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Quebec introducing a Canadian first, taxing the unvaccinated.

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4 hours ago, myata said:

Right off the radio: a Liberal MP supports a tax on unvaccinated "who make up the bulk of hospitalizations".

This is simply and evidently not true. The numbers are given and seen everywhere, including right above in this topic.

How can one say publicly something that is patently not true? Why can they keep saying and repeating these un-truths?

Geez whiz, this looks more like just another tax grab for another thief politician to me. Never underestimate a politician when it comes to finding new sources of revenue. Politicians have had decades to figure that all out. It has never been about a virus at all. It was and still is only about money and power and control over we the sad looking sleepy head peasants. 

Sadly, there are way too many zombie peasants out there who just will never will get it. They truly do honestly believe their lying politicians and the lying media and that both of those liars really do care about their health, safety and well being. There can be no doubt about it that the majority of Canadians are f'n stupid. Just my honest opinion of course. ?

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7 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

This is what Quebec doctors and nurses are seeing in ER during the Omicron wave and that is:

Unvaccinated still overwhelmingly more likely to end up needing care or dying, data shows



Or are anti-vaxers saying that all Quebec doctors and nurses are in conspiracy with other doctors and nurses i the world together with all government bodies in the world and all health experts and experts in the field and New media together to lie and get the poison vaccine into our arms???!!!!!!!!.

In order for big pharma globalists to have been able to do what they have done already to we the peasants, and the world, they had to have the cooperation of our traitorous politicians, bureaucrats, the lying media, the lying medical professionals(take an oath to do no harm)and the judicial system to make it all work in favor for the big pharma globalists.

This is truly a world wide conspiracy going on right now in front of our very noses. It's too bad that the zombie peasants have not quite figured that one out yet. They still march off for their next 2nd booster shot without a thought or a question. Thus we all must suffer much more covid trials and tribulations because of those zombies before, one can only hope, they will all come to their senses and bring this covid bull chit to come crashing down one day. ? 

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18 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

The promise of exiting the pandemic is always squelched by a new variant or wave.  People have stopped questioning the necessity of such large scale restrictions, shutdown, and expenditures on what has become a mild disease.  Two years ago the public wouldn’t believe such state controls could be imposed so easily and persist for so long, but the people have lost control over their own governance.

Our restricted freedoms have little to do with the health threat of Omicron.  We are dealing with the fallout of our own measures.  Staffing shortages are caused by endless testing and screening that makes perfectly healthy people and their contacts stay home because they’ve tested positive.

People are being manipulated into believing that persecuting a small unvaccinated minority and providing endless pharmaceuticals will end restrictions.  Have people lost their minds?  Ending restrictions and focusing on treating severe illness is a choice.

Unnecessary restrictions and violations of people’s rights and freedoms are the new normal in Canada.  We wait like mindless dummies for Dr. Tam and other health puritans to direct our governments to tell us how much risk we should accept and how free we deserve to be.  Sad.

I am just wondering as to what the next new name will be for the next false covid variant scamdemic virus that should be coming along very soon? And our phony politicians, and the lying media, and of course those big pharma globalist liars no doubt have a name picked out already and preparing it for it's debut. 

And of course the zombie peasants out there will be told that they need to take another booster jab for this new covid scamdemic virus variant so they won't die. They will lineup for hours for their next vaccine booster fix, and still wearing their face diaper masks. Those buffoons have become nothing more than a bunch of useful idiots for the globalist big pharma establishment and their political masters. Arse holes. ?


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7 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

An Ontario ICU doctor interviewed on Question Period last Sunday said that the hospital isn’t overwhelmed.  He did say that staffing is a problem and blamed the lockdown, because parents had to watch their kids at home during online learning.  Manufactured crisis.  

And mostly due also to the fact that many doctors and nurses and home care workers are refusing to take the jabs. They have been laid off or have been fired. Last year these people were hero's. This year these same people are now being treated like scum and are being discriminated against and being denied many services. Just how long this sham and scam can go on is beyond me. ?

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On 1/13/2022 at 7:05 PM, Colin Norris said:

The western Australian premier just imposed severe restrictions on the loopies refusing to get vacinnated. 

Stay home, not to visit hotels etc.  See how good they are now. 

What that fascist Australian dictating premier is doing in Australia is committing crimes against humanity. This fascist dictator needs to be arrested, charged and put in the gulag for a very very long time. This fascist is truly an enemy of his own people. This fascist is all in for the money and power that this covid scamdemic has been handed to him on a silver globalist big pharma vaccine platter. 

There should never be any laws or restrictions against anyone who refuses to be jabbed. Only fascist like yourself would believe in this kind of crime against humanity. I despise fascists like you because you truly are a danger to rights and freedoms and choice. 

