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3 hours ago, eyeball said:

This sense that the media and our governments are in cahoots with one another to exert control over our population is on par with a mental disease.

No of course not.  They just share principles and narratives, but no, it doesn't mean they are in cahoots.  But I really wish we had a SKEPTICAL media.  If we did they would slay nonsense such as the heat dome or increase in hurricanes is due to global warming rubbish.

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1 minute ago, eyeball said:

No this is just a whole bunch of crapola you're making up on the fly.

Until CCCG says it, everything's crapola, right eyeball? "WE THE SHEEPLE!"

Why do you think that CCCG hasn't said that there are bioweapons research labs in Ukraine which are funded by the US? Now worries. "WE THE SHEEPLE!"

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3 hours ago, taxme said:

I believe that we should be more concerned about the Zelensky and Nuland fascists types from getting into our high schools to try and indoctrinate our students with globalist fascism bullshit. I just watched a video on Bitchute that showed the Ukranian army just went and bombed it's on citizen's in Donetsk with cluster bombs. But of course the lying MSM will tell us all that those bombs were Russian bombs. This news story is coming from listening to and getting the other side of the story that the MSM refuse to report about. There always is two sides to every story. Why is it that we can never get the Russian side of the story from the MSM. It is becoming quite clear and quite obvious to me that the MSM is trying to hide something in this feud between Russia and the Ukraine that they do not want us to learn or know about. 

As I have said many times here already. I will never trust the lying MSM any longer. They have become nothing more than a bunch of lying activist fascists for the globalists. The rumors that I have are circling is that the globalists are apparently in a state of fear and panic that Putin might end their corrupt Zelensky government in Ukraine and that the Bidumb regime that aids in the corruption of the Ukraine will be exposed and gone. Hey, we never know, eh? ?

I am not particularly fond of Zelensky and his association with some of the worlds' most evil people - Zuckerberg, Soros, the Clintons, the Bidens

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

We just saw a poster decide not to look at direct evidence of bioweapons in Ukraine. IE, choose to just blindly obey known propaganda.

We finally transitioned from "People are really trying hard not to face facts" to "People are finally admitting that they are choosing the propaganda over the facts."

I was born in '68 and I grew up watching the news, but I didn't watch much between '90 and 2010. Once the cold war was over I didn't dedicate blocks of time to it. Maybe that's why it doesn't have its hooks in me like it does with some other people. 

I can see how people who are 25 years older than me, and trusted the news from 1950 until now, can't shake the habit. It makes sense that the boomers buy into the fear mongering, because it's really hard to provide absolute proof of what's BS regarding covid and the vax. 

The war in Ukraine is far more important though, and there are undeniable facts that we have access to, and people should at the very least look. 

Canadians sadly just don't have skepticism about their media.  They should.

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Well now that NATO seems to support Neo-Nazis in Ukraine and you can buy Azov Battalion bling on Amazon, I guess “Nazi” isn’t such a slur in CTV-CBC-LPOC officialdom anymore, Eyeball.  Freeland can wear her extremist scarf.  Nice pivot from calling the opposition Nazis to saying they have mental illness. I guess I fit the bill, have been labeled a “retarded 9 year-old.”

Edited by Zeitgeist
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37 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

Well now that NATO seems to support Neo-Nazis in Ukraine and you can buy Azov Battalion bling on Amazon, I guess “Nazi” isn’t such a slur in CTV-CBC-LPOC officialdom anymore, Eyeball.  Freeland can where her extremist scarf.  Nice pivot from calling the opposition Nazis to saying they have mental illness. I guess I fit the bill, have been labeled a “retarded 9 year-old.”

Like I've said it was only a month or so ago when we were all Nazis and basically united as one.

It's like there's this infinitesimally brief moment when were all busily talking past one another that we manage to strike the lost chord. If we could only have another chance.

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1 hour ago, West said:

Both implemented the Gesundheitspass and asked rhetorical questions like "should we tolerate these people?"

Don Cherry - "You people..." - Immediately gets shit-canned.

