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1 hour ago, DogOnPorch said:

Well...according to the evidence I posted...they're ANTIFA.

So wear it.

You don't post evidence. You post Qanon BS that you know is a lie. It's dangerous and stupid, but not surprising coming from you.


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2 hours ago, DogOnPorch said:


Sure...but you know as well as I you can not equate the Republicans with the Nazis. Anyone who does is unaware of what the Nazis actually did.

An argument can be made that if Trump's coup attempt had been successful, and the democratic institutions fell by the wayside, the Republicans would be free to unleash their fury on anyone they considered a"political enemy."  The Nazis did this after the Night of the Long Knives.  We also have to take into account that the death camps were not fully operational until 1942, nearly a decade once the Nazis took over. Trump has been in office for less than 4 years, and the equivalent of concentration camps are fully operational at ICE facilities. 

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2 hours ago, DogOnPorch said:

However...if I see you wearing a Hammer & Sickle...or Che T-Shirt...I might assume you really do like Communism.

Many people like to romanticize Gueverra due to what he stood for- a young rebel who went against the system. Guevarra never had the power or authority to lead a country. You may as well say people who wear Charlie Chaplin or John Lennon t-shirts have Communist sympathies. 

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Yes, the horned guy who attends rallies from both sides is actor Jake Angeli. 


And this is supposed to prove what? That there's not a reason to believe radicals from both extremes were in Washington to cause chaos at the "Stop the Steal" rally.

Not only is there reason to suspect and even finger far right and far left activists, but as you dig into it some stuff starts to look kind of swampy.

So was Antifa there? Yes they were there.



The New York Post tells us this:


At least two known Antifa members were spotted among the throngs of pro-Trump protesters at the Capitol on Wednesday, a law enforcement source told The Post.


How large was their presence? Who knows but stuff very antifa-ish was happening.

If you've watched clips of Antifa/BLM riots you'll see them cry out "Medic!" when one of theirs goes down. Watch the footage of Qanon supporter, Ashli Babbit being shot again. She gets encouraged and boosted through a window shot point blank in the neck from the side, falls back and somebody calls out "Medic!" Proves nothing but is suspicious.

Then there's the footage of Trump supporters pulling antifa looking guys away from trying to break windows.


I was telling you stuff was happening in the chaos that seemed kind of swampy.

For instance why did the Capitol Building police open the first gates for the protestors?


Observers of the chaotic scene at the US Capitol on Wednesday are asking questions about law enforcement management of the protest, after video emerged revealing that police had moved at least one fence barrier containing the protestors.


There's another video I lost where you can see what appears to be an officer encouraging the crowd to follow him up a staircase through a prearranged route where a camera is waiting and watching.

A suspicious person could suspect Angeli Babbit was herded to a spot where a capitol police assassin was waiting to create a story for the laptop media. 

Not saying that happened but some will be saying that. This is far from over.

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Ah yea now the Trumpster crackpots are claiming that it’s a ‘false flag’ operation or that it’s all part of some masterful grand plan of Trump’s that’s yet to play out.  We all know there’s no point arguing with nutjobs who have infinite capacity for ever-expanding convoluted  conspiracy theories and magical thinking  but we do it any way just for fun  



Donald Trump fans cry betrayal as he rebukes Capitol violence

On Parler and 4chan Trumpists write of feeling ‘like puking’ as president says those who ‘broke law will pay’


Donald Trump’s belated “concession” to a peaceful and orderly transition of power after the storming of the US Capitol has provoked anger and conspiracy theories among some of his most ardent followers.

On social media channels and chatrooms like Parler and 4chan, where far-right Trumpists have gravitated as other social media sites have increasingly shut out the president, there were complaints of betrayal.

Trump claimed on Thursday that he was “outraged by the violence, lawlessness and mayhem” of the Capitol siege that he had incited, and said those who “broke the law will pay” – comments that perhaps reflected concern over mounting legal and political hazard rather than a newfound sense of contrition and integrity.

Nevertheless they prompted an outpouring of anger, grief and denial from his hardline acolytes. “A punch in the gut,” said one. “A stab in the back,” another railed. From a third: “I feel like puking.”

