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US Supreme Court strikes down Roe V. Wade

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6 minutes ago, Aristides said:

If you were making the law how would you ensure that happens? Stop dancing. You are all about other people's (women's) responsibility. Take some responsibility for your own sex for a change.

Women are the victims of deadbeat dads. What are you going to do for them? 

Nothing obviously.

No law is not going to make someone a deadbeat.

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7 hours ago, Aristides said:

If you were making the law how would you ensure that happens? Stop dancing. You are all about other people's (women's) responsibility. Take some responsibility for your own sex for a change.

Women are the victims of deadbeat dads. What are you going to do for them? 

Nothing obviously.

Conservatives are also opposed to any kind of “welfare” or financial supports that might help the single mother and her child.  They also publicly funded childcare that would help the mother seek gainful employment. Recently Republicans in Tennessee rejected federal funding for pre-k early learning childcare in the basis that it would encourage women to leave the home and work, which they said was a bad thing   

Conservatives are obsessed with the righs of the so-called unborn but don’t give a shit about them once they’re actually born. They see a child living in squalor, sent to a dysfunctional crumbling school, live on the margins of society, criminalized and fast-tracked through the criminal justice system, tried as an adult and sent away to years in prison and say “meh not my problem”

Anti-Abortion Sen. Ron Johnson Opposes Funding Child Care: 'People Decide to Have Families'


"People decide to have families and become parents," Johnson said in a Wednesday interview with WKBT. "That's something they need to consider when they make that choice. I've never really felt it was society's responsibility to take care of other people's children."



Idaho rejects $6 million in child care funding, sparking protests from women 

One representative criticized “any bill that makes it easier or more convenient for mothers to come out of the home,” a comment he later apologized for.


Outlawing Abortion Will Increase Child Poverty. Republicans Couldn’t Care Less.

Jordan WeissmannDec 02, 20217:40 PM

The old Democratic line about Republicans is that they care deeply about human life right up until the moment a child is actually born, and then they’re on their own. The party has spent decades fighting to abolish abortion and preaching the sancticty of life, all while supporting the death penalty and opposing social spending programs aimed at helping struggling parents and their kids.


As for the Republicans’ own anti-poverty platform? It’s been a joke for years, mostly consisting of vague bromides about encouraging marriage, and warmed over ideas borrowed from 90s-era welfare reform that flop whenever someone tries to adapt them to today (see the debaclous efforts to attach work requirements to Medicaid). Some conservatives, such as Justice Amy Coney Barrett, ghoulishly seem to think that the answer is for more women to simply put their unwanted children up for adoption, a view that basically treats poor mothers as surrogate wombs for richer families, and ignores how emotionally scarring it can be for women to part with a baby once they’ve actually given birth.  …



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7 hours ago, West said:

So the poor baby deserves to die because his dads a deadbeat? Too bad so sad?

Hi. I see The Beave has chimed in with her usual horse kaka...

There have always been "dead beat dads" and there always will be. But since 1965, the year of Johnson's "Great Society", Libbies have been attacking marriage, family and morality. They make a pretzel of morality by saying we have to give poor people free stuff instead of jobs. They harp about race and blame white folks for the mess THEY'VE CAUSED with their attacks on societal foundations.

Now understand that most of these misguided people are simpletons who would walk right off a cliff if they were told to. But at the top are very evil people who have a vested interest in continuing this slow creep to complete government dependence. So how can one person buck this social abomination? 

Have a family. Have kids an stay together. Raise your kids to question things that sound like nonsense and impress upon them the confidence they'll need to succeed.

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2 hours ago, Nationalist said:

Hi. I see The Beave has chimed in with her usual horse kaka...

There have always been "dead beat dads" and there always will be. But since 1965, the year of Johnson's "Great Society", Libbies have been attacking marriage, family and morality. They make a pretzel of morality by saying we have to give poor people free stuff instead of jobs. They harp about race and blame white folks for the mess THEY'VE CAUSED with their attacks on societal foundations.

