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Trucker's Convoy


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5 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

Once I saw the bank accounts of protesters frozen, military veterans getting shoved to the ground by police, international police swarming peaceful Canadian protesters, the introduction of martial law AFTER blockades were removed, protest donations stolen by government, slanderous and divisive rhetoric from our PM towards mandate protesters as “racist, misogynist, fringe” with “unacceptable views” and “Do we make space for these people?”, I knew we had entered an unprecedented, Orwellian phase in Canada.

right ?

we are students of Canadian history

and old enough to know

that this is a dark dystopic Canada degenerating into totalitarianism like something out of Putin's Russia

Trudeau is Putin, Putin is Trudeau, the Canadian media is as state run as the Russian media is now

the Canadian oligarchs throwing up an iron curtain to keep American freedom at bay, just like the Russian ones do

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On 5/7/2022 at 2:56 PM, eyeball said:

The issue for me is...me.  I don't care about anyone or anything outside that anymore.

Well, OK. And you aren't inventing anything new here. Then, add: "I choose to admire and believe this great leader (and his measures, whatever they are) because I think it would take best care of me" and you'll get what? Try to figure it out: it's all right there, before your eyes.

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18 hours ago, Dougie93 said:

Trudeau is Putin, Putin is Trudeau, the Canadian media is as state run as the Russian media is now

Trudeau is off to fight Putin though (the irony). Your daily truth was updated. Forget the mandates and war measures now all marching in the liberty direction!

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2 hours ago, myata said:

Well, OK. And you aren't inventing anything new here. Then, add: "I choose to admire and believe this great leader (and his measures, whatever they are) because I think it would take best care of me" and you'll get what? Try to figure it out: it's all right there, before your eyes.

The only reason to say that is the cheap thrill of getting up a conservatives nose. Too easy.

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1 hour ago, eyeball said:

The only reason to say that is the cheap thrill of getting up a conservatives nose.

And that is also straight out of Putin, etc any dictator's book. Reason, truth, reality itself does not matter if all problems can be written off to the foe. Nothing to be answered all questions and concerns dismissed with a single label. Easy.

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On 5/7/2022 at 1:23 PM, ExFlyer said:

I think those warnings are on almost every drug out there.

When you see ads on TV for whatever drug from stuff for cancer to psoriasis to toe fungus the warning on the end of the ads are sometimes longer than the ad itself.

No surprise at all. :)

Well, I am very surprised that the government is force vaccinating pregnant women with a drug that is explicitly not recommended during pregnancy or breastfeeding.  Even denying them employment if they do not vaccinate with a forbidden drug.

Those other drugs are not forced on women.

Also very surprised that the government is telling them it's perfectly safe when the manufacturer says it is not.

Edited by Goddess
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55 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Sure I'll support Putin today

If he promised you some left-dream paradise? In a blink of an eye.. and who could have any doubts. Who will you choose to believe if can't think for yourself? There isn't a good answer.

Edited by myata
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2 hours ago, myata said:

If he promised you some left-dream paradise? In a blink of an eye.. and who could have any doubts. Who will you choose to believe if can't think for yourself? There isn't a good answer.

Sure there is, I'll just make it up as I go.


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11 hours ago, Goddess said:

Well, I am very surprised that the government is force vaccinating pregnant women with a drug that is explicitly not recommended during pregnancy or breastfeeding.  Even denying them employment if they do not vaccinate with a forbidden drug.

Those other drugs are not forced on women.

Also very surprised that the government is telling them it's perfectly safe when the manufacturer says it is not.

Our government's whole shtick is "The vaccine works perfectly and it is perfectly safe." They won't acknowledge anything else and they don't have to because the media has their back.

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16 hours ago, Goddess said:

Well, I am very surprised that the government is force vaccinating pregnant women with a drug that is explicitly not recommended during pregnancy or breastfeeding.  Even denying them employment if they do not vaccinate with a forbidden drug . . . . .

