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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/09/2024 in Posts

  1. because most forum ultra "conservatives" are "social conservatives" and completely don't understand that the power base of the GOP simply don't care, or even worse, are far from being "social conservatives". no, actually... politics is all about the money. the GOP religiously attacks the IRS, lying about 87,000 agents being hired... because the GOP is the party of the rich. and of course, Trump is rich, he only hangs out with rich people and only really respects rich people. in fact, he thinks the poor rural folk that support him are dupes, stupid and, frankly, disgusting. meanwhile, while he fights government "wokeness", the rich class shovel money into off shore tax schemes, shuffle shell companies etc etc... GOP attack on IRS funding runs counter to deficit reduction effort Why Republicans Keep Spreading the ‘87,000 IRS Agents’ Lie
    2 points
  2. It's even dumber than that. The people we're 'making things up to' are mostly immigrants or their kids. That's because this whole concept of DEI has been lifted wholesale from the United States. It makes no allowances whatsoever for being in Canada and imposes the same terms and uses the same justifications as in America. "DEI is necessary due to the way certain black and brown communities were discriminated against in the past and so robbed of the... " But wait, they weren't even in this country in the past! Just like the reason DEI particularly focuses on black people is because it's from the US. Canada essentially had no black people to speak of*, prior to immigration being opened up to the third world in the 70s and especially 80s. And yet 'anti-black racism' is a figure which is used widely in the DEI business. The only group that can realistically complain of historical injustice and racism are natives. Why don't we focus on 'anti-native racism'? Because that's not how progressives think. They get ALL their ideas and beliefs from the Americans. *The black population of Canada was 31k in 1971
    2 points
  3. I'm not googling anything, that's not how it works. If you're saying you cannot provide the data and you either made it up or are going by some memory of something you may have read at some point, fine but as near as i can tell you're not correct, so if you can't provide SOME reason to believe that's accurate then you'll have to accept if nobody believes you.
    2 points
  4. With this speech, I reckon that Biden won his re-election in November 2024. ===== To win in 2024, Biden needs certain critical counties in certain critical states He just did that. He motivated his base.
    1 point
  5. Hello, I came across an article on Druthers.ca, that talks about a letter sent from the Surgeon General of Florida to the CDC and FDA. It's in regards to the Covid vaccines. I think it's highly relevant to today's world, especially for Americans. I will post an excerpt of it to give you guys a rough idea. And then I will provide the link to the letter in its entirety so you can read it for yourself. Kindly let me know what you think. ******* In February this year, Florida’s Surgeon-General Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo sent a letter to the heads of the FDA and CDC, questioning the safety and efficacy of the Covid shots. He referenced a recent study, noted the drastic uptick in reports to the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), and asked for an honest and transparent answer to his concerns. The federal agencies responded to the top health official with a four-page “word salad of pandering and gaslighting”, accusing him of spreading dangerous misinformation and disinformation — the canned allegation to anyone that doesn’t embrace the gene-therapy injections as safe, effective and the only way to combat an illness with a ~99% recovery rate. So, on May 10, 2023, Dr. Ladapo blew the whistle, big time! In a powerful letter citing more than a dozen studies, Dr. Ladapo exenterates the “health” agencies, accusing the unelected officials — FDA Commissioner Robert M. Califf and CDC Director Rochelle P. Walensky — of knowingly forcing dangerous injections into not only the arms of the American public, but the world. Dr. Ladapo posted the letter to Twitter saying: “When I asked the feds for more honesty and transparency around COVID-19 vaccine data, they replied with a word salad of pandering and gaslighting. Here’s my response. Let’s try again.” Here is Dr. Ladapo’s letter: Drs. Califf and Walensky, Your ongoing decision to ignore many of the risks associated with mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, alongside your efforts to manipulate the public into thinking they are harmless, have resulted in deep distrust in the American health care system. Beginning with Operation Warp Speed, and possibly to be continued with an additional $5 billion investment in Project NextGen, the federal Government has relentlessly forced a premature vaccine into the arms of the American people with little to no concern for the serious adverse ramifications. It is critical to acknowledge and address the negative global impact caused by the emergence of COVID-19. Nonetheless, after two years, your collective decisions to deny that natural immunity confers comparable or superior protection to COVID-19 vaccination, push mRNA COVID-19 boosters for the young and healthy and delay acknowledging the risks of vaccine-induced myocarditis have only sowed doubt between