Donald Trump - "and some, I assume, are good people." - Media goes nuts

Justin Trudeau - "Do we tolerate these people?"  <Crickets>


There's no double-standard. That would imply government/media collusion. It's impossible, cannot be.

It's just yer bias.   ;)


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9 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

1) The war in Ukraine wasn't a surprise attack, and

2) the Russians absolutely knew about the bioweapons before this started

3) Ukraine had every opportunity to avoid war, and they didn't have to bend over backwards to do it. 

Substitute: "Russia, Russians" for "Nazi" and "Ukraine": for "Poland". Now scroll back to 1939. Here, easy for ya.

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12 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

Well now that NATO seems to support Neo-Nazis in Ukraine and you can buy Azov Battalion bling on Amazon, I guess “Nazi” isn’t such a slur in CTV-CBC-LPOC officialdom anymore, Eyeball.  Freeland can wear her extremist scarf.  Nice pivot from calling the opposition Nazis to saying they have mental illness. I guess I fit the bill, have been labeled a “retarded 9 year-old.”

Guess what?  Putin calls western democracies Nazis and had a rally with thousands of supporters.  Putin had a sign on the stage that said "For a world without Nazism".   So you folks on here who call Canada's government Nazis have something in common.   Putin and yourselves call democratic countries Nazis.  Putin would love you.

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I just got my first 24-hr ban on FB a few days ago ?

There was a post saying that if CP couldn't get a deal done with their unionized employees then the CEO would lock them out, shutting down one of the country's two railroads, which would obviously do a massive amount of damage to our economy.

I commented that "Trudeau should call him a racist and misogynist, get the MSM to call him a KKKer & Nazi and then doxx him, find some dirty cops to trample him with horses, then some other dirty cops should gang up and beat him while he's on the ground, we should freeze his accounts, and put him in jail without bail.

Apparently that didn't meet FB's standards, but for whatever all of those things are fine when Trudeau does them to unvaccinated people. Weird.

Edited by WestCanMan
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Impressive that you’ve stuck with FB.  I gave up on that years ago.  Again though, it’s hard to escape Zuckerberg’s reach.  I use WhatsApp.  YouTube and all the major big tech platforms are into censorship. Being offended didn’t used to be grounds for censorship.  Since there’s almost always someone offended by just about everything, much of our mainstream content is pablum.  Government, state-funded media, and big tech reinforce each other.  All we can rely on are facts (when we can find them) and the power of persuasion.

Once the totalitarian socialist world leaders declare someone or something deplorable, the doxxing follows.  That happened to the truckers.  If bank accounts can be frozen and people thrown out of work and de-platformed…well that’s the crap we have to fight.  That’s the WEF-inspired new authoritarianism.

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39 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

Impressive that you’ve stuck with FB.  I gave up on that years ago.  Again though, it’s hard to escape Zuckerberg’s reach.  I use WhatsApp.  YouTube and all the major big tech platforms are into censorship. Being offended didn’t used to be grounds for censorship.  Since there’s almost always someone offended by just about everything, much of our mainstream content is pablum.  Government, state-funded media, and big tech reinforce each other.  All we can rely on are facts (when we can find them) and the power of persuasion.

I thought that whatsapp was just for texting and email, etc. I've never used it.


Once the totalitarian socialist world leaders declare someone or something deplorable, the doxxing follows.  That happened to the truckers.  If bank accounts can be frozen and people thrown out of work and de-platformed…well that’s the crap we have to fight.  That’s the WEF-inspired new authoritarianism.

We don't seem to be winning if the posters here are any indication lol.

We The Sheeple: "The vax is perfectly safe and effective, and the mandates are completely constitutional and warranted in this instance. Ukraine's interest in NATO membership didn't have anything to do with the war in Ukraine. There are no bioweapons labs in Ukraine. The Azov Battalion isn't linked to Naziism in any way. Trudeau isn't a hate monger. No protesters were trampled or beaten. Freezing people's bank accounts is normal."

These guys will spew known propaganda 'til kingdom come. It's unbelievable. 

It's insane how many times the jab can fail and the gov't can move the goalposts closer to make it seem ok and then it would fail again, rinse and repeat, and people just keep on believing that it's a 'vaccine'.