Why are you surprised? The authoritarian Marxist Left is on the march on your country just as it is in mine. Fortunately we have a constitution and its Bill of Rights that prevent the most egregious things like this to be done to us 

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12 hours ago, Great American said:

Why are you surprised? The authoritarian Marxist Left is on the march on your country just as it is in mine. Fortunately we have a constitution and its Bill of Rights that prevent the most egregious things like this to be done to us 

there is a poison pill written into the Canadian Charter of Rights & Freedoms

in Canada, the first amendment is called Section 1

1. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.

this section was meant to be used only in the most extreme circumstances, think World War Two level of emergency

but since that is not written into the clause

the governments in Canada use Section 1 promiscuously, as a catch all

anytime the governments here want to nullify your rights for any reason, they invoke Section 1

your right is deemed to be "unreasonable", cannot be "justified in a free & democratic society"

so it turns out the Canadian bill of rights ain't worth paper it is written on,  as it is nullified without restraint

thus, Canada is not actually a free country by the standards of American freedom

as in Canada, freedom is subject to whatever the government in power subjectively decides to be "reasonable"

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1 hour ago, Dougie93 said:

1. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.

"Justified" is growing ever closer to "regurgitating the LPOC narratives & disinformation". 

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11 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

"Justified" is growing ever closer to "regurgitating the LPOC narratives & disinformation". 

so, what you are feeling are the effects of monarchy

Section 1 is the power of the Queen being used against you

and that is Canada, that is the true nature of Canada

 Canada itself is repressing you

Canadians you meet on the street will often say that they "love Canada"

but that's probably because they don't actually know Canada. they don't know what Canada is

they fill that void with a benign Canadian People's Republic of the mind, even tho no such country actually exists

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Mark Levin
Tyranny & The Canadian Convoy

Tyranny has raised its ugly head north of the border. After Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau invoked special emergency powers against the Freedom Convoy organizers, Canadians' individual human rights and freedom to peacefully protest were ground underfoot ... unless you are on the side of the Left. Now, Mark warns that same tyranny is happening here in the U.S. with the January 6 commission. The Founding Fathers constructed a government by the people, for the people. Would they recognize the oppressive state we are becoming?

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On 5/3/2022 at 1:04 PM, ExFlyer said:

I also could not see my Mother who also had dementia but, she fortunately lived through covid in her LTC.

Yes. The restrictions imposed by the LTC or hospital was to protect everyone in the home and the staff as best they could.

Imagine how much you would be screaming if she had caught covid and passed a because someone came in with covid and infected everyone?

Maybe you should be grateful your wife is alive because someone cared enough about her safety?

I don't believe any of that nonsense at all. You nor I know as to what you just said is true or not. Covid today is showing to have been one big hoax and lie that was forced on we the stupid sheeple. Today, we all know by now that those that have been vaccinated are still able to pass covid onto others.

And if so, then why are care homes still allowing visitors into care homes if they already know or should know that covid can still be spread onto others in care homes, vaccinated or not. So quit with the bs, will you. Stop believing all of the lies that have been shoved on you by your lying politicians and the lying Canadian MSM. 

Where my wife is living, the employees do not have to be tested at all for covid anymore when they come to work. But I still have too. Why? Where is the sense in this, flyer boy? Please explain all of that to me. ?

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On 5/3/2022 at 1:06 PM, ExFlyer said:

I have no position other than being an adult making adult decisions about my safety and life.

Interesting to me why so many here are pissed and upset about my choices. I could not really care less about your choices, why do you care about mine? You are not better nor smarter than me.

Apparently, choice was not allowed for me when it came to being forced to get the covid jab or not. It's funny how women are allowed choice when it comes to abortions, my body stuff, but when it came to vaccinations and my body, well too freaking bad for you sucker, get vaccinated or else lose all of your rights and freedoms. 

If you like to call yourself a lefty liberal, than to me, I am a lot smarter than you could ever be. Just saying. ?

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13 hours ago, Great American said:

Mark Levin
Tyranny & The Canadian Convoy

Tyranny has raised its ugly head north of the border. After Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau invoked special emergency powers against the Freedom Convoy organizers, Canadians' individual human rights and freedom to peacefully protest were ground underfoot ... unless you are on the side of the Left. Now, Mark warns that same tyranny is happening here in the U.S. with the January 6 commission. The Founding Fathers constructed a government by the people, for the people. Would they recognize the oppressive state we are becoming?

What that Marxist tyrannical so called leader of Canada did to those patriotic truckers was a crime against Canadians and a crime against our Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and a crime against humanity. This pos, and the scum Marxist ilk in his political party, have violated our rights and freedoms since he came into power. This dictator despises Canada and Canadians and has no problem showing his hatred and contempt for we the peasants. 

Canada and America are in big time trouble these days with all of those leftist liberal democrat socialists running around and trying to stifle freedom of speech. This tyrannical Marxist that is running Canada into the ground today has three more years to try and turn Canada into a KM great reset globalist state where rights and freedoms will not be allowed to exist any longer. We the peasants will all just have to be happy to own nothing and be happy about it while those scum mentioned above will own and run the whole bloody world by and for themselves.

