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America under President Trump

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4 minutes ago, GostHacked said:

Alright, no proposal, meaning you don't have a solution, nor does it seem you want one. I'll move on.

There is no solution, there is only reduction, at best, and government policy is not the best way to get there. No country on earth has solved the mass shooter problem, and they aren't going to any time in the foreseeable future. 

You wish there was a quick easy fix that will make this problem go away with a little tweaking of federal gun control policy, but that's a delusion as shown by every country on earth who tried that and failed to achieve that result.

You claim to want the truth, but you can't handle the truth, government regulation isn't the answer, you just wish it was.

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17 minutes ago, GostHacked said:

So how would you propose that this problem gets solved?

It's not a problem, it's a war, for whatever reason, the Millennials are making war upon their own people, it's not crime, it's domestic terrorism.

Gun control is targeted at criminals, it's not a solution to terrorism.  This is a paramilitary threat which transcends the scope of law enforcement.

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15 minutes ago, Yzermandius19 said:

You claim to want the truth, but you can't handle the truth, government regulation isn't the answer, you just wish it was.

None the less, the nanny staters are likely to get what they are demanding out of this, which is going to be martial law in effect, PATRIOT Act on steroids.

Careful what you wish for, gun grabbers, because you're going to get it given to you, with a firehose.

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3 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

None the less, the nanny staters are likely to get what they are demanding out of this, which is going to be martial law in effect, PATRIOT ACT on steroids.

Funny how some people maligning the PATROIT ACT would push it if it just went after law abiding gun owners instead of targeting terrorist and drug dealers. Very strange these folks.

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Just now, Yzermandius19 said:

Funny how some people maligning the PATROIT ACT would push it if it just went after law abiding gun owners instead.

Meanwhile, in Canada, the security services actually spend most of their time spying on Environmentalists on behalf of the oil companies, the oil companies being pro gun, because they are pro racist apartheid state.


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The Progessives in Toronto are breathtakingly naive in their faith in a police state.

Police states are inherently right wing and extreme.

The police state is going to go after the Progressives in the end.

Remember the G7?  Mass arrests?  Arbitrary detention? The police beating people up at random?

This is the true face of Canada, because Canada has a Janus Face, the G7 crackdown is the face of Canada the Indians see all day everyday.

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10 hours ago, GostHacked said:

I already explained that if Trump does not have a plan to bring manufacturing back to the USA, then the tariffs on China will impact Americans wanting to buy cheap Chinese built products. I also explained that when/if manufacturing comes back, most of it will be highly automated to reduce the number of people that are needed. Those old good paying manufacturing jobs are never coming back. They left 20-30-40 years ago because American labor was too expensive for American corporations and manufacturers. So American corps began outsourcing.

It was American corps outsourcing manufacturing that cause much of this. But we can continue to blame China for it.

Apple has not manufactured a product in North America in 20+ years.




This is the company that recently released a monitor stand that costs $1000. That's just the stand. I can buy a lot of PC parts for 1000 bucks.

And that is why they were among the first to outsource most of their manufacturing to China. The USA does not have that kind of manufacturing power.

Trump has a plan and it is working and there has been many manufacturers and manufacturing jobs brought back to the USA. Over 500,000 jobs brought back to America because of Trump's plans. Indeed, technology has reduced many, many jobs. The right thing for America to do is to stop all immigration if there will not be all that many jobs left for people to find in the future thanks to new technology. And that goes for Canada also. With so much technology happening these days it does not make any common sense or logic to keep bringing in over 350,000 new immigrants into Canada or a million new immigrants into America every year. Maxine Bernier is right and the only one running for PM of Canada who wants to cut back on the amount of immigrants being brought to Canada. Bernier wants to cut immigration by at least 200,000. King Trudeau wants to raise it to approx. 400,000 if he can. Where are all these people going to find jobs if technology is on the move and is replacing good paying jobs? Only a fool will believe that more immigration is better. If any American or Canadian company wants to outsource their business to other countries, then let them go ahead, but they should not be allowed to write off any of their losses in Canada for running a business in another country. It's crazy that a Canadian company that loses money in another country can write those losses off on their taxes here in Canada. Keep and create new jobs here in Canada, and not make work for strangers in other countries while Canadians go unemployed.  