There's no punishment for not vaxing that's too severe for these yokels, and they'll always consider everyone that takes it under those circumstances to to be taking the jab "willingly'. "There's no such thing as 'forcing people to vax' - that's not happening. Losing your job is an option. Not getting treatments for unrelated illnesses is an option. Not being able to buy groceries is an option." 

Once everyone has been forced into the vax program, and there are no unvaxed people left, there's no 'control group' left. At that point, Pfizer and Moderna can just keep on "vaccinating" everyone and telling them that they'll die if they don't take it. Who's to know any different?  


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23 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

I thought that whatsapp was just for texting and email, etc. I've never used it.

We don't seem to be winning if the posters here are any indication lol.

We The Sheeple: "The vax is perfectly safe and effective, and the mandates are completely constitutional and warranted in this instance. Ukraine's interest in NATO membership didn't have anything to do with the war in Ukraine. There are no bioweapons labs in Ukraine. The Azov Battalion isn't linked to Naziism in any way. Trudeau isn't a hate monger. No protesters were trampled or beaten. Freezing people's bank accounts is normal."

These guys will spew known propaganda 'til kingdom come. It's unbelievable. 

It's insane how many times the jab can fail and the gov't can move the goalposts closer to make it seem ok and then it would fail again, rinse and repeat, and people just keep on believing that it's a 'vaccine'.

There's no punishment for not vaxing that's too severe for these yokels, and they'll always consider everyone that takes it under those circumstances to to be taking the jab "willingly'. "There's no such thing as 'forcing people to vax' - that's not happening. Losing your job is an option. Not getting treatments for unrelated illnesses is an option. Not being able to buy groceries is an option." 

Once everyone has been forced into the vax program, and there are no unvaxed people left, there's no 'control group' left. At that point, Pfizer and Moderna can just keep on "vaccinating" everyone and telling them that they'll die if they don't take it. Who's to know any different?  


The vax pass is totalitarian because it marks the removal of natural human rights and citizen rights (e.g. Charter of Rights and Freedoms or Bill of Rights).  It takes away freedoms and gives them back only if people accept the government-mandated program, which is whatever the government prescribes. It takes away the constitutional right to medical discretion, but it really strips away all citizens’ rights and gives some of them back conditionally.

To me, this digital ID and its attachment to mandated behaviour is a big move against freedom and democracy. I don’t trust Trudeau at all because even after vaccine mandates have been removed in many jurisdictions, provincial court has supported personal discretion over vaccination, and science has illustrated the moderate protection provided by vaccination against what has become a mild illness, our PM won’t even discuss removing them.

Why does he want to keep vaccine mandates and passports if not to control people’s behaviour?

Edited by Zeitgeist
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3 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

The vax pass is totalitarian because it marks the removal of natural human rights and citizen rights (e.g. Charter of Rights and Freedoms or Bill of Rights).  It takes away freedoms and gives them back only if people accept the government-mandated program, which is whatever the government prescribes. It takes away the constitutional right to medical discretion, but it really strips away all citizens’ rights and gives some of them back conditionally.

That's a perfect way to describe it.

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22 minutes ago, West said:

Looks like the Stazi were out in full force today in Calgary arresting people for the crime of walking in a peaceful demonstration. 

How stupid are these protesters? Don't they know that if they want the support of Trudeau and the Liberals they just need to assault way more cops, assault some civilians, burn down some buildings, and loot some stores?

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I just find that the more I research what’s going on the more terrible our government’s policies appear.  To learn that there was roughly the same number of deaths among a control group who are unvaccinated (around 20,000 people) as the vaccinated (slightly more than 20,000 people) in November, essentially removing the key stat for vaccine effectiveness…

Then to find out that the insurance companies report 40% more deaths due to All Causes last year, likely the result of our privations from pandemic measures (lockdowns, etc.). 

Then to find out Pfizer is pushing a 4th dose.  It’s all too much to take in.

The trucker protests tried to push back but the federal vax mandates and digital ID remain.  What the hell kind of setup is being foisted on us?

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