the American people and the public health community. Data are unequivocal: after the COVID-19 vaccine rollout, the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) reporting increased by 1,700%, including a 4,400% increase in life-threatening conditions. We are not the first to observe such a trend. Dismissing this pronounced increase as being solely due to reporting trends is a callous denial of corroborating scientific evidence also pointing to increased risk and a poor safety profile. It also fails to explain the disproportionate increase in life-threatening adverse events for the mRNA vaccines compared to all adverse events. Based on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) own data, rates of incapacitation after mRNA vaccination far surpass other vaccines. This is illustrated in a recent Lancet publication (Rosenblum H. et al.Lancet 2022 – pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35271805) that reports up to one third of individuals being “unable to perform normal daily activities, unable to work, or [receiving] care from a medical professional” in the days following mRNA vaccination. The study, (Fraiman J. et al. Vaccine 2022 – pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36055877) also found an excess risk of serious adverse events of special interest for 1 in 550 after mRNA vaccination. As you are aware, this is extraordinarily high for a vaccine. In comparison, the risk of serious adverse events after influenza vaccination is much lower (Lusignan S. Lancet Regional Health – Europe 2021 – thelancet.com/pdfs/journals/lanepe/PIIS2666-7762(21)00006-5.pdf). For you to claim that serious adverse events such as these are “rare” when Pfizer and Moderna’s clinical trial data indicate they are not, is a startling exercise in disinformation. I want to reemphasise that these questions could have been answered if you had required vaccine manufacturers to perform and report adequate clinical trials. Although Project NextGen has been launched under another administration, I anticipate with regret, that you will repeat past mistakes and prematurely promote new therapies to Americans without accurately and truthfully weighing data on risks and benefits. In light of your stated commitment to transparency and the communication of the risks and benefits associated with these therapies, I am asking that you publicly: Report why randomised clinical trials were not required prior to the approval of mRNA COVID-19 boosters, including the new bivalent booster. Explain why adverse events first detected in the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) safety surveillance system in 2021 were not published in scientific literature until December of 2022. (Hui-LeeWong et al.Vaccine 2023-pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36496287) Report the FDA and CDC’s interpretations of the study (pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36006288) performed in Thailand, which showed a 3% incidence of myocardial injury in young boys, and the Swiss study (unibas.ch/en/News-Events/News/Uni-Research/Temporary-mild-damage-to-heart-muscle-cells-after-Covid-19-booster-vaccination.html), which also showed a 3% incidence of myocardial injury in adults after receiving the bivalent booster. (MansanguanS,Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease 2022-pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36006288) & (NCT05438472-clincosm.com/trial/incidence-patient-characteristics-outcome-myocarditis-after-covid-19) Explain why the Pfizer deadline for reporting its subclinical myocarditis study was delayed until December of 2022, despite the CDC promoting vaccination to millions of young people, and then postponed again until June of 2023 (fda.gov/media/151710/download). Report the results of the VAERS proportionality analyses that you performed. Explain why 26 of the 31 published studies using the V-Safe (cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/ensuringsafety/monitoring/v-safe/index.html) system only report symptoms within the first seven days of vaccination when it is recognised that most serious events occur after this time. ***** The rest of the article and letter can be found here: https://druthers.ca/surgeon-general-of-florida-unsafe-vaccines-were-forced-into-arms-of-the-american-people/ If the link doesn't work, go to Druthers.ca, then go to Read, then go to By Subject, then CDC. Then search for the article titled: Surgeon General of Florida: "unsafe vaccines" were forced into arms of the American people
    1 point
  6. I just wish some conservative would take up the idea....I should write Trump or Tucker a letter. If they grokked it every chud on the planet would be clamouring for it by the end of day.
    1 point
  7. the French Foreign Legion: haunted men from everywhere, fighting anywhere, dying for causes not their own. Legionnaires need war, certainly, and Afghanistan is winding down. But there’s always the hopeless battle against rogue gold miners in French Guiana . . . https://www.vanityfair.com/culture/2012/12/french-foreign-legion-expendables
    1 point
  8. There is no anti-Trump Express. One isn't needed, the fool is more than capable of having and continuing to disgrace himself as a vile, shameless and hateful lout. You might be confusing the effort with that to educate and reform the morally defective that still support him.
    1 point
  9. Yeah, I kind of got that impression in the Siege of Bagotville. I thought you just had to be a Comatose brute. How hard can it be?
