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Should Hamas support rallies in Canada be stopped?

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1 hour ago, QuebecOverCanada said:

Didn't you say there was a sign saying "I love terrorism" in a Palestinian protest?

I said that people were saying "I love terrorism", which they were, just not in as many words.

For example, the photo below doesn't say "I love terrorism", but the meaning of it is absolutely "We love terrorism". 



By the way, I think Kathy Griffin had many contracts cancelled and lost a lot of money for what she did about Trump.

She wasn't cancelled by the MSM though. It wasn't CNN and CBC piling on her, saying it was a vile and revolting display of small-mindedness, and a call to violence. They called it "humour, if not in great taste". They vouched for her right to do that kind of thing.

The people who possess the knowledge to say "Freedom of speech doesn't mean that you can say 'bomb' in an airport" should also know that posting severed head effigies of the president on social media is way beyond the pale. 

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2 hours ago, QuebecOverCanada said:

They literally destroyed the most advanced tanks in the World in their first wave. All Hamas wants is a ground invasion, which they will get, trust me. But it will be bloody. Hamas have at least 25 000 troops, inside a civilian population it holds hostage.

They destroyed one tank, that we know of, that was pretty much left alone by an unprepared crew and overwhelmed by attackers. I rather doubt that would happen in an invasion.

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38 minutes ago, QuebecOverCanada said:

I think he is quite knowledgeable and has quite a judgment on many issues.

Not everyone thinks like you.

If you can find me an example of MH bucking the CBC/CNN narrative I'd love to see it. 

He is basically like a town crier for CBC propaganda. He even pretended to see a sea of swastikas and confederate flags at the Freedom convoy when CTV/CBC/Global said it, and then he was unable to produce a single video or photo showing any such thing.

If there was ever a time to be the person you're describing him as, it's at a time when people are being accused of something so severe, right?

ANY accusation against a conservative is a slam dunk among these leftards. 

There are at least ten lefties here who pretended to just know that Dr Ford had a solid case, and that she was probably legit, even though she couldn't name a street, a house number, whose house it was, which community it was in, she couldn't name a year, a month, a date, her own witnesses said they never heard of it before, she claimed to have phobias which she actually didn't have (couldn't fly or be in a place with only 1 exit, but she flew away on vacations and she lived in an apartment with only 1 door for 10 years), she pretended not to know that the GOP had offered to bring the lie detecter test to her but even I knew about it and I live in a different country on the far side of the continent from DC...  

If you go to the Dr Ford thread do you think MH was the voice of reason there? ? 

I bet not. 

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49 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

She wasn't cancelled by the MSM though. It wasn't CNN and CBC piling on her, saying it was a vile and revolting display of small-mindedness, and a call to violence. They called it "humour, if not in great taste". They vouched for her right to do that kind of thing.

The people who possess the knowledge to say "Freedom of speech doesn't mean that you can say 'bomb' in an airport" should also know that posting severed head effigies of the president on social media is way beyond the pale. 

@QuebecOverCanadafurther to the above, this CBC that let Griffith off the hook absolutely piled on conservatives when they got the chance: they pretended that the Freedom convoy was unruly, rude, said that they harassed people, desecrated statues and monuments, they were fying racist symbols, etc. There were basically zero incidences of the above behaviour, and for a crowd of that size to not leave behind a speck of garbage is unbelievable. 

The BLM riots drew favourable comparisons to the freedom convoy from our own media. 

I tried to go along with this "Both sides need to take more care so that they don't just go along with false narratives" bit but I'm over it now. 

If you can find a single example of conservatives lying about anything as much as leftists lied about Smollett, Sandman, the Freedom convoy, the unvaxed, covid vaxes, Trump, collusion, BLM, the BSL4 lab, the origin of covid, OR (yup, just pick one) Dr Ford, I'd love to hear it. 

Leftists aren't just "famous for lying", they exclusively lie. It's almost impossible to find a major topic that leftists don't entirely lie about. 

