It is an incendiary situation that is thousands of years old and occasionally erupts. I feel there will be no resolution, just quiet down and simmer for a while, then another eruption, like a volcano, as it has been in the past.

I think more about the situation in Ukraine where one country is invading another, again for terrtory but it is a full out invasion.


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11 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

Hey whatever triggers you, fella. I can't help it. There's too many trigger words on your list for me to keep track of, so I figure why bother anymore.

Statehood shmatehood, my love. Like said, if them was all Jihadis there'd be no problems y'all. They'd have a muslim hootenany.

Who you calling a nagger?


Your OftenWrong is a good choice of names. You are.

But hey, everyone has the right to be wrong.

Look up words you don't know,a little education is something that can help you


a neggar is a person that is extremely negative and often speak negative things hoping people will agree with them. 1. if you surround yourself with neggars, ...


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We're gonna see some "opinions" voiced around here soon. The Hamas are calling for a world-wide Muslim "Day of Rage".


40 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

Your OftenWrong is a good choice of names. You are.

But hey, everyone has the right to be wrong.

Look up words you don't know,a little education is something that can help you


a neggar is a person that is extremely negative and often speak negative things hoping people will agree with them. 1. if you surround yourself with neggars, ...


That's so interesting, Golden Boy.

Did Mama give you Thesaurus for your bd? Wow, look at you!


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1 minute ago, OftenWrong said:

We're gonna see some "opinions" voiced around here soon. The Hamas are calling for a world-wide Muslim "Day of Rage".


A "Day of Rage"? Ok well..

Rage is not illegal. Acting on it probably would be.

I invite Muslims to have their "Day of Rage". It might just wake a few folks up.

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Just now, OftenWrong said:

We're gonna see some "opinions" voiced around here soon. The Hamas are calling for a world-wide Muslim "Day of Rage".


I don't know how well that's going to go ove.r

Honestly they sound a little desperate.  I think they're used to the old model where they attack isreal and then when isreal attacks back they claim how horrible it is and how badly the civillians are suffering and traditionally their attacks do pretty minimal damage so people have been quick to condemn isreal and hamas gets lots of world wide support and money and an edge in negotiations

But this time they went a little too far.  Throwing babies to the ground and shooting them at point blank range is not winning them friends. The number of dead and wounded on isreal's side has the world saying "yeah - we'd be pissed too".  The cries of "they're hurting our civilians" rings hollow when their people chased down civvies and shot them as they begged for mercy.  And as they committed atrocities on the bodies.

And protesters here are already catching it for their demonstrations.  I suspect that they'll be keeping their heads down more than anything.


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