    1 point
  10. I'm saying anyone can make VAERS reports, including swamping the site with bogus reports. I've had six, both Pfizer and Moderna and the worst I have had is a few aches and chills for a day with two of them.
    1 point
  11. I've received 6 Pfizer covid 19 vaccine doses and one Moderna. I have had no adverse effects. Most of the people in my building are seniors and have had multiple vaccinations with no adverse affects. I haven't heard of anyone I know having had adverse effects. On the other hand, I do know of two people who declined to get vaccinated who suffered from long covid. What does the author of the OP suggest we should have done to respond to a virus that has killed seven million people?
    1 point
  12. The ivory tower lawyers on the Supreme Court won't even allow us to extend the period before parole for mass murderers. They're certainly not going to allow Capital Punishment. And they're in charge, not the politicians.
    1 point
  13. Anyone can make a VAERS report and they aren't verified.
    1 point
  14. clearly the Nazarene is not opposed to money itself "Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away" ~ Matthew 5:42 KJV not only does the Saviour invoke free exchange He even advocates for a system of credit currency is simply a mechanism for carrying out His will therein without money, we would all be slaves to the state, to wit Communism, thus classical liberal Scots-Irish Enlightenment enterprise has in fact been the bulwark against godless atheist totalitarianism otherwise known as the free world God bless America, praise the Lord
    1 point
  15. This is do to the wall charts and diversity... they need to balance diverse wall charts are why a lot of Canadians are waiting in the wings....I'm really hoping that a change of government will address this...it is going to take years to correct the damage that has already been done... I think and this is my opinion, that every government department should hire those candidates best qualified for the job, regardless of skin color, religion, sex...and in the military, do we really need people that can not live without purple hair, huge beards, manbuns, or that identify as multi genders all at once...No we don't....there is no I in team .....most standards have been so relaxed now that weight and physical fitness are not that important, we have lots people that are 300 lbs in uniform right now...That is in all 3 elements...army , navy , and airforce....No one is asking the question, do these people pose a risk to other soldiers...try carrying one of these guys under enemy action to get them to safety or medical attention...Sorry man your going to die...becasue you eat to many big macs... What the military needs is to recruit people that are fit, both mentally and physically for any job in the military...the military also needs to maintain these standards through out their entire careers or punt them... Promotions should also be based on merit, the best people available should be promoted once again not based on some diverse chart, that needs a purple women, with green tities that indenties as fire truck...those are not merited qualities... I find it funney, back in my day, almost everyone in the navy was from NFLD...and every other trade was 4 out of every 10 were from the maritimes
    1 point
  16. Of course you don't understand that very few of the VAERS reports are verified and the mRNA vax was heavily POLITICIZED like YOU DO HERE ALL THE TIME. So like with Ladapo, we get A LOT of nutcases filing unverified reports. AKA, you wasted your time writing DRIVEL.
    1 point
  17. Check out this Yahoo News quackery... https://ca.news.yahoo.com/bidens-reaction-rep-marjorie-taylor-150139785.html Yahoo is so far left of center that they make Hitler look like a centrist ffs. They even have the clip of Biden saying "I be a winner, not really", but their biggest takeaway from his exchange with MTG is that he made fun of her clothing lol. As you read about the prezadolt's reaction to MTG's outfit, just keep in mind that Yahoo is part of the social media clan that loves to tell us that Lizzo is hot 🤣 Yahoo News might as well have said this: "NVM the fact that the president can't speak English, or that when he does he actually roasts himself, just focus on how much we dislike MTG's clothing and how funny Biden's burn [I didn't even see it tbh] was. We are harsh critiques of women's clothing here, and so should you be, unless they're dressed like sluts of course. The more poundage of Lizzo's crack we can see, the better. 😍 "
    1 point
  18. Irresponsible populism paves the way to authoritarianism.
    1 point
  19. Not true, the SCOTUS ruling holds that states are free to do what they want on abortion. e Now that France is expanding women's rights and the US is intent on taking them away, maybe it is time to send the Statue of Liberty back. After all, it is a woman.
