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On 3/26/2020 at 4:10 PM, Michael Hardner said:

Wow, when you put it that way...

Maybe you and all your friends should get together and have a big rally... you know, show Trudeau who is boss...

Lol thanks. That is what  we need some burning crosses on Parliament hill. But they will be wearing masks.

I come to you to hell.

5 hours ago, Rue said:

There are degrees of social distancing. Please go find out why.

Apparently there are also degrees of success and it looks like the more distance the sooner the better.  This suggests why.



B.C. coronavirus spread looking more like South Korea than Italy or China, officials say

Comparing the spread of the virus in B.C. to the epidemics in Hubei, northern Italy and South Korea, Henry said her province’s experience currently looks more similar to that of South Korea — where the virus spread early in the global pandemic and was well contained — than the other two, where the virus took a larger toll on the health-care system.



A government without public oversight is like a nuclear plant without lead shielding.


Bravo for BC!


They should claim independence and build a wall along the continental divide, keep tabs on the Eastern bums and creeps (as Mr.Klein would say).

Who really believes that a couple hundred elites from the Laurentian enclaves know/understand who or what BC/Alberta/Saskatchewan is.


Speaking of eastern bums...where's my Vancouver Island Liberation Organization tee-shirt?  5 new cases over here today and 57 total so far.  I was staying parked in my car on the ferry weeks ago thank you very much,  lower deck regulations be damned. 

Vancouver Island makes you feel so far away. Valdy

A government without public oversight is like a nuclear plant without lead shielding.


I think this whole thing highlights how feckless Federal Leaders actually are in fighting such a pandemic. (In Canada and the US). 

We look to provincial or state governments for guidelines regarding public health more than federal agencies. 

The Feds do have to step up to assist in the Economic crisis that's brewing by putting a halt to large swaths of the economy. And both governments are stepping up there too. 


The U.S. has more than three times the infections of Canada per capita. Canada's infections are largely due to our proximity to the U.S. cesspool. Trump has been trying to sabotage effort at social distancing (see below); Trudeau has gotten wide approval from everyone but the Trumper psychos.

So it's not even a comparison. Trudeau wins this one by a landslide.


"I think it's fun watching the waldick get all excited/knickers in a knot over something." -scribblet
3 minutes ago, BubberMiley said:

The U.S. has more than three times the infections of Canada per capita. Canada's infections are largely due to our proximity to the U.S. cesspool. Trump has been trying to sabotage effort at social distancing (see below); Trudeau has gotten wide approval from everyone but the Trumper psychos.

So it's not even a comparison. Trudeau wins this one by a landslide.

As I mentioned somewhere around here its quite possible Trump is doing all the right things according to a belief that the planked curve graph is a poll and that the spike is the goal.

A government without public oversight is like a nuclear plant without lead shielding.

Posted (edited)

The problem is that Trump sees everything as a competition. He's using this crisis to pick fights, like he always does. 

- Fights with Democrat Governors

- Fights with GM

- Fights with Hospitals

 - Fights with anyone who asks him a difficult question. 

Yesterday he Tweeted about the ratings of his Press Briefings and how the Dems are jealous of his popularity. :rolleyes:

JT is his usual self-righteous vapid self, but at least he's not making this partisan, for the most part.

Edited by Boges
2 hours ago, BubberMiley said:

The U.S. has more than three times the infections of Canada per capita. Canada's infections are largely due to our proximity to the U.S. cesspool. Trump has been trying to sabotage effort at social distancing (see below); Trudeau has gotten wide approval from everyone but the Trumper psychos.

So it's not even a comparison. Trudeau wins this one by a landslide.


Complete nonsense.  In terms of actual policy, and logistics, Trudeau isn't doing anything differently than Trump, he's just doing them after Trump has already done them.

  • Like 1
5 minutes ago, Shady said:

Complete nonsense.  In terms of actual policy, and logistics, Trudeau isn't doing anything differently than Trump, he's just doing them after Trump has already done them.

No, Trudeau is not attempting to sabotage efforts at social distancing, as cited in Trump's tweet.

"I think it's fun watching the waldick get all excited/knickers in a knot over something." -scribblet
Just now, BubberMiley said:

No, Trudeau is not attempting to sabotage efforts at social distancing, as cited in Trump's tweet.

Either is Trump.  I guess we can agree to disagree.  Regardless, that tweet was from 2 days ago.  It took until two days ago to come up with something different between what Trudeau is doing vs what Trump's doing?  

