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Ghislaine Maxwell Trial

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If Ghislaine Maxwell has watched the news in the past 10 years then she's seen how leftist mobs got away with rioting, looting, arson and assaults against police and civilians in 2014, 2015, 2016 and part of 2020.

She saw Kamala Harris do everything in her power to keep leftist rioters out of jail.

Then she saw the stark contrast when conservatives rioted for 90 minutes. Illegal imprisonment and several years in prison resulted from that, and leftists rejoiced when cops killed an unarmed woman. Cops wouldn't even stop leftists from assaulting them. They let them overrun a police precinct and take over a section of Seattle, and then the BLM cops in that area killed a child and no one has ever been charged for that. 

She saw Gov Cuomo get away with putting folks who were known to have covid back into care homes and forbidding covid tests on them. 

She saw the FBI try desperately to get Donald Trump - they went so far as to commit actual crimes to get him. 

The difference between prison and freedom right now is as clear as right and left.

She knows what's up. If her testimony is on the side of the left then she has near-immunity. If she implicates GOP members and does her best to keep Demmies out of that mess then she's guaranteed to get favourable sentencing. 

She doesn't even need to say enough to get people charged with any crimes. She can just say things like "Senator so-and-so talked to Jeffrey Epstein on a number of occasions when we were in ________" and it's a win for the Dems, who are standing to lose miserably in next year's mid-terms.

Nothing would surprise me more than for GM to drop the name of a Democrat politician at her trial. 

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Clinton was a frequent visitor, and his itinerary as a past prez was a matter of public record. It would literally be impossible to keep his name out of it. It's even beneficial for the Dems to throw him under the bus now (like they did with Al Franken) to give their younger generation more credibility because Bill and Hillary are done like dinner anyways. They don't have enough political capital left to run for co-Mayors of Podunk. 

It seems as though Trump banned Epstein from Mar A Lago at the beginning of the century but people on this site try to make it seem as though Epstein and Trump were the closest of friends until JE died. Beaverfever was using links from 1999 and 2001 to make his case, and I know that he's getting his fake stories and misleading ammo from some alt-left source with a lot of reach. 

For sure implicating Trump would be Ghislaine's shining star, and she can do it with no more than a weak rumour (like Dr Ford did to Kavanaugh) but I'm thinking that there will be a lot of smaller players than Trump & Clinton named. The second feather in Ghislaine's cap will be making it look like it's a largely Republican scandal, even though Epstein was a major Demmie donor. 

The left wing media loves to target Gov's Abbot and DeSantis, Sen Cruz, congressmen Jordan and Gaetz, etc. Ghislaine just has to drop their names innocuously and it will be enough for the left wing media to whip their stooges into a Bork/Kavanaugh - type frenzy. 

If Ghislaine can use this trial to start a GOP witch hunt that helps to lessen the mid-term massacre in 2022, I can promise you that she'll get a sweetheart deal. Maybe even the highest honour of all in leftist circles - victim status ?

Dems/FBI: "You make Epstein, Trump, white privilege and the GOP look like the villains here, we will let you play the victim like Jussie Smollett." You know it's true. That's how the game is played now in DC.

Edited by WestCanMan
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Imagine who may want this woman dead. Is she wearing a bullet-proof vest? Probably a good idea. Watch out for laser beam red dots suddenly appearing on her four-head, while on the stand. ;)

Sorry, that's sic


Plus recommend getting a food taster,
bomb sniffer,
keep a canary in a cage,
and a geiger counter (for checking the tea)

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On 12/1/2021 at 1:28 PM, WestCanMan said:

Clinton was a frequent visitor, and his itinerary as a past prez was a matter of public record. It would literally be impossible to keep his name out of it. It's even beneficial for the Dems to throw him under the bus now (like they did with Al Franken) to give their younger generation more credibility because Bill and Hillary are done like dinner anyways. They don't have enough political capital left to run for co-Mayors of Podunk. 

It seems as though Trump banned Epstein from Mar A Lago at the beginning of the century but people on this site try to make it seem as though Epstein and Trump were the closest of friends until JE died. Beaverfever was using links from 1999 and 2001 to make his case, and I know that he's getting his fake stories and misleading ammo from some alt-left source with a lot of reach. 

For sure implicating Trump would be Ghislaine's shining star, and she can do it with no more than a weak rumour (like Dr Ford did to Kavanaugh) but I'm thinking that there will be a lot of smaller players than Trump & Clinton named. The second feather in Ghislaine's cap will be making it look like it's a largely Republican scandal, even though Epstein was a major Demmie donor. 

