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Public Health orders are lawful. 

Remember just a year ago when it was people so desparate to get vaccinated that they flew to the US to get vaccinated and the couple from Vancouver who flew all the way to Old Crow YT, to get vaccinated, and they lost their jobs for jumping the line. Who could imagine at that time that anybody would not jump at the chance to get vaccinated? I still do not understand it. I hear people say that the vaccine is killing people, yet almost 5 billion people in the world are fully vaccinated and if that isn't an indication of its efficacy and safety, I don't know what is. 

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2 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

The fact that you're sick with COVID and can't even accept isolating tells us how reasonable and willing to compromise you are on these subjects.  This is why nobody takes the trucker's protest seriously and why nobody is listening to you.  

Whatever other valid arguments you may or may not have get drowned in foolishness, ignorance and selfishness.   

You twit.  I’m isolating.

 I don’t feel sick.

I obey rules.   Nice try.

This is the least sick I’ve ever felt from any diagnosis ever.  

Edited by Zeitgeist
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41 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

Well that’s why I think a constitution should be sacrosanct.  In the end, none of our mandates or lockdowns or unconstitutional restrictions should have been permitted…

Are you saying they’re unconstitutional because you think they are?   Why are you and a small group of self-appointed truckers the arbiters of what is unconstitutional?

Isn’t it abundantly clear that the Charter (our rights) are interpreted and enforced by lawful courts, and not a self appointed posse? 

Edited by TreeBeard
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11 minutes ago, TreeBeard said:

Are you saying they’re unconstitutional because you think they are?   Why are you and a small group of self-appointed truckers the arbiters of what is unconstitutional?

Isn’t it abundantly clear that the Charter (our rights) are interpreted and enforced by lawful courts, and not a self appointed posse? 

Just stop.  Posse?  You’re no better than Trudeau labeling the opposition a fringe minority.  If you don’t see how your own level of freedom is substantially reduced from two years ago and that there aren’t good reasons to justify this, I can’t help you.

 If you don’t see how the unvaccinated have even fewer civil rights that are supposed to be guaranteed to every Canadian, I can’t help you.

How are the love letters to Trudeau coming along?

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2 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

Just stop.  Posse?  You’re no better than Trudeau labeling the opposition a fringe minority.  If you don’t see how your own level of freedom is substantially reduced from two years ago and that there aren’t good reasons to justify this, I can’t help you.

 If you don’t see how the unvaccinated have even fewer civil rights that are supposed to be guaranteed to every Canadian, I can’t help you.

How are the love letters to Trudeau coming along?

Posse… group…. Protestors…. 

What authority do they have to decide on rights?  You keep avoiding the question.

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You are a fringe minority.  You're a joke.  Canada doesn't take you seriously.  When you can't articulate your arguments beyond asinine hyperbole and nonsense about Trudeau love letters and communists etc, you confirm what everyone already thinks about you.  

You're clowning around and that's all the respect you're going to get from anyone.  

Edited by Moonbox
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3 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

You are a fringe minority.  You're a joke.  Canada doesn't take you seriously.  When you can't articulate your arguments beyond asinine hyperbole Trudeau love letters and communists etc, you confirm what everyone already thinks about you.  
You're clowning around and that's all the respect you're going to get from anyone.  

I’ve articulated my positions more clearly and powerfully than you have articulated yours on multiple occasions.  I’m not here to provide précis of my past writings for you.  Continue to lean on cheap shots.  Looks good on you.  

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2 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

Continue to lean on cheap shots.  Looks good on you.  

The funniest and most clueless thing you've said so far.  The utter cluelessness and comical hypocrisy of that comment is next level LARPing.  Bravo.  You are a fascinating specimen.  

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1 minute ago, Moonbox said:

The funniest and most clueless thing you've said so far.  The utter cluelessness and comical hypocrisy of that comment is next level LARPing.  Bravo.  You are a fascinating specimen.  

I aim to please.  I know you enjoy dissections, pulling wings off of butterflies, and other pursuits that serial killers enjoy.  I’ll buy you a new display case for your specimens.  

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1 hour ago, Queenmandy85 said:

The Queen is the personifacation of Canada. 

I think the issue of climate change is pretty much settled. 

