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Canada's Refugee System in Chaos


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Record numbers of migrants are crossing the border, most of whom have little legitimate claims as refugees, overwhelming the refugee system, overwhelming social welfare systems, and the Trudeau government does - absolutely nothing. No extra money has been allotted to hire more people, to speed up hearings, or to take care of these people Trudeau so nobly invited to come here. That means most haven't even had their initial hearings yet and it will likely be many years before they get through the overloaded process. By which time many will have settled here, married here, even have kids here. Then they'll be able to make new claims on humanitarian grounds. And as the US lifts protection for the 200,000 people from El Salvador in the US many of them will start heading north, too.

But as 2017 closed, it was the Liberal government’s inaction that proved the biggest rebuttal of Trudeau’s social-media idealism: that despite protests from many quarters, the system was left incapable of dealing with its massive backlog of refugee claimants. Thousands of asylum seekers may wind up settling here in limbo for years, creating a temporary safe haven that may be just as inviting to other anxious migrants to our south as any #WelcomeToCanada post

IRB support staff also complain of extreme stress and tears, having to schedule hundreds of meetings at once. Their union’s Quebec division made a direct appeal to Trudeau’s office. “For the government to say they don’t want to cost taxpayers money—if it’s not the IRB, it’s going to be something else,” Canada Employment and Immigration Union vice-president Fabienne Jean-François says. “Because they will be here, they will be living in Canada.”



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Cool piece.

1. I feel like it would make more sense to take in less immigrants and provide them with better services than to take them in excess and sparsely divide services. I can't really back this up with any empirical data though, just a thought.

2. Our Government puts a lot of resources into immigration and sometimes it seems as if there is more value placed on helping immigrants than there is in helping Aboriginal peoples. 

I would rather have more resources, money, time, thought, etc. be put into helping Aboriginals who need assistance rather than immigrants. (Wow, I sort of feel bad saying that) Though, I'm not sure we use the exact resources for both, and if not, that makes my point moot. 

Edited by Ginsy
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I like this part:


...All the while—and well before Trump was doing it—Canada was also quietly deporting many Haitians to the most impoverished country in the Americas,


Fact is, Trudeau/Canada rescinded temporary protected status from Haitians and others long before Trump/USA.

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39 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

I like this part:


Fact is, Trudeau/Canada rescinded temporary protected status from Haitians and others long before Trump/USA.

No unpleasant facts please, they make snowflakes melt and babies cry.


Edited by OftenWrong
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Poor foolish LIE-berals- their policies are collapsing in all directions! They are creating a national mess that other parties will have to clean up! Consider the mess that is Native Affairs:

    Officials declare state of emergency over drug crisis on Stoney Nakoda First Nation. 

By Michele Jarvie, Postmedia. First posted: Sunday, July 24, 2016 07:10 PM EDT | Updated: Monday, July 25, 2016 11:26 AM EDT

(With some comments of my own in brackets):

Topic: The opioid crisis. The three First Nations bands near Morley are in a crisis situation over extremely high rates of prescription drug addictions and overdoses among members. With addiction rates surging as high as 60% among adult members of the reserve, Stoney Nakoda has declared a state of emergency.

(How can people be referred to as a `nation` when the `national` income is almost entirely welfare money sent over from another `nation`?) 

“We had something like 139 deaths attributed to opiates within a two-year period on the nation,” said Lindsay Blackett, CEO of the Chiniki band, one of three that comprise Stoney Nakoda. “There’s only 6,000 people on the whole reserve so that’s a significant number vis-à-vis the population.”

He said fentanyl is the No. 1 culprit on the reserve — the same deadly drug that is devastating communities across Canada. More than 270 Albertans died from fentanyl overdoses last year with at least 20 deaths on the southern Blood Reserve alone since the summer of 2014.

A prescription painkiller, fentanyl is up to 100 times more potent than morphine and is often passed off as a new form of OxyContin. “A lot of people are abusing it. And once you’re hooked, that’s a jealous mistress. Once it hooks you, it wrecks your life,” said Blackett.

“It’s not a reflection on one particular community. It’s not like we’re the only ones dealing with it. It’s widespread and not just in the native population. It’s just more pronounced in the native population.” Blackett noted the opiate crisis is just part of a larger drug and alcohol challenge being faced on the reserve.

Health Canada officials say they have been working with First Nations’ chiefs and administration and the Alberta government to support the communities and address complex issues of mental illness and suicide, addictions, chronic disease and improve access to quality health care.

