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Quebec introducing a Canadian first, taxing the unvaccinated.

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43 minutes ago, Accountability Now said:

I am currently 'sick' with it right now too. My wife just got over it. Both of us are unvaxxed and in our 40s. It was the mildest head cold that in pre-Covid times would have been a minor inconvenience and would have resulted in zero missed days from work or any other outing.

But hey...I'm sure the vaccine saved your friends from catching cancer this week too. Its that good.

Personal anecdotes mean nothing.

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1 hour ago, Goddess said:

From a study from July 2021 by John P. A. Ionnidis: 

Your chances of dying from Covid if you are infected with it, in the following age groups is:

0-19 = 0.0027%

20-29 = 0.014%

30-39 = 0.031%

40-49 = 0.082%

50-59 = 0.27%

60-69 = 0.59%

Over 70 = 2.4%

IFR (Infection Fatality Rate) is: 0.15% which accommodates for over or undercounting of overall deaths (but they are most likely OVER counted.)

IFR of seasonal influenza is currently: 0.1%

In fairness, Dr. Ionnidis is opposed to prolonged lockdowns.  But I think you can see why.

Chances of dying from the vaccine are infinitely small.  If the Canadian experience is anything to go by, 194 (probably over counted) out of 55 million had have died: that is, they died after receiving the vaccine, but not necessarily due to the vaccine.  Even if they were directly attributed to the vaccine, that's still only .000281 of a percent.  By comparison, the chance of dying from Covid is huge.

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42 minutes ago, Winston said:


How do you plan for the next variant when you don't know how infectious, vaccine resistant or severe it will be? - Do not allow anyone in the country, evaluate the next variant globally. If the variant is from within, restrict outside zone travel. 

What do you suggest to support our system that we aren't doing? - Basing our decisions on data, for example the majority of those under 40 years old are low risk, allow every low risk person to determine their own interaction outside their home. Those that are high risk, slowly introduce them into society once the hospitals are at low capacity. 

Encourage social interactions with those of low risk to those of low risk, allow immunity to build, do not allow time for the virus to mutate drastically. Open the economy. Help those that are high risk, food, resources and assistance. 

Invest in treatments for COVID, invest in ICU equipment and hospital staff ( specifically covid trained care technicians).

What do you suggest? -Create incentives to work in hospitals, create incentives for Canadian companies to shift into medical equipment development, create incentives for training centers around covid hospital care for basic tasks, unloading the professionally trained. Bring back unvaccinated medical staff. 

Invest in vaccines, ones that are for the next global or local variant. 

Are you prepared to pay for a huge permanent expansion in health care just to handle once in a lifetime pandemics? - absolutely, but realistically as long as Canadian staff, Canadian companies and Canadian materials are used, the funds will just recirculate back into the economy anyway. 

Would you have been prepared to pay for it before we ever heard of Covid? - I did and have, and have no issue paying for health care given I have access to it 24/7. 

In the longer term, focus more on treatment and effective vaccinations, keep the economy and socialization open, both for finical health and for mental health. Fortunately viruses tend to decrease in severity.  

Everyone is an expert when it comes to hindsight. - sure, but 2 years later things are worse not better. 

Magic wand do you think governments can wave to fix this tomorrow?- not an expectation, but a plan for say 1 or even 2 years is better than no plan, just react. 

We do need to invest but I have already explained how long it takes to train staff. What do we do now to get us through the time it takes to train them in mass? You want highly specialized people who take even longer to train.

No country has been able to keep the variants out, not even Australia and New Zealand, island nations with some of the strictest travel limitations and domestic restrictions. The idea of keeping it out of a country with a 5000 Km border between it and the most infected country in the world that is also our largest trading partner is ridiculous.

Who are low risk? I know two double vaxxed healthy people in their thirties who are at home very sick from this. Yes there are people at higher risk than others but how this effects you is still largely a matter of chance for reasons we don't yet understand.

We will see how large the tax increases people will stomach after this becomes history because everything you list will be expensive.

Everything you list is long term, none of them do anything for our present situation.

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22 hours ago, dialamah said:

I think this is wrong.  I may disagree with the anti-vaxxers, but that doesn't mean I think they shouldn't be allowed to make their own choices, even if I think they're dumb choices.    Exclusion from some public spaces was appropriate, and is enough 'stick' for my taste.  Fining people is just one step too far, imo, solves nothing and makes these even more convinced they're some kind of martyrs.

