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War In Ukraine

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If the Russian government had known in advance what kind of of a military, economic and political disaster this war was going to be they most certainly wouldn't have gone ahead. 

However, how could they not know? Did they really think that the west would only strongly condemn but otherwise just look on? 

Also, even if peace comes now does anybody think everything goes back like it was before and all this would soon be forgotten? 

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3 hours ago, Yzermandius19 said:

you assume that nibbling a little bit of Ukraine off temporarily 

for the cost being incurred

is somehow a win for Russia

that is a far more ridiculous assumption than any assumption I make

Perhaps...we'll see soon.

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Footage of the combat departure of Ka-52 attack helicopters of the Russian Aerospace Forces was published by the Ministry of Defense. The combat mission was to find and destroy the camouflaged positions of the Ukrainian army. The pilots successfully completed the task by using guided and unguided S-8 missiles from low altitudes.


After the transfer of a group of Russian troops from Kiev to Donbass to complete a special operation to liberate these territories, Ukrainian troops entered the Antonov International Airport in the village of Gostomel. One of the eyewitnesses took a close-up of the wreckage of the largest aircraft in the world An-225 "Mriya". Ukraine destroyed the world's largest AN-225 Mriya transport aircraft with its own hands. It happened because of the shelling of Antonov airport by Ukrainian troops.


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18 hours ago, Soldier35 said:

This is a Ukrainian fake, everyone already knows, corpses are moving, one then got into the car


Everybody does not know that. If you or anybody else had evidence of that you'd post it. And anybody with basic reasoning skills knows that.

Here's what we do know:

Satellite imagery shows bodies laid in Bucha streets for weeks, contradicting Russian claims

Edited by Infidel Dog
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Mariupol is 95% under the control of the Russian Army and Allied forces. The point in the battle for the city will be set at the Azovstal plant, the ring around it has shrunk. Russia will gain full military control over Mariupol in the coming days. Heavy artillery has already started firing direct fire, an ACS 2C3 "Acacia" with a 152-mm caliber firing direct fire was seen on the streets. The mass surrender of Ukrainian army soldiers began in Mariupol.

Footage of the shooting of the Russian Tor-M2 SAM at a Ukrainian UAV has been published. According to the calculation of the SAM, during the special operation in Ukraine, they fired 20 missiles, hit 11 targets, among them seven Bayraktar TB2 Turkish-made UAVs. "Tor-M2" is a representative of a new generation of short-range air defense systems.


The mass surrender of Ukrainian army soldiers began. On April 5, at night, 267 Ukrainian soldiers from the 503rd battalion of the 36th Separate Marine Brigade of the Naval Forces of Ukraine surrendered in Mariupol near the village of Sartana.



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Slow Clap ?

Russia can only win this war by completely destroying Ukraine like they did to Mariupol. 

The fact that they are having such trouble taking Eastern Cities shows how inept they are. 

If Russia think they can revise their military aims by simply taking chunks of territory, they must realize that the cost has become being a global pariah. 

AND it has motivated Germany to exceed them military in spending. 

This entire sad affair has accomplished the exact opposite of what Putin wanted. 

Edited by Boges
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11 hours ago, Soldier35 said:

Mariupol is 95% under the control of the Russian Army and Allied forces. The point in the battle for the city will be set at the Azovstal plant, the ring around it has shrunk. Russia will gain full military control over Mariupol in the coming days. Heavy artillery has already started firing direct fire, an ACS 2C3 "Acacia" with a 152-mm caliber firing direct fire was seen on the streets. The mass surrender of Ukrainian army soldiers began in Mariupol.

Footage of the shooting of the Russian Tor-M2 SAM at a Ukrainian UAV has been published. According to the calculation of the SAM, during the special operation in Ukraine, they fired 20 missiles, hit 11 targets, among them seven Bayraktar TB2 Turkish-made UAVs. "Tor-M2" is a representative of a new generation of short-range air defense systems.

The mass surrender of Ukrainian army soldiers began. On April 5, at night, 267 Ukrainian soldiers from the 503rd battalion of the 36th Separate Marine Brigade of the Naval Forces of Ukraine surrendered in Mariupol near the village of Sartana.


Really? Is that what they're telling you from back in Moscow?

What they're telling us over here is the mass of Russian army and their mercenaries retreating from the battles around Keiv are so hungry their eating the Ukrainians' family pets.

Puppy munchers.

And you're all 'Rah, rah. Go dog-eaters, are you? You get paid for that?

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Russia has completely withdrawn from northern Ukraine. There is no military logic to this from a ground point of view. If there are such logistical problems on the ground, Russia would have sent in supplies via private enterprise. Putin could be planning to nuke northern Ukraine. The takeover of Chernobyl is evidence, as there was no strategic value to that.