(There is no practical way to improve access to health care on tiny reserves when Ontari-owe LIE-berals are closing hospitals in moderate sized CITIES!  And LIE-berals were caught lying about how many hospitals were actually closed! But not to worry- the money saved was spent on Muslim `invaders` crossing our borders!)  

On June 17, federal Health Minister Jane Philpott announced new actions to address opioid misuse, which includes better prescribing practices and treatment options, reducing easy access to unnecessary opioids and improving the national evidence base.

Health Canada funds $86 million annually for addictions support for First Nations and Inuit communities through the National Native Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program and the National Youth Solvent Abuse Program. Through these programs, a network of 43 treatment centres is supported, as well as drug and alcohol prevention services in the majority of First Nations and Inuit communities.

Alberta Health Minister Sarah Hoffman says the province has been working with First Nations on responding to the fentanyl crisis, with addictions treatment and education. Government officials are also sharing electronic data to help First Nations roll out immunization programs.

(What does child immunization have to do with adults being a drugged up mess?)

“We know that First Nations peoples are struggling with higher rates of diabetes, addictions and poverty — all of which contribute to poorer health outcomes.”

(Drugged up addicts just don’t have a proper work ethic! Perhaps LIE-berals can somehow BUY it for them?)

The high number of addicted adults on the Morley-area reserve is anecdotal at best as actual numbers are not known. Prescription opioid addiction numbers are not tracked, nor are deaths unless they are related to fentanyl — a drug that appeared on the streets in 2012 and has become the single-largest public health threat in Alberta.

(I say this lack of `numbers` indicates that some activists and poverty pimps DON’T WANT to `find` the numbers. Some appear worried that respect for natives will plummet if the extent of their addictions and troubles are fully known. Others appear concerned that full disclosure of troubles will result in White Govt taking away much of the power and authority of band councils and imposing decisions on bands in order to force more responsible govt into place-a course of action that IS desperately needed!)

(The spectacle of Atiwapiskat Chief Teresa Spence refusing to discuss how she and her political allies burned through ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS of govt money in five years without using a penny to build the housing that the cash was earmarked for-AND without being able to show a single receipt for all that cash-while band members lived in tents and shacks in the Arctic winter is a thing that leaves a BAD TASTE in the mouths of many Cdn tax payers!) 

“We really do a poor job on surveillance of opioid overdose deaths and that’s a good way to measure addictions,” said Alberta addictions specialist Hakique Virani. “We don’t count it unless it’s fentanyl. Until we do that, we don’t have a handle on numbers.”

Virani was not surprised by the suggestion that 50 to 60% of Stoney Nakoda residents are prescription addicts. In fact, he suspects the number is higher in the adult population.

Asked how people can repeatedly get drugs prescribed, sometimes for years at a time, Virani said it often happens because no one asks questions. Or they’re ill-equipped to deal with the fallout.

(Or perhaps some drug company sales people and doctors are simply committing criminal acts by supplying drugged up natives and profiting nicely from it?)

“The patient may not even be complaining of anything wrong. When doctors inherit patients with prescription addictions, often they’ll just perpetually refill it because there may not be any complaint of side-effects.

(Or are some doctors being THREATENED if they do not refill the prescriptions? Doctors are sworn to “do no harm” and simply handing out drugs with no questions asked sounds a lot like harm and blackmail to me!)

“Even if they are demonstrating signs of dependency, would the best thing be to cut them off? No,” said Virani, who treats patients at an Edmonton methadone clinic and teaches at the University of Alberta. He has been critical of the government’s handling of the fentanyl drug crisis.

(What? Cutting off the supply of a dangerous drug is a BAD thing? How?)

“It’s a difficult dilemma. It is dangerous to keep prescribing but in the absence of safe and effective treatment for dependency, what do you do?”

(Its especially difficult to treat people who insist on staying in the same miserable, corrupt conditions that originally persuaded them to chemically alter their mood!)

Treatment for prescription opiate drug addiction includes stabilizing patients with other long-acting medications such as methadone or Suboxone. Counseling for underlying issues is also needed or more advanced therapy for psychiatric or psychological trauma.

(But of course there is no such handy stabilization option on benighted reserves!)

But methadone and Suboxone can be dangerous medications so use of them requires following monitoring protocols, which can be difficult to do in remote areas or First Nations reserves with limited access to health clinics and doctors.

“It’s unfortunately not a unique situation for First Nations in Alberta, it’s not a unique situation for some towns in Alberta. An entire provincial problem is poor access to treatment. And it’s not changing near fast enough.”

Virani said Alberta needs to rethink how local practitioners are supported. He pointed to a project that is working well in Slave Lake, where the province partnered with First Nations bands to provide telemedicine in co-operation with practitioners on site.