Now understand that most of these misguided people are simpletons who would walk right off a cliff if they were told to. But at the top are very evil people who have a vested interest in continuing this slow creep to complete government dependence. So how can one person buck this social abomination? 

Have a family. Have kids an stay together. Raise your kids to question things that sound like nonsense and impress upon them the confidence they'll need to succeed.

Forcing rape victims to let their rapists sperm gestate and grow inside them, permanently altering their body and causing physical financial and emotional hardship that will last a lifetime and stealing women’s future from them….that sounds like a godly idea to you?


As for the rest of your diatribe it’s the typical Republican nonsense that supporting people is creating “dependence” while condemning them to a life of poverty and desperation is independence “builds inner strength” By your idiotic definition people in third world shitholes like Haiti and Somalia where the government provides nothing to the public are somehow living in paradise?


And of course its completely lost on you that providing access to childcare so that parents can leave the house and work is not “giving people free stuff” and is exactly what I he definition of creating jobs and growing the economy. 

Republicans are the exact definition of brainwashed followers walking off a cliff.  You admit that like most Republicans you don’t even believe abortion should be banned but you’ll all support the ban anyway because that’s what your cult leaders, paid off by an ultra-Religious minority group,  have dictated. Like getting rid of their only hope for even semi-affordable healthcare with no alternative even conceived….they’ll cut off their nose to spit their face…anything to pwn the libs.  

The Republicans so-called “party of “freedom amd personal choice” is once again proven to be not that as they look to force their personal opinions on others under threat of criminal penalty. They don’t care hoe unpopular their personal opinions or beliefs are even amongst their own supporters. 

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30 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

Forcing rape victims to let their rapists sperm gestate and grow inside them, permanently altering their body and causing physical financial and emotional hardship that will last a lifetime and stealing women’s future from them….that sounds like a godly idea to you?


As for the rest of your diatribe it’s the typical Republican nonsense that supporting people is creating “dependence” while condemning them to a life of poverty and desperation is independence “builds inner strength” By your idiotic definition people in third world shitholes like Haiti and Somalia where the government provides nothing to the public are somehow living in paradise?


And of course its completely lost on you that providing access to childcare so that parents can leave the house and work is not “giving people free stuff” and is exactly what I he definition of creating jobs and growing the economy. 

Republicans are the exact definition of brainwashed followers walking off a cliff.  You admit that like most Republicans you don’t even believe abortion should be banned but you’ll all support the ban anyway because that’s what your cult leaders, paid off by an ultra-Religious minority group,  have dictated. Like getting rid of their only hope for even semi-affordable healthcare with no alternative even conceived….they’ll cut off their nose to spit their face…anything to pwn the libs.  

The Republicans so-called “party of “freedom amd personal choice” is once again proven to be not that as they look to force their personal opinions on others under threat of criminal penalty. They don’t care hoe unpopular their personal opinions or beliefs are even amongst their own supporters. 

And since @Nationalistenjoys my reporting from the real world on Republican hypocrisy so much here’s another dose of reality, which sums up so much about today’s Republican Party members:


'Pro-Life' Candidate Flails When Asked About Assaulting Pregnant Wife

Greg Lopez is the Republican Party's top-line candidate for Colorado governor.

Ryan GrenobleMay. 4, 2022, 03:29 PM EDT

Greg Lopez embodies much of what the modern Republican Party is about.

The Colorado gubernatorial candidate wants to ban voting by mail, even though he has voted by mail in every election since 2013, when Colorado began mail-in voting. He has no qualms about using anti-LGBTQ dog whistles to score political points, but denies he’s homophobic.

And he calls himself “pro-life without exceptions,” but fails to understand how him having been arrested in 1993 for assaulting his pregnant wife undercuts the sincerity of that message…..

Clark: “You are pro-life, without exceptions for rape and incest and life or health of the mother. Additionally, in 1993, you were arrested for violently assaulting your then-pregnant wife. Some people might see those two things at odds, but they both involve you exerting control over a woman’s body. Is that what Coloradans want from their governor?”