Just wait until they decide to imprison people who are not vaccinated. They have done this in Australia. Our Marxist political leaders from other provinces will probably do the same thing here when the time is right. They will first see how it goes in Quebec.

Canada is not a free and democratic country anymore. It has become an undemocratic communist country. People like citizen have to be a communist. Only communists can agree with another stupid covid rule like what the Marxists of Quebec are proposing.

What's next? Tax the unvaccinated for leaving their homes and for driving their vehicles on vaccinated only roads? That is how silly and stupid this new rule is. But leftist liberals like citizen believes that this is just great. ?

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1 hour ago, Accountability Now said:

Once you acknowledge the fact that there is a risk (no matter how small) then we can have the conversation about mandating something that has risk.

What is there to acknowledge? There have always been slight risks associated with vaccines - we knew that for decades before going into this pandemic.

How can we have a conversation about the fear of something so small when so many of the people we need to have the conversation with are convinced we really just want to round them up and stuff them into a gulag?

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5 minutes ago, dialamah said:

Chances of dying from the vaccine are infinitely small.  If the Canadian experience is anything to go by, 194 (probably over counted) out of 55 million had have died: that is, they died after receiving the vaccine, but not necessarily due to the vaccine.  Even if they were directly attributed to the vaccine, that's still only .000281 of a percent.  By comparison, the chance of dying from Covid is huge.

The chance of either is infinitesimal. Which is why our response to this whole thing is ridonkulous.  That is the point.

We have never had prolonged lockdowns, never destroyed our economy, never disrupted children's education, never fired people from jobs, never enforced masking, never segregated or demonized certain citizens, never enforced flu shots, never bankrupted individuals and businesses, never endangered the entire population's physical and mental health for the seasonal flu, which has only a slightly lower IFR.

It would be interesting to know the ages of the ones who were killed by the vaccines.  If they were younger than those who are high risk, then that would be even  more tragic.

And again, I believe that anything with the risk of death or life-altering disability - where there is risk, there must be choice.  And it must be informed choice.

In addition, if what many credentialed scientists and immunologists predict comes true (and it seems to be so far), 194 deaths from the vaccine will be the least of our worries.  As we do not know the long-term effects of this experimental inoculation, if there is an explosion of cancers, heart issues, neurological disorders, lowered immune capabilities, autoimmune disorders (such as those who have not died, but have experienced as adverse reactions to the inoculations), then that would be even more tragic.  There is already enough evidence to show that they lower the immune system with each successive jab - as evidenced by the larger numbers of fully vaxxed people dying and in hospital and ICU.

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8 minutes ago, Aristides said:

We do need to invest but I have already explained how long it takes to train staff. What do we do now to get us through the time it takes to train them in mass? You want highly specialized people who take even longer to train.

No country has been able to keep the variants out, not even Australia and New Zealand, island nations with some of the strictest travel limitations and domestic restrictions. The idea of keeping it out of a country with a 5000 Km border between it and the most infected country in the world that is also our largest trading partner is ridiculous.

Who are low risk? I know two double vaxxed healthy people in their thirties who are at home very sick from this. Yes there are people at higher risk than others but how this effects you is still largely a matter of chance for reasons we don't yet understand.

We will see how large the tax increases people will stomach after this becomes history because everything you list will be expensive.

Everything you list is long term, none of them do anything for our present situation.

No it does not, it take time to train highly professional MD, RN or LPN. We are looking at maybe 8 to 12 weeks of training max for the tasks required. 

What do we do now to get us through the time it takes to train them in mass? - Immediately invest in schools to supply this training. Technical schools or collages would absolutely be delighted to preform this task, free funding. 

You want highly specialized people who take even longer to train. - No highly specialized people take a short time, RN or MD have vast knowledge not specialized knowledge, part of the reason they take a long time. 

"strictest travel limitations and domestic restrictions." - restrictions are not closed borders. 

"The idea of keeping it out of a country with a 5000 Km border between it and the most infected country in the world that is also our largest trading partner is ridiculous." - Well hence why we close our borders to at least try to prevent transmission across the border. 

Who are low risk? - No preexisting conditions, ages lower than 40s as per data.

"Yes there are people at higher risk than others but how this effects you is still largely a matter of chance for reasons we don't yet understand. "- Then what data do we need in order to understand this problem? 

"because everything you list will be expensive." - Its either we solve the problem, let people die, or hope for someone else to solve the problem. 