(One obvious obstacle to such a solution is GETTING practitioners on site! Natives  who have the drive and determination to BECOME practitioners often are reluctant to return to the mess they worked so hard to escape! And they certainly would not want to bring their children to live in such an isolated and messed up place! If past news reports are correct then it is often unsafe for even armed police officers after dark in the worst off reserves in times of crisis!) 

“If we’re creative and committed to addressing this problem, we can do it. Until we accept it’s a public health emergency, we’ll continue to bail out a sinking ship with a spoon.”


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5 hours ago, Phred Dobbs said:

Poor foolish LIE-berals- their policies are collapsing in all directions! They are creating a national mess that other parties will have to clean up! Consider the mess that is Native Affairs:

    Officials declare state of emergency over drug crisis on Stoney Nakoda First Nation. 

You seem to have a problem in understanding how to put stuff in the correct, RELEVENT topic. I suggest you examine that before you piss everyone off.

THIS topic is about refugees.

Edited by Argus
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On 1/13/2018 at 5:46 PM, OftenWrong said:

No unpleasant facts please, they make snowflakes melt and babies cry.


Speaking of which and to paraphrase Argus, record numbers of human beings are migrating around the planet, just as you flakes were told would happen decades ago.

It's a little late to cry now but here you are bawling like babies anyway.  Is it fair to say you probably don't recall also being told you haven't seen anything yet?

See how inattentiveness and miscomprehension just keep biting you in the ass every which way you turn every time?

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  • 2 months later...

Remember that border issue... the one we hear so little about any more? The one caused by Trudeau welcoming migrants and offering them up free health care, food, education and shelter?

Over Easter weekend, the Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA) confirmed that approximately 600 asylum seekers crossed illegally into Canada at one single location in Lacolle, Quebec.

During the first two months of 2018, Canada has experienced an overwhelming influx of illegal migration. A total of 7,860 asylum applications were received by the federal government during January and February alone — typically the coldest two months of the year.

We don’t yet know the numbers for March, but given what we saw over the Easter weekend, we can expect that illegal crossings have continued to soar.

A reminder, according to Border Services, even a FAILED asylum claim costs us about $50,000 in administrative and legal fees, plus health, welfare, shelter, food, etc. for the migrant. That means 50,000 asylum seekers times $50,000 costs $2.5B. And that's the per year cost. I bet that kind of money would do wonders to help improve health care in Canada for Canadians.




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On 1/13/2018 at 8:07 PM, bush_cheney2004 said:

I like this part:


Fact is, Trudeau/Canada rescinded temporary protected status from Haitians and others long before Trump/USA.

Similarly,  the US cannot even take care of it's own second class citizens in Puerto Rico.

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Here's a very uncomfortable fact of ISIS that has always bothered me. Regardless of how much people might detest their beliefs, I never understood the level of violence, terror and sheer evil that they leave in their wake. Their stated goal is to have their own country/territory - but killing and maiming everyone in their path is insane. What if their goal is/was actually to create these waves of refugees, effectively creating Trojan Horses to infiltrate the West? A couple of supporting facts: first, extremists have always prescribed to the notion of world domination - even if it takes a thousand years - they play the "long game". Second, Pew Research showed that throughout the Muslim world, favourable support for ISIS exists, although minimal - anywhere from 1% up to 14% depending on the country.  Canada has evaded most of the European wave through geography but we've still taken in at least 25,000 Syrians. Even at the tiniest level of 1%, there could be 250 people in our own Trojan Horse who would foster and cultivate beliefs that are totally contrary to democracy. Just a theory of course - do you think it holds any water at all?

Link: http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2015/11/17/in-nations-with-significant-muslim-populations-much-disdain-for-isis/

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10 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

I don't think so.  Refugees are vetted.  Is that poll from 2015?

They are primarily vetted to see if they have a criminal record or are on a terrorist watch list.

Then, if they tell a reasonable story - and they get an immigration lawyer paid for by the taxpayers to help them craft it - they're allowed to stay. 

Canada's acceptance rate has doubled under Trudeau from where it was under Harper.

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  • 2 weeks later...

But this won't happen in Canada. Because our Muslim refugees are way different from THEIR Muslim refugees! 

After a massive refugee influx, Germany is confronting an imported anti-Semitism
A survey of victims of anti-Semitism commissioned last year by the German Parliament concluded that Muslims were most often identified as the perpetrators


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On 4/15/2018 at 8:25 AM, Argus said:

Remember that border issue... the one we hear so little about any more? The one caused by Trudeau welcoming migrants and offering them up free health care, food, education and shelter?