Maybe what should happen next to those vaccinated people whom we all now know that they are covid spreaders also just like they say non vaccinated people are and they should all be denied medical services in hospitals. Let's see how they like that? No doubt you would be the first to start crying like a baby and saying you cannot do that to me. I have rights you know. Ha-ha.  

Those people that are now vaccinated should be forced to stay at home so they cannot become super spreaders of this covid virus. Hey, we need to start somewhere to try and end this covid virus, eh? Chuckle-chuckle. 

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57 minutes ago, taxme said:

I am just wondering as to what the next new name will be for the next false covid variant scamdemic virus that should be coming along very soon? And our phony politicians, and the lying media, and of course those big pharma globalist liars no doubt have a name picked out already and preparing it for it's debut. 

And of course the zombie peasants out there will be told that they need to take another booster jab for this new covid scamdemic virus variant so they won't die. They will lineup for hours for their next vaccine booster fix, and still wearing their face diaper masks. Those buffoons have become nothing more than a bunch of useful idiots for the globalist big pharma establishment and their political masters. Arse holes. ?


If it is being coordinated, I’m sure the new variant will be released like the next version of PlayStation, just before the holidays when there are opportunities to gather, say Easter or Spring Break?  I’m sure if it comes it will be just as we start to open up and lift restrictions.  We might get a brief taste of freedom, just enough to have hope and think we have this beat.

Of course I hope that none of this is being released and coordinated, but I think we have good reason to wonder. There’s a big push to maintain restrictions to deal with issues near and dear to totalitarian hearts.  Climate change is the new excuse.  Many sheeple will buy into the alarmist headlines.  

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18 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

If it is being coordinated, I’m sure the new variant will be released like the next version of PlayStation, just before the holidays when there are opportunities to gather, say Easter or Spring Break?  I’m sure if it comes it will be just as we start to open up and lift restrictions.  We might get a brief taste of freedom, just enough to have hope and think we have this beat.

Of course I hope that none of this is being released and coordinated, but I think we have good reason to wonder. There’s a big push to maintain restrictions to deal with issues near and dear to totalitarian hearts.  Climate change is the new excuse.  Many sheeple will buy into the alarmist headlines.  

So true indeed. The new covid virus variant has to be just around the corner. Anytime we the peasants wish to celebrate one of our many holidays, where many people can get together during some holiday, they come out with more restrictions to keep all of us getting together for anything. They are afraid that we the peasants might start to talk about this scamdemic. 

Bonnie the fascist Henry here in BC did that at Christmas time where she was asking people to pretty much not get together and celebrate Christmas with too many friends or family members. So, I am pretty sure that we might get a bit of freedom and rights back for awhile soon but come those holidays you mentioned above that is most likely when they will try and take some of those freedoms back from us. It's becoming so predictable with these liars. 

if there is anything that I have learned since all of this covid hoax scamdemic started is that I will never trust our politicians or the media anymore. They pretty much all lie. They have become my enemy, and not my friend. And I am being forced to still pay their unearned political salaries. Shocking indeed. ?  


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On 1/13/2022 at 3:59 PM, dialamah said:

"They were old, fat, sick," is easy to say when you aren't the one in hospital on a ventilator or being lowered into the ground.  

Well, my chances of that is far less than half a percent.

I'm not going to lose sleep over it or descend into histrionics like you have.

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26 minutes ago, Goddess said:

"They were old, fat, sick,"

If totalitarian guardians and carers of humanity of the last century haven't taught us anything, there's nothing  to hope for. The cause is lost. There will always be some crisis, tragedy, possibility out of abundance of caution to force us do whatever we're told for the common good, blah, f#%k or just because. Someone has it all figured out.

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11 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

I’m not an antivaxxer or staunch conservative.  Nice try boxing me in.

Okay but that doesn't change the fact you're paranoid and have boxed yourself in between the commies, fascists, and authoritarians of virtually every stripe that you repeatedly maintain have taken over society.

It all sounds like a whole lotta baaaaaa.

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11 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Okay but that doesn't change the fact you're paranoid and have boxed yourself in between the commies, fascists, and authoritarians of virtually every stripe that you repeatedly maintain have taken over society.

It all sounds like a whole lotta baaaaaa.

useful idiots and commies hate being exposed as such, who knew?

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9 minutes ago, Yzermandius19 said:

those who fail to recognize obvious communism

are gullible enough to believe communists when they say they aren't commies

or are a commie themselves who refuses to admit to it

either way, it reflects poorly on their judgment

Think for a minute about how much blood and treasure the US has spent fighting communists around the world. Now they're in the White House.