The left wing media loves to target Gov's Abbot and DeSantis, Sen Cruz, congressmen Jordan and Gaetz, etc. Ghislaine just has to drop their names innocuously and it will be enough for the left wing media to whip their stooges into a Bork/Kavanaugh - type frenzy. 

If Ghislaine can use this trial to start a GOP witch hunt that helps to lessen the mid-term massacre in 2022, I can promise you that she'll get a sweetheart deal. Maybe even the highest honour of all in leftist circles - victim status ?

Dems/FBI: "You make Epstein, Trump, white privilege and the GOP look like the villains here, we will let you play the victim like Jussie Smollett." You know it's true. That's how the game is played now in DC.

Trump and Epstein partied privately for decades. Clinton and Epstein’s interactions were mostly public activities related to Clinton Foundation charities and were in the presence if the press, secret service and various non-controversial celebrities. It’s not impossible that Clinton engaged in some inappropriate behaviour but it’s almost certainly Trump did given how close the 2 were. Trump even went out of his way to brag to the media about their shared taste in women “on the younger side” and it’s simply not believable that he had no idea given how close they were and how Epstein’s activity was on full display for all to see.  

Trump claiming he had no idea about Epstein is like Ossama bin Ladens best friend claiming he had no idea OBL was Muslim. 

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On 12/3/2021 at 6:33 PM, BeaverFever said:

Trump and Epstein partied privately for decades. Clinton and Epstein’s interactions were mostly public activities related to Clinton Foundation charities and were in the presence if the press, secret service and various non-controversial celebrities. It’s not impossible that Clinton engaged in some inappropriate behaviour but it’s almost certainly Trump did given how close the 2 were. Trump even went out of his way to brag to the media about their shared taste in women “on the younger side” and it’s simply not believable that he had no idea given how close they were and how Epstein’s activity was on full display for all to see.  

Trump claiming he had no idea about Epstein is like Ossama bin Ladens best friend claiming he had no idea OBL was Muslim. 

Thanks for the gossip and innuendo Beave, but that's not what adult conversations are about.

The last time you spoke on this issue you posted a couple of articles that showed pictures of Trump and Epstein together, one article was about a party in the late '90s, the other was from 2001 iirc. If not 2001 then 2003. You have nothing more current or you'd post it. 

Regarding Clinton & Trump, let's not pretend that either one of them wasn't partying like bachelors in 1999. Let's not pretend that women aren't at their most attractive between 22-35. It's the same for men. Billionaires and men of power love to have sex with women in that age range, and given the chance to have sex with a Playboy bunny in secrecy, almost all of the married men that you love and respect will jump at the chance so get over it. Also, saying that someone "likes their women on the younger side" doesn't mean that they like children. Learn the effing language. 

I really doubt that Epstein's island was primarily about sex with minors. Sure, that's the highly illegal/immoral part (and there were adult prostitutes there as well), but it's more likely about power and networking, and using people's perversions against them for leverage. 

There are places like that in the ME, Europe, Asia and everywhere. Marco Polo wrote about places like that centuries ago. There are/have been tens of thousands of such places in human history. (Actually, in most cases, they were probably far worse places because Epstein/Maxwell just conned girls and women into going there. I have no doubt that there are still hundreds places on earth where sex slaves are forced to do those things) Just be glad that you live in a culture that is showing less and less tolerance for the existence of such places and stop trying to politicize them. 

Keep your eyes on the prize: Ghislaine needs to pay a huge price for her part in this. It's important that she's exposed as a heinous criminal and not a victim. She is from an incredibly wealthy and powerful family, she didn't need to become a madam. 

Edited by WestCanMan
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On 12/2/2021 at 9:15 AM, WestCanMan said:

If there was any chance that she'd be snitching on Dems she'd be long gone by now. 

The elite knocked off Epstein while he was in prison. GM is still alive. How come? I do believe that she will try and and go after Trump and other republicans to try and make many of them look bad before the mid terms. The big wigs like Gates, B. Clinton(17 trips to the island)and other big globalist elites will get off the hook. GM will still have to spend sometime in jail for her crimes, maybe, but in the meantime why not try and take down as many GOP people as possible.