Over Easter weekend, the Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA) confirmed that approximately 600 asylum seekers crossed illegally into Canada at one single location in Lacolle, Quebec.

During the first two months of 2018, Canada has experienced an overwhelming influx of illegal migration. A total of 7,860 asylum applications were received by the federal government during January and February alone — typically the coldest two months of the year.

We don’t yet know the numbers for March, but given what we saw over the Easter weekend, we can expect that illegal crossings have continued to soar.

A reminder, according to Border Services, even a FAILED asylum claim costs us about $50,000 in administrative and legal fees, plus health, welfare, shelter, food, etc. for the migrant. That means 50,000 asylum seekers times $50,000 costs $2.5B. And that's the per year cost. I bet that kind of money would do wonders to help improve health care in Canada for Canadians.




Isn't there an agreement between Canada and the USA that pretty much says that if you are immigrating from a safe country than those trying to immigrate can be sent back to the country that they left. So why were these tens of thousands of criminal illegals not told to turn around at the border and sent back into America? The Canadian taxpayer's did not have to accept these criminals. Because of what this fool did is now going to cost the Canadian taxpayer billions of tax dollars to be washed down the drain. But according to that nitwit of a PM we have it was okay for him and told the whole world to come on in and stay for awhile, maybe even forever. One can only hope that this alone will get the liberals booted out at the next election although I don't think that the conservative party will do anything about it.

This PM has committed a federal criminal code offence by encouraging people to enter Canada illegally. This PM should be arrested and charged. If I did the same thing I would be arrested and charged. And as far as I know there has not been one politician that has said or done anything about this criminality going on. They all just sit back and watch it happen. I guess that this just shows that they all work together to screw we the people. I wish that there was some way where we could run this country without politicians and where the people will. Any ideas anyone as to how this could be done? Just wondering. 

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On 1/14/2018 at 7:22 AM, Phred Dobbs said:

Poor foolish LIE-berals- their policies are collapsing in all directions! They are creating a national mess that other parties will have to clean up! Consider the mess that is Native Affairs:

    Officials declare state of emergency over drug crisis on Stoney Nakoda First Nation. 

By Michele Jarvie, Postmedia. First posted: Sunday, July 24, 2016 07:10 PM EDT | Updated: Monday, July 25, 2016 11:26 AM EDT

(With some comments of my own in brackets):

Topic: The opioid crisis. The three First Nations bands near Morley are in a crisis situation over extremely high rates of prescription drug addictions and overdoses among members. With addiction rates surging as high as 60% among adult members of the reserve, Stoney Nakoda has declared a state of emergency.

(How can people be referred to as a `nation` when the `national` income is almost entirely welfare money sent over from another `nation`?) 

“We had something like 139 deaths attributed to opiates within a two-year period on the nation,” said Lindsay Blackett, CEO of the Chiniki band, one of three that comprise Stoney Nakoda. “There’s only 6,000 people on the whole reserve so that’s a significant number vis-à-vis the population.”

He said fentanyl is the No. 1 culprit on the reserve — the same deadly drug that is devastating communities across Canada. More than 270 Albertans died from fentanyl overdoses last year with at least 20 deaths on the southern Blood Reserve alone since the summer of 2014.

A prescription painkiller, fentanyl is up to 100 times more potent than morphine and is often passed off as a new form of OxyContin. “A lot of people are abusing it. And once you’re hooked, that’s a jealous mistress. Once it hooks you, it wrecks your life,” said Blackett.

“It’s not a reflection on one particular community. It’s not like we’re the only ones dealing with it. It’s widespread and not just in the native population. It’s just more pronounced in the native population.” Blackett noted the opiate crisis is just part of a larger drug and alcohol challenge being faced on the reserve.

Health Canada officials say they have been working with First Nations’ chiefs and administration and the Alberta government to support the communities and address complex issues of mental illness and suicide, addictions, chronic disease and improve access to quality health care.

(There is no practical way to improve access to health care on tiny reserves when Ontari-owe LIE-berals are closing hospitals in moderate sized CITIES!  And LIE-berals were caught lying about how many hospitals were actually closed! But not to worry- the money saved was spent on Muslim `invaders` crossing our borders!)  

On June 17, federal Health Minister Jane Philpott announced new actions to address opioid misuse, which includes better prescribing practices and treatment options, reducing easy access to unnecessary opioids and improving the national evidence base.

Health Canada funds $86 million annually for addictions support for First Nations and Inuit communities through the National Native Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program and the National Youth Solvent Abuse Program. Through these programs, a network of 43 treatment centres is supported, as well as drug and alcohol prevention services in the majority of First Nations and Inuit communities.

