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Should the Conservative Party become liberals?


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4 hours ago, Army Guy said:

Just a question, why is it a qualification to march in the parade to get LBGT2 support ?

It is because it is. Because it has become a sort of standard of recognition for politicians that they are not homophobic. Or at least, if they are, they're willing to pretend otherwise.

I recognize the argument you're making because I make it myself. And it's logical so far as it goes. You shouldn't have to march in a bloody parade to demonstrate  you can be the leader of all people. Nevertheless, the shallowness of our political process, of our politicians, and of our media, have made it so. You have to march in the pride parade, take part in Oktoberfest, put on a stupid cowboy hat at the Calgary Stampede, attend Caribana, take part in prayers at mosques, synagogues and temples (though not churches, curiously enough) and do a bunch of other stupid, patronizing gestures to demonstrate that you love every separate group of this very separated country. It's bloody idiotic and meaningless and all it does is serve to say "See!? I like you! Now vote for me, eh!?"

That's how cheap and pathetic politics are.

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5 hours ago, Argus said:

Joe Clark was a political moron who could always be relied upon to make the wrong decision on every topic. He was a default choice between two strong alternative Tory leaders, and he only got in because people were sick of Trudeau senior. Then he lost his government after a few months, having irritated so many people in such a short time (even with a minority) that Trudeau figured he could get in again. He was right.

Yes I know, but it's funny how political morons can come back to haunt you later on. After all that's said and done, he was right about the CPC. He answers your thread succinctly. We are the political morons now. 

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12 hours ago, Argus said:

Just how many Canadians do you think have even watched a gay pride parade? I mean, how deep do your illusions run? Do you think like 90%? 80%? I haven't seen any polls but I rather doubt more than 10% of Canadians have ever gone anywhere near a pride parade.

What does it matter how many Canadians have been to Pride?  Having all the party leaders march every year yet never having Harper or Scheer march is a bad look for the party.  It sends the message, whether right or wrong, that "we don't support gay/LGBT pride".

12 hours ago, Argus said:

But deeply observant Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus and Jews are okay, right? People who won't set foot outside the door without the proper religious items and headgear, who pray many times a day. They don't let religion colour their views of the world at all, right?

I would never vote for any politician whose religious beliefs mean they believe stupid things or support bad policy or make dumb decisions based on dumb religious beliefs.  If you want the CPC to have the best chance to win next election, you should hope the next leader dumps the unpopular Christian policies.

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6 hours ago, Army Guy said:

Just a question, why is it a qualification to march in the parade to get LBGT2 support ? , Why is it all other religions get passes on certain things , things except say Christians, or white people , We question is this do I have to support everything that is popular with the voters, what if I did not support same sex marriage or gay rights within my household, but when I got to work like Scheer I could ensure that those rights were protected by our laws and policies...I mean we don't invite Muslims to dinner then serve pork do we, no we accept it is part of their religion and move on...not the same for Mr Scheer though. and then when they do they are called bible thumpers and yet has anyone called the NDP leader a religious freak, because he wears a turban...should we not treat all religions the same....

If Jagmeet Singh wouldn't march in a Pride parade because his Sikh beliefs meant he didn't support rights for LGBT then i'd be saying the same thing and so would a lot of people.  If Scheer wears a cross I couldn't care less, it's when his beliefs that I don't agree with leak into his politics that i care.  Jagmeet isnt't a nutter because of his turban, he's a nutter because he wouldn't admit the Sikh terrorist who was guilty of carrying out the Air India bombing was actually guilty.

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17 minutes ago, Moonlight Graham said:

What does it matter how many Canadians have been to Pride?  Having all the party leaders march every year yet never having Harper or Scheer march is a bad look for the party.  It sends the message, whether right or wrong, that "we don't support gay/LGBT pride".

I would never vote for any politician whose religious beliefs mean they believe stupid things or support bad policy or make dumb decisions based on dumb religious beliefs.  If you want the CPC to have the best chance to win next election, you should hope the next leader dumps the unpopular Christian policies.

I would think it would matter,  it would be a show of support after all, instead we expect a double standard from all politicians , we demand our politicians attend, but those Canadians that have this mind set don't really follow through , meaning the majority of Canadians follow a different path., by saying do as I say do not as I do ....... We do that on most topics....and when you boil it all down, the LGBT2 community message is that they are looking for support, come pout to the parade....unless your a police officer,  more to do with the black lives matter group which has hook their wagon on to the parade as well some how.   Hence not showing up looks like you do not support them like the majority of Canadians, did I get that right... 

when really how many Canadians give a crap....live and let live just don't be bugging me with your problems sort of thing....this is what most Canadians believe, but outside when talking to neighbors or others we spout the popular line and smile Gay people ya, I got a friend thats gay we hang out all the time....have you gone to a pride parade ? ahh no...