 Lopez: “Well, first of all, it wasn’t a violent situation. If you go back and look ―”

Clark: “You were arrested for assault.”

Lopez: “We were both arrested for assault. Both of us, OK?”

Clark: “... and one of you was pregnant. So, again, the question is: Do Coloradans want somebody who has a history both in word and action of controlling the bodies of women?”




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10 hours ago, West said:

So the poor baby deserves to die because his dads a deadbeat? Too bad so sad?

You seem to think it is fine that the woman and child will grow up in poverty while the guy gets away scot free. That both mother and child deserve that fate. Saying he should be responsible is just lip service to doing nothing.

Edited by Aristides
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3 hours ago, Nationalist said:

Hi. I see The Beave has chimed in with her usual horse kaka...

There have always been "dead beat dads" and there always will be. But since 1965, the year of Johnson's "Great Society", Libbies have been attacking marriage, family and morality. They make a pretzel of morality by saying we have to give poor people free stuff instead of jobs. They harp about race and blame white folks for the mess THEY'VE CAUSED with their attacks on societal foundations.

Now understand that most of these misguided people are simpletons who would walk right off a cliff if they were told to. But at the top are very evil people who have a vested interest in continuing this slow creep to complete government dependence. So how can one person buck this social abomination? 

Have a family. Have kids an stay together. Raise your kids to question things that sound like nonsense and impress upon them the confidence they'll need to succeed.

And you keep chiming in with your male misogynist bullshit. Women deserve everything they get in spite of how men treat them.

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23 hours ago, Nationalist said:

Oh Groovy! Picture time!

I'd rather live in a Conservative and rational state personified by


or this


Isn't this fun?

I definitely lean your way on the personification thingy but all the same I'm quite certain a conservative Nanny will be a harsher mistress.

If one were to characterize our governance according to biblical morality (there is no other type of morality recognized by conservatives) conservatives would prefer Olde Testament governance and progressives would be New Testament.

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1 hour ago, Aristides said:

You seem to think it is fine that the woman and child will grow up in poverty while the guy gets away scot free. That both mother and child deserve that fate. Saying he should be responsible is just lip service to doing nothing.

So she should kill her offspring over money?

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4 hours ago, West said:

So she should kill her offspring over money?

Ending a pregnancy isn’t “killing offspring.” An egg and a chicken are not the same thing

There’s nothing more anti-freedom than forcing a woman to sacrifice her life or future by carrying an unwanted pregnancy to term against her will.  You might as well openly admit that you consider women to he nothing more than breeding livestock. 

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29 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

Ending a pregnancy isn’t “killing offspring. An egg and a chicken ate not the same thing

There’s nothing more anti-freedom than forcing a woman to sacrifice her life or future by carrying an unwanted pregnancy to term against her will.  You might as well openly admit that you consider women to he nothing more than breeding livestock. 


There's nothing more inhumane then referring to a baby as a "clump of cells".

In the end we are all just a "clump of cells". 

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I imagine you were on board with Virginia delegate Cathy Tran's proposed bill to allow abortion even at the point the mother is dilating and ready to give birth, were you, Beave?

After all it's just like boiling an egg, right Beave?


I'm always amazed by the flexibility of a Prog's moral compass. South becomes North or more precisely Evil becomes Good whenever convenient.


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5 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Forcing rape victims to let their rapists sperm gestate and grow inside them, permanently altering their body and causing physical financial and emotional hardship that will last a lifetime and stealing women’s future from them….that sounds like a godly idea to you?


As for the rest of your diatribe it’s the typical Republican nonsense that supporting people is creating “dependence” while condemning them to a life of poverty and desperation is independence “builds inner strength” By your idiotic definition people in third world shitholes like Haiti and Somalia where the government provides nothing to the public are somehow living in paradise?


And of course its completely lost on you that providing access to childcare so that parents can leave the house and work is not “giving people free stuff” and is exactly what I he definition of creating jobs and growing the economy. 