"Everything you list is long term, none of them do anything for our present situation." - I asked what plans were in place? I never said it needed to solve the problem tomorrow, even a 2 year plan is acceptable. Yes we are looking at 6 months to a year for sure, but again that is because nobody made a solid plan with contingencies. 

Again show me their plan, what are the steps, what is the objective and what is the end goal?

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22 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Quebec has been always ahead of other provinces. This time too, a Canadian first, taxing the unvaccinated claiming that the 10% minority are taking up 50% of hospital beds and more than 50% of ICUs so if they choose not to vaccinate (without a medical reason or exemption) then They have to pay higher tax to cover the extra cost on Health Care. This tax is similar to Federal taxes on Tobacco for example and has been around for many years and the logic accepted by society for many years is that since smokers are sicker in the long term  requiring more health care, then they will have to pay more taxes on these products.



So, what stupid rule will be next? Tax the non vaccinated people every time they leave their homes or tax them for driving on vaccinated only roads just because they may aid in the spread of this hoax virus? That is how silly this new tax looks and sounds if this tax is applied to the non vaccinated. 

So, should we apply extra taxes to those people who are obese and who have to go to the hospital for diabetes problems, treatments or operations because they eat way too much and get way too fat? Or apply an extra tax on people who smoke or drink alcohol and where many of them have developed cancer, liver, or lung problems and end up in some hospital all because of their addictions to those products mentioned? All those people are taking up extra beds in some hospital. Or what about the tens of thousands of Canadians that overdose every year on illegal drugs that are being sold and distributed in Canada. They also end up in some hospital and take up many beds. 

I could go on but why bother. All you seem to be paranoid over and concerned about is coivd-covid-covid and nothing else. You are so far out in the leftist field of bull chit that I can hardly see you anymore. Keep going back until you disappear altogether will you. go ahead, make my day. Chuckle. 

It is quite obvious to me that you do not believe in rights and freedom and choice at all. Taxing someone in Canada for not being vaccinated is criminal and discrimination and a crime against humanity. It violates the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Canadian Constitution, the Nuremberg code, and the Canadian Human Rights Commissions charter of rights. But what do you care about other people's rights, eh? Marxists are like that, don't you know. ?

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It is quite obvious to me that you do not believe in rights and freedom and choice at all. Taxing someone in Canada for not being vaccinated is criminal and discrimination and a crime against humanity. It violates the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Canadian Constitution, the Nuremberg code, and the Canadian Human Rights Commissions charter of rights.”

You are absolutely right on this.  People haven’t figured out that restrictions are probably permanent.  We allowed this to happen by taking our freedoms for granted.   New excuses will emerge to impose restrictions.  Wake up!

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22 hours ago, Accountability Now said:

Might want to check your numbers if you care about accuracy. Just a suggestion 

Clearly Quebec is trying to be just like France and piss off the unvaccinated. Maybe this will be the first step to annexation!!

Leftist liberals do not ever check for real and true facts. They just parrot whatever their political and media masters tell them to say or do. They refuse to use and think on their own. They instead prefer to let their dear Marxist political leaders and the Marxist media to do the thinking for them. Canada has become a nation of gullible wimps and cowards whom just want to go along to get along. They are totally afraid and scared to make any waves. Canada is way to full of followers and not enough of too many leaders. 

Even the Marxist Alberta Health minister had to admit that they do manipulate the ICU covid numbers of patients with covid that are in the hospital. Saying that should be a wake up call to everybody out there that is this covid medical tyranny madness nonsense that has been going on for years now is all for real? People need to question more. ?


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1 hour ago, Winston said:


How do you plan for the next variant when you don't know how infectious, vaccine resistant or severe it will be? - Do not allow anyone in the country, evaluate the next variant globally. If the variant is from within, restrict outside zone travel. 

What do you suggest to support our system that we aren't doing? - Basing our decisions on data, for example the majority of those under 40 years old are low risk, allow every low risk person to determine their own interaction outside their home. Those that are high risk, slowly introduce them into society once the hospitals are at low capacity. 

Encourage social interactions with those of low risk to those of low risk, allow immunity to build, do not allow time for the virus to mutate drastically. Open the economy. Help those that are high risk, food, resources and assistance. 

Invest in treatments for COVID, invest in ICU equipment and hospital staff ( specifically covid trained care technicians).

What do you suggest? -Create incentives to work in hospitals, create incentives for Canadian companies to shift into medical equipment development, create incentives for training centers around covid hospital care for basic tasks, unloading the professionally trained. Bring back unvaccinated medical staff. 