And yet we've bought into this because of what , a massive public awareness campaign by the LGBT community, ok fair enough, to the point one almost gets attack for saying something against party lines, or your immediately deemed a homophobe. ....so why do we buy into this entire thought process instead of I don't know hungry and homeless children in Canada....

instead of worrying about what events they go to, perhaps we should pay closer attention what they are doing about issues that effect the vast majority of Canadians, like climate change...or the issues we are having with china....the list is long … And no I am not by no means say that the LGBT group is not an important issue...but on a scale how big is their issues, that are not already covered by law and legislation for all Canadians. 




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On 12/21/2019 at 11:55 AM, Argus said:

Classical liberals, that is. The author makes a reasonable case that classical liberalism is basically today's conservatism minus the social conservatism.  Also that the Liberals are not the least bit liberal but are actually illiberal.



Today's "conservatism" - as displayed by some so-called conservatives in the last conservative primary election - are  as illiberals as the current liberals!  And I'll bet, they won't be fiscally conservative either!  They'll be on a pissing contest with the socialist-leaning Liberals and the  socialist NDP - and that pissing contest will definitely include ass-kissing Quebec!

Today's "conservatives," effectively demonized social conservatism, and had relegated social conservatives to alt-right and supremacists!  The only reason they're tolerating social conservatives, is to prevent the conservative party from splitting!

The option now is choosing the lesser evil.  And, that's looking to be quite a difficult choice.


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8 hours ago, Argus said:

It is because it is. Because it has become a sort of standard of recognition for politicians that they are not homophobic. Or at least, if they are, they're willing to pretend otherwise.


They took the cue from Justin, who marches to every rainbow parade.  But hey, that's him - he might be a closet queen for all we know that's why he couldn't seem to get enough of these parades. (a while back, a foreigner had seriously asked me if our PM is gay)!  

So now, it seems to become a standard that a candidate is willing to prance about  in an LGBTQ parade!  Lol. Religious people should make it the standard for a PM-wanna be to attend religious services of every color - just so to demonstrate equality when it comes to religion! 

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4 hours ago, betsy said:

They took the cue from Justin, who marches to every rainbow parade . . . he might be a closet queen for all we know that's why he couldn't seem to get enough of these parades. 

. . .  it seems to become a standard that a candidate is willing to prance about  in an LGBTQ parade!  Religious people should make it the standard for a PM-wanna be to attend religious services of every color - just so to demonstrate equality when it comes to religion! 

We've become a country of snowflakes . . . emphasis on 'flakes'.   Everyone is some kind of 'victim' nowadays . . . . .  A real leader wouldn't be prancing around showing off his socks, dressing up in insulting ethnic costumes, begging our neighbor for help releasing Canadian hostages, pissing on the provinces that bankroll the rest of this f'kd up country . . . 

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On 12/21/2019 at 5:15 PM, eyeball said:

Canada has no party that is dedicated to real-time, auditable, verifiable and accountable transparency.

It's not possible to have real-time, auditable, verifiable and accountable transparency in a bureaucracy as large as leftists have made the federal government.  Welcome to the side of federalism!  It's nice to have you. :)

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1 hour ago, dialamah said:

And conservatives never turn down an opportunity to slag JT, regardless of how petty or irrelevant.  :lol:

Trudeau as a person is irrelevant . . . . sadly, the backlash of his poor official policies is not irrelevant to most of this country. 

'May he step in dog shit every day for the rest of his irrelevant life'.

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1 hour ago, Shady said:

It's not possible to have real-time, auditable, verifiable and accountable transparency in a bureaucracy as large as leftists have made the federal government.  Welcome to the side of federalism!  It's nice to have you. :)

I guess I'm just not a left winger or something because I sure as hell have no interest in making governments bigger and especially the federal govt.

In any case sure it can be done but are you really interested in depriving the sort of parties you subscribe to the opportunity to operate in secrecy on behalf of their buddies?

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5 hours ago, dialamah said:

Lol.  That's the new standard - he really got it down pat! :lol:  Mind you, seems he'd missed the Hindu and Buddhist - especially the latter one with our Chinese population!  

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1 hour ago, dialamah said:

And conservatives never turn down an opportunity to slag JT, regardless of how petty or irrelevant.  :lol:

Lol, how is it petty and irrelevant when everyone's pointing out he's a hypocrite!  Of course, photo ops is the height of hypocrisy! :lol:





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On 12/21/2019 at 8:55 AM, Argus said:

Classical liberals, that is. The author makes a reasonable case that classical liberalism is basically today's conservatism minus the social conservatism.  Also that the Liberals are not the least bit liberal but are actually illiberal.

So what is a liberal, really? “Libertas” is Latin for liberty and “Liberal” shares the same root (“liber”). In the political realm, liberalism originally (or classically) denoted holding a philosophy based upon the concept of individual freedom. Hence “classical liberalism” is a set of beliefs that has at its root a conviction that the purpose of civilized society is to provide for the liberty of the individual. “Don’t tell me what to do” is the liberal mantra. Real liberals believe that people should largely control their own lives — that they should be free to say what they think, to have sex with and marry whom they please, to worship as they wish, to buy and sell what they want, to be responsible for themselves and to leave other people alone.