The rat American media and the rat democratic party will have a field day when that happens. It may be just enough to get the democratic rats elected again in the mid terms. Those democratic rats won the last election by cheating. That will only happen if the American people end up believing all the lies that will be no doubt coming out about the GOP and Trump. 

We must now wait and see what happens. My bet is on MG. I hope that I lose that bet. Just saying. ? 

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2 hours ago, Goddess said:

It's odd to me how little of this trial is in the media.

All the media companies are scared to get too involved in it and then find out that "their guy" is "the worst". 

It's easier and safer for them to get t the end of the trial and then if it's safe, and fits their narrative, cover the hell out of it.

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On 12/7/2021 at 3:27 PM, taxme said:

The elite knocked off Epstein while he was in prison. GM is still alive. How come? I do believe that she will try and and go after Trump and other republicans to try and make many of them look bad before the mid terms. The big wigs like Gates, B. Clinton(17 trips to the island)and other big globalist elites will get off the hook. GM will still have to spend sometime in jail for her crimes, maybe, but in the meantime why not try and take down as many GOP people as possible.

The rat American media and the rat democratic party will have a field day when that happens. It may be just enough to get the democratic rats elected again in the mid terms. Those democratic rats won the last election by cheating. That will only happen if the American people end up believing all the lies that will be no doubt coming out about the GOP and Trump. 

We must now wait and see what happens. My bet is on MG. I hope that I lose that bet. Just saying. ? 

I don’t know where you got the “ 17 trips” claim from but you conveniently leave out Trump, a frequent flier on the Lolita Express and decades-long buddy of Epstein. 

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On 12/11/2021 at 8:10 PM, BeaverFever said:

I don’t know where you got the “ 17 trips” claim from  

Of course not, you steer clear of sources with actual facts.


Trump, a frequent flier on the Lolita Express and decades-long buddy of Epstein. 

Let's see your sources Beave.

You got busted here for lying about this already, so post a link if you think that's true.


Crystal ball says..... Beave just keeps on lying and pretends that he doesn't proof of anything.

Edited by WestCanMan
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On 12/11/2021 at 8:10 PM, BeaverFever said:

I don’t know where you got the “ 17 trips” claim from but you conveniently leave out Trump, a frequent flier on the Lolita Express and decades-long buddy of Epstein. 

As usual you got it all wrong again. Trump was on the pedophile express just once and never after that once Trump found out what pedophile Epstein was all about. Trump even banned pedophile Epstein from ever being invited back to Trumps home in Mara Logo in Florida for good. Trump drooped pedophile Epstein like a hot lave rock. You appear to be more of a supporter of pedophile Epstein than with Trump. Why is that anyway? Why do you like backing pedophiles like Epstein? 

Your hatred for Trump is once again showing. You really have to stop listening to CNN or the CBC. Your leftist liberal brain has gone really way out of whack. It's time for an IQ checkup. Just a suggestion. ?

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3 hours ago, taxme said:

As usual you got it all wrong again. Trump was on the pedophile express just once and never after that once Trump found out what pedophile Epstein was all about. Trump even banned pedophile Epstein from ever being invited back to Trumps home in Mara Logo in Florida for good. Trump drooped pedophile Epstein like a hot lave rock. You appear to be more of a supporter of pedophile Epstein than with Trump. Why is that anyway? Why do you like backing pedophiles like Epstein? 

Your hatred for Trump is once again showing. You really have to stop listening to CNN or the CBC. Your leftist liberal brain has gone really way out of whack. It's time for an IQ checkup. Just a suggestion. ?

Trump partied with Epstein for decades and even out his way to brag to the press about their shared taste in women and to point out Epstein’s preference for women “on the younger side”.  Epstein abused girls all over the world including NYC and Florida and other locations. All were locations Trump frequented.

 Trump knew full well what Epstein was up to. This is the guy who said "I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. ... Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything”. He isn’t someone who would care about a fellow millionaire banging an underage teen

Edited by BeaverFever
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21 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

Trump partied with Epstein for decades and even out his way to brag to the press about their shared taste in women and to point out Epstein’s preference for women “on the younger side”.  Epstein abused girls all over the world including NYC and Florida and other locations. All were locations Trump frequented.

 Trump knew full well what Epstein was up to. Russia this is the guy who said "I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. ... Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything”. He isn’t someone who would care about a fellow millionaire banging an underage teen

Again you're just lying.

You keep on making the same stupid claim but you have never posted a link showing Trump had anything to do with Epstein since he got barred from Mar A Lago twenty years ago.