Invest in vaccines, ones that are for the next global or local variant. 

Are you prepared to pay for a huge permanent expansion in health care just to handle once in a lifetime pandemics? - absolutely, but realistically as long as Canadian staff, Canadian companies and Canadian materials are used, the funds will just recirculate back into the economy anyway. 

Would you have been prepared to pay for it before we ever heard of Covid? - I did and have, and have no issue paying for health care given I have access to it 24/7. 

In the longer term, focus more on treatment and effective vaccinations, keep the economy and socialization open, both for finical health and for mental health. Fortunately viruses tend to decrease in severity.  

Everyone is an expert when it comes to hindsight. - sure, but 2 years later things are worse not better. 

Magic wand do you think governments can wave to fix this tomorrow?- not an expectation, but a plan for say 1 or even 2 years is better than no plan, just react. 

You aren't training people to install parts on an assembly line. People aren't machines. If you are happy with someone with 12 weeks training looking after you when you are critically ill in an ICU, fill your boots but leave me out. "I think he is having a stroke. Oh, no one taught me about that, all I know is basic covid."  

Close the border. Sure, there are 30,000 trucks crossing border every day carrying trade and essential goods. 

We are investing in vaccines, haven't you been paying attention but that also takes time and how do you develop  a vaccine specifically for a variant that doesn't exist yet? Tell us please.

How much extra have you put into healthcare and how did you do it? Did you pay extra tax or donate to charities and take the tax deduction? I do that, but it's to medical causes I choose, not the health care system in general.

Everything you suggest is coming from hindsight.

Edited by Aristides
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28 minutes ago, dialamah said:

Chances of dying from the vaccine are infinitely small.  If the Canadian experience is anything to go by, 194 (probably over counted) out of 55 million had have died: that is, they died after receiving the vaccine, but not necessarily due to the vaccine.  Even if they were directly attributed to the vaccine, that's still only .000281 of a percent.  By comparison, the chance of dying from Covid is huge.

1) (probably over-counted)? WTF?

2) The figure 194 is very small and very reasonable to you if you're in the 80+ demo where there are 18,400 deaths, but for people aged 0-19 where there are only 23 deaths it's actually extremely high. Why should people in that demo take the chance on a vaccine?

Would you take a vaccine that appears to be killing people, only to prevent an infection that only killed 23 people out of the 10+million people in your age range?

It's possible that there are more vaccination deaths among 0-19 than there are covid deaths. Do you know either way dialamah? 

Do have any information at all about who's dying from vaccinating? How is it killing people?

Death is not the only possible vax side-effect. Myocarditis can also have very serious long-term effects.

No one on earth knows what the long-term side effects of these vaxes are, and this vax never went through proper trials. Now it's being protected like the new messiah by the gov't, media and the people who already took it. They lie about its side effects, its ability to bring herd immunity, its ability to prevent death and serious illness, and they slander other possible treatments for covid as if it's blasphemy to even think of such things. 

Why should anyone take a drug just to placate a bunch of angry liars? 

It's worth knowing that there was a form of synthetic estrogen called DES went through all the proper clinical trials, and women were prescribed it for 33 years thinking that it was safe. Then it was discovered to have trans-generational side effects on women and their daughters, causing infertility and cancers. Was it safe? No, but it was deemed to be safe for 33 years. The demi-vaxes have never really even been deemed to be safe. They went from 'experimental' to 'a troubling number of people have died from blood clots and brain hemorrhages but we're not sure why'. 

Does it really make sense to have every single Canadian in the same boat? 

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3 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

It is quite obvious to me that you do not believe in rights and freedom and choice at all. Taxing someone in Canada for not being vaccinated is criminal and discrimination and a crime against humanity. It violates the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Canadian Constitution, the Nuremberg code, and the Canadian Human Rights Commissions charter of rights.”

You are absolutely right on this.  People haven’t figured out that restrictions are probably permanent.  We allowed this to happen by taking our freedoms for granted.   New excuses will emerge to impose restrictions.  Wake up!

This scamdemic will never end as long as there are too many gullible people out there who are still all to willing to go along with this covid farce. As I said in the beginning when this Omni"con" variant came along that our lying politicians and the lying media will try and make a mountain out of a mole hill with this very mild Omni"con" virus. And I was right on. 