Republicans are the exact definition of brainwashed followers walking off a cliff.  You admit that like most Republicans you don’t even believe abortion should be banned but you’ll all support the ban anyway because that’s what your cult leaders, paid off by an ultra-Religious minority group,  have dictated. Like getting rid of their only hope for even semi-affordable healthcare with no alternative even conceived….they’ll cut off their nose to spit their face…anything to pwn the libs.  

The Republicans so-called “party of “freedom amd personal choice” is once again proven to be not that as they look to force their personal opinions on others under threat of criminal penalty. They don’t care hoe unpopular their personal opinions or beliefs are even amongst their own supporters. 


Forcing rape victims to let their rapists sperm gestate and grow inside them

OMG...How very graphic! Make ya wish you were there...does it?


As for the rest of your diatribe it’s the typical Republican nonsense that supporting people is creating “dependence” while condemning them to a life of poverty and desperation is independence “builds inner strength” By your idiotic definition people in third world shitholes like Haiti and Somalia where the government provides nothing to the public are somehow living in paradise?

You really are silly...

Welfare DOES create a culture of dependence. That's simply a fact. And those who live in "third world shitholes" (a term you get from Trump?) who succeed, are those who see the resources available, and make the most of 'em. Were you in either shithole...you'd likely just wither up and die.

Your last point is just more silliness. Go to Kiev. If you're lucky, you might meet up with one of those sperm doners you dream about. You know...release some tension.

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4 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

And since @Nationalistenjoys my reporting from the real world on Republican hypocrisy so much here’s another dose of reality, which sums up so much about today’s Republican Party members:


'Pro-Life' Candidate Flails When Asked About Assaulting Pregnant Wife

Greg Lopez is the Republican Party's top-line candidate for Colorado governor.

Ryan GrenobleMay. 4, 2022, 03:29 PM EDT

Greg Lopez embodies much of what the modern Republican Party is about.

The Colorado gubernatorial candidate wants to ban voting by mail, even though he has voted by mail in every election since 2013, when Colorado began mail-in voting. He has no qualms about using anti-LGBTQ dog whistles to score political points, but denies he’s homophobic.

And he calls himself “pro-life without exceptions,” but fails to understand how him having been arrested in 1993 for assaulting his pregnant wife undercuts the sincerity of that message…..

Clark: “You are pro-life, without exceptions for rape and incest and life or health of the mother. Additionally, in 1993, you were arrested for violently assaulting your then-pregnant wife. Some people might see those two things at odds, but they both involve you exerting control over a woman’s body. Is that what Coloradans want from their governor?”

 Lopez: “Well, first of all, it wasn’t a violent situation. If you go back and look ―”

Clark: “You were arrested for assault.”

Lopez: “We were both arrested for assault. Both of us, OK?”

Clark: “... and one of you was pregnant. So, again, the question is: Do Coloradans want somebody who has a history both in word and action of controlling the bodies of women?”




Preggo sex. My wife used to love it. That is...when she was preggo... ;)

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4 hours ago, Aristides said:

And you keep chiming in with your male misogynist bullshit. Women deserve everything they get in spite of how men treat them.

People...get everything they DESERVE in this life.

REGARDLESS of sex. Give the condescending horseshit a rest Sally.

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3 hours ago, eyeball said:

I definitely lean your way on the personification thingy but all the same I'm quite certain a conservative Nanny will be a harsher mistress.

If one were to characterize our governance according to biblical morality (there is no other type of morality recognized by conservatives) conservatives would prefer Olde Testament governance and progressives would be New Testament.

Then we agree on our vision.

