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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/07/2022 in Posts

  1. Not really. There is no way to determine if man is causing global warming because man only contributes 3% of the total greenhouse (CO2) in the atmosphere. The other 97% of CO2 is natural. Therefore it has been impossible to prove man is the cause. Man is blamed simply because it is in human nature to blame mankind for everything and now including the weather and climate. Besides it is a good excuse for the U.N. to extort more money from developed nations to give to the rest of the world.
    2 points
  2. It's a shit show for sure. Joe never has been sharp. Kamala is...well...a tramp. The Democrats have buried themselves under a mountain of failure and stupidity. Sooo...who misses Trump now?
    2 points
  3. Good talk guys, glad we worked all that out... and that comprise in the 3 rd period that is for the record books ladies and gentlemen....same time next week, the topic... will it ever be possible to come up with a topic that all parties are some what on the same page" maybe is Santa even real, or Rudolf was really just a drunk reindeer and his nose glowed.... or my favorite when is Justin coming out of the closet.... You don't all have to answer all at once we have the whole week to decide...
    2 points
  4. That same girl got an education, she honored her fathers wishes, she made him proud...for me, that was worth 3 years of my life... Why would you know, the majority of Canadians tuned out of Afghanistan on year 2 , and for the more than 16 years that NATO was there then an entire generation of women got an education, got to do things you take advantage of every day, like TV , intra net, open a business, go to school go to university. Advance women's right by empowering Afghanis women...use cell phones, libraries, access to electricity, paved high ways, and a shit ton more.... all paid for with Canadians soldiers lives....there and here... Here is the rub for me, the majority of Canadians did not want us over there, to help a people who could not help themselves, they did not care when we where there , why would they care now... Canadians where happy when funding was cut, not just for the combat portion, but for everything including major projects like rebuilding the dam, schools hospitals etc...DND took all of that on and a lot of the small stuff like hospitals, ambulances, fire trucks was funded by soldiers digging into their own pockets.....not by Canadians back home, there are exceptions like the elderly women from Newfoundland that would knit thousands of pairs of mittens, from free and send them to soldiers to hand them out to afghans children...or the mountains of school supplies that clogged military aircraft every flight, but that was the minority...So why Canadians feel the need to complain or point out what we did or did not do is above me... Justin promised to return the 40,ooo plus Afghanis who help our nation take the fight to the terrorist... and todate we have rescued 10,000, of those numbers 5000 have been rescued by ex military and private donations....which kind of states we still don't give a sweet fuck we got another war to cheer for...sorry for the rant. ....but it is easy to quarter back after the game... Not attacking the opium trade was a political decision had nothing to do with grunts on the ground...but then again you don't seem to understand the economy at the time, farmers made a merger living off of growing opium and they had to feed families as well, it was that or go get paid by the Taliban to fighting us...
    2 points
  5. Another day , , , another east coaster on the govt. teat . . . entitled and smug. Easily bought.
    2 points
  6. no quarter, no mercy, no succor for the cowards, sycophants, cronies & traitors who are the Canadian elites they will be the most hated Canadians in the history of the nation, and their families too that will be their legacy pity them
    2 points
  7. My experience is the left wing is far more vitriolic. We think you are wrong. They think you shouldn't exist.
    2 points
  8. If you care about the elderly and infirm, or the mental state of the guy with his hand on the nuclear trigger, you need to watch that video. At 1:20 you'll see what dementia looks like. It's no longer up for debate, it's a matter of who's going to step in and be, at the very least, the figurehead of the US gov't. By rights it should be Kamala, God save us all, but if it's not then there will be an even bigger shitstorm "WHY DID A BLACK WOMAN GET BYPASSED WHEN THE POTUS JOB WAS SUPPOSED TO BE HERS?!?!?". This is a very scary time.
    1 point
  9. The Libs back end loaded it so most of the spending happens after the next election.
    1 point
  10. Don't know about the left but the Democrat party is vile. the way they treated Kavanaugh asking him when he lost his virginity. Bottom of the barrel that is.,
    1 point
  11. And Michael Mann has been exposed as a fraud. As has phony Suzuki.
    1 point
  12. In any case it is not just a science matter but public policy. How much will we warm in the next 20 years? Is the net effect negative or positive? Is it even significant? If it is, is it worth the economic disaster caused by bad policy?
