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The Great Bomb Hoax - Why Now? Shades of Blasey-Ford

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It took a while to sink in but 10 devices - and none went off? That's because they weren't supposed to go off. All speculation of course but why now? Because of the upcoming mid-terms of course. Whoever's behind it has to be pretty smart to plan and carry out the hoax. Smart enough to know that it could severely damage the Republican image. That's why it can't be a Republican sympathizer. That leaves us with the Democrats and/or their operatives or an angry Democratic sympathizer - or you can go crazy and speculate it's a Russian (not likely). Par for the course, It'll be interesting to see how it unfolds.

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7 minutes ago, Centerpiece said:

Smart enough to know that it could severely damage the Republican image.  That's why it can't be a Republican sympathizer.

Do you think ISIS gives a crap that it could severely damage Islam's image?  I'm not sure your reasoning there is completely sound enough to conclude that it could NOT be a Republican.

I think it's too early to jump on any conspiracy trains.

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1 hour ago, Centerpiece said:

It took a while to sink in but 10 devices - and none went off? That's because they weren't supposed to go off. All speculation of course but why now? Because of the upcoming mid-terms of course. Whoever's behind it has to be pretty smart to plan and carry out the hoax. Smart enough to know that it could severely damage the Republican image. That's why it can't be a Republican sympathizer. That leaves us with the Democrats and/or their operatives or an angry Democratic sympathizer - or you can go crazy and speculate it's a Russian (not likely). Par for the course, It'll be interesting to see how it unfolds.

This has to be a democratic hoax. The G. Soros globalist leftist liberal democrats are running scared. They are on their last legs and had to come up with some kind of a false flag quickly to try and gain some sympathy for their sorrowful losing party asses and to try and some how blame this on Trump or some Trump supporter or Russia. It will not work this time. Many people are getting wise to these democrats and their lies and bull chit and false flags. I agree that it is still too early to speculate but I am pretty sure that I have a very good idea as to who was behind this incident. 

Whoever does win in the up coming election you can be sure of one thing. This incident will be gone from the news headlines after the election. It will be what bombs and who may have done it. The FBI will maybe not come up with any suspects. That is how I see things will unfold after the election.  Hey, you never know.  

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2 hours ago, Centerpiece said:

It took a while to sink in but 10 devices - and none went off? That's because they weren't supposed to go off. All speculation of course but why now? Because of the upcoming mid-terms of course. Whoever's behind it has to be pretty smart to plan and carry out the hoax. Smart enough to know that it could severely damage the Republican image. That's why it can't be a Republican sympathizer. That leaves us with the Democrats and/or their operatives or an angry Democratic sympathizer - or you can go crazy and speculate it's a Russian (not likely). Par for the course, It'll be interesting to see how it unfolds.

Are you trolling? I don't think you're going to catch any but the kookiest of loonies. They'll probably congratulate you on your keen insight.

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I don’t think it looks bad for Republicans at all. The Republican Party never endorsed violence or unruly protest of any sort, at all. Neither did Fox.

If anything this just outlines the hypocrisy of the Dems and fake news CNN, MSNBC et al. Those guys never made a big deal of the violence against Scalise or Rand Paul, never said much about the powder packages that went to the Trump family, they laughed off serious threats against the President as just “Freedom of Speech”, they called for angry mobs to harass Republicans in their private lives and then got rude and abusive towards people who called those groups mobs. Now at the first sign of blowback they’re trying to claim the moral high ground in their crusade against domestic political unrest lol. 


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Chuck Todd has strayed from the official media line, will he be castigated for it, he thinks it could be the Russians...   Whoopsie


NBC’s Chuck Todd said he fears the Russians could be responsible for the mail-bomb scare that has targeted top officials in the Democratic Party, as well as CNN and actor Robert De Niro on Thursday.“I have this fear that it could be some Russian operation too, in designed to do what’s happening now,” Todd said.

Todd added that we shouldn’t rule out that possibility and that the mail-bomb scare is dividing the country before going to break.