China has been ripping off the world with it's trade and tariff policies. Trump says that it is time for payback. Trump says that if China wants to keep ripping off the American people and you will pay for it China. Trump being a big business man knows full well what China has been doing to America for decades now. Of course comrade Trudeau will do whatever is necessary to keep China happy even if Canadians keep getting screwed by China. Trump has said to China, no more. 

Apple is a globalist outfit that has no love for America or the American people. They should not be allowed to write off any losses in America if they want to do do business in another country. The whole bloody system is one big bloody ripoff being allowed by our politicians who let big corporations get away with ripping off we the people. They make hundreds of billions of dollars by outsourcing jobs to other countries like China. Surely they could stay in America and pay their employees a decent salary. So they don't make a profit of 500 billion a year but have to accept making a measly 480 billion. As that old saying goes "it's all about the money" with these big outfits like Apple. The people can go to hell. My opinion. 

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13 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

I find that these shootings have done nothing more than increase the political divide to greater extremes. Political discourse today is just a bunch of outraged people talking at each other, making baseless accusations at every opportunity. The victim's bodies were not even cold yet before the political accusations started flying.

Does anyone else see how repugnant this situation is becoming, or am I the only one?

What the real fuss is all about is that the crybaby losing lying democrats lost the election and are trying hard to blame everything on Trump to try and get more people to listen to their lies in the hopes that they can drum up more votes for themselves in the next election. It's all Trump fault for everything that happens in America today. anytime Trump tries to make America great again the democrats try to knock Trump down and fight against anything he proposes. Yet these same things happened also when democrats were in power. But we did not hear such an outcry from the democrats about wanting more gun laws like they are doing today when they were in power. Sadly for them Trump was a nobody in politics back then. The democrats could give a rats ass about gun violence. When Clinton and Obama were the presidents things were and got no better. It would appear as though the democrats helped make things worse. 

The only thing that all of us are seeing today is a bunch of democratic rats trying to save their rats azzes from the democratic titanic ship that is starting to sink for them. Trump would like to go to Chicago and speak there but he was told not to go there by who else but the demo rats. Chicago does not want a conservative like Trump to go there to try and help and assist them out with all of their gun shootings and killings going on in that city. Why aren't these same democrats and the lying pro democratic leftist liberal media not cry and whine about all those murders of black on black killings which they have been ignoring for decades now. The democrats are fighting for their useless lying lives and if they can try and blame Trump for everything and try to make Trump appear as though he is a racist and is responsible for those two mass murders. All these democrats keep talking about is Trump and health care and they hope that this will help them win the next election. Illegal immigration and jobs are more important to most Americans. But yet the democrats refuse to talk about those two issues. All they want to do is attack Trump and call him a racist. What a bunch of asses those democrats are. :D

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2 hours ago, Dougie93 said:

The Progessives in Toronto are breathtakingly naive in their faith in a police state.

Police states are inherently right wing and extreme.

The police state is going to go after the Progressives in the end.

Remember the G7?  Mass arrests?  Arbitrary detention? The police beating people up at random?

This is the true face of Canada, because Canada has a Janus Face, the G7 crackdown is the face of Canada the Indians see all day everyday.

In the old days of Stalin the communists went after people who were seen as freedom loving right wing conservatives and squash their rights to their opinions and points of view just like comrade Trudeau is doing in Canada today. Comrade Trudeau is a two-faced liar. The leftist liberal state controlled police in Canada will go after anyone who dares not to speak political correctness. We see it happening in Toronto several times a year. Communist Stalin ran a police state and they went after anyone who dared to criticize their beloved communist state, right or left. This is what happens when people do not give a chit what their politicians are saying or doing. They see their leaders on TV as loving and caring and freedom loving politicians but off camera they are just the opposite. Most of our Canadian politicians have complete and total contempt for we the people. Trump appears to have love for we the people. My opinion. 

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10 minutes ago, taxme said:

In the old days of Stalin the communists went after people who were seen as freedom loving right wing conservatives and squash their rights to their opinions and points of view

Not actually.

