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CRTC considering banning Fox News from Canadian cable packages

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Here's the bottom line.

FOX News takes the position that men should not be able to compete in women's sports and that kids should not be exposed to efforts to normalize that which is completely abnormal. 

This upset a handful of loud and seriously warped people who think their tiny minority deserves to be treated any way they want.

Unfortunately, reality doesn't...or shouldn't work that way.

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Nobody should talk about 'Reality' and 'FOX' as though they are related

8 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

Here's the bottom line.

FOX News takes the position that men should not be able to compete in women's sports and that kids should not be exposed to efforts to normalize that which is completely abnormal. 

This upset a handful of loud and seriously warped people who think their tiny minority deserves to be treated any way they want.

Unfortunately, reality doesn't...or shouldn't work that way.

Nobody should talk about 'Reality' and 'FOX' as though they are related.

You have sworn testimony that they featured Opinion makers in prime time that personally did NOT believe what they were saying.  This is a complete elimination of the purpose of having a free press.

If you are willing to support a propaganda machine that is designed to undermine democracy, only because you like what it does to your opponents, then you don't actually believe in democracy or politics even.  You think that the liberal point of view should be eliminated.

@Contrarian - IGNORE list exemption....

I reply here for people who are casually interested in politics and are trying to educate themselves about media and politics today.

The PRESS was created by the American founders of democracy as a check to power: free agents who would publish opinions to contribute to a public dialogue intended to make better solutions to a nation's challenges.  If you have the #1 political influencer publishing things that they themselves don't believe on a continuous basis then this is no longer the press.  It's power and influence creating propaganda, and is not helpful.

Edited by Michael Hardner
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2 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

The PRESS was

But that time has now passed. There is no reliably unbiased media to choose from, now that politics has pervaded every aspect of society in its messaging. So when it comes to media, pick yer poison as my pappy used to say.

What I mean is, that's why people want to hear Fox news. They are perhaps the only media outlet that expresses their thoughts about these social hot-topics. Most of which, I must add are injected into our dialogue by politicians without real pressing need from society as a whole. The divisiveness comes from above.

That's why being told that you're not ALLOWED to watch Fox, for whatever reason you might come up with, is what most people would call bull-shyte.

The government has no business moralizing or promoting their vision of morality, in which case every party when they win will swing the moral apple cart in another direction. But they want to eliminate the idea of a crown or link to "God" as an idea above themselves. They want the people to look to them as a guide. It makes no sense and should be stopped.

Edited by OftenWrong
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2 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Nobody should talk about 'Reality' and 'FOX' as though they are related

Nobody should talk about 'Reality' and 'FOX' as though they are related.

You have sworn testimony that they featured Opinion makers in prime time that personally did NOT believe what they were saying.  This is a complete elimination of the purpose of having a free press.

If you are willing to support a propaganda machine that is designed to undermine democracy, only because you like what it does to your opponents, then you don't actually believe in democracy or politics even.  You think that the liberal point of view should be eliminated.

@Contrarian - IGNORE list exemption....

I reply here for people who are casually interested in politics and are trying to educate themselves about media and politics today.

The PRESS was created by the American founders of democracy as a check to power: free agents who would publish opinions to contribute to a public dialogue intended to make better solutions to a nation's challenges.  If you have the #1 political influencer publishing things that they themselves don't believe on a continuous basis then this is no longer the press.  It's power and influence creating propaganda, and is not helpful.

Yes well Mike...you do a marvellous job of pontificating but...this is just more of the "same ol' same ol'" from you. A soliloquy of "support your local institution".



You have sworn testimony that they featured Opinion makers in prime time that personally did NOT believe what they were saying.  This is a complete elimination of the purpose of having a free press.

If I'm not mistaken...and I don't believe I am...Some of the FOX personalities had private texts stating they figured Biden really did win the 2020 election. Now...I must have missed the show where any of them stated that they believed Trump won the election. It all seems based on inuendo and supposition. But hey...that's where you Libbies live...ain' it.

Edited by Nationalist
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45 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

1. There is no reliably unbiased media to choose from, now that politics has pervaded every aspect of society in its messaging. So when it comes to media, pick yer poison as my pappy used to say.

2. What I mean is, that's why people want to hear Fox news. They are perhaps the only media outlet that expresses their thoughts about these social hot-topics. Most of which, I must add are injected into our dialogue by politicians without real pressing need from society as a whole. The divisiveness comes from above.

3. That's why being told that you're now ALLOWED to watch Fox, for whatever reason you might come up with, is what most people would call bull-shyte.

4. The government has no business moralizing or promoting their vision of morality,

1. No doubt.  Your prescription, I assume, is to let "the" public and media relationship progress until it... changes [last word chosen for its moral neutrality]

2. Right.  America distinguished itself in the 18th and 19th centuries as a place where there was "a" public - a body of citizens who participated in public life and challenged the government to do better.  What it has been replaced with is a suite of flattering entertainments who can blame bogeyman (including Trump) for all ills as the real problems loom large without comment.