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On 06.04.2022 at 20:10, Infidel Dog said:

Действительно? Это тебе из Москвы говорят?

Здесь нам рассказывают, что масса русской армии и их наемники, отступающие после боев под Киевом, настолько голодны, что едят домашних любимцев украинцев.

Пожиратели щенков.

И вы все 'Ра, ра. Собакоеды, что ли? Тебе за это платят?

Troops were transferred from near Kiev to strengthen the grouping in the Donbas

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On 06.04.2022 at 15:59, Boges said:

Медленный  хлопок ?

Тот факт, что у них такие проблемы с захватом восточных городов, показывает, насколько они неспособны. 

Если Россия думает, что может пересмотреть свои военные цели, просто захватив часть территории, она должна осознать, что платой за это стало быть глобальным изгоем. 


There are no problems with the capture, they try to destroy everything less, since then it will have to be restored


Less than half of the world supported the US sanctions. And the sanctions will not last for a long time, factories are already being stopped in Germany, the global giant BASF can stop production, Volkswagen has already stopped, problems with fertilizers are beginning, fuel prices have begun to rise around the world, these are just some examples. You read real media, not propaganda

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The artillery of Russia and the Servicemen of the People's Militia began to use propaganda shells in Mariupol at the Azovstal combine. 122-mm propaganda shells 1AZH instead of the warhead are filled with passes and leaflets for the voluntary surrender of servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Propaganda leaflets are placed in steel half-cylinders of shells.

The S-300 anti-aircraft missile systems of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were destroyed by the strikes of high-precision weapons of Russia. The coordinates of the location of the S-300 air defense system of Ukraine were established with the help of electronic intelligence



Edited by Soldier35
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Slovak media reported that Slovakia handed over to Ukraine as a military aid its only division of the Soviet-made S-300PMU anti-aircraft missile system. The transfer of the S-300PMU SAM occurred on the condition that the Western Allies would supply new air defense systems as compensation. According to media reports, instead of the C-300s that have left Ukraine, American Patriot air defense systems will take over combat duty in Slovakia.


The United States announced the supply of new Switchblade kamikaze drones to Ukraine. Despite the jubilation that has gripped individual representatives of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Russian air defense, which was confirmed by the practice of special operations in Ukraine, confidently strikes the UAV of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The Switchblade drone is available in two versions, anti-personnel and anti-tank.



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Just imagine when the Romanian communist regime was overthrown that Ceaucescu had been taken to some international criminal court and his trial would have lasted for years and forces loyal to him could have continued the struggle.

They didn't make that mistake and instead straight after having arrested him they executed him and his wife.

If and when the Russian regime is overthrown the same must happen with Putin and his closest circle.

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On 4/4/2022 at 3:48 AM, Soldier35 said:

This is a Ukrainian fake, everyone already knows, corpses are moving, one then got into the car

Man you must have drawn the short straw, as a Russian propagandist, to be slung down to the depths of the maple leaf forums....you might get more action over at RaBal , but hey since you are here, maybe you can educate us westerns on a few things... like why are you still using variants of the T-72's where are all those glorious Russian battle tanks like the T-80U we have seen a couple but not many and then what about T90MS, T-14 Armata's, or even the T-15 , or any advanced IFV....even your air defenses such as Panstir s1, what a big disappointment, the Israelis have knocked this out on regular basis....and the famed S-300 and S-400 same thing Israelis blowing them up like a day on the ranges... yes by F-35, and F-15E

Anyways what has been sold to the rest of the world as some of the best equipment mother Russia has or had is turning into a disappointment, what do you really think is going to happen when you finally met NATO standard equipment like the new Abrams M-1A2C SEP 4, or Leopard IIa7V, i won't even mention F-22, or F-35...becasue i really don't think you guys could handle the old stuff like F-16, or F-15, F-18 in their latest forms...

Lets not even talk about troop quality and those Chechens mercenaries, wow where did you find those guys, what a waste of resources they where, let me guess they are not the same muslin guys your army faced..........not saying all Russian soldiers are bad, becasue you do have good special forces, and your women soldiers have a good reputation.... but your regular troops are getting a spanking real bad....they are not very professional, it looks like they train on the weekends and only like to kill civilians  that don't shoot back... Russia reputation as warriors is nothing but a myth now, your equipment is shit, your regular troops are shit, maybe you guys should call it a day, and give up, live your life's out in Ukraine... that is before Ukraine sends in their women to kick the shit out of whats left of the Russian army...


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On 4/7/2022 at 4:46 AM, 500channelsurfer said:

Russia has completely withdrawn from northern Ukraine. There is no military logic to this from a ground point of view. If there are such logistical problems on the ground, Russia would have sent in supplies via private enterprise. Putin could be planning to nuke northern Ukraine. The takeover of Chernobyl is evidence, as there was no strategic value to that.