I've never seen anyone with such an inability to feel shame aside from AOC. Are you guys toylit drinkin' buddies? 

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34 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Again you're just lying.

You keep on making the same stupid claim but you have never posted a link showing Trump had anything to do with Epstein since he got barred from Mar A Lago twenty years ago.

I've never seen anyone with such an inability to feel shame aside from AOC. Are you guys toylit drinkin' buddies? 

When exactly do you think Epstein abused these women dummy?    The same years Trump was bragging to the press about their taste in women.  I’ve told you this before and it’s public fact but like the brainwashed cult follower you are you conveniently don’t remember and don’t hear inconvenient truths  

As much as your underused dropout brain wants to believe that the decades that Trump and Epstein were friends was magically temporarily not a pedophile , that’s not reality 


Trump, Clinton flew on Jeffrey Epstein's plane multiple times, pilot testifies



Jeffrey Epstein introduced

Jeffrey Epstein introduced me to Trump at 14, Ghislaine Maxwell accuser says

Testifying at Maxwell’s trial in New York City, the woman, identified by the pseudonym Jane, said she met the former president in the 1990s at his Mar-a-Lago resort.

By Tom Winter and Corky Siemaszko
Dec. 1, 2021, 2:23 PM EST / Updated Dec. 1, 2021, 8:15 PM EST

One of the four women who say they were “groomed” for sex by Ghislaine Maxwell testified Wednesday that the disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein took her to meet Donald Trump when she was just 14.

Testifying at Maxwell’s trial in New York City, the woman, who is being identified by the pseudonym Jane, said on cross-examination that she met the future president in the 1990s at Mar-a-Lago, his resort in Palm Beach, Florida.


 Ghislaine Maxwell Bragged About Friendships With Donald Trump And Prince Andrew, Accuser Says

 Maxwell bragged that she was friends with “lots of famous people” like Prince Andrew and former President Donald Trump, Kate said, according to reporters in the courtroom, corroborating last week’s testimony from an alleged victim who said she encountered the two men while being trafficked by Maxwell

his Mar-a-https://www.forbes.com/sites/carlieporterfield/2021/12/06/accuser-says-ghislaine-maxwell-bought-her-a-designer-purse-after-sexual-encounter-with-jeffrey-epstein/amp/

This is the part where you predictably say “ROTFL LMAO OMG you actually believe news stories that aren’t written by partisan Republican hacks.  Everyone knows you can only believe stories written by partisan Republican hacks”

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16 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

When exactly do you think Epstein abused these women dummy?    The same years Trump was bragging to the press about their taste in women.  I’ve told you this before and it’s public fact but like the brainwashed cult follower you are you conveniently don’t remember and don’t hear inconvenient truths  

As much as your underused dropout brain wants to believe that the decades that Trump and Epstein were friends was magically temporarily not a pedophile , that’s not reality 


Trump, Clinton flew on Jeffrey Epstein's plane multiple times, pilot testifies



Jeffrey Epstein introduced

Jeffrey Epstein introduced me to Trump at 14, Ghislaine Maxwell accuser says

Testifying at Maxwell’s trial in New York City, the woman, identified by the pseudonym Jane, said she met the former president in the 1990s at his Mar-a-Lago resort.

By Tom Winter and Corky Siemaszko
Dec. 1, 2021, 2:23 PM EST / Updated Dec. 1, 2021, 8:15 PM EST

One of the four women who say they were “groomed” for sex by Ghislaine Maxwell testified Wednesday that the disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein took her to meet Donald Trump when she was just 14.

Testifying at Maxwell’s trial in New York City, the woman, who is being identified by the pseudonym Jane, said on cross-examination that she met the future president in the 1990s at Mar-a-Lago, his resort in Palm Beach, Florida.


 Ghislaine Maxwell Bragged About Friendships With Donald Trump And Prince Andrew, Accuser Says

 Maxwell bragged that she was friends with “lots of famous people” like Prince Andrew and former President Donald Trump, Kate said, according to reporters in the courtroom, corroborating last week’s testimony from an alleged victim who said she encountered the two men while being trafficked by Maxwell

his Mar-a-https://www.forbes.com/sites/carlieporterfield/2021/12/06/accuser-says-ghislaine-maxwell-bought-her-a-designer-purse-after-sexual-encounter-with-jeffrey-epstein/amp/

This is the part where you predictably say “ROTFL LMAO OMG you actually believe news stories that aren’t written by partisan Republican hacks.  Everyone knows you can only believe stories written by partisan Republican hacks”

What an idiot.

