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EXCLUSIVE: Smith reluctant to wade into debate on gender pronouns, Alberta wont' pass law right now

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25 minutes ago, Nexii said:

It was more a jab at psychology. Society looks to psychology as some sort of holy grail and it's not. 

I guess my point was that a more medical approach is needed, it's all too political and that stifles any progress. What treatments are provided and not are very political and not tied to any sort of research on how much they help dysphoria for the cost.

Anything but a social approach I guess that only seems to make conservatives go psychotic.

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55 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Anything but a social approach I guess that only seems to make conservatives go psychotic.

Isn’t that a medical condition? Doesn’t that mean that we’re all victims? I demand my reparation check and that you change your bathroom immediately. :)

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47 minutes ago, Nexii said:

Pretty good op-ed here written by a trans writer for NP: https://nationalpost.com/opinion/julia-malott-new-school-gender-policies-arent-anti-trans-theyre-pro-parent-child-relationship

Gist of it is more or less what I said already, but it's another perspective. Goes into the double/fake life thing a bit which was good.

It’s a good article.  It doesn’t assume that parents won’t support their kids.  Quite the opposite.  The bottom line is that kids should be supported without an agenda. I do think, however, that treating kids as if they don’t have a gender, as the Ottawa board has done, adds confusion rather than reduces it.  I think we have to respect the norms in our treatment of students as their biological genders until a student comes forward with or appears to be suffering because of a different gender expression.  At that point, listen and be supportive, and if new names and pronouns are requested, involve parents unless there’s reason to worry about abuse.  Teaching that people with different sexual orientations or gender expressions should be treated with respect is important, but I think that must be part of general anti-bullying messaging without getting into discussion of sexuality or sexual identity, at least in elementary schools.  We have always had Tomboys and androgynous kids.  If a child with parental knowledge chooses different pronouns/names, we have always had nicknames.  They can be used.  I’m not sure that deadnaming should be banned unless a formal name change takes place.  Some people don’t recognize transgender as a real sex change, which is why it may be best to have a third trans category, which would resolve the sports issue.  It might mean adding more single use washrooms.  I’m not sure it’s necessary after a formal sex change, but elementary school doesn’t seem like the age when sex changes should be happening except in the most exceptional circumstances.  Again, more to learn. People shouldn’t be punished for questioning policies on either side of the debate.  Policies that alienate people and families for their beliefs are generally bad.  

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Lots of comments from perverse, twisted minds.  Evil is evil and all the talk in the world about freedom and liberty to do one's own thing doesn't change that fact.  God created Adam and Eve, man and woman.  The only sexual relations that God condones is in marriage between a husband and wife, i.e. a man and a woman.  Everything outside that is wrong.  Man was created biologically different from a woman and it is obvious why they are created that way.  The normal sexual relationship is between a husband and wife and is the only one God condones.  It is the only one that perpetuates the human race and creates a stable family relationship with which to raise children.  If anyone has trouble understanding that, their minds are likely poisoned or blinded by Satan, the prince of darkness.  They need to study the Bible and change their attitude and be born again.  See gospel of John to learn how to be delivered and saved.

Edited by blackbird
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1 hour ago, blackbird said:

Lots of comments from perverse, twisted minds.  Evil is evil and all the talk in the world about freedom and liberty to do one's own thing doesn't change that fact.  God created Adam and Eve, man and woman.  The only sexual relations that God condones is in marriage between a husband and wife, i.e. a man and a woman.  Everything outside that is wrong.  Man was created biologically different from a woman and it is obvious why they are created that way.  The normal sexual relationship is between a husband and wife and is the only one God condones.  It is the only one that perpetuates the human race and creates a stable family relationship with which to raise children.  If anyone has trouble understanding that, their minds are likely poisoned or blinded by Satan, the prince of darkness.  They need to study the Bible and change their attitude and be born again.  See gospel of John to learn how to be delivered and saved.

In the beginning, the Universe was Created.  This has made a lot of people very angry and is widely regarded as a bad move.

-Doug adams.

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2 hours ago, CdnFox said:

In the beginning, the Universe was Created.  This has made a lot of people very angry and is widely regarded as a bad move.

-Doug adams.