Posted (edited)
16 minutes ago, Shady said:

Either is Trump.  I guess we can agree to disagree.  Regardless, that tweet was from 2 days ago.  It took until two days ago to come up with something different between what Trudeau is doing vs what Trump's doing?  

Yes. Two days ago. Although he was doing the same thing and less earlier.

Edited by BubberMiley
"I think it's fun watching the waldick get all excited/knickers in a knot over something." -scribblet
Posted (edited)
On 3/26/2020 at 1:10 PM, Michael Hardner said:

Wow, when you put it that way...

Maybe you and all your friends should get together and have a big rally... you know, show Trudeau who is boss...

Some have tried and have had the cops called on them for doing so. There was one incident where some man was confined to his home because he was supposedly diagnosed with the so called China virus. Apparently, he was observed by one of his not so nice neighbor who knew about his condition and this squealer neighbor went and called the cops on him because this squealer saw him out in his backyard twice in one day.  These are the kinds of mentally ill paranoid squealers that we surely all have as next door little commie neighbors. So, watch what you are doing around your home. Make sure that you do not have more than two visitors at your home at any onetime. We are all now seeing what living in a communist country is all about, and I am not liking it one bit. You, well that is a good question.  

So, I doubt very much that my little "white supremacist/Nazi" rally will get me and the boys too far. Lol. Emperor Trudeau is fast becoming more like a dyktator  and he will do whatever it will take to continue on with his destruction and deindustrialization of the good old Canada days that I was born and brought up in. You know, the good old Canada days that you appear to despise and fight against. Even our mayors and council members are now starting to get into the dyktator mode and are wanting to try and make our lives even more difficult and miserable. 

I could careless want you want to believe about this so called China virus pandemic, but I will continue to inquire and read up and try to learn more about what others have to say about this so called China virus. David Icke did a great video and narrative on this so called China virus. I would like to suggest to you and others here that you all go listen to what Icke has to say, but if I am pretty sure that you will not do so but would prefer to call Icke just another one of those snake oil salesman instead. David Icke may have some further and great information to talk about for all of us to maybe need to listen to about this so called dangerous virus. 

PS: While we are supposedly going thru a pandemic crisis, Emperor Trudeau has decided that he is going to up the carbon tax by 50%. WTH? This village idiot that we call the prime mistake of Canada really does know where is priorities lie during this pandemic? Raise the taxes on carbon. The fools who voted this guy back in sure are now doing a big number on the people who did not vote for this fool. It is so sad to say it but Canada has become one big dumb azz of a country with plenty of dumb azz leaders leading this dumb azz country. I will sure be glad to see when we finally get back to the good old days before this virus farce came along and get back once again to talking about Indian blockades, global warming and Trump impeachment every day again. I can hardly wait. ;)

Question more. 



Edited by taxme
22 minutes ago, BubberMiley said:

No, Trudeau is not attempting to sabotage efforts at social distancing, as cited in Trump's tweet.

Emperor Trudeau is really trying to social engineer a country and  bunch of foolish silly social distance Canadian people who will believe all the lies that he will tell them. Some people never will learn that the media and some politicians have become professional liars. Question more. 

12 minutes ago, taxme said:

Emperor Trudeau is really trying to social engineer a country and  bunch of foolish silly social distance Canadian people who will believe all the lies that he will tell them. Some people never will learn that the media and some politicians have become professional liars. Question more. 

I'm not surprised at all that climate change deniers would also be social distancing deniers.

"I think it's fun watching the waldick get all excited/knickers in a knot over something." -scribblet
31 minutes ago, Shady said:

Complete nonsense.  In terms of actual policy, and logistics, Trudeau isn't doing anything differently than Trump, he's just doing them after Trump has already done them.

I am pretty sure that all the Canadians that have lost their jobs or will be losing their jobs, and maybe their homes, would prefer to keep working now and take their chances instead with this so called virus. All people have to do is wear their surgical masks when dealing with the public and keep washing their hands. There is no real need for our dear leaders to try and shut the country down.  That makes more sense to me rather than seeing some poor sob lose his/her job and maybe his/her homes. But when was the last time we saw our politicians do anything that involved using common sense and logic but it would appear as though they would prefer to want to just look and act silly and foolish while the country burns. 

Trump is doing a fine job of trying to control this virus. It took Emperor Trudeau weeks before he finally decided to shut down Roxham Road in Quebec. And this fool is going to raise the carbon tax by 50% during this crisis and make it more expensive to buy anything. This is a priority to this fool while Canada burns. This guy needs to be fired now. Four more years of this guy and Canada will be no more as it once was several decades ago. it will be in a worse mess than what it is in today. But ask those liberals who voted for this fool if they really care?  :unsure:

On 3/26/2020 at 4:28 PM, Iceni warrior said:

Not my President.