Your second point is BS though. Look around you eyeball. I have no allegiance to the Christians or any religious hullabaloo. I know Gawd, talk to it nightly on behalf of my loved ones, and expect...nothing. Why? Because I think the entirety of creation is Gawd. All of creation is a bit busy right now so...my desires aren't really a matter of utmost concern for all of creation. But...we do have an interesting thing called "karma". I'm a big believer in keeping my soul and conscience clear as a bell. Well...OK...somewhat muddy. Clear as I can...let's put it that-a-way. ;)

Yes...the "God fearin'" souls are conservative. That's no surprise. On the other side, all sorts of wacky freaks gravitate to liberalism politically. We try to keep the extremes busy so they don't get too upidy. But as you know quite well, they're a tad off on both sides and...tend to get in the way of something we've all lost touch with...COMPROMISE!

For instance...The SCOTUS looks to be set to send abortion rights back to the decision of the states. That doesn't mean the SCOTUS is ruling abortion is illegal in the USA. It means the states will now have domain over their local laws concerning abortion. And in reality, that's the way it should be. That way the freaks of Californication can abort living babies with a firing sqaud...and the yokels of Kentucky can make and have babies in the hay stacks, then have Momma claim its hers, all they like. Now...if you're a hottie in Kentucky and last month's roll in the hay stack with Billy-Bob made you preggo...you can get on a bus to Californication for a nice bit of fun in the sun...and abort your little accident. Seems to work out rather nicely...no?

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19 hours ago, Aristides said:


What is it you don't understand about her future. It's her future and you should have no say in it. That's the thing, you want to absolve the man of all responsibility for the pregnancy but still be able to dictate what happens to her body and how she has to lead her future life. You are the one who wants to put her future in guy's hands while they have no responsibility. There sure are a lot of misogynists around these days.

So you have to be a poor single mom. Not my problem, I'm free to knock someone else up.

I'd like to start off with this topic is a nonstarter, abortion is not going to be questioned or challenged politically in this country unless things change drastically. Not in my lifetime, or yours...

What is it about human life do you not understand, since when did a human life take precedence over bad choices? 

Perhaps you can tell me when this clump of cells becomes a human being? and when do we stand together and say no you can't abort, that's a living child. 

I did not absolve anyone of anything, the final say or safety check is with the woman, she is the one that will bear the brunt of making this bad choice. she and she alone has the power to have or not have this new life.  Today's abortions are being used as an excuse for a) not being educated about sex and how babies are made, b) or they were too cheap or lazy to use the thousands of different means of birth control... How simple does it get, swallow this a "poof" no kids...... But hey that's ok you can be ignorant, lazy, and cheap in this world today someone will always have your back you can change your mind up until that baby is born and it has no repercussions on the girl's life whatsoever. Taking a life is that easy...and nobody questions if it is right or wrong, not the medical staff, certainly not the women, or anyone else...And yet when in Afghanistan taking a human life still haunts me today.

Their poor choice gets buried with all the rest of the medical waste.

Not sure how wanting to save an unborn life makes me a misogynist but ok , i can live with that. 

Stop making the woman the victim here she is not the victim, the baby is the victim, she is not the one that gets ripped apart limb by limb while in the womb and then suck out and disposed of with the rest of the medical waste.   Because of a bad choice made by its parents. 

Considering there are thousands of different types of birth control on the market today, some cost a couple of bucks. and yet over 95000 girls have failed to even make an attempt to prevent something they did not want to start with. They get a pass, it's a topic that no one should talk about.   

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4 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

Then we agree on our vision.

Your second point is BS though. Look around you eyeball.

I have looked around and conservatives are just naturally meaner compared to progressives hence my use of Mother Mary Stigmata and Bonnie Henry as analogs for the different style our governance would take. Bonnie Henry evokes images of happy unicorns and rainbows and with Mary Stigmata it's more like cranky old goats and storm clouds.

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18 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

But...we do have an interesting thing called "karma". I'm a big believer in keeping my soul and conscience clear as a bell. Well...OK...somewhat muddy. Clear as I can...let's put it that-a-way. ;)

This is just too much of an irrational unscientific way of viewing the world for my liking, again something that is reflected in my use of a happy scientist and a dour supernaturalist to illustrate the type of governance we could expect from these competing paradigms.

The former would be based in reality and the latter...wouldn't.

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