That doesn't make any sense.  The fact that God created man and woman with the ability to procreate and keep the human race going is just another proof that God is infinitely powerful and intelligent.  The fact that man rebelled against God is not God's fault.  It is entirely man's fault.  He allowed himself to be deceived by Satan. 

The whole LGBTQ thing is just rebellion against God and God's ordained way that humans should live.  It really creates anarchy in human society.  God ordained man and woman to live in a certain orderly way.  But because of man's fallen nature, man rebelled against God and still do.  Besides the sexual thing, man rebels against God in many other ways.  That is why six people a day are dying from drugs laced with fentanyl in B.C. alone or about 2,000 per year.  It's why we have wars.  

Another country in Africa has been taken over by an armed military group.  A number of countries in Africa have had this happen in the last five years or so.  It is anarchy.  Little or no respect for law and order and governing authorities.

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17 hours ago, blackbird said:

Evil is evil

Except if God does it.  
He killed everyone and everything except Noah and his family because He messed up on his first try.  That’s evil.  

17 hours ago, blackbird said:

God created Adam and Eve, man and woman.

And they had children. All boys.  

Who did Adam and Eve’s children have sex with to populate the planet?   There was only 1 female in existence!  Ewwww

“Incest is best” -Psalms 151:1

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3 hours ago, TreeBeard said:

Except if God does it.  
He killed everyone and everything except Noah and his family because He messed up on his first try.  That’s evil.  

And they had children. All boys.  

Who did Adam and Eve’s children have sex with to populate the planet?   There was only 1 female in existence!  Ewwww

“Incest is best” -Psalms 151:1

You are talking absolute garbage.  If you really wanted to know, you could easily Google it.  You failed in your attempt to discredit the Bible or God.  

The earth's population was destroyed because they were evil.  "5  And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually."  Genesis 6:5 KJV

Since it was the first couple, obviously some of Adam and Eve's children formed a couple.  Obviously Adam and Eve had one or more girls as well.  Nothing wrong with some of the children forming a couple in that situation.  How else could they reproduce?   We are talking about the beginning of the human race.  God determines what is right or wrong.  In that case it was acceptable since it was the only way to replenish the earth with humans.

Do you realize how dumb it looks trying to judge God in comments?  Kind of like a mosquito judging an elephant and saying where he can walk.

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1 hour ago, blackbird said:

The earth's population was destroyed because they were evil.  "5  And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually."  Genesis 6:5 KJV

Right.  So God messed up his first attempt at creating people.  He had to start over! 


1 hour ago, blackbird said:

Obviously Adam and Eve had one or more girls as well.

If God determined incest between siblings to be ok, why not with mom?  Is that just a step too far?


1 hour ago, blackbird said:

Nothing wrong with some of the children forming a couple in that situation.  How else could they reproduce?

So, you’re pro-incest?    Ewww

1 hour ago, blackbird said:

Do you realize how dumb it looks trying to judge God in comments?  Kind of like a mosquito judging an elephant and saying where he can walk.

Mosquitos don’t have the ability to judge right and wrong, but we humans do.   It’s easy to know right from wrong.  And God does many evil things in the bible.  

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1 hour ago, herbie said:

OMG you're responding to someone declaring transgenders as "evil"? In 2023?

Just walk away shaking your head, let them rant at their own pulpit.

I’m not on a discussion forum to discuss with folks that I agree with.  (Minus some of the nutbars who call for violence, or can’t go a single post without an insult….  them I have on ignore). 

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1 hour ago, TreeBeard said:

Right.  So God messed up his first attempt at creating people.  He had to start over! 

No, God never messed up.  Man was given free will and chose to do evil of his own accord.


1 hour ago, TreeBeard said:

So, you’re pro-incest?    Ewww

No, of course not.  We are talking about the time of creation of Adam and Eve, not the present.  At that time in Adam and Eve's family, it would not have been a sin.  How else could the human race be propagated?


1 hour ago, TreeBeard said:

It’s easy to know right from wrong.  And God does many evil things in the bible.  