    1 point
  20. I posted one a few days ago. My memory is you commented on it but perhaps not.
    1 point
  21. I'd love to see social studies of how many stay in those fields they've been badgered into joining, and how happy they are vs men. Uhm, no. Women have long had a preference for jobs with a high degree of social exposure, ie, working with people. Men, some men, in particular, have an affinity with working with things, mostly alone, focusing on their numbers or rocks or bugs. In Scandinavia, where they have worked the hardest to make their society a gender-equal utopia male and female students at colleges and universities have an even HIGHER preference for this. It's biological, not social conditioning. Have you ever met a mother who preferred to have her husband stay home with her young children instead of herself? I'm sure there are a few, but they ARE few. I never knew a young mother who was eager to go back to work and leave her child to daycare. I know one mother whose husband did the child-rearing while she went to work because she had a good job and he did not. She tried to make up for it by bringing her children with her everywhere she went when not working but to this day she regrets the time not spent with them when they were younger. Me neither but we reward experience and time spent on the job. Male doctors and lawyers make more than their female counterparts both because of the time women spend in child bearing and due to the fact women prefer to be the ones who are home with their child when that child is sick and are much less enthusiastic about working extra hours when they have children at home than men. It's slowly dawning on the medical world that if you have a higher percentage of doctors that are female you need to have a higher number of doctors to make up for the fewer hours they will be spending working.
    1 point
  22. Was that before or after you made the first trip to the moon. Your knowledge of reloading is minimal at best. Smooth bore long guns are sorely inaccurate It's laughable to think you could go against a man armed with a customised AR style rifle, Yes it's only a .223 but anyone could empty a full MAGAzine whilst your fumbling for a powder horn.
    1 point
  23. All universities provide equal access to all fields. And you have provided zero evidence to the contrary. By insisting that these fields 'provide' opportunities you are demanding special consideration beyond equality. Except you. A close friend is a mechanic. In fact, he's in charge of the service section at a major dealership. Being a mechanic is dirty, physically difficult work that few women have either the physical ability or desire for. If that's the case then everyone who comes here from the Philippines and Southeast Asia would also have those resources and, by your logic, should be equally successful here as those from Japan, Korea or China.
    1 point
  24. This is what you answer to my question of why does it matter that women don't want to be cops or geologists. The inference being "We know what's good for them! They will go to the jobs we direct them to!" The depth of arrogance in that answer is just breathtaking. News flash: We do not 'recruit' people as immigrants.
    1 point
  25. Ladapo is a nutcase, which is why Dethantis hired him: to be nuttier than Trump.
    1 point
  26. I think you'd be surprised. I had the opportunity to grow up in foster care so I saw many different family units. Two in particular I think are relevant. The first devoted Catholics (I was an alter server and had my feet washed), the second a fundamentalist Baptist (I taught Sunday school for the little ones) Two very different views of scripture, yet both the best possible versions of what a Cristian is supposed/called to be. It makes me laugh thinking they would have hated each other. Anyway I've read and studied the Bible with many theologians and continue to do so. You seem to focus only on the teachings of the Catholic Church. A closed mind can never be open to the true word of God
    1 point
  27. Let’s be fair to Democrats. They also do their bit to help the rich. Over the years both parties have found ways to ease the path for friends and donors. And one particularly clever scheme has been perfected by our old friends at the big accounting outfits - if you don’t like the tax rules, change them. From the NYT. The largest U.S. accounting firms have perfected a remarkably effective behind-the-scenes system to promote their interests in Washington. Their tax lawyers take senior jobs at the Treasury Department, where they write policies that are frequently favorable to their former corporate clients, often with the expectation that they will soon return to their old employers. The firms welcome them back with loftier titles and higher pay, according to public records reviewed by The New York Times and interviews with current and former government and industry officials. It was funny to see Republicans vocally denying last night that they will try to renew Trump’s tax breaks for the rich. With Democrats you get high taxes and high spending; with Republicans these days it’s low taxes and high spending.
    1 point
  28. OMG what is enough in your mind 15 weeks is almost 4 month and most Americans agree with 12 weeks being good enough. I bet you want a mother to go into labor and be able to make the decision to either birth the child or have it aborted, how about right before the kid turns 18 and if the mother decides he wasn't what she wanted him to be so she could get him aborted then.
    1 point
  29. Or on the other hand, they might start saying, sorry mate, you ain't getting any.
    1 point
  30. Yes, we know that you neanderthals want to control the RIGHTS of WOMEN to make their own healthcare decisions. 🤮 That's why you MAGA CULT neanderthals are going to LOSE.
