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    Russian Donetsk Oblast

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  1. Where did you get the idea that I live in your failed Anglo Disneyland? 😄
  2. Well said. A pseudo "nation" without cultural and national identity, created on the genocide of the indigenous people. Even today the Anglo colonial whore owned by American pimp. Or to summarize, the confused Conglomerate Canada is spatially huge, culturally tiny and politically insignificant. Nothing to be proud off.
  3. I agree. Unlike real sovereign countries, there are regions in the world whose destiny is to be someone's puppet colony forever.
  4. We know that Trump plans to make America great again (MAGA). But who can be MAGA Canada? Is it the great Canadian patriot and head of Canadian state King Charles III or the smartest Canadian politician Justin Trudeau or who else have you got? 😄
  5. Russian state television showed the countries in Europe that will be hit by nuclear weapons if the war intensifies: "All it takes is three missiles and British civilization will collapse." GOOD LUCK.
  6. Haha, Today Palestinians tomorrow rest of you Goys
  7. Who really profits from the genocide in the Ukrainian war against the Slavic population?
  8. John F. Kennedy,s nephew reveals that In 2023, Kiev hired American-Israeli companies BlackRock, JPMorgan to help establish a fund to raise public capital to create a New Israel in Ukraine.
  9. Please stop trolling, suppress your arrogance and present the facts of meaningful discussion, otherwise....... Thank you
  10. Biden and Black Rock Plan to Turn Ukraine Into New ISRAEL
  11. Black Rock ready to build New Israel in Ukraine. Before that, the already purchased land must be cleared of the Slavic Ukrainian population.
  12. Please stop trolling and stick to the subject of this post Thank you
  13. Please behave yourself and let other people to have serious meaningful discussion. Thank you
  14. Israel banned DNA testing because they could not find any Semitic Jews among the population of this country
  15. The latest intelligence confirms that Zelensky was sent from Israel to Ukraine with a mission to organize the killing and displacement of as many Slavic Ukrainians as possible in order to secure the land for the new Israel, given that most Jews today are actually descendants of Khazarian Ashkenazis.
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