    1 point
  13. Nope I think the 11 billion to natives should be added to the military.
    1 point
  14. There’s no way of knowing how much of that change in PPM is due to naturally occurring phenomena such as sunspot activity, volcanic activity, orbital distance, whether we are moving towards or away from an ice age, etc. We are more impacted by climate phenomena due to our higher global population. Don’t worry about that, as world population is set to start declining sharply after 2050. Our decreased population and technological advances will reduce emissions. No need to crush families with the Existence Tax (carbon taxes).
    1 point
  15. Billions spread out over years is useless to the Military. it only means they don't have to cut some essentials when tasked by government (like going to help with refugees in Poland as opposed to sending the public servants tasked with the job)
    1 point
  16. The fact construction costs run from $300-$400 a sq ft plus it can take a year to get a building permit is a big supply problem.
    1 point
  17. Expecting a 'raise' in your 7 month stay at home pogey payments?
    1 point
  18. 1) You despise the west . . . . it shows in your posts. 2) There's no feelings to be hurt on my end when dealing with your ilk. Nice try at deflection and spin. Your forte 3) The Federal Liberals are devious and inept. Jagmeet's heart will be broken . . . left standing at the alter so to speak.
    1 point
  19. i am looking forward to dental program or pharamacare programs because its long overdue even if i dont qualify for them i can only imagine how expensive dental is for someone on minamum wage .. 8b On spending for defence is nothing but a waste cause our defence will still be useless.
    1 point
  20. A spade is a spade Mike . . . . respect? from you? meh The only thing offensive and laughable is your insistence that you're somehow conservative, and your approval of the Emergency Act by your 'boy' Trudeau.
    1 point
  21. Your smugness shines through Mike . . . . again and again.
    1 point
  22. Scares me that they are going to give everybody everything and we are already in the worst debt in history. the Liberals and NDP combined will become the spendingest government in history. Generations ahead will pay for this.
    1 point
  23. Huh...one of my sons tried this one on me. "I have anxiety! I can't get outta bed!" That lasted 1 week with me. I bought the lad Peterson's 12 Rules For Life, made him read it, spoke with him about that and his "feelings", et voila...he got a job, is doing well, found himself a little blond girlfriend, built up his self esteem, and now he still has short bouts with "anxiety"...which I think is simply the result of me spoiling him...but he's productive and now is considering becoming a cop or a fireman. We coddled our kids because we could. The 90's and 2000's were great for work and getting ahead. But we produced a bunch of weaklings. Kids who have no idea how to deal with the real world and are scared of facing it. To the OP: You are every bit as strong as the next person. You just don't realize this yet. Effort builds success builds confidence builds more effort builds more success builds more confidence. Everyone is afraid sometimes. But you cannot let that lead to paralysis of your own life. Face your fears head-on and conquer them. Only that will turn the tide of your life. And trust me...It WILL turn the tide.
    1 point
  24. The farmer's wrap already comes with a hash brown, so why order potato wedges? It's like a double order. No wonder you're getting fat and paying so much, you don't know what you're doing. Boges on the other hand has the menu memorized, including prices.
    1 point
  25. BC is a strange place. It has everything it needs to be successful. But they keep electing NDP twits.
    1 point
  26. While I’m not sure how much these “leaders” realize how much they’ve hurt people, it’s their job to know and to have policies and approaches that are fair-minded and respect individual rights and freedoms, especially as these are constitutional. They crossed lines that make it impossible to respect them as our government. It’s as though a neighbour assaulted a family member or friend. That neighbour’s presence around family and friends is now too uncomfortable to endure. This three year pact between the Liberals and NDP, de facto coalition government, is an affront.