You cited articles that just vaguely spanned 1991-2019 and a guy said that he flew "Trump and Clinton, more than once."

Epstein "took a 14 yr old girl to meet Trump" in the '90s at Mar A Lago. Geez, then Epstein was banned from Mar A Lago.

Again you've got nothing that links Trump to Epstein from later than the '90s, nothing that says he was a frequent flyer early on, nothing that says that he did anything with any underage girls, just a few innocuous things from the '90s farmed to look as bad as possible.

You're either incredibly gullible and stupid or you're a determined liar but either way you still have nothing. Do you understand that Beave? And in either case you're just pathetic and sad. 

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2 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

What an idiot.

You cited articles that just vaguely spanned 1991-2019 and a guy said that he flew "Trump and Clinton, more than once."

Epstein "took a 14 yr old girl to meet Trump" in the '90s at Mar A Lago. Geez, then Epstein was banned from Mar A Lago.

Again you've got nothing that links Trump to Epstein from later than the '90s, nothing that says he was a frequent flyer early on, nothing that says that he did anything with any underage girls, just a few innocuous things from the '90s farmed to look as bad as possible.

You're either incredibly gullible and stupid or you're a determined liar but either way you still have nothing. Do you understand that Beave? And in either case you're just pathetic and sad. 

I really do believe that beaver cleaver is truly suffering from beaver fever. There can be no other excuse for his crazy wild and wacky talk. The guy hates Trump and that is it. He does not know as to why he hates Trump he just does. This is what happens when fools like him watch TV channels like CNN and CBC and they become your preferred source for bull chit news. 

Lately, those so called journalists at CNN are being fired for their lies and some of them have been found out to be having sex with minors. Even Don Lemonade apparently tried to grope some guy that spoke to him in a bar in New York city. All the guy wanted to do was say hello to Don Lemonade.

CNN must be one hell of a place to have to work at. I guess that we are only starting to see as to what and who are some of their so called journalists really are. Liars and pedophiles. If it were not for FOX NEWS at night, and being able to listen to real journalists like Tucker Carlson I would never hear about these grotesque things happening at CNN. ?


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1 hour ago, taxme said:

 If it were not for FOX NEWS at night, and being able to listen to real journalists like Tucker Carlson I would never hear about these grotesque things happening at CNN. ?

If it wasn't for Fox News we wouldn't know that members of the FBI were charged with crimes for their illegal activity during the Russian collusion witch hunt.

We wouldn't know that it was actually Hillary who colluded with Russians to influence the 2016 election. 

We wouldn't know that Dr Ford didn't name a location or a year that the alleged attack supposedly occurred, we'd all believe that Brionna was just an innocent girl laying in her bed when she got shot, we'd all think that Rayshard was just a bit tipsy and had a nap then got killed for no apparent reason, almost no Americans would have seen any of the G Floyd bodycam footage on TV, we'd think that K Rittenhouse carried a gun across state lines to hunt down protestors, we'd think that all of the BLM protests were peaceful, we wouldn't know that the Chazis killed a kid, we wouldn't know that the people at the Jan 6th mostly peaceful protest who were the guiltiest of all of committing the crime of sedition have never been charged because they were federal agents, we wouldn't know that people who handed out weapons at the Jan 6th mostly peaceful protest weren't charged because they were agents, etc.

There are a lot of things that we wouldn't know, but to make a long story short, Americans would be just as stupid as Canadians are, politically.

As Canadians we have some weird feeling of intellectual superiority over Americans but in truth it's the exact opposite. Leftist Canadians are, by far, the dumbest group of people on earth. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is a great illustration of this humanity's eternal pantomime to appear something that it's (quite obviously) not. Rule of law, justice yes. Of course, Epstein and now Maxwell. Yes we see that our great democratic justice can go to that level.. and then, what? This is the end of the story, right? Justice has been served right, bad bad epstein and now maxwell too. And then "no victim", yes? Or, some national prerogative, OK. A silent film decades and centuries long.

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I'm really curious as to what kind of sentence she will actually get in the end. I believe she is facing up to 65 years at this time but I think the actual time might be much less than that. We all know that she knows a lot more and has that giant ace up her sleeve.

Will Ghislaine 'start naming names' to get a shorter sentence? | Daily Mail Online

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