For you it seems impossible to know the difference between right and wrong.   God does nothing evil in the Bible.  Twisting Scripture to suit your own agenda does nothing good for you.  God is completely a Holy God.   Without sin.  You are treading on dangerous ground.  God holds your life in his hand and where you spend eternity is infinitely important.  God wants you to admit you are a sinner and repent and believe the gospel of his Son, Jesus Christ.  Your choice.  You can continue on the road to hell or choose Jesus Christ to be your Savior.

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16 minutes ago, blackbird said:

No, God never messed up.  Man was given free will and chose to do evil of his own accord.

God could’ve created people so that didn’t happen, right?   But he messed up bad!


18 minutes ago, blackbird said:

How else could the human race be propagated?



well, God could’ve created some 3rd cousins so they didn’t have to screw their own sisters, maybe?

19 minutes ago, blackbird said:

Twisting Scripture to suit your own agenda does nothing good for you.

Which specific scripture did I twist?  


20 minutes ago, blackbird said:

God holds your life in his hand and where you spend eternity is infinitely important.  God wants you to admit you are a sinner and repent and believe the gospel of his Son, Jesus Christ.  Your choice.  You can continue on the road to hell or choose Jesus Christ to be your Savior.

I find it more likely that God is testing us by seeing if we’re gullible, and if we do believe in things that don’t have evidence, yet deny the things that do, those are the folks going to hell.  Science loving Christian’s who don’t take the bible literally will be in heaven.  Amen. 

“Those who can make you believe in absurdities can make you commit atrocities”.  - Voltaire


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19 minutes ago, TreeBeard said:


well, God could’ve created some 3rd cousins so they didn’t have to screw their own sisters, maybe?

As I said, God is sovereign over how he created the universe and how he created mankind.  Who are you to question how God did it?  What is your purpose?


19 minutes ago, TreeBeard said:

Which specific scripture did I twist?  

You twisted Scripture in a general way, not specific.  For example, you say God "messed up" and accuse our first ancestors of "incest".  That is twisting Scripture or twisting the truth to suit your own anti-God agenda.


19 minutes ago, TreeBeard said:

Science loving Christian’s who don’t take the bible literally will be in heaven.  Amen. 

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15 minutes ago, TreeBeard said:

Science loving Christian’s who don’t take the bible literally will be in heaven.  Amen. 

It is highly questionable as to whether they will be in heaven.   The Bible is the only truth that is absolute and tells us how to get to heaven.  If you don't believe it, then you likely don't know or believe in God and his Son, Jesus Christ and don't know the way of salvation.  People who think they know more than God are totally deceived, probably by Satan.  Ever heard of the deadly sin called pride?

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12 minutes ago, TreeBeard said:

I find it more likely that God is testing us by seeing if we’re gullible, and if we do believe in things that don’t have evidence, yet deny the things that do, those are the folks going to hell.  Science loving Christian’s who don’t take the bible literally will be in heaven.  Amen.


 you acknowledge the God of the Hebrews, the next world to come,  and eternal damnation

that is inherently Evangelical

tho the closest sect to your belief would be English Unitarians

Protestants who acknowledge the oneness of God, but reject the Trinity & Original Sin

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16 minutes ago, blackbird said:

It is highly questionable as to whether they will be in heaven.   The Bible is the only truth that is absolute and tells us how to get to heaven.  If you don't believe it, then you likely don't know or believe in God and his Son, Jesus Christ and don't know the way of salvation.  People who think they know more than God are totally deceived, probably by Satan.  Ever heard of the deadly sin called pride?

but anyone who even acknowledges the God of the Hebrews, the next world to come, and eternal damnation

that is a crack in their barrier of disbelief,  no matter how disingenuous or subconscious at first

to even think in those terms, is being pulled towards the light by the Fisherman therein

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19 minutes ago, blackbird said:

Who are you to question how God did it?  What is your purpose?

It makes for lively discussion!

20 minutes ago, blackbird said:

For example, you say God "messed up" and accuse our first ancestors of "incest".  That is twisting Scripture or twisting the truth to suit your own anti-God agenda.

Genesis 6The Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. 7The Lord said, “I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land, from man to animals to creeping things and to birds of the sky; for I am sorry that I have made them.”

Clearly God didn’t intend to make man like He did.  He messed up His creation, was sad about it, and started over again.  