    1 point
  27. Literally, because you were a cop. The Dems did everything that they could to harm the reputation of police. That's an oversimplification and a whitewashing of Biden's abject failure. Trump had Afghanistan going smoothly. Only 4 US soldiers were killed in Afghanistan in 2020. He had a peaceful withdrawal organized, which would have happened during the winter - ie not in military campaigning season. Biden moved the withdrawal back to coincide with 9/11, which meant that the Taliban had a full campaigning season to advance against the weakling POTUS. The withdrawal was one of the biggest fiascos in US military history. Biden's not "America first." Biden is an open-border, weak on crime, feckless dolt who kneecapped his own country 6 ways from Sunday. He's the president du jour now, and no one outside of the WH knows who's really running the country. If it was Kamala Harris then at least democracy would be somewhat served, because she was elected to serve in that capacity, but she's at the kiddie table. Theoretically Pelosi is the #3 but it's not even her calling the shots. No one knows. So you don't know the numbers then, do you... Encounters with illegal migrants were twice as high in 2021 as they were in 2020, but Biden dropped Trump's "Remain in Mexico" policy, so a far higher percentage of the 2M stayed in the US. Then tere are the people who sneak across without getting apprehended, and that number is up as well. The border went from a stable mess to a dumpster fire. Trump ran smaller deficits than Obama as well. Less than $7T vs over $8T. 1) Yes, Trump fast tracked the development of the vax, 2) as well as developing testing methods and 3) pharmaceuticals. He was completely open-minded about fighting the virus, and one of the earliest strategies was to find drugs that were already approved and would also work against covid. If an off-brand usage of HCQ or Ivermectin would have worked it would have cost a tiny fraction of what the vaccines cost, but for some reason leftists went APESHIT whenever anything like that was mentioned. Somehow they just "knew" that HCQ suddenly started killing people and that only the vaccines could be safe and effective. Trump didn't upset his base at all by telling people to get vaccinated. It's only the vaccine mandates that upset his base. IDGAF who gets the vax, they just shouldn't be foisting it on everyone else because it doesn't really work and it's dangerous. Originally Biden and Harris were vax-skeptics. They weren't rabid pro-vaxers until they got the dollar signs in their eyes. I can't even joke about Biden's dementia now, it's very real. The whole tape is disturbing, but if you FFWD to 1:20, it's quite sad.
    1 point
  28. Capital gain tax on primary residences are not acceptable and any government imposing such tax will be voted out of office in the next election.
    1 point
  29. I respect you, because you are a Canadian of yore but the Canada that you knew & love is gone now there is nothing you can do to save what is already dead I'm sorry to have to tell you, sincerely
    1 point
  30. Be careful of trying to lay that on the feet of the current government , they already stated it is not their fault. Population growth is now being driven by our current government, with no signs it will stop or ease up...according to their experts... other experts have been screaming we need to pause and get caught up in infra structure and new housing but the mighty dollar and greed is driving this now......But somehow it is good for the economy, more people mean more money, just in this case it is getting into the wrong hands, investors are making a bang, while the little people can not afford homes Somehow the government can't figure out how to spend on infra structure........Sooner or later this has to top out or crash... my bet is crash , everybody is greedy, and Canadians love dollars prices will rise above what the majority will or can pay for...
    1 point
  31. I rarely use curse worlds with the people who are not politician, if I did so here, I'm sorry about that, but you really don't know anything about Iran, literally nothing, even me, as a proud Iranian can't claim I know everything about this glorious and beautiful country, and i'm everyday trying to learn more and more about my country and my history. We are all fellow humans, men, women, white, black, eastern, western, non of these differences cause we forget the part of "being a human with brain", you can never trust the Israeli's narrative about us, as you mentioned I24 once, you know why? Cause they're are trators, the Iranian king freed the Jewish slaves while they were attacked and many of them killed, the Iranian king could have not to do it, but he did for the sake of humanity, and after that, other than the jews thank the Iranians, they massacred 77 thousand Iranians, and now, they every year celebrate that day, the day they killed the Iranians who freed them from slavery, you can't trust the west's narrative for the reasons I mentioned in the previous comment, Iran has written the first human rights laws in the world, all over Iran is glory, I've been proud of Iran since I really came to know it, I'm proud of it, cause we've never attacked any single nation, because we are sanctioned only cause we disagree with the illegal occupation of the Zionists in Palestine, only because we want to control our country on our own. Long live IR Iran ??????, and yeah, long live other nations too, why not? Those Americans or Europeans in their homes aren't my enemies, most people want to live their lives, but your governments have never been our friend and have done so many many crimes so far, that's why they lie about us, and you can never trust their narratives. good luck to you and Nationalist and all those who take time and read this.
    1 point
  32. I got the direct message by the Democrats. Yes, they would prefer I did not exist. The similarities between President Trump and President Biden President Trump agreed to withdraw US forces from Afganistan. President Biden followed through on Trump's commitment. President Trump was "America First." President Biden is "America First." President Trump tried to hold back the human tsunami crossing the southern border. President Biden is trying to hold back the human tsunami crossing the southern border. President Trump ran enormous deficits. President Biden is running even bigger deficits. President Trump fast tracked the developement of covid vaccines and has upset his base by telling the American people to get vaccianted. President Biden has been trying to get everyone vaccianted. There are differences between the administrations, mostly in style, but on the important things, they are quite similar. It just goes to show, governments only have a narrow range of options.