I'm sorry but you said something about poor reflections?   

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4 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Think for a minute about how much blood and treasure the US has spent fighting communists around the world. Now they're in the White House.

I'm sorry but you said something about poor reflections?   

won the Cold War

but the commies are winning post-cold war

sad but true

Canada is worse off

every major party are commies now

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12 hours ago, myata said:

Right off the radio: a Liberal MP supports a tax on unvaccinated "who make up the bulk of hospitalizations".

This is simply and evidently not true. The numbers are given and seen everywhere, including right above in this topic.

How can one say publicly something that is patently not true? Why can they keep saying and repeating these un-truths?

What untruths?  Like you say the numbers are given and seen everywhere...everyday...day after day.  How can you even ask such a thing?


3 days ago  Although many hospitals have a more even split of vaccinated and unvaccinated patients, this hospital takes some of the worst cases, ...
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The objective numbers (in Ontario) were posted earlier. You can eat and and feed stories and newslines by a bucket and thousand but it does not change the objective reality. It can change perception of it by those who look at the reality only for evidence of their preformed (or induced) beliefs and opinions. And that's why it's so useful in propaganda.

But in objective reality a ton or megaton of manipulations, misinformation, creative stretching and omission of information makes no difference. It cannot and won't change one objective bit. Obviously.

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22 hours ago, taxme said:

What that fascist Australian dictating premier is doing in Australia is committing crimes against humanity. This fascist dictator needs to be arrested, charged and put in the gulag for a very very long time. This fascist is truly an enemy of his own people. This fascist is all in for the money and power that this covid scamdemic has been handed to him on a silver globalist big pharma vaccine platter. 

It's odd you should say that. At the last election he won over 90% of the votes, first up. Someone there doesn't think he is a fascist. 

As for the virus being a scam, God give me strength. It's hard to imagine fools are still out there believing it. 

There should never be any laws or restrictions against anyone who refuses to be jabbed. Only fascist like yourself would believe in this kind of crime against humanity. I despise fascists like you because you truly are a danger to rights and freedoms and choice. 

There are no laws against it. the people want them isolated to protect themselves.  He's simply delivering the message. 

Everytime someone does something against your ignorance they are branded a fascist. You've certainly got a broad view of absolutely nothing. 

Maybe what should happen next to those vaccinated people whom we all now know that they are covid spreaders also just like they say non vaccinated people are and they should all be denied medical services in hospitals.

Exactly.  Why should they be allowed public health to cure their self inflicted injuries, simultaneously infect people who do not have it. You don't think real straight. 

Let's see how they like that? No doubt you would be the first to start crying like a baby and saying you cannot do that to me. I have rights you know. Ha-ha.  

Ha ha. Brilliant humour.  You won't hear vaccinated people carrying on like petulant children like you. 

Those people that are now vaccinated should be forced to stay at home so they cannot become super spreaders of this covid virus. Hey, we need to start somewhere to try and end this covid virus, eh? Chuckle-chuckle. 

Considering the fact over 90% of the Australian population are double jabbed, that scenario makes a lot of  sense. How do you think or do you think at all. 

Have another go before the soreness sets in. 


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1 hour ago, Colin Norris said:

the people want them isolated to protect themselves.

Right, let's have "them" isolated because that's what people want. Why isolated though? Because they know something about "them"? Or maybe because they heard something? Somewhere, like where could they have heard such a thing, you wouldn't know?

Please, please tell me we haven't heard this before. And very innocently forgot where it led, still not so long ago.

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The hate-mongering against the unvaccinated has reached a level that people actually hope that the unvaccinated would die or at least become very seriously ill.

When you tell those people about  cases where people over 50s who have not been vaccinated and have smoked all their adult lives have caught the virus and are back at work after a week you can sense the disappointment with those people who so maliciously hope that the unvaccinated people would die.

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19 minutes ago, -TSS- said:

The hate-mongering against the unvaccinated has reached a level that people actually hope that the unvaccinated would die or at least become very seriously ill.

What new is here to discover after the lessons of Nazi Germany, USSR, Cultural revolution, Khmer rouge and such? With sufficient amount of propaganda, fear and hate will arise. For a large section of population fear comes easier than independent critical thinking.

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1 hour ago, myata said:

What new is here to discover after the lessons of Nazi Germany, USSR, Cultural revolution, Khmer rouge and such? With sufficient amount of propaganda, fear and hate will arise. For a large section of population fear comes easier than independent critical thinking.

See Godwin's Law.

Equating todays restrictions with some of the world's greatest mass murders and antivaxxers with their victims is about as ignorant as you can get. Their victims didn't die because of their own choices.

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