So what happened was, Stalin was the enforcer for the Bolsheviks, they needed Koba to kill for them, because the Bolsheviks were urbane academic intellectual elites.

But because of that, once Lenin died, Stalin was able to take control, and what he actually did was kill the Bolsheviks, he decapitated the party and installed himself as Generalissimo.

God bless Koba, nobody killed more Commies than Stalin.  In the Soviet Union; he killed them all.

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Also, Koba kept the Cold War under control, because Stalin was rightly in deathly fear of the Americans.

It wasn't until after Stalin died that things started to spiral into a Missile Crisis.

It was Khrushchev and all those idealistic true believers who almost got themselves nuked for Fidel Castro, Stalin would never have been so naive.

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3 hours ago, Yzermandius19 said:

There is no solution, there is only reduction, at best, and government policy is not the best way to get there. No country on earth has solved the mass shooter problem, and they aren't going to any time in the foreseeable future. 

Unfortunately this is the kind of mentality that is preventing the conversation from moving forward. Stuck in the past.

So because Saudi Arabia commits terrorism abroad, does that mean the USA can do it to? Wait, bad example. That already happens.

I'll try another.

Every other modern nation has nationalized health care for it's citizens and treats it as a right. Why can't the USA do it for it's own citizens? Maybe that's another terrible example.

3 hours ago, Yzermandius19 said:

You wish there was a quick easy fix that will make this problem go away with a little tweaking of federal gun control policy, but that's a delusion as shown by every country on earth who tried that and failed to achieve that result.

The USA has had decades to deal with the problem. Mass shootings just did not start yesterday. The reasons today may be different, but they are still happening.

3 hours ago, Yzermandius19 said:

You claim to want the truth, but you can't handle the truth, government regulation isn't the answer, you just wish it was.

Then get rid of all regulations federal and state level. l. Let's just allow everyone to have firearms regardless. If regulation is not the answer, then complete DE-regulation is the solution.



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37 minutes ago, GostHacked said:

Unfortunately this is the kind of mentality that is preventing the conversation from moving forward. Stuck in the past.

So because Saudi Arabia commits terrorism abroad, does that mean the USA can do it to? Wait, bad example. That already happens.

I'll try another.

Every other modern nation has nationalized health care for it's citizens and treats it as a right. Why can't the USA do it for it's own citizens? Maybe that's another terrible example.

The USA has had decades to deal with the problem. Mass shootings just did not start yesterday. The reasons today may be different, but they are still happening.

Then get rid of all regulations federal and state level. l. Let's just allow everyone to have firearms regardless. If regulation is not the answer, then complete DE-regulation is the solution.



So, what suggestion can you come up with or what would you do at trying to put a stop to all of the gun violence and mass killings going on in America? I await your Canadian to want to help out Americans and their gun problem suggestions. You do a lot of talking here, now let's see some walking here? I really want to see some good ideas coming from you. Well? :)

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45 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

Also, Koba kept the Cold War under control, because Stalin was rightly in deathly fear of the Americans.

It wasn't until after Stalin died that things started to spiral into a Missile Crisis.

It was Khrushchev and all those idealistic true believers who almost got themselves nuked for Fidel Castro, Stalin would never have been so naive.

Stalin had nothing to fear from America. I think that Stalin and America getting together to fight Hitler was one big mistake for America and the rest of the world. Why would a so called capitalist country like America want to get in bed and join their worse enemy a communist country during the war that hated their American guts? It would have been better to join with Hitler to help defeat communism. But the asses did not. This hundreds of millions of innocent lives that were lost thanks to communism being allowed to continue on. The Nazi's have nothing on crimes against humanity like communism has. Many American capitalists were going to Russia after the Russian revolution happened. Why? Why would Capitalist want to deal with communists who hated capitalism? I believe that I can tell you why? It was because of the globalist zionist international banker capitalists of America on Wall Street who helped finance the Russian revolution. The globalist zionists wanted Russia but had to get rid of the Czar/Tzar(for MH)in order to do so. Communism has always been a menace to the free world but yet the free world still deals with their communist enemy who was against their capitalist enemies way of life and freedoms in the free world.