3. Meh.  We exist at the pleasure of the crown... if you prefer to be revolting, head south to the centre of revolts.  Is it disturbing that the governors will place such restrictions on the governed ?  It's disturbing, alarming, and reprehensible all together.  Is it necessary  ?  Maybe.  It doesn't help that a majority of the voices against the idea submit ridiculous hyperbole on the topic, hence undercutting their own arguments.

We can't exist as a nation of stupid people.  If people demand that stupidity is encouraged, then something needs to be done.  Strange times.

4. The government has no more a moral sphere to its public than a butler has to his employer, so it's not a matter of morality but information mechanics.  Sometimes stupid people think that they're being moralized again.  If they choose to be lazy and stupid then the government actually has to accept that, so it's not a matter of morality.  But they can't demand that they be stupid and lazy AND demand that the world accommodate them.

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1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

Nobody should talk about 'Reality' and 'FOX' as though they are related

Nobody should talk about 'Reality' and 'FOX' as though they are related.

You have sworn testimony that they featured Opinion makers in prime time that personally did NOT believe what they were saying.  This is a complete elimination of the purpose of having a free press.

If you are willing to support a propaganda machine that is designed to undermine democracy, only because you like what it does to your opponents, then you don't actually believe in democracy or politics even.  You think that the liberal point of view should be eliminated.

@Contrarian - IGNORE list exemption....

I reply here for people who are casually interested in politics and are trying to educate themselves about media and politics today.

The PRESS was created by the American founders of democracy as a check to power: free agents who would publish opinions to contribute to a public dialogue intended to make better solutions to a nation's challenges.  If you have the #1 political influencer publishing things that they themselves don't believe on a continuous basis then this is no longer the press.  It's power and influence creating propaganda, and is not helpful.

You seem unaware of the log in your eye.  Most mainstream media has a significant left wing bias, including CNN, CBC, MSNBC, etc.  You write off the biggest news network in the US, Fox, because it doesn’t agree with your politics.  Just because some newscasters at Fox didn’t agree with everything that their viewers and some colleagues were saying doesn’t make them liars.  

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Just now, Zeitgeist said:

You seem unaware of the log in your eye.  Most mainstream media has a significant left wing bias, including CNN, CBC, MSNBC, etc.  You write off the biggest news network in the US, Fox, because it doesn’t agree with your politics.  Just because some newscasters at Fox didn’t agree with everything that their viewers and some colleagues were saying doesn’t make them liars.  

More importantly - which major news org HASN"T got caught lying. CNN and NBC both were successfully sued for FABRICATING stories, never mind just fibbing about them.  They all do it - but you don't hear calls for banning CNN.

There's a certain level of hypocrisy to this whole 'ban fox' thing. I guarantee if these sentiments were applied across the board the left would be screaming in horror. :)

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10 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

1. You seem unaware of the log in your eye.  Most mainstream media has a significant left wing bias, including CNN, CBC, MSNBC, etc.  You write off the biggest news network in the US, Fox, because it doesn’t agree with your politics.  

1. It has nothing to do with my politics.  Can you accept that a FOX is a change from the inherent bias of the media landscape that preceded it ?  And that NEWSMAX, AON and the like are another change beyond that ?

This is about information infrastructure not politics.  FOX itself is using its own tactics against Trump now.

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Just now, Michael Hardner said:

1. It has nothing to do with my politics.  Can you accept that a FOX is a change from the inherent bias of the media landscape that preceded it ?  And that NEWSMAX, AON and the like are another change beyond that ?

This is about information infrastructure not politics.  FOX itself is using its own tactics against Trump now.

@Contrarian another

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4 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. It has nothing to do with my politics.  Can you accept that a FOX is a change from the inherent bias of the media landscape that preceded it ?  And that NEWSMAX, AON and the like are another change beyond that ?

This is about information infrastructure not politics.  FOX itself is using its own tactics against Trump now.

Okay that’s a thoughtful response.  

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4 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

So the Liberals are using taxpayer money to fund fake charities that have a radical left, anti-free speech agenda. This of course should be an ethics violation. The discriminatory transhumanist “Egale” organization is mostly funded by our tax dollars to sway organizations and the general public to support radical left ideology and consolidate Liberal government power:


I don't have cable and I've never watched Fox news

but the Liberals have now granted themselves this censorious authority over the internet as well

Canada now has the most restricted internet of any ostensibly free country in the world

that is frankly humiliating

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2 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Nobody should talk about 'Reality' and 'FOX' as though they are related

Grow up Hardner.

You're the guy who pretended to see Trudeau's imaginary sea of swastikas and confederate flags at the Freedom Convoy rally and then couldn't find a photo of it. Reality is not your strong suit.