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22 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

I am sorry reading comprehension is not something that bodes you well

No problem. I apologize for your thinking comprehension. And knowledge of history, science, mathematics, the arts... ;) 

Your tacit support for terrorists who kill babies is simply that you have no other hand left to play. Your side invited them in to our country, and now they are organizing themselves, to turn against you. That is the political dead end road you are on, you people.

You are now openly cheering for your own demise. 

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1 minute ago, OftenWrong said:

No problem. I apologize for your thinking comprehension. And knowledge of history, science, mathematics, the arts... ;) 

Your tacit support for terrorists who kill babies is simply that you have no other hand left to play. Your side invited them in to our country, and now they are organizing themselves, to turn against you. That is the political dead end road you are on, you people.

You are now openly cheering for your own demise. 

I support no one person or group. You are making false accusations.

I have no side except the one that claims you are a fool. :)

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6 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

Thanks for outing yourself, because we all know which side that is. 

Another closet-liberal Justin voting denier... lmao 

I "outed" myself by claiming you are a fool? OK then. LOL

Give it up. You are behaving like a loser.

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2 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

I support no one person or group. You are making false accusations.

I have no side except the one that claims you are a fool. :)

So you pretend to be neutral and won't support the west, wont' support democratic countries.  By being neutral you are actually supporting terrorism and the Islamic Jihad.  Are you sure you are not an Islamist of some kind?  Or do you actually believe they are just a benign religion on the same level as Judeo-Christianity in the west.  Do you really think Israel and the Islamic countries which are full of Jihad supporters are in the same category?

No wonder you want me to block you.  So you can spout nonsense without any pushback from me.

Edited by blackbird
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35 minutes ago, blackbird said:

So you pretend to be neutral and won't support the west, wont' support democratic countries.  By being neutral you are actually supporting terrorism and the Islamic Jihad.  Are you sure you are not an Islamist of some kind?  Or do you actually believe they are just a benign religion on the same level as Judeo-Christianity in the west.  Do you really think Israel and the Islamic countries which are full of Jihad supporters are in the same category?

No wonder you want me to block you.  So you can spout nonsense without any pushback from me.

What us it about "I support no one person or group"  that you cannot understand or have to make up stuff about??

I do not believe in religion, one form or the other. Why do you care what I believe or not believe? There is no hope that you would ever convert me LOL

I could not care less who wins or loses the conflict over there. People are belligerent and forceful and murderous towards each other every day.

Oh and, as I posted before jihad is "

"The exact meaning of the term jihād depends on context; it has often been erroneously translated in the West as “holy war.” Jihad, particularly in the religious and ethical realm, primarily refers to the human struggle to promote what is right and to prevent what is wrong"



I only suggested you block me so you don't have to read my posts and pretend that in some way you need to respond to me. I also would not have to put up with your fanatical misconceptions and responses. No matter what is written to you, there is no way of keeping you from twisting it into something boneheaded and false perception formed in your head.


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15 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

I do not believe in religion, one form or the other. Why do you care what I believe or not believe? There is no hope that you would ever convert me LOL

I never said anything about converting your religion.  We are talking about support of Hamas.

This is nothing to do with pushing a religion on you.  That is a phony claim.  

Nice diversion.  But you know what this thread is about.  My comments were referring to your claimed neutrality.   You somehow think Islamic jihad is a benign entity and that you can be neutral or not against it.  Not sure where you get your logic.

Your claim that jihad is benign term is phony.  The dictionary I looked at on the internet says:

Jihad  -  a struggle or fight against the enemies of Islam:

By claiming you are neutral, you are not standing up for human rights and western civilization because this is about Jihad against Israel.  It is all about completely destroying Israel which is not an Islamic country.   Hamas and those other terrorist groups are all about spreading Islam.   Somehow you can't seem to see that or you deliberately refuse to take a side.

That is much like trying to be neutral in WW2 while the Nazis are attacking the Allies.


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9 minutes ago, TreeBeard said:

Your analogy is silly by assuming Israel is an innocent party.  It’s more nuanced than you’d like to pretend. 