The Putin Russia of today does not want a war with America and Trump does not want a war with Russia either. It is still the globalist zionists who want to have a war with Russia but so sad for them Trump will not be giving them that war. Trump does not believe in war. Trump is a business man and only wants to make money and love, and not war. The Hillary democrats did want a war with Russia. Maybe they will get that war if they win the next election and will be able to convince the American people that Trump did collude with the Russians and it is time to start a war with Russia. Hey, you never know, eh? 

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14 minutes ago, taxme said:

Stalin had nothing to fear from America.

He none the less went out of his way to avoid a direct confrontation with them.

While as soon as he was dead, Khrushchev took the Soviets to the brink of Armageddon, for Fidel Castro.

They saw Fidel Castro as this romantic figure who was going to re-invigorate Communism, so they felt the siren's call of that to defend the beaches of faraway Cuba.

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58 minutes ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

Republicans are going to have a much tougher job winning over Hispanics during and after Trump. 

Actually, it depends on the Dems' candidate . They will vote dems only if the dems' candidate is woke enough. They are not that stupid, They know a low undocumented immigrant rate mean a higher wages for them.  

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2 hours ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

Republicans are going to have a much tougher job winning over Hispanics during and after Trump. 

Trump won more of the Hispanic vote than Romney, the Republicans are actually trending in the right direction on that one. The theory that Trump is driving Hispanics to vote Democrat is simply wishful thinking.

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5 hours ago, Dougie93 said:

He none the less went out of his way to avoid a direct confrontation with them.

While as soon as he was dead, Khrushchev took the Soviets to the brink of Armageddon, for Fidel Castro.

They saw Fidel Castro as this romantic figure who was going to re-invigorate Communism, so they felt the siren's call of that to defend the beaches of faraway Cuba.

The Kool-Aid drinking Commies also believed in the Domino Theory, which probably played into Ike buying that bullsh*t in the first place.

World Socialist Revolution For The Fail, No Monolith For You Commies. Wishful Thinking is a helluva drug.

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1 minute ago, Yzermandius19 said:

The Kool-Aid drinking Commies also believed in the Domino Theory, which probably played into Ike buying that bullsh*t in the first place.

A very insightful analysis, I've never noticed that before, but you're right, backing Castro in Cuba was the Domino Theory in reverse.

Stalin didn't believe in it though, Stalin replaced the naive idealistic World Socialist Revolution with the much more practical Socialism In One Country policy.

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1 hour ago, Yzermandius19 said:

Trump won more of the Hispanic vote than Romney, the Republicans are actually trending in the right direction on that one. The theory that Trump is driving Hispanics to vote Democrat is simply wishful thinking.

How much more? 1% in this report:


And that was before he actually governed. I predict a swing among non-Cuban Hispanics against Trump and his party in the 2020 election now that they’ve really had a taste of what he is like. 



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4 minutes ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

How much more? 1% in this report:


And that was before he actually governed. I predict a swing among non-Cuban Hispanics against Trump and his party in the 2020 election now that they’ve really had a taste of what he is like. 



Yeah and before he actually governed, accusations of racism held more water with the rubes than they do after being in office and not living up to that billing, therefore he'll do even better the second go around. The Hispanics were told Trump was Literally Hitler back in 2016, three years later and that figure hasn't shown up or shown any signs of showing up, if you think that hurts Trump with Hispanics, you're dreaming.

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18 hours ago, taxme said:

So, what suggestion can you come up with or what would you do at trying to put a stop to all of the gun violence and mass killings going on in America? I await your Canadian to want to help out Americans and their gun problem suggestions. You do a lot of talking here, now let's see some walking here? I really want to see some good ideas coming from you. Well? :)

1 - Make gun laws a federal law, like we do here in Canada.  This means a consistent approach to gun control instead of leaving it up to the states where the laws differ. 

2 - firearms safety course mandatory., no pass, no gun. more intense background check.

3 - heavily regulate gun shops, and stop flea market sales of firearms.

4 - jack up the price of firearms and ammunition ( most pharmaceutical medication is more expensive than a single gun)

I'll try to think up more if this is not satisfactory. I apologize for being Canadian. :D

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