Care to take a stab at providing a reason why young, healthy people were forced to take the vax here? 50% of the people in Israeli ICUs were double-jabbed when we hardly had anyone single-jabbed. We knew for a fact that the jab didn't prevent the spread, and we already knew that young, healthy people weren't at risk at all. 

Every single one CTV's useful idjits here will defend Trudeau's pseudovax-fascism and yet not a single person on this forum has ever provided a single reason what the point of juicing those people even was...

Over 15,000 multi-vaxed Canadians died of covid in 2022 and yet they're still pimping the vax for little kids. They need a covid vax like Madonna needs more plastic in her face. 

CTV, Global and CBC are so far removed from reality that the light from our sun couldn't shine on anything honest that they wrote in the last 3 years.

Was the Russian collusion farce bad Michael, or just sorta ok?

Is it no big deal that the FBI committed actual crimes, or that Kevin Clinesmith wasn't put in jail or even disbarred? 

Was Jan 6th comparable to Pearl Harbor and 9/11?

Honest to God, you're one of the last people on this site with room to talk about anyone else's inability to separate truth from fiction. 

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7 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

1. Liberals have now granted themselves this censorious authority over the internet as well

2. Canada now has the most restricted internet of any ostensibly free country in the world

3. that is frankly humiliating

1. Did you used to say this about the CRTC also ?  
2. 3. Or we're ahead of the curve...

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6 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

1. Grow up Hardner.

2. You're the guy who pretended to see Trudeau's imaginary sea of swastikas and confederate flags at the Freedom Convoy rally and then couldn't find a photo of it. Reality is not your strong suit.

3. Care to take a stab at providing a reason why young, healthy people were forced to take the vax here?  

4. Every single one CTV's useful idjits  

5. Was Jan 6th comparable to Pearl Harbor and 9/11?

6. Honest to God, you're one of the last people on this site with room to talk about anyone else's inability to separate truth from fiction. 

1.  Jesus.  Even your non-sequiturs are fall-down hilarious.
2.  Cite please... that should keep you busy for awhile.
3.  Because it was good for their health.
4.  CTV was started by conservatives as a response to CBC, and it doesn't have editorial as far as I know.
5.  I can't make out what you're saying here.  Did somebody say they were ?
6.  Do you think Tucker Carlson is a real person when he tells you what to think ?  CTV has no editorial.  The world's medical community responded to a pandemic and came up with a useful vaccine.  Reality is real... you are putting yourself at risk if you continue to absorb fringe media fantasies about your health and the world.  

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35 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

Most mainstream media has a significant left wing bias, including CNN, CBC, MSNBC, etc.

Has it never crossed your mind to consider that everything has a progressive bias - it's a value added process called evolution.

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Just now, Michael Hardner said:

1.  Jesus.  Even your non-sequiturs are fall-down hilarious.
2.  Cite please... that should keep you busy for awhile.
3.  Because it was good for their health.
4.  CTV was started by conservatives as a response to CBC, and it doesn't have editorial as far as I know.
5.  I can't make out what you're saying here.  Did somebody say they were ?
6.  Do you think Tucker Carlson is a real person when he tells you what to think ?  CTV has no editorial.  The world's medical community responded to a pandemic and came up with a useful vaccine.  Reality is real... you are putting yourself at risk if you continue to absorb fringe media fantasies about your health and the world.  

@Contrarian extreme example.  This person believes in conspiracies across the board.  If I post facts back they will claim that their cracked mirror is a better reflection of the truth.  I put them on IGNORE because they're not reachable.

So the value, according to you, is that a casual reader will see this exchange and determine that the extremist I am talking to should be disregarded.  Seems like a longshot but ok...

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Just now, Michael Hardner said:

And many more American channels.  You didn't watch those ?

they didn't come in so well down in Nova Scotia

we were using bunny ears

I didn't get cable until the 80's

my parents were hippies, I wasn't encouraged to watch tv, my tv time was restricted

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19 minutes ago, Contrarian said:

1. punch people right in the mouth digitally,
2. I have ways to destroy some people here. I am debating in my head to do it because if I do it sure will become popular but will cause issues for the admin and might even get me in legal issues. 

3. Michael, remember, these trolls here have no power, it's about passing that message so readers look at them and want to spit the screen. That's how we win the battle. Take it from a former troll. Thanks. 

1. Digital bloody noses and digital broken teeth are still.... digital.
2. Hm ?  Be careful.  Doxxing and threats are not ok, and are bannable offenses rightly so.
3. Hmmm.... 

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13 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

LOL - tell me you're young without telling me :)

I remember the two or three channel days @Dougie93. Some of these kids don't remember a time before cable i guess :)

it didn't stop me from being immersed in American culture

that just came by way of newspapers

all the talk around the dinner table was still Vietnam & Watergate

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