I really hope they don't use any nukes, if there is one thing that would draw NATO in it is using any weapons' of mass destruction, nukes, chemical, or bio...thats the thin line in the sand...it would draw a swift response atleast conventionally at first....hopefully those that surround Biden and Putin have a firm grip on sound judgement, becasue once it goes nuclear, it is game over for all of us... yes even Justin and his socks will go up in smoke... i think he is as popular with Putin as he is with the rest of Canada...

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1 hour ago, Army Guy said:

I really hope they don't use any nukes, if there is one thing that would draw NATO in it is using any weapons' of mass destruction, nukes, chemical, or bio...thats the thin line in the sand...it would draw a swift response atleast conventionally at first....hopefully those that surround Biden and Putin have a firm grip on sound judgement, becasue once it goes nuclear, it is game over for all of us... yes even Justin and his socks will go up in smoke... i think he is as popular with Putin as he is with the rest of Canada...

How would NATO respond if Putin used tactical nukes in Ukraine? Sending Army Guy in with a made-in-Germany nuke proof helmet?

Even if Putin fired a nuke on Ottawa, I'm still not sure if US would respond with firing back a nuke on Moscow. I bet lots of men here would argue with me by what books/treaties/protocols.... say, but since US's nukes aren't controlled by Skynet but men, there will always be a chance.....you know the epic scene of film Terminator, don't you?



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But Putin won't use nukes. He just realized he hasn't enough troops to engulf the whole Ukraine only by one campaign, so he changed his strategy to take east Ukraine first. Once Ukrainian forces are cleaned from the region, Russian troops there will be free to be used on other fronts and retake initiative.

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On 4/4/2022 at 5:44 PM, Infidel Dog said:


Everybody does not know that. If you or anybody else had evidence of that you'd post it. And anybody with basic reasoning skills knows that.

Here's what we do know:

Satellite imagery shows bodies laid in Bucha streets for weeks, contradicting Russian claims

Did bodies really lay there for weeks? No one leaves bodies lying around that long, it's disrespectful and disgusting. 

Also, there'd be nothing left by the end. Crows, gulls, wolves and coyotes would have been all over them. Their clothes would be torn up from animals trying to get at the flesh. There are also people standing fairly close to them in the video, the smell would be unbearable. I didn't see any blood on or around those people on the street, it looked to be poorly staged imo. 

For sure some civilians died in Bucha and every other city and town that the war came to, but western propaganda needs to get their poop in a group because they're just being silly now.

Story 1) It's a genocide. Everywhere you look Russians are massacring civilians with tanks, artillery, poison, and bombs. 

Story 2) The Russians can't do anything right. There are 10,000-15,000 dead Russian soldiers already and just over 1,000 dead Ukrainians. 

Which is it? Do they think that we're too stupid to notice that those two stories are mutually exclusive? If there were only 1,035 dead civilians after the first month of war that means that the Russians were actually being very careful and precise. The Americans killed between 200,000-500,000 people in the last Iraq war and I don't remember CNN calling it a genocide. 

I think that the MSM got too comfortable with the fact that they could just blatantly lie about whatever they want without question over the past few years, they're actually getting really bad at it now and you'd think that they'd be champs. 

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14 hours ago, Army Guy said:

I really hope they don't use any nukes, if there is one thing that would draw NATO in it is using any weapons' of mass destruction, nukes, chemical, or bio...thats the thin line in the sand...it would draw a swift response atleast conventionally at first....hopefully those that surround Biden and Putin have a firm grip on sound judgement, becasue once it goes nuclear, it is game over for all of us... yes even Justin and his socks will go up in smoke... i think he is as popular with Putin as he is with the rest of Canada...

Russia definitely won't use any tactical nukes because they don't have to. They have their thermobaric bombs (FOAB) which do a similar amount of damage to tactical nukes but without the political and radioactive fallout. 

The US will cry "foul" if/when Russia uses them but the Americans used their own MOAB, which is basically the same thing, on the Afghan tunnels.

There will definitely be an accusation of bio/chem weapons by the US because they've been laying the groundworks for that accusation since before the war started. The US might even use those weapons on Ukrainians themselves just to get things going. 

Congress has a war boner but Americans still aren't convinced that it's time to start singing: "AMERICA! (FUCK YEAH) Whachoo gonna do when they come for you yeah...."

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15 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Russia definitely won't use any tactical nukes because they don't have to. They have their thermobaric bombs (FOAB) which do a similar amount of damage to tactical nukes but without the political and radioactive fallout.

nah, the FOAB is only equivalent to 44 tons of TNT

even the smallest battlefield tactical nuclear weapons would still be at least 1 kiloton yield

which is 22 times the blast yield of a FOAB

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