My view on conscription has changed over the years. I would like to see a program where post- secondary education be free, but you only qualify for admission after a five year stint in the Canadian Forces. 

Lizzy? I think you really mean "The Crown" don't you? And our fealty to The Crown is more a business arrangement now. The Commonwealth. Something I'm not sure is good for Canada. But I am no expert on that agreement.

Its not settled at all. And...its not so much climate change and the various theories there-of that I am not down for, but more the proposed solutions and the hasty panic some people are in to "throw out the old shoes, before buying new ones" that bothers me. Technology needs more time to design workable and reliable solutions. We already know that many countries simply will not comply and burn anything to drive power generation. Yet we should pay for unreliable sources because...it makes idiots like AOC happy? Find a solution that makes sense...then we'll talk.

I would go for that. In fact, I'd help you sell the idea. Our military is way too small and we have a lot to protect. Not only that but a little military training would only benefit our society's sense of unity.

Edited by Nationalist
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52 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Well sure he was but did he sit on his ass merely complaining about his country being destroyed? No, he did something about it.

What have you done? Fuck all.

LOL..."he did something about it"...you don't even know who the little rat was, how he came to power, or what he did with it...do ya. Friggin' hilarious...

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37 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Public Health orders are lawful. 

Some, sure. All? That's obviously not true.


Remember just a year ago when it was people so desparate to get vaccinated that they flew to the US to get vaccinated and the couple from Vancouver who flew all the way to Old Crow YT, to get vaccinated, and they lost their jobs for jumping the line. Who could imagine at that time that anybody would not jump at the chance to get vaccinated? 

Taking the jab was worth the risk for wealthy people who in covid's target demographic. They had lots to live for and they felt like taking the jab really increased their chances of survival. Over 20,000 Canadians 80 and over have died from covid, and only about 4% of Canadians are over 80.

Anyone over 80 who owns a TV station and isn't vaxed is an idiot. It's even beneficial for them to do whatever they can to encourage younger people to take the vax because in some cases it will slightly reduce the spread of covid. 

Less than 30 people under 20 have died of covid, and that is about 25% of our population. Should they jump the line to get jabbed?  


I still do not understand it. I hear people say that the vaccine is killing people, yet almost 5 billion people in the world are fully vaccinated and if that isn't an indication of its efficacy and safety, I don't know what is. 

We've never really heard the gov't say anything about side effects, but we know that they're there. That's the scary part for people who don't need the vaccine. 

Here's an article that's very pro Astrazeneca from Feb 7 of this year: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2022/feb/07/doubts-cast-over-astrazeneca-jab-probably-killed-thousands-covid-vaccine


Scientists and politicians “probably killed hundreds of thousands of people” by damaging the reputation of the AstraZeneca vaccine, according to an Oxford scientist who worked on the jab.

Oooh, that sounds really bad. "Damaging the reputation" of a "vaccine". If it was true, that would be bad.

Is it?


When the Oxford/AstraZeneca jab was rolled out in the UK government advisers recommended under-40s should be offered an alternative due to a link to very rare blood clots.

Blood clots aren't always a big deal. How bad were the blood clots? No mention.


The overall risk of blood clots is very low – estimated at one in 65,000 overall – but slightly higher in younger adults. When European regulators declared that the vaccine’s benefits outweighed its risks, most lifted their suspension – but put age restrictions on the vaccine, the BBC said.

One in 65,000.... will what? Get a little blood clot? Die? Still no mention. 

People buy lottery tickets with much longer odds than 1/65,000.

Do you get why people who have almost 100% chance of surviving covid don't want to take the jab? How is this woman still pimping the AZ? Why is she bemoaning it's fate? 


A couple of months ago Aristedes posted a link here about how safe the vax was for children. About 8.9M kids got the Pfizer jab in the US and only 12 died within the first week. That's not necessarily alarming, it happens. 6 of them died from causes which were mentioned in the article (2 from blood clots in the lungs, a heart attack, and 2 intracranial haemorrhage deaths among the 6), and in all cases the CDC decided that they likely weren't caused by the vax, and there were 6 deaths that were still under investigation. 

This doesn't even include all the known cases of myocarditis, a very severe heart condition which is only completely cured about 81% of the time. 