Sadly, Trump is not my Prime Minster or President  of Canada instead. But hey. ;)

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, BubberMiley said:

I'm not surprised at all that climate change deniers would also be social distancing deniers.

Why would that surprise you? We all do not have to think and believe what most things are told to us by our politicians and the fake media. There are people like myself who dare to question these so called events like this pandemic one going on right now. I do not believe in social distancing. It is so stupid. But I do believe in social engineering which is what I am believing that I am seeing happening today here in Canada's Alice in Wonderland exercise program and agenda now in full force. I will believe as to what David Icke is saying for now rather than what the professional liars in the media and from some of our dear leader politicians keep trying to push.

There is at least three times every hour of every day where this Asian Canadian Health Officer comes on TV and constantly repeats the same thing over and over and over again. She always keeps repeating or trying to brainwash us all into practicing social distancing, and wash your hands. I have heard enough already, I know what appears to be this constant brainwashing drill now. Give me a bloody break. Every time I see her face on TV I want to smash my TV with a hammer. It takes everything I have to not do so. ;)

Edited by taxme
  • Thanks 1
38 minutes ago, taxme said:

Why would that surprise you? We all do not have to think and believe what most things are told to us by out politicians and the fake media. There are people like myself who dare to question these so called events like this pandemic one going on right now.

You are right, in this age of fake news we are wide open for exploitation by this, from certain  outside elements who would like to cast harm upon our society. That shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. This thing has scared ordinary people witless. So either we are stupid for not controlling the information, or our leaders don't care and actually want people to be scared.

5 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

You are right, in this age of fake news we are wide open for exploitation by this, from certain  outside elements who would like to cast harm upon our society. That shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. This thing has scared ordinary people witless. So either we are stupid for not controlling the information, or our leaders don't care and actually want people to be scared.

As I have said so many times here  already. I dare to question more. But with some lemmings out there they do not want to question anything told to them by their dear politicians or their dear media. Whatever those two have to say has to be the gospel truth with those lemmings. They would not dare lie or make up fake and phony stories to me, would they? Chuckle-chuckle.  

I will say that most Canadians are pretty much stupid, and it would appear that most of our politicians do know what is going on but they are just playing the pandemic game to please their masters above them who controls and keeps pulling on their politically correct puppet strings. Of course some of our politicians do not know very much at all, and they will go into a panic and start to want to act like little commie dyktators. A chance to throw a little bit of weight around on their tax paying subjects like the Mayor of White Rock, BC where he said that he would shut down the pier and the boardwalk down if he keeps seeing more than three people walking together outside in the open outdoors fresh air. Now how stupid is that Mayor, eh? He is but one of those fools out there. Even the silly azz premier of Nova Scotia has now shut down the border to the rest of Canada. If one does want to go to Nova Scotia they must first quarantine themselves for 14 days. What a Canadian hero, eh? 

There should be no real need to try and shut the economy nor the country down at all. All people working in public places only need to start wearing surgical masks over their mouths and constantly wash their hands. This is what we are constantly told to do by the authorities. So, what is the problem here? We may all look like a bunch of surgeons walking around but at least the public should be safe from this virus. But hey, what more can I say. ;)

5 minutes ago, taxme said:

Of course some of our politicians do not know very much at all, and they will go into a panic and start to want to act like little commie dyktators. A chance to throw a little bit of weight around on their tax paying subjects like the Mayor of White Rock, BC where he said that he would shut down the pier and the boardwalk down if he keeps seeing more than three people walking together outside in the open outdoors fresh air. Now how stupid is that Mayor, eh? He is but one of those fools out there.

This is even getting stupider by the minute. As if a family cannot go out on a walk together? We all have to live in the same house, can't quarantine from your family. The average family unit is 4 people. That's why in some areas they put the "group" limit at no more than 5 people, to accommodate families.

13 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

This is even getting stupider by the minute. As if a family cannot go out on a walk together? We all have to live in the same house, can't quarantine from your family. The average family unit is 4 people. That's why in some areas they put the "group" limit at no more than 5 people, to accommodate families.

Duh...what about families with more than five people? 

"I think it's fun watching the waldick get all excited/knickers in a knot over something." -scribblet
7 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

Who cares.

Are we in a bad mood this morning?

You must be if you don't care about families with more than five people.

"I think it's fun watching the waldick get all excited/knickers in a knot over something." -scribblet

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