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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/16/2024 in all areas

  1. So PP wrote a letter to David Eby suggesting BC turn the Carbon Tax over to the Feds. How stupid is he? BC has had it's own Carbon Tax long before Ottawa even though of it. Of course Eby laughed at the suggestion. - hand all the revenue to Ottawa and get no influence over it on top of less revenue? - go along with PP's single issue election platform and had him more federal votes? Lose all revenue for BC on top of all credibility for climate action on BC's part? He could've just as well sent him a gun and asked Eby to "do the right thing" There is no 'advantage' or sensible reason for the average BC resident to vote for the Tories federally. Not liking Justin Trudeau is the least intelligent reason to support a Party that does and will act against your own interests.
    2 points
  2. And here i thought it was a "personal" choice to smoke or take opiods, and they even come with colorful pictures and warnings not to mention all the education funding the government spent....this could happen if you smoke, and yet it is the companies fault for making them smoke...when are people going to take responsibility for their own actions...
    2 points
  3. Social Justice. Sounds like a reasonable concept, doesn't it? Of course, that depends on what kind of interpretation you put on it. Even the word 'justice' itself can be twisted, if you're of that kind of mindset. What is 'justice' to the Left? Generally, it means everyone gets the same outcomes, regardless of input. This is an outgrowth of the Left's long flirtation and broken-off love affair with Communism. For if the state owns all then all are equally wealthy. No one has more than anyone else. Regardless of effort, skill or talent. The Left applies this to its most recent love affair, which is with identity politics. All groups must be equal in all things, with white people being the base group. Any group that performs less well than whites are not to be seen as inferior, or making different choices due to different preferences and cultural beliefs, but as victims of white oppression. And thus it is the state's business to elevate that group to the point they are equal to whites. This ignores Asians, who generally perform better. Asians do not exist. They are a fantasy race that should never be considered in such efforts. The Left insists that it is the state's business to intervene if the number of men making widgets is noticeably higher than the number of women. It does not, however, care if the number of women making widgets is considerably higher than the number of men. The same consideration is given to various racial groups. The only requirement for social justice is that white people must not perform better than any other group. And since White people earn more than Black people the Left invented the idea of a great, amorphous systemic issue they termed 'systemic racism'. It's the cause of all inferior progress by Black people, you see. No, there's no actual evidence other than statistical superiority in some things by white people. But that will do. The Left seldom requires much in the way of evidence to solidify their beliefs in this or that faddish concept. Of course, the left has twisted other words of late. Like the word 'hate'. They adopted it about ten or fifteen years ago and have since embraced it as their favorite word. Now it used to be you could be prejudiced or bigoted - words well-defined in the dictionary, but no longer used. The Left made 'racism' their default word because it has a more sinister original definition and can be more readily hurled at their enemies (anyone NOT Left). But even racism wasn't enough as the number of groups the Left identified as requiring their protection grew. It doesn't really work for Muslims, for example, or Trans, or the disabled. So the Left decided to switch to "hate" instead. There can no longer be any prejudice or suspicion or doubt about any group. Now all that is gathered together under the term 'hate'. This makes it easier to craft rules and laws against it, like the Liberals' new online hate bill that will ban the expression of doubt or disbelief about anything regarding transgenderism (even though two thirds of Canadians have doubts about elements of the transgender activist demands). Opposing these demands will no longer be permitted. Just as opposing gay marriage, immigration, or open border can be defined as hate and allow for the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal to investigate you and perhaps bankrupt you with enormous fines. It doesn't take much to qualify as 'hate', either. One joke will do it. One offhand comment. Hiring the wrong person. Getting into an argument with the wrong person. Disagreeing with government policy. Even disagreeing with government policy that is deliberately crafted to be racist is defined as hate! But that's all part of how the Left changes language, then insists that anyone not changing with them is immoral and must be punished. The word 'retarded' became essentially forbidden and punishable as the Left switched to 'disabled'. Now that's no longer allowed as they've settled on 'differently abled'. You are hectored and lectured for saying 'illegal alien' and told to use 'undocumented alien' instead. You can't complain about the homeless. Now they're 'unhoused'. And once the Left abandons a word it becomes forbidden. Punishable by as much as they can get away with in a still-democratic society. They alone, of course, are the arbiters of what the word means. And that can change over time.
    1 point
  4. Or you could say, it's bullpup virtue signaling. 😀
    1 point
  5. The Arrow was a sad chapter in our history, though again we did fall into buying into the near useless F100 series of interceptors when the USSR didn't even have fleets of bombers to intercept. They couldn't intercept ICBMs and decades later can't outrun missiles. In the long run, cancellation was rhe best decision. As for the training, it's not 1940 and we're the safe training spot for the whole Commonwealth, and training only a couple hundred pilots to fly US built fighters doesn't warrant the expense of our own school instead of theirs.