    1 point
  31. There is a deliberate attempt being made by the Marxist in Ottawa to make sure that all new immigrants coming to Canada today are coming from non-white countries. Approx. 80% of our new immigrants are coming from non-white countries, while approx. 20% of our new immigrants are coming from what use to be our traditional sources like Britain and Europe. This is all planned and is part of a globalist conspiracy to make Canada look more non-white looking in the future. Our children and grandchildren will pay an hefty price for what our traitorous politicians have done to our country. 👎
    1 point
  32. I was just looking at a 12 inch barrel mag fed pump action - comes with 20 or 30 round drum mags available. Hehehehehehe. Non restricted. It's one of those turkish ones but i'm here to tell you those turkish shotguns are huge value for the buck. They're all designed by the guys who work on benelli and baretta shotguns and they're made fantastically well for the money and work great, i own several. But still, most 12 - 14 inch barrel shotguns still hold 5 rounds. if there's more than 5 bad guys breaking into your house I'd be tempted to say you should be considering your lifestyle choices and neigbhourhood before you worry about your firearm
    1 point
  33. Of course. It isn't patriarchy, though. Also, we all have to overcome obstacles to succeed in life. What's your point? You gave horrible examples that don't point to patriarchy. You making personal insults doesn't take away from you having nothing to bring to the table. People still have freedom of choice. CEOs are the type to prove doubters wrong. Succeeding against any difficult odds. You're saying women aren't cut for it? If not your point is irrelevant. Am saying women tend to gravitate towards certain jobs more than others. Same with men. Its statistically proven for some jobs. This isn't boxing anyone, its seeing the data, and it not jiving with a patriarchy you're stating is inhibiting women, yet have yet to prove it. Like their parents? Solution? Let the state raise the kids? I don't buy that you genuinely understand what patriarchy is, or specifically how it stops a woman from succeeding. What if none do. You're going to force them? Or is there a point where you accept some women don't want to do certain jobs.
    1 point
  34. They get away with this nonsense because most white folk are too cowardly to say what they really think, if some of them can think at all. The white folk are being made asses of by the left wing liberals of North America by the left wing MSM and they appear as though they are quite happy about it. It is being predicted that in another few more decades, white people will be in the minority in North America. But ask them if they really care? NOT. 😬
    1 point
  35. I like so many other vets have risked life and limb for this country, and in some cases watched a good friend or comrade pay the ultimate sacrifice, or get maimed then had to watch them fight their own government for medical treatment, or money to modify their homes to accept wheelchairs... These are Canadians that stepped up when our country called....and the best they got is you need to" let it go"...maybe it is you that needs to step on up...walk a mile in their shoes...Ya i get it F*ck that, is what your thinking... Hard to let it go when you leave so much of yourself on the battlefield both mentally and physically only to come home and be treated like "WE" are asking to much, like some bum on the street....It is not me that needs to let it go.... Maybe it is you that needs to take a second look at how you treat other Canadians...probably asking to much...
    1 point
  36. According to WHAT SOURCE? You're STILL too embarrassed to post the interpretation you heard on FOS LIES. Go back and search for those "gaffes" you believe you heard. Nobody cares if Joe tripped over his tongue a few times. Better than Trump believing he's running against Obama and Nikki Haley was in charge of security at the Capitol on Jan 6th. LMAO Joe's not going to break the LAW like Trump who was tied up in court over his executive orders. And he's certainly not going to separate kids from their parent without records so they can never be united again. 🤮
    1 point
  37. How is patriarchy stopping women from advancing their careers? This, is what you don't have a clue about, as you clearly haven't elaborated on it, proving my point. Sure, should they choose to. Am equally okay, with fields being dominated by men, or by women. Sure, but if a woman isn't cut for the job, I don't have an issue with her accepting this, either. Am a black male. It hasn't stopped me, nor those who don't allow obstacles to stop them. So what are you saying? Women can't get a job because they are women? Statistically, you're wrong. And this is the fault of patriarchy? Someone is working harder than you, while you're off. What's the issue? You want rewards for hours you didn't work, to make things equal? Give me a break. Hire a nanny, and get back to work. My wife hard to work overseas, to put food on her child's table, comes from a society where she is to serve her man, and still made herself into an entrepreneur. The issue isn't patriarchy. Its nobody challenging this BS. I accept my wife is a better mother than I could ever be. I accept I am stronger than her, she multitasks better than me. I don't seek issues where there are none. When I see millions of women chomping at the bit to become plumbers, I may feel you have a point. What you're eluding to, is not women wanting s****y jobs men typically do. They want the high paying ones, they put in backbreaking hours to do, minus the hours. I dated a couple feminists like this. Felt cooking for me was beneath them, but expected me to cook for them. Demanded equality, but if they saw something that scared them, who do you think is going to get tagged to deal with it. You can't cherry pick your way to equality. Has absolutely nothing to do with equality
    1 point
  38. Well you have to remember that slimes don't have mothers so he doesn't know what it's like
    1 point
  39. You don’t think that STEM and traditionally male dominated fields have been made amenable to women? You need to visit job fairs. You don’t think that there are differences between men and women, or that there are cultural differences between ethnicities? It doesn’t mean people can’t enter fields less associated with their gender or culture, but you’re not going to make Asians become poorer students or have men dominate the nursing profession. Not everything is a result of social conditioning. Men can’t give birth or breastfeed. It’s one of the reasons more men than women are on corporate boards: Many women leave the workforce for extended periods. Or do you chalk it all up to “the patriarchy”, which you think can and should be dismantled? Do you think the state should take over reproduction so that all men and women can equally participate in some worker’s paradise?