A widely shared screengrab summed up the sentiment: “He says it’s going to be wild and when it gets wild he calls it a heinous attack and middle-fingers to his supporters he told to be there.”

Others turned to conspiracy theories, not least in the dark corners of 4chan and Parler, where the cult of QAnon holds sway. Many here saw not a Trump concession but either a “deep fake” video concocted by Trump’s enemies, or secret messages that indicated Trump was still on track to deliver on QAnon’s deranged promises.

“FAK fake fake He’s been locked out of his Twitter he can’t get into it he couldn’t get into it he couldn’t get into today it’s been closed out for ever,” opined someone called Magafree. “He has a plan here President Trump would not back down that easily,” wrote Brenda. “We need to stand strong, keep watch and pray. Something big is coming and Gid [God] is going to see it through.”

The reactions of the more mainstream elements of the Trump-era echo chamber have been more instructive. Sites such as Breitbart and the Daily Caller appear to have swung behind an emerging Republican consensus that has become increasingly hostile to Trump, blaming him not only for the storming of the Capitol, but also for delivering the presidency, the House of Representatives, and, earlier this week, the Senate to the Democrats.

Breitbart’s main story on Trump’s concession video was delivered in a relatively straight way, although the site tried to spin it as a Trump “change of tone”, suggesting all he had done was “return to his campaign theme of law and order”.

The comments below were, however, rather less mannered and careful. “There will NEVER be ‘reconciliation’,” wrote Freedomring17. “We have irreconcilable differences, and the fight has just begun. We need to disown the RNC until they support the Patriot party.”

For “NMP” the consequence was obvious and Trump part of the problem. “He could have declared martial law, like [Michael] Flynn said, instead he got patroits [sic] to show their face and they did and now they know who they are looking for.”

For the bitter-enders, like TrumpSupporterLTD, the sentiments were of a piece with the QAnon crowd over on 4chan – an almost metaphysical belief that Trump, despite the wealth of evidence, continues to move in mysterious ways

“Trump did not concede. He used language to buy a little extra time because the senators and congressmen who support him are being threatened with dirty bombs and their families’ lives by the Deep State and/or communist Chinese … I have it on good grounds that Trump will be moving with the military And regarding the transition to a new administration, means Trump with a new VP Pence is obviously a traitor and is ‘fired’.”


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It would be an admirable long-game strategy for ANTIFA to successfully incite a riot at the Capitol and go in with their faces uncovered. Not only that, many took their own pictures and Livestreamed it. 

Are we also to believe the Qanon and MAGA digital trail many of these MENSA's left were also an elaborate fabrication? 

It's easier to believe George Bush planned 911 and the World is flat. 

I suppose once these Seditious A-Holes are tracked down by the FBI, they won't be prosecuted because their False Flag operation successfully brought Trump down. 

Deep State Wins :lol:

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1 hour ago, BeaverFever said:

He’s a popular and well-known QAnon figure known as “the QAnon Shaman”. He’s not “on both sides”

There's a photo of him at a BLM event. But yeah, he talks about what he calls "Q" too. I'm not sure how unusual it is to find "Q" at a far left gathering. During the summer riots BLM and Antifa were pointing the finger at guys they called neonazis and blaming them for some of the crap that happened there.

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3 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said:

There's a photo of him at a BLM event. But yeah, he talks about what he calls "Q" too. I'm not sure how unusual it is to find "Q" at a far left gathering. During the summer riots BLM and Antifa were pointing the finger at guys they called neonazis and blaming them for some of the crap that happened there.

If it's believable that ANTIFA was at a MAGA rally, then it's certainly believable that a Qanon guy was at at a BLM rally. 

It certainly doesn't mean a guy who has a long digital footprint of being a Qanon supporter is an ANTIFA plant. 

I suppose the FBI will get to the bottom when he's charged with sedition. 

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2 hours ago, Aristides said:

How come all those ANTIFA types forgot the masks they always wear at other protests? Why would ANTIFA members want to be recognized as ANTIFA if they were trying to pin this on Trump supporters? A suspicious person might ask.

There's a flyer that goes around after right wing rallies. It claims to be from Antifa and calls on them to dress as Trump supporters and infiltrate the rally to stir it up.