If we do not end this covid medical tyranny madness nonsense soon, we will all find ourselves with no chance of ever being able to try and get our rights and freedoms back. Our dear Marxist leaders are now enjoying the moment where they pretty much now have total power and control and where they want we the peasants to be. Once our freedoms and liberties and rights are taken away from we the peasants they are very hard to get back. 

Our politicians are supposed to be working for us, and the media is supposed to tell the truth. But both appear to have now become the dictators and we must all do as they say or else. Our Marxist politicians have violated every right and freedom that we once had just two years ago. I cannot even go for a swim at my local indoor pool if I am not vaccinated. WTH? 

I dread the day when the next covid variant comes along. If we think that it is bad now, well, it could just get worse. We cannot allow our politicians with the help of the media to be able to do this to us ever again. To do that we must all stop listening too and believing their lies and bull crap, and that goes for the media also. They both have truly become the enemy of we the peasants.Just my opinion of course. ?


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1 hour ago, eyeball said:

What is there to acknowledge? There have always been slight risks associated with vaccines - we knew that for decades before going into this pandemic.

Yet a lot of vaxxers talk as if there is zero risk. Glad you acknowledge it but others don’t 

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Staffing shortages are the result of unnecessary screening and testing that makes people who aren’t sick (but test positive) and their contacts stay home.  Online learning also makes it very hard for the parents of young kids to work.

Our healthcare crisis is the result of over the top testing and screening policies.  If we focus only on keeping slick people at home until they feel better and only use hospitals for treating very sick people, our staffing crisis disappears and our healthcare system isn’t overwhelmed.  No restrictions necessary.  Stop wasting money, killing businesses and mental health, and turning our society into dysfunctional neurotics.  

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37 minutes ago, Aristides said:

You aren't training people to install parts on an assembly line. People aren't machines. If you are happy with someone with 12 weeks training looking after you when you are critically ill in an ICU, fill your boots but leave me out. "I think he is having a stroke. Oh, no one taught me about that, all I know is basic covid."  

Close the border. Sure, there are 30,000 trucks crossing border every day carrying trade and essential goods. 

We are investing in vaccines, haven't you been paying attention but that also takes time and how do you develop  a vaccine specifically for a variant that doesn't exist yet? Tell us please.

How much extra have you put into healthcare and how did you do it? Did you pay extra tax or donate to charities and take the tax deduction? I do that, but it's to medical causes I choose, not the health care system in general.

Everything you suggest is coming from hindsight.

“ If you are happy with someone with 12 weeks training looking after you when you are critically ill in an ICU, fill your boots but leave me out. "I think he is having a stroke. Oh, no one taught me about that, all I know is basic covid."  - Again there are trained professionals who would take care of such severe measures, but for the basic needs basic trained technicians can fill the role. ICU volunteers ( I was one in 2009) perform these basic tasks, helping patients mentally, physically and assisting RNs.  I also worked in the ER as a volunteer, just having an extra body to assist with patients is valuable. Another option would be to add more administration jobs to assist MD and RN in order to help keep them on track. This would help them focus on more severe patients like you mention and spend less time on paperwork. 

“Close the border. Sure, there are 30,000 trucks crossing border every day carrying trade and essential goods.” - 30,000 trucks is less of an issue than 30,000 people getting out of the truck and walking in the airport. Close the border to people crossing into the country who intend to contact others. We already have measures in place for those 30,000 trucks to prevent transmission of the virus. Another option is to test them if they need to exit the vehicle. 

“We are investing in vaccines, haven't you been paying attention”- We have been investing in the same vaccine to solve a different problem, the booster is not a vaccine altered for the next variant. Why keep doing the same thing hoping for different results?  

“ but that also takes time and how do you develop  a vaccine specifically for a variant that doesn't exist yet? Tell us please.” - By waiting for it to happen globally, then addressing the variant nationally through a vaccine. This was the original point of a vaccine. If Omicron did not enter Canada, we could create a vaccine for that specific variant ( mRNA, the fastest tech), administer it to the population before it even enters the country. 

“How much extra have you put into healthcare and how did you do it?”  It's called taxes. I used to trust the people who ran the healthcare system to ensure they would be prepared for something like this, especially in April of 2020. 

“Everything you suggest is coming from hindsight“ - I have less knowledge than our medical or governmental system holds and yet at least I have a plan people can see. They have the same hindsight right now, but no plan.

We are so focus on vaccine status, we forgot the real problem is the virus. 