    1 point
  6. Long post to say I support anything Clinton did. Sending government emails require a high level of security which is a SIPRnet server. Yes I know it's old stuff. Your attempt to pass it off as a nothing burger doesn't wash. https://apnews.com/article/trump-indictment-clinton-classified-documents-republican-claims-7681bc9807ecd8bc37fd3f39b9756cc7
    1 point
  7. You think the average Canadian is qualified to decide what aircraft the Canadian Forces should have?
    1 point
  8. The January 6th wasn't an investigation, they already decided he was guilty they were just collecting information to fit their narrative. Lets not forget how they refused to allow Republicans on the committee unless they hand picked them and lo and behold they let the only 2 that agreed with them on the committee.
    1 point
  9. You have to understand the bar is so low for Biden speeches that his just being able to remain upright is considered a victory.
    1 point
  10. 4th? Maybe by some strictly technical measure, immediately after German/Japanese disarmament and immediately before our own. I don't think it really matters. The fact is that our military has been left to rot, and whatever you want to say, there's value in having one.
    1 point
  11. What is really funny is by working so hard to save her own ass she may of just opened up a whole bunch of lawsuits to be brought against her, for using phone location records to convict people, when in the hearing she said using phone location is unreliable. She shot her credibility to hell by lying in the hearing and sleeping with someone who worked for her and there is a good chance after all is said and done her career will be over. I wonder how she is going to feel about going after Trump after this is all over, especially if she is unable to get a conviction.
    1 point
  12. If you want a real change you must vote for the Green or the NDP because Poilievre is even more cruel than Trudeau, he never asked for a cease fire in Gaza.
    1 point
  13. I said I agreed, I simply pointed out your sore tush made it even more specific what you meant to say. Here, have a donut.
    1 point
  14. The Chinese are underrepresented in criminal acts. I'm glad this guy is trying to do his part to bring it to par with the general population
    1 point
  15. So he's not ballin' the prosecutor? Well that's an improvement alright. Maybe they'll bring in Page and Strzok for a follow-up session.
    1 point
  16. but Bonaparte was such a tyrant, that he made the British monarchy seem positively libertarian in comparison thus why & how France was defeated when the money fled the Continent to seek liberty in Great Britain Britain surpassing France as the global Hegemon therein so in fact, Napoleon was the death throes of the French Empire heralding the rise of the Anglo-American Empire of Liberty
    1 point
  17. It's not just single seaters, simulators are so good now, the first time transitioning airline pilots fly the actual aircraft there are passengers in the back. When I was in the airline biz we used simulators all over North America and even the UK but we always used our own instructors training to our own procedures.
    1 point
  18. We know. We've met Pelosi.
    1 point
  19. The optics of the US gov't buying weapons from companies that members of congress have personal stakes in is not good. There needs to be at least one layer of cover there. Taxpayer money -> Ukraine -> American military industrial complex 🤑😍😎 Can you imagine if the US gov't gave Ukraine all that money and they bought German or French weapons with it? 🤣
    1 point
  20. In every war in which people have fought for their freedom, there have been spineless rats like you, who side with the would-be oppressors You take for granted the liberty that better men have won for you, and spit on those with the courage to fight for themselves.
    1 point
  21. Of course she wasn't murdered, you buffoon. There are few clearer-cut cases of self defense. Babbit was a conspiracy kook, just like you, and decided it was a good idea to break through a barricade to reach people who had nowhere left to run. She got exactly what she deserved--and demanded. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. And there was no serious court packing attempt, dumbass. Biden has actively and vocally opposed the idea all along. This is another of your nutball conspiracies. We're stuck with the justices who are there, including those sitting in their stolen seats--including the thoroughly corrupt, bought and paid for, Clarence Thomas.
    1 point
  22. When I was young, my mother worked for an MP. And she told me how so many programs and purchasing decisions were made to disproportionately benefit Quebec. That was so in Mulroney's time, too. It was a big fat bribe to please not separate, and also benefit the PM's home province where he had so many seats (both Trudeau and Mulroney). That continued when Chretien was PM but tailed off a lot when Harper became PM.
    1 point
  23. Well the left today are the masters of rhetoric and sophistry. Tell a convincing story of oppression, change the definitions of words, or simply use words that mean the same thing but are new and therefore don’t carry the same stigma or baggage. It’s a game of outrunning careful analysis and facts. I’d go as far as saying that, at its worst, the radical left wants to deny facts, rewrite history, make all interpretations of inequality of outcomes about a Marxist oppressor-oppressed binary, and seek forms of theft and suppression of merit to make everyone equal. It actually gets worse: Facts are labeled offensive. Certain groups are favoured (in the name of de-centering certain groups), and the identities of individuals are reduced to superficial group identities, which become all that matter about a person: black, white, gay, trans, settler, Indigenous, etc. There’s no room for individuals in the cultural revolution. You only matter insofar as you advance the revolutionary agenda of the collective, which is to remake the world in the twisted image of the vanguard ideologues. Sadly, all major organizations, institutions, and governments in Canada are under the influence of these ideologues, even so-called conservative ones. Policies in hiring and admissions reflect these values, which are anti-Canada, as they have defined the nation state as settler colonial, racist, patriarchal, and genocidal. Not convinced? Talk to your equity department.
    1 point
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