    1 point
  40. No, I meant a woman's work. What's your point? I know plenty of overqualified women who dominate in male dominated fields. Thats my point. They earned their positions. I don't care if my plumber is female or male. I care that they are qualified. If that makes them female, fantastic. Clearly why it isn't. Qualifications should be the priority. Not skin color. You're otherwise hiring based on race. My wife is insanely qualified at nursing and business. She could go toe to toe with a man, and win. Her being hired because she's Asian, negates her skillet that she could and has found high paying work with on its own merit. You're essentially telling her she's inferior, and needs a leg up, and are calling me: Yeah, okay. Equally fascinating how you twist what I said. Women should be hired on merit. Not based on what is between their legs.
    1 point
  41. I would want the best qualified person for certain jobs. If competence isn't necessary, you have a point. I have never thought to myself boarding an aircraft: "Wow, sure could use a more diverse workforce regarding the pilots". Its automatically assumed the best possible candidate got the job. Fill your race quotas in the airport.
    1 point
  42. You seem to like the idea of government coercion or social engineering, yet you can’t explain why doing so is good or necessary. Making sure that people who choose to enter a field and who demonstrate that they can do the work have those opportunities open to them is what counts. Encouraging people to use their talents and take risks is also helpful. Telling people they should enter a particular profession in order to meet an artificial equity metric with arbitrary targets is problematic for many reasons. I’m sure there are many women who could be good auto mechanics who would rather do other things. Simply stating that we need to get the female percentage of auto mechanics to reflect the percentage of female adults in society, throwing money at it as an incentive, and using discriminatory policies that make it easier for women to become auto mechanics and harder for men isn’t necessarily helping men or women. It’s probably a waste of resources, destructive of meritocracy, discriminatory, and arguably coercive.
    1 point
  43. No "insight" nor "thought" needed to parrot the same response over and over, again. Duh
    1 point
  44. Don't YOU ever get tired of writing the same bankrupt pointless posts with juvenile name calling and ridiculous hyperbole? Much easier for you than posting something with insightful intelligence, that's for sure. Thanks for again confirming what a shallow parrot you are.
    1 point
  45. Armed to the teeth, don't forget. Biden didn't just want 87K new agents, loyal to him, he wanted to give them weapons. Even fully automatic weapons. All this after Obama used the IRS to target conservatives....
    1 point
  46. any yet... no comment about the Canary singing how Trump and his team attempted to throttle Democracy! i guess you can argue the definition of fascism... while proclaiming its OK that Trump continually praises the violence of Jan 6th. Trump being guilty is not arguable.
    1 point
  47. For those who may not remember - a couple months ago Justin announced that he was cancelling funding due to suspected terrorist activity!!! No money for terrorists!! Except - he sent 3 months worth of payments at the last second in a final cheque just as he was announcing the 'freeze'. Now - three months later he's about to restore funding to the terrorist group. We have people starving at home and this guy is sending money to foreign people so they can take sex slaves. Hey - maybe some of our own people would like you to buy them a sex slave, ever think of that justin? Yeash. This guy is just a horrible person.
    1 point
  48. So I guess the carbon tax isn't financially affecting anyone if fossil fuel demand is increasing. Maybe they should hike it so damn much on gasoline even the stupidest and most stubborn will change their habits.
    1 point
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