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1 minute ago, scribblet said:

Chuck Todd has strayed from the official media line, will he be castigated for it, he thinks it could be the Russians...   Whoopsie


NBC’s Chuck Todd said he fears the Russians could be responsible for the mail-bomb scare that has targeted top officials in the Democratic Party, as well as CNN and actor Robert De Niro on Thursday.“I have this fear that it could be some Russian operation too, in designed to do what’s happening now,” Todd said.

Todd added that we shouldn’t rule out that possibility and that the mail-bomb scare is dividing the country before going to break.

The country is already divided, bigtime. 

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46 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Trump started this, no doubt.  There's some mentally ill person who is behind this.  Trump's not responsible but he started the descent of decency when he encouraged the crowds at his rallies to engage in violence.


Sure he did....never happened before Trump.   Trump is the Antichrist !

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9 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

Sure he did....never happened before Trump.   Trump is the Antichrist !

All you have to do is give me the name of a presidential candidate that incited violence against his opponents at rallies, and threatened to jail his opponent after victory.

I'll check back later.

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15 hours ago, Centerpiece said:

It took a while to sink in but 10 devices - and none went off? That's because they weren't supposed to go off. All speculation of course but why now? Because of the upcoming mid-terms of course. Whoever's behind it has to be pretty smart to plan and carry out the hoax. Smart enough to know that it could severely damage the Republican image. That's why it can't be a Republican sympathizer. That leaves us with the Democrats and/or their operatives or an angry Democratic sympathizer - or you can go crazy and speculate it's a Russian (not likely). Par for the course, It'll be interesting to see how it unfolds.


Lol.   For someone who's thought of as "amateur(s)," and with so many un-detonated bombs to provide many leads.............still no suspect????


Edited by betsy
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It could certainly be the Russians. It's likely a Trumptard, but it could even be an insane but devious leftist out to damage the brand image of Republicans. The only thing we absolutely know for sure is that those people who have already made up their minds have done so not based on facts, but based on their political affiliation and who they desperately hope is responsible. The same people said Ford was lying about Kavanaugh based on no evidence. They even say the Mueller inquiry is fake. Reality means nothing to them. Having their team win the talking point cycle is the only reality they care about.

Edited by Don Jonas
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12 hours ago, Hal 9000 said:

Bull, this was ramping up well before Trump.  There were even riots from Bernie people, BLM and Antifa groups before Trump.

Exactly.  Where was the outrage over Republicans receiving ricine in the mail, or getting letters threatening their families,  where is the anger over Maxine Waters inciting people to violence;  threats of rape against a Republican senator’s staff, not to mention an actual shooting.   https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/413072-gop-house-candidate-receives-letter-threatening-his-children  this is from 2017 https://dailycaller.com/2017/05/14/violence-and-intimidation-against-republicans-are-becoming-the-new-normal/

At least they weren't in any actual danger from these potential bombs and no one has been hurt, and no doubt they will find the guy soon, but it sure has taken the caravan off the front pages.  

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2 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

All you have to do is give me the name of a presidential candidate that incited violence against his opponents at rallies, and threatened to jail his opponent after victory.

I'll check back later.

People were threatening and assaulting Trump and his supporters long before any of this ever happened. Obama, CNN and the Democrats turned the USA and the middle east into a dumpster fire in 2015 and they're still trying to fan the flames.

They weaponized the IRS when they were in power and when they were losing power they weaponized the FBI against their political opponents. They protected Bill and then they protected Hillary. 

The top Democrats and their puppet news outlets didn't stand up against Madonna, Kathy Griffin, or Antifa, and they never assumed any responsibility for the attacks on Scalise or Paul. They've constantly been inciting widespread harassment of government officials in their private lives, and they get angry when people refer to their mobs as mobs. They've constantly been characterizing Republicans as racists, deplorables and misogynists.

If the student council at a university was acting like this you'd be in shock. You'd instantly say that it was time that they were removed, probably even kicked off campus. But it's one of the top two parties in the leading country in the free world. It's way too much. They're the lowest of the low. They make Trump look classy, and that's hard to do.