    1 point
  33. This tells me that you are a rabid ingester of mainstream media. Definition of "occupation":
    1 point
  34. Says the guy who started a thread to launch an attack on an entire group of people.
    1 point
  35. Iran has a highly educated population. Literacy rate is close to 100%. Women in Iran are too highly educated and open minded and starving and fighting for total equality and rights. The Pahlavi dynasty ruling Iran for half a century left its positive influence on Iran society to make it very advanced, especially women who were granted total equality before the coup of 1979. There are few religious fanatics in Iran. However, regime supporters are estimated at around 25 to 30%. They are supporting the regime not for religious reasons but rather self interest. Those associated with the revolutionary guards, secret police and basij, and those clergy who are associated with the regime and their families. They are highly paid and well taken care of while the remaining 70% of population leave in poverty. For first time the absolute poverty is now a majority under this regime. Unlike other fanatical Islamic countries women in Iran enjoy lots of freedom to go to universities (majority being female), drive, work, even vote and be elected except being a judge, singer, dancer, clergy or president of republic which has no power anyway (the unelected body holds all the power in Islamic Republic) or appear in public without scarf as that would be against Islamic laws of 14 centuries ago!!!!That is why the backward regime has so much problem imposing rules or laws belonging to 14th centuries ago upon relatively advanced nation as the nation would fight back hard and disobey and the regime cannot kill or imprison everyone. If they could they would have loved to impose Taliban like rules in Iran but they can't. Thanks to half a century progressive Pahlavi dynasty.
    1 point
  36. Except the government.
    1 point
  37. You can be excluded from cultural events, restaurants and movies or have your job taken away by the clothing you choose to wear (or not wear). Somehow that didn't make us fascist so I'm not sure why a vaccine mandate would, other than your delusions about about its purpose and efficacy.
    1 point
  38. It's not wrong at all. Kenney made it illegal to protest on a sidewalk. Where are you supposed to protest? In private?
    1 point
  39. You're probably right but I don't think it will go through. This would be enough to get everyone to abandon the Liberals en masse and vote for literally anyone else.
    1 point
  40. Now you're just being silly, Canada is nowhere close to being a fascist country LOL! There is no classification index or system recognized at scholar level institutions or academy's of political science anywhere on the planet that puts Canada under a heading titled Fascist. None at all.
    1 point
  41. They didn't even call in an emergency when the natives were blocking the rail lines
    1 point
  42. Trucker Convoy did a lot better 100% BLM was infinitely more violent yet the federal government never declared martial law over it and never shut down the peaceful protests Canada did
    1 point
  43. Whatever legitimate arguments you may or may not have about Trudeau's policies are drowned out by the mountains of dumb hyperbole and exaggerated nonsense. I've been anti-Trudeau on this forum for longer than you've been posting here. I'm just also very anti conspiracy-clown.
    1 point
  44. If you don't want it then don't take it. It's entirely your choice.
    1 point
  45. https://therightscoop.com/kamala-loses-another-staffer-and-reuters-leaves-out-the-most-important-details/ This is the Vice President of the United States of America. Her and Biden are the best the Democrats have to offer. One is likely a criminal and the other should go back to counting ceiling tiles. I now understand Jen Psaki is jumping ship too. Good riddance liar. This US administration is doomed. It's an international joke. Elon is now the largest shareholder of Twitter. The southern borader is a mess. Crime in Democrat held cities is rampant. The Libbies are watching their dream slip right through their fingers. This is so satisfying to watch. MAGA!!!
    1 point
  46. No the title is pure crap, in light of the reasons I cited that completely debunk it. As for your assertion the vaccine is as useless as a placebo. If the vaccine were as useless as you claim ICU's would be overwhelmed with vaccinated people and as I've repeatedly pointed out in dying in the 10's of thousands and at the same rate as the unvaccinated.
    1 point
  47. Life is traumatic, suck it up, buttercup, if you don't like the welfare, stop swanning about and go to work, otherwise, just piss off then /shrugs
    1 point
  48. Oh please, these people are just pathetically weak. Stop enabling them
    1 point
  49. If you are physically able to work and you seek assistance from the Crown : join the armed forces. The pay is good, the food is good, the room and board is provided, they will cure you of your anxiety by building you up by indoctrination and training. Just follow their instructions and don't quit.
    1 point
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