21 minutes ago, blackbird said:

It is highly questionable as to whether they will be in heaven.

It’s my belief that only those who believe in science will be going to heaven.  God is testing us with false prophets (every preacher, minister, monk, nun and holy person that has ever lived) and only those who follow real scientific evidence will go to heaven.    I have faith. 

23 minutes ago, blackbird said:

People who think they know more than God are totally deceived, probably by Satan.  Ever heard of the deadly sin called pride?

How do you tell if you’re the one deceived by Satan?

Isn’t it prideful to boast that you can’t be deceived by Satan, but everyone else is?

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9 minutes ago, TreeBeard said:

It’s my belief that only those who believe in science will be going to heaven.  God is testing us with false prophets (every preacher, minister, monk, nun and holy person that has ever lived) and only those who follow real scientific evidence will go to heaven.    I have faith.

an inherently Protestant faith

no man nor office between you and the Almighty

no tickets to Heaven sold to the poor by the Scribes nor Pharisees

tho perhaps the Orthodox sing about it most beautifully in Arabic

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15 minutes ago, TreeBeard said:

It makes for lively discussion!

Genesis 6The Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. 7The Lord said, “I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land, from man to animals to creeping things and to birds of the sky; for I am sorry that I have made them.”

Clearly God didn’t intend to make man like He did.  He messed up His creation, was sad about it, and started over again.  

It’s my belief that only those who believe in science will be going to heaven.  God is testing us with false prophets (every preacher, minister, monk, nun and holy person that has ever lived) and only those who follow real scientific evidence will go to heaven.    I have faith. 

How do you tell if you’re the one deceived by Satan?

Isn’t it prideful to boast that you can’t be deceived by Satan, but everyone else is?

It's true that if there is a God, and it's the God that is associated with Heaven, then good people will go to Heaven, regardless of their beliefs.  No self respecting God would ever have things otherwise.

Those who take a book that was written by men a couple of thousand years ago and which has undergone revisions and translations since then as literal truth will probably be forgiven for that and allowed into Heaven too, as long as they were also good.

Of course, if the Hindus or the Buddhists are right, then it's all moot, and blackbird is probably going to come back as a non-binary, homosexual trans woman.

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51 minutes ago, TreeBeard said:

How do you tell if you’re the one deceived by Satan?

Isn’t it prideful to boast that you can’t be deceived by Satan, but everyone else is?

You tell by comparing what one says with the Bible, God's written revelation to man. "Thy word is truth".  If what someone says doesn't line up with the word of God, you know there is something wrong.  That is why the Bible is vitally important.  It is the source of truth and it reveals error and falsehood.

I never said I could not be deceived by Satan.  I have been lots in my life.  I never said "everyone else is". 

If you think scientists know more than God, then that is an example right there of falsehood.



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On 8/29/2023 at 12:22 AM, CdnFox said:



PEI, sask man, even ontario is passing legislation or making statments that parents have rights that superced  the kids -  and ALBERTA of all provinces IS COMING OUT ON THE SIDE OF  CHILD TRANS RIGHTS?!!?

:)  ya know - i never really appreciated the term "Gobsmacked" until right this minute.

Why the hell is the topic of gender and trans studies being taught to children in schools anyway? Apparently, parents have never been known to be talking to anyone about that nonsense crap outside of schools. Only Marxist principals and Marxist school teachers want to talk about and preach that Marxist bull shit to children in schools.

Our education system is now full of Marxist shit disturbers. They seem to not want to teach reading and writing and arithmetic in schools any longer. They just seem to want to teach all about pronouns, genders, and the gay/dragster lifestyles and have dragsters come into their schools and have them wiggle their dragster butts in front of little children in schools. 

Marxist liberalism is responsible for all of this nonsense mentioned above and it all needs to come to an end. I am hoping that if the conservatives win the next election, they will get rid of all this nonsense gender, pronouns and the gay/ dragster lifestyle once and for all and give it the boot. Force it all to stay in the closet where it belongs. 

Probably 1% of the Canadian population gives a crap about that crap mentioned above. How come the minority always get's their way and the majority are forced to have to live with their crackpot lifestyle beliefs and ways? It appears as though minorities do get to rule the country. Disgusting indeed.  

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