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3 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

All you have to do is give me the name of a presidential candidate that incited violence against his opponents at rallies, and threatened to jail his opponent after victory.

I'll check back later.

How about if I give you the name of an elected, inaugurated president who used the IRS as a weapon, incited and supported widespread protests against the police, and even stood in front of 5 murdered officers and made a martyr of their killer by blaming their deaths on "centuries of racism, slavery and Jim Crowe laws"? Sounds crazy, right?

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14 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

I was in NYC for about 4 days once, I’d have to make about $1M per year to live there, and I’d be outta there after about 3 years. I hated the place.  


According to a Huffpost article last year (link below), the immigration-driven Toronto and Vancouver housing markets are now more expensive than is New York's. So, if you're worried about money, New York is probably your better choice. If you're a professional, your income potential is probably much better in New York as well as Canada's government has long promoted a wage suppression scheme in this country. And all the theatre and great inexpensive restaurants add to New York's lifestyle allure. It seems to me that there's little contest in this comparison. Avoid Canada's big cities, except perhaps Montreal.


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I’m waiting for  Anderson Cooper to report directly from  inside the suspicious package!

and...  breaking news, they arrested someonehttps://miami.cbslocal.com/2018/10/26/11th-suspicious-package-found-at-florida-mail-facility/

The FBI stated every single suspicious package has the name and address of Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Shultz’s Sunrise office. All of the parcels were sent in similar packaging and the devices were made to appear like active bombs. Investigators are working to determine whether the bombs were just poorly designed or if they were simply meant to scare the recipients.


So, the great debate about whether or not  “he’s just totally crazy” vs “your side’s ideology and "rhetoric incited this crazy person to terrorism”  is on


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40 minutes ago, scribblet said:

I’m waiting for  Anderson Cooper to report directly from  inside the suspicious package!

and...  breaking news, they arrested someonehttps://miami.cbslocal.com/2018/10/26/11th-suspicious-package-found-at-florida-mail-facility/

The FBI stated every single suspicious package has the name and address of Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Shultz’s Sunrise office. All of the parcels were sent in similar packaging and the devices were made to appear like active bombs. Investigators are working to determine whether the bombs were just poorly designed or if they were simply meant to scare the recipients.


So, the great debate about whether or not  “he’s just totally crazy” vs “your side’s ideology and "rhetoric incited this crazy person to terrorism”  is on


To be honest, this is like a low-level civil war now. The Dems and their news outlets are unofficially condoning Antifa violence (or in the case of one Mr Cuomo, officially supporting it), and they're inciting mobs to harass Republicans. They never denounced powder attacks on Trump's family, and they never properly addressed the attacks against Scalise and Rand. Now there's some pushback and they're acting surprised.

Both sides need to step up and call off all of this garbage because it has already gone way too far.  

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16 minutes ago, Argus said:

This is a good topic to see which people should not be allowed outside without a nurse and a pair of attendants standing nearby with a handy straightjacket.

How so?  It's plainly obvious that this whole thing was done just to get a ton of media attention.  There's now something like a dozen bombs sent out, none of them detonating.  Furthermore, the ones sent to CNN were tested, the material within them was proven to be completely harmless.  Bomb experts have also commented on the the way the bombs were constructed.  They were not meant to explode, they were meant to look bad, that's all.

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15 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Trump started this, no doubt.  There's some mentally ill person who is behind this.  Trump's not responsible but he started the descent of decency when he encouraged the crowds at his rallies to engage in violence.


Just for a lark...when did Trump call out to his supporters to "engage in violence"?

Any ideas?

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3 minutes ago, Truth Detector said:

How so?  It's plainly obvious that this whole thing was done just to get a ton of media attention.  There's now something like a dozen bombs sent out, none of them detonating.  Furthermore, the ones sent to CNN were tested, the material within them was proven to be completely harmless.  Bomb experts have also commented on the the way the bombs were constructed.  They were not meant to explode, they were meant to look bad, that's all.


The "bomb" had wires going into either end...doh!

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