Are those flyers real? Don't know but the possibility exists and it's not far away from what can be expected from an anarcho-Marxist. Even Union guys were infamous for infiltrating tea party events and performing as neo-nazis and such to stir things up. Organizers started following them around the rallies with signs that said "Not one of us."

How much of what happened at the capitol building was instigated by far left, far right, or others though? I don't know and neither do you.

However the guys trying to break the windows at the capitol building who get pulled off by Trump supporters do look kind of Antifa-ish.

There's another video of the people breaking past a second barrier and running at the capitol building after being invited through the first gate by security. Those guys are young, dumb and troublesome. Sound like anybody you saw last summer?

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14 minutes ago, Boges said:

If it's believable that ANTIFA was at a MAGA rally, then it's certainly believable that a Qanon guy was at at a BLM rally. 

It certainly doesn't mean a guy who has a long digital footprint of being a Qanon supporter is an ANTIFA plant. 

I suppose the FBI will get to the bottom when he's charged with sedition. 

Why is it so important to you guys to focus on that one actor guy and present him as representative of the hundreds of thousands of trump supporters who were peacefully calling for fair elections in washington?

I gave you examples of a guy who was a known far left agitator. I showed you a national post article showing you they believe security identified two more. I showed you video of masked agitors trying to break windows and being pulled away by Trump supporters. There's a picture of the skinny, effeminate young looking guy who planted the two explosive devices. He's masked and wearing a hoody. 

It wasn't just that one actor guy in the horns making people suspicious. And again yes, there were far right agitators there too. 

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1 minute ago, Infidel Dog said:

There's a claim that this guy is Antifa:


I don't know if he is or not but I do know he's not a typical trump supporter.


That's the guy with the megaphone saying all the anti-Semitic stuff, I believe. The Trump supporters shut him down at the time.

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They want to get rid of Trump now, not on the 20th.

Why such a hurry that you can't wait 12 days? They are probably afraid that Trump would publish some classified information before he leaves office. Or going to do something else which drags everyone else down with him. 

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19 minutes ago, -TSS- said:

They want to get rid of Trump now, not on the 20th.

Why such a hurry that you can't wait 12 days? They are probably afraid that Trump would publish some classified information before he leaves office. Or going to do something else which drags everyone else down with him. 



I doubt even trump would be that stupid.  

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13 minutes ago, Cannucklehead said:

It's gone beyond stupid, it's now about someone who has lost touch with reality. I would put my faith in the military not to make a first strike on the orders of someone who is 12 days from being evicted and obviously unbalanced.

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1 hour ago, Infidel Dog said:

There's a flyer that goes around after right wing rallies. It claims to be from Antifa and calls on them to dress as Trump supporters and infiltrate the rally to stir it up.

Are those flyers real? Don't know but the possibility exists and it's not far away from what can be expected from an anarcho-Marxist. Even Union guys were infamous for infiltrating tea party events and performing as neo-nazis and such to stir things up. Organizers started following them around the rallies with signs that said "Not one of us."

How much of what happened at the capitol building was instigated by far left, far right, or others though? I don't know and neither do you.

However the guys trying to break the windows at the capitol building who get pulled off by Trump supporters do look kind of Antifa-ish.

There's another video of the people breaking past a second barrier and running at the capitol building after being invited through the first gate by security. Those guys are young, dumb and troublesome. Sound like anybody you saw last summer?

Well, all those maskless clowns are now on FBI wanted lists, they will sort it out. The question is, will you believe them?

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11 minutes ago, Aristides said:

Well, all those maskless clowns are now on FBI wanted lists, they will sort it out. The question is, will you believe them?


The same FBI that SPIED on the Trump Campaign looking to topple him?

I'm sure they can be trusted to lie.

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1 hour ago, Boges said:

If it's believable that ANTIFA was at a MAGA rally, then it's certainly believable that a Qanon guy was at at a BLM rally. 

There's some logic in that, to be sure, but let's be completely honest - 95% of Dem sycophants were quite ok with the damage from the riots. No GOP supporters are ok with the damage/carnage on Jan 6. 


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