They will never be vaccinated, nor will they ever get RFID chipped, or become a part of the social credit system. Why? Because they will be running every bloody thing, and they can then do whatever the hell they want to do. Only idiots and buffoons cannot see what is going on in Canada and America. Sadly, we have way too many of those idiots around. 

At least you can now fly on a plane, and be in an airport, and not have to wear a clown mask. We the peasants here in Canada are still being forced to have to show that we have been fully vaccinated and forced to wear a clown mask on here in Canukistan to walk in an airport and fly on a plane. 

Canada has been going the way of communism for decades now, and it all started when the Turdeau's Marxist dictator old man became the PM of Canada back in the 80's. The first words out of his Marxist mouth was "welcome to the new Canada". We all should know by now that we truly are living in a new Canada alright these days. ?

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On 5/10/2022 at 2:33 PM, Dougie93 said:

there is a poison pill written into the Canadian Charter of Rights & Freedoms

in Canada, the first amendment is called Section 1

1. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.

this section was meant to be used only in the most extreme circumstances, think World War Two level of emergency

but since that is not written into the clause

the governments in Canada use Section 1 promiscuously, as a catch all

anytime the governments here want to nullify your rights for any reason, they invoke Section 1

your right is deemed to be "unreasonable", cannot be "justified in a free & democratic society"

so it turns out the Canadian bill of rights ain't worth paper it is written on,  as it is nullified without restraint

thus, Canada is not actually a free country by the standards of American freedom

as in Canada, freedom is subject to whatever the government in power subjectively decides to be "reasonable"

I believe that the paper that the COR was written on is now gone forever because of our so called dear political leaders who had decided years ago to use it as ass wipe, and then flushed down the toilet. 

We now have a new COR in Canada. It is called the great globalist reset COR, and is being implemented and promoted by our dear wonderful Marxist dictator called Turdeau. It guarantees that there will be no rights and freedoms in Canada anymore. Only woke freedom of speech will be allowed to exist in Canada today. 

Welcome to the new Canada, and the new normal COR in Canada today. Having fun and enjoyment with it so far? Good, because you bloody well deserve it for being such stupid asses and allowing it too happen. ?

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58 minutes ago, taxme said:

I don't believe any of that nonsense at all. You nor I know as to what you just said is true or not. ...


...? Where is the sense in this, flyer boy? Please explain all of that to me. ?

You asshole. It was my Mother and she died. Not of COVID but she passed away. Why would I lie? 

Don't need your BS about what I said, I know what happened. Some people stoop so low to cover their point it is embarrassing for them and you, stepped  over the line!!!

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1 hour ago, taxme said:

Apparently, choice was not allowed for me when it came to being forced to get the covid jab or not. It's funny how women are allowed choice when it comes to abortions, my body stuff, but when it came to vaccinations and my body, well too freaking bad for you sucker, get vaccinated or else lose all of your rights and freedoms. 

If you like to call yourself a lefty liberal, than to me, I am a lot smarter than you could ever be. Just saying. ?

You had a choice and had to live with the consequences of it.

I don't call myself anything and you, are just an asshole calling me a liar about my Mother passing. You have zero dignity and even less credibility!

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34 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

You asshole. It was my Mother and she died. Not of COVID but she passed away. Why would I lie? 

Don't need your BS about what I said, I know what happened. Some people stoop so low to cover their point it is embarrassing for them and you, stepped  over the line!!!

Plenty of people die in care homes. So, what's your point here? So far, I am pretty lucky that my wife is still alive and stable in her care home. As far as I am concerned, everybody that tries to push the covid lie and hoax is a liar. That is my opinion, and I am sticking with that opinion, whether you like it or not. 

I asked you as to why I must be tested every time I go visit my wife, where the employees at her care home do not have to be tested anytime when they go to work. That is not a low stooping question or crossing any line, fella. It was just a question I asked of you that you refuse to reply too. But just like the lefty liberal that you are, when you cannot come up with a decent reply, you attack. It is you that has stepped over the line here, and not me, fella. ?

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45 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

You had a choice and had to live with the consequences of it.

I don't call myself anything and you, are just an asshole calling me a liar about my Mother passing. You have zero dignity and even less credibility!

I never did say anything about your mother. You are taking what I said out of context. Get lost with your lying bullshit, will you. ?

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