The fact that there are severe side effects is known, but the gov't is treating us like mushrooms: keeping us in the dark and feeding us bullshit. 

They'll go on for hours and hours about putting up plastic screens for cashiers, different kinds of masks, how to wear masks, how racist some flight restrictions are compared to others, Bonnie Henry can do her sleeper monologues, they'll lecture us about a "'healthy' (fat) 59 yr old in Britain who died of covid", covid numbers in different parts of the country, Cuomo's heroism, Cuomosexuality, Trump's dastardly covid nonsense, rising counts over here, lowering counts over there, etc, but they never do anything to address the elephant in the room. At best they'll say "We believe that the benefits outweigh the risks". Oh geez, THANK YOU! At best I'll say "When we know more about the risks, we'll consider giving it to our son, who, from all the stats to this point, absolutely doesn't need it."

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1 hour ago, Moonbox said:

You are a fringe minority.  You're a joke.  Canada doesn't take you seriously.  When you can't articulate your arguments beyond asinine hyperbole and nonsense about Trudeau love letters and communists etc, you confirm what everyone already thinks about you.  

You're clowning around and that's all the respect you're going to get from anyone.  

You edited your post and it still looks like that? ?

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35 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

LOL..."he did something about it"...you don't even know who the little rat was, how he came to power, or what he did with it...do ya. Friggin' hilarious...

He was a hero of the right who killed lefties - he knew what needed to be done. A man of conviction compared to today's right wing pussies.  

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1 hour ago, eyeball said:

He was a hero of the right who killed lefties - he knew what needed to be done. A man of conviction compared to today's right wing pussies.  

So those students in the football stadium were just playing possum?

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2 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

If you don’t see how your own level of freedom is substantially reduced from two years ago and that there aren’t good reasons to justify this, I can’t help you.


I have to wear a mask and can't go to nightspots.  Living in a democracy gives people rights and responsibilities.  Responsibilities sometimes includes experiencing discomfort and inconvenience so that others can be safer.  Labelling these temporary inconveniences as "losing rights" and imagining some dire future of totalitarianism is ridiculous in the extreme. 

Especially when you remember that countries and regions around the world have been removing restrictions whenever possible, only tightening them again when hospitalizations go up. 

I hope you feel stupid as f@ck in the near future when all these "horrendous" restrictions are gone and you realize just how hysterical you are.

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6 minutes ago, dialamah said:

I have to wear a mask and can't go to nightspots.  Living in a democracy gives people rights and responsibilities.  Responsibilities sometimes includes experiencing discomfort and inconvenience so that others can be safer.  Labelling these temporary inconveniences as "losing rights" and imagining some dire future of totalitarianism is ridiculous in the extreme. 

Especially when you remember that countries and regions around the world have been removing restrictions whenever possible, only tightening them again when hospitalizations go up. 

I hope you feel stupid as f@ck in the near future when all these "horrendous" restrictions are gone and you realize just how hysterical you are.

Wear your mask, stay home, and get all the jabs you want.  Lay off of everyone else.  We’re tired of your sucky sky is falling nonsense.  Haven’t people been held hostage long enough to satisfy your hypochondria?

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3 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

Wear your mask, stay home, and get all the jabs you want.  Lay off of everyone else.  We’re tired of your sucky sky is falling nonsense.  Haven’t people been held hostage long enough to satisfy your hypochondria?

And we're tired of your sucky "sky is falling" hyperbolic, hysterical nonsense that our democracy is going going gone because you have to wear a f*cking mask for a couple of years.  You don't even have to get a vaccine - you just have to accept the consequences, whether it's getting sick or losing your job.  The rest of us have a right to feel safe in our country and not be held hostage in our homes by the special snowflakes that make up about 10% of the population.

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29 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

So those students in the football stadium were just playing possum?

I doubt it.

That's an odd question. Listen to what people are imagining our government is capable of. When people started comparing Canadian lefties to mass murderers in the past it was funny and silly and we knew it was just hyperbole and there was no reason to take it seriously.

Is that really the case anymore? These people have said it so much and over and over to each so many times...you know how repeating a falsehood over and over again tends to give it a reality it doesn't deserve.

You don't think it's appropriate to wonder  what people who seem to be truely convinced our government is on the cusp of becoming their worst nightmare might do about that? 

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