Yea Israel has created this monster, now they have to deal with it. I fear their going overboard could do them in. In a longer war, the amount of people willing to fight matters as much as logistics. And there's no shortage of Muslim nations around them. Not to mention the 20% Arab population within their own nation. They're rightfully angry, but I don't see Israel having a realistic plan here. 

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5 minutes ago, Nexii said:

Yea Israel has created this monster, now they have to deal with it. I fear their going overboard could do them in. In a longer war, the amount of people willing to fight matters as much as logistics. And there's no shortage of Muslim nations around them. Not to mention the 20% Arab population within their own nation. They're rightfully angry, but I don't see Israel having a realistic plan here. 

What do you think would be the best plan for Israel?

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47 minutes ago, blackbird said:

I never said anything about converting your religion.  We are talking about support of Hamas.

This is nothing to do with pushing a religion on you.  That is a phony claim.  

Nice diversion.  But you know what this thread is about.  My comments were referring to your claimed neutrality.   You somehow think Islamic jihad is a benign entity and that you can be neutral or not against it.  Not sure where you get your logic.

Your claim that jihad is benign term is phony.  The dictionary I looked at on the internet says:

Jihad  -  a struggle or fight against the enemies of Islam:

By claiming you are neutral, you are not standing up for human rights and western civilization because this is about Jihad against Israel.  It is all about completely destroying Israel which is not an Islamic country.   Hamas and those other terrorist groups are all about spreading Islam.   Somehow you can't seem to see that or you deliberately refuse to take a side.

That is much like trying to be neutral in WW2 while the Nazis are attacking the Allies.


Give it up puppy.

I stand as I said.

I know what the thread is about so why do you not stay on topic instead of pissing around with me??

You do not have to like it and better yet, you do not need to respond and try to be haughty or lordly.

Go read this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bible_Unearthed


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31 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

Ok then. Exactly. Ok then, we agree. We know what you are.

You're a neomarxist,

islamo fascist

closet totalitarian

misogynist anti-science


with delusions of grandeur

Ohhh, what a retort LOL

Ohhh, you have become such a loser. Too bad, so sad, you were once a reasonable poster and person. :)

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On 10/11/2023 at 3:19 AM, blackbird said:

That's exactly the line all the Islamic countries and all Islamic terrorists use.  It is a false and simplistic narrative that does not tell the truth.  Islam was spread by the sword since it was started in the 7th century and has not stopped since.  It now controls much of the world.  Islam is the predominant religion throughout the middle east, north Africa, parts of southeast Asia and is growing in influence in some western countries. 

Israel was the home of the Jews going back several thousand years, long before Islam was started in the 7th century.  The Jews (Israelis) were forced out of their land by the Roman Empire 1,500 to 2,000 years ago.  The land was fought over by Christians and Muslims for centuries through the middle ages up until the 20th century until many Jews returned from the diaspora in the 20th century, after losing 2/3 of their population in Europe in the Holocaust, and re-established the State of Israel again in 1948. 

The Jews lived in their communities scattered around the world for 1,500 to 2,000 years and is the only ethnic group to maintain their culture/religion as a group over that long period of time.  They survived in spite of 1,500 years of genocide and persecution against them by most of the world.  Much of that persecution was the fault of the teachings of the established Church through that 1,500 years.  The book, God's First Love, written by an Austrian German scholar/author describes that 1,500 years of persecution.  In spite of all that, they have been able to return to their homeland and reclaim the State of Israel.  That should be considered as a miracle in and of itself.

Enough of them finally managed in the 20th century to move back to their ancient homeland and re-establish their State of Israel in 1948.  This has been recognized by the great majority of countries in the U.N. and the world.

A news reporter by the name of Helen Thomas(deceased)once said that the Jews should get out of the Middle East and go back to Europe where they belong. Thomas was an Arab from Lebanon. I think that she appeared to know more about the Middle East than what you do. She was born there. 

37 minutes ago, blackbird said:

What do you think would be the best plan for Israel?

Back off. ?

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