The modern version of liberalism means essentially the opposite. It embraces an expansive welfare state, extensive regulation of individual behaviour and speech, redistribution of wealth, unequal application of the law in pursuit of equality of outcome and myriad other managerial policies. Those who now call themselves Liberals in the political realm are now illiberal in their sensibilities and aspirations. Governments supervise, subsidize and control virtually every aspect of modern life: markets and financial systems, public schools and universities, health care, media, food production, energy production, telecom services, the professions and even speech. Our courts do not believe in equal application of the law. We are eroding the presumption of innocence and other aspects of due process. We have abandoned even the expectation that laws will be written, clear and understandable to all. Instead citizens are subject to the arbitrary discretion of government agencies that pursue their own agendas. Identity politics reign and the surveillance state steadily expands.


They are already liberals. Hello?  ;)

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11 hours ago, betsy said:

They took the cue from Justin, who marches to every rainbow parade.  But hey, that's him - he might be a closet queen for all we know that's why he couldn't seem to get enough of these parades. (a while back, a foreigner had seriously asked me if our PM is gay)!  

So now, it seems to become a standard that a candidate is willing to prance about  in an LGBTQ parade!  Lol. Religious people should make it the standard for a PM-wanna be to attend religious services of every color - just so to demonstrate equality when it comes to religion! 

I cannot see Chief Spreading Bull ever entertaining the idea of attending a Christian church. If he did i think that God will be sending that Christian church off too hell. Appearing in some Christian church should appear to him to be committing some kind of liberal blasphemy in his liberal pro LGBTQXYZ ilk mind. Our dear leader wants to appear to be for everything and everybody that does not have anything to do with Christians or real and true conservatism. 

There is only one real and true conservative party in Canada on only, and that is Maxine Bernier's Peoples Party of Canada. All others are just made up of your typical liberal and socialist and communist party's. 

The conservative party is already a liberal conservative globalist elite party. I wonder if after hours does Trudeau and Scheer get together for coffee and donuts at your local donuts shop, and discuss as to how we can keep screwing the Canadian people with more of our bull chit liberal nonsense? Just wondering. ;)

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On 12/22/2019 at 2:23 PM, eyeball said:

The media's contribution to accountability would be a mere afterthought compared to the real-time, auditable, verifiable and accountable transparency I described.

What part of outlawing in-camera lobbying don't you get? Maybe you figure this is just virtue-signalling and it won't actually mean do or change anything.

Maybe there's a Deeper-media that simply won't stand for accountability no matter what we do. 


When our PM accepts a gift, like a helicopter flight, from a foreign lobbyist, and the media gives it as much coverage as ducks crossing a freeway, there's a problem. All of Trudeau's scandals put together have gotten 1/4 of the coverage than $90K duffygate did.

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

When our PM accepts a gift, like a helicopter flight, from a foreign lobbyist, and the media gives it as much coverage as ducks crossing a freeway, there's a problem. All of Trudeau's scandals put together have gotten 1/4 of the coverage than $90K duffygate did.

Why is that conservative right-wingers who piss and moan about corruption when the other guy does it never put in measures to make that corruption more difficult to commit when they're in power? I mean,  what does it say to you when a Conservative government introduces deferred prosecutors agreements for corporations who commit crimes instead?  It says to me that right-wingers have given up on stopping corruption and do more to actually normalize it than anything.  Corruption is only an issue when the other team and the other side does it.

The Conservatives and Liberals are so similar already that dimples and hair are about all their is to tell them apart.  Just different lines on the same team as far as wealth power and their lobbyists are concerned.

Why do you pick sides again?  Because your stupid and you're wrong.

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4 hours ago, eyeball said:

The Conservatives and Liberals are so similar already that dimples and hair are about all their is to tell them apart.  Just different lines on the same team as far as wealth power and their lobbyists are concerned.

I would really like to argue with you just for the sake of being here, but when you're right, you're right.

BTW:  Merry Christmas to all of the Christians here, Happy Hannukah to the Jews, and happy something to whatever the hell everyone thinks of for the holiday.

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On 12/23/2019 at 4:12 PM, eyeball said:

I guess I'm just not a left winger or something because I sure as hell have no interest in making governments bigger and especially the federal govt.

Plenty of leftists don't want federalism, but prefer to live in small autonomous communes. More power for the small-minded.

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13 hours ago, cannuck said:

BTW:  Merry Christmas to all of the Christians here, Happy Hannukah to the Jews, and happy something to whatever the hell everyone thinks of for the holiday.

Merry Christmas cannuck!

I wonder if Jews appreciate it when non-jews wish them a Happy Hannukah...

I rarely do... primarily because I never remember when it is... it isn't always on Christmas... it can be quite a ways off as far as I know.

And honestly I don't feel I know enough about the holiday.

That and I rarely know whether someone is a practicing Jew or not...

I've never known a Jew to be offended when I offer them a Merry Christmas... not that they would tell me...

Anyone here Jewish and want to comment... or anyone who isn't Jewish want to speak for a Jew?

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