Edited by Winston
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17 minutes ago, Aristides said:

You aren't training people to install parts on an assembly line. People aren't machines. If you are happy with someone with 12 weeks training looking after you when you are critically ill in an ICU, fill your boots but leave me out. "I think he is having a stroke. Oh, no one taught me about that, all I know is basic covid."  

Close the border. Sure, there are 30,000 trucks crossing border every day carrying trade and essential goods. 

We are investing in vaccines, haven't you been paying attention but that also takes time and how do you develop  a vaccine specifically for a variant that doesn't exist yet? Tell us please.

How much extra have you put into healthcare and how did you do it? Did you pay extra tax or donate to charities and take the tax deduction? I do that, but it's to medical causes I choose, not the health care system in general.

Everything you suggest is coming from hindsight.

This should be quite concerning about this new mandate that all truckers on both sides of the Canadian and American border must now show proof of being vaccinated or they will not be allowed to enter either country. This is going to cause huge concerns for people in business who will not be able to get the many materials that we all use and need to get by with every day.

This is just another attack by the big pharma globalists and their sick and pathetic ilk followers, like our politicians and the media, that are trying to destroy our North American way of life. Those scum mentioned above are trying to implement the great reset or globalist communism and the way to do that is to try and destroy the economy of Canada and America and then create a more bigger globalist like government to take over everything to try and help solve the mess that they created in the first place.

The push for everyone to be vaccinated is just apart of that globalist plan because we will all be needing a vaccine passport to ever be able to do anything anymore without the mark of the beast(666). For the non vaccinated it is going to be hell on earth for them. We see that happening already. But, if one does not take their one or two booster shots they will also find themselves on the outside looking in. It's all about the vaccines and nothing more.  

The biggest mistake that the Americans ever made was to put Joey BiDumb in the White House. The buffoon is a Marxist thru and thru. The whole dam democratic party has become totally Marxist. Here in Canada, we have our own Marxist dear leader. What all these scum have in store for us all is that we have only begun to see the beginning of the demise of our rights and freedoms forever. Believe it or not. ?

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1 hour ago, dialamah said:

Chances of dying from the vaccine are infinitely small.  If the Canadian experience is anything to go by, 194 (probably over counted) out of 55 million had have died: that is, they died after receiving the vaccine, but not necessarily due to the vaccine.  Even if they were directly attributed to the vaccine, that's still only .000281 of a percent.  By comparison, the chance of dying from Covid is huge.

The question that everyone should be asking is why are they pushing so hard to get everyone vaccinated when we already know that the vaccines do not stop covid. And it is all bull chit when they try and tell us that with taking the covid vaccines the symptoms will not be as bad. Well, tell that to those people who got fully vaccinated and boosted, whom are now in some hospital ICU bed and probably fighting for their lives. 

The scamdemic will go on and on forever because of the people who keep allowing it to go on. Refuse the booster. Just say no. Stop being a wimp and coward and start to fight back for your rights and freedoms that were taken away from us all. Try and remember what life was like just two years ago. Now fight to get those good old normal days back. It's your call. ?

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19 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

Staffing shortages are the result of unnecessary screening and testing that makes people who aren’t sick (but test positive) and their contacts stay home.  Online learning also makes it very hard for the parents of young kids to work.

Our healthcare crisis is the result of over the top testing and screening policies.  If we focus only on keeping slick people at home until they feel better and only use hospitals for treating very sick people, our staffing crisis disappears and our healthcare system isn’t overwhelmed.  No restrictions necessary.  Stop wasting money, killing businesses and mental health, and turning our society into dysfunctional neurotics.  

Most of the staff shortages in hospitals and care homes is because of the thousands of nurses and care home workers whom have refused to take the jab. Of course, there will appear to be shortages when their is nobody to work. But that is all the fault of our politicians who are determined to vax everybody to death. Two weeks to flatten the curve. A big pharma globalist lie from the beginning with the help of our dear political leaders and the media whom went along with the big lie. 

No matter what we the peasants try to do to help fight this covid virus it seems like it is just never enough for our dear Marxist leaders who always keep coming out with more covid rules to make our lives even more miserable. When are the peasants going to rise up and say enough already. It's long overdue for that day to come. It's your call now. ?


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2 hours ago, dialamah said:

Are you saying you agree with the tax, then?

Wow! So smart: reward inept, inefficient, multiply failed while grossly overpaid management by throwing another tax on the little people, below. Why, why haven't we thought about it earlier... or wait, have we? No really, how can you go wrong?

And most importantly, it's going to fix us so many problems. Just watch us!

Edited by myata
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