Alberta Health Minister Sarah Hoffman says the province has been working with First Nations on responding to the fentanyl crisis, with addictions treatment and education. Government officials are also sharing electronic data to help First Nations roll out immunization programs.

(What does child immunization have to do with adults being a drugged up mess?)

“We know that First Nations peoples are struggling with higher rates of diabetes, addictions and poverty — all of which contribute to poorer health outcomes.”

(Drugged up addicts just don’t have a proper work ethic! Perhaps LIE-berals can somehow BUY it for them?)

The high number of addicted adults on the Morley-area reserve is anecdotal at best as actual numbers are not known. Prescription opioid addiction numbers are not tracked, nor are deaths unless they are related to fentanyl — a drug that appeared on the streets in 2012 and has become the single-largest public health threat in Alberta.

(I say this lack of `numbers` indicates that some activists and poverty pimps DON’T WANT to `find` the numbers. Some appear worried that respect for natives will plummet if the extent of their addictions and troubles are fully known. Others appear concerned that full disclosure of troubles will result in White Govt taking away much of the power and authority of band councils and imposing decisions on bands in order to force more responsible govt into place-a course of action that IS desperately needed!)

(The spectacle of Atiwapiskat Chief Teresa Spence refusing to discuss how she and her political allies burned through ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS of govt money in five years without using a penny to build the housing that the cash was earmarked for-AND without being able to show a single receipt for all that cash-while band members lived in tents and shacks in the Arctic winter is a thing that leaves a BAD TASTE in the mouths of many Cdn tax payers!) 

“We really do a poor job on surveillance of opioid overdose deaths and that’s a good way to measure addictions,” said Alberta addictions specialist Hakique Virani. “We don’t count it unless it’s fentanyl. Until we do that, we don’t have a handle on numbers.”

Virani was not surprised by the suggestion that 50 to 60% of Stoney Nakoda residents are prescription addicts. In fact, he suspects the number is higher in the adult population.

Asked how people can repeatedly get drugs prescribed, sometimes for years at a time, Virani said it often happens because no one asks questions. Or they’re ill-equipped to deal with the fallout.

(Or perhaps some drug company sales people and doctors are simply committing criminal acts by supplying drugged up natives and profiting nicely from it?)

“The patient may not even be complaining of anything wrong. When doctors inherit patients with prescription addictions, often they’ll just perpetually refill it because there may not be any complaint of side-effects.

(Or are some doctors being THREATENED if they do not refill the prescriptions? Doctors are sworn to “do no harm” and simply handing out drugs with no questions asked sounds a lot like harm and blackmail to me!)

“Even if they are demonstrating signs of dependency, would the best thing be to cut them off? No,” said Virani, who treats patients at an Edmonton methadone clinic and teaches at the University of Alberta. He has been critical of the government’s handling of the fentanyl drug crisis.

(What? Cutting off the supply of a dangerous drug is a BAD thing? How?)

“It’s a difficult dilemma. It is dangerous to keep prescribing but in the absence of safe and effective treatment for dependency, what do you do?”

(Its especially difficult to treat people who insist on staying in the same miserable, corrupt conditions that originally persuaded them to chemically alter their mood!)

Treatment for prescription opiate drug addiction includes stabilizing patients with other long-acting medications such as methadone or Suboxone. Counseling for underlying issues is also needed or more advanced therapy for psychiatric or psychological trauma.

(But of course there is no such handy stabilization option on benighted reserves!)

But methadone and Suboxone can be dangerous medications so use of them requires following monitoring protocols, which can be difficult to do in remote areas or First Nations reserves with limited access to health clinics and doctors.

“It’s unfortunately not a unique situation for First Nations in Alberta, it’s not a unique situation for some towns in Alberta. An entire provincial problem is poor access to treatment. And it’s not changing near fast enough.”

Virani said Alberta needs to rethink how local practitioners are supported. He pointed to a project that is working well in Slave Lake, where the province partnered with First Nations bands to provide telemedicine in co-operation with practitioners on site.

(One obvious obstacle to such a solution is GETTING practitioners on site! Natives  who have the drive and determination to BECOME practitioners often are reluctant to return to the mess they worked so hard to escape! And they certainly would not want to bring their children to live in such an isolated and messed up place! If past news reports are correct then it is often unsafe for even armed police officers after dark in the worst off reserves in times of crisis!) 

“If we’re creative and committed to addressing this problem, we can do it. Until we accept it’s a public health emergency, we’ll continue to bail out a sinking ship with a spoon.”


I think that non native Indians in this country have done enough for these Indians. They have been collecting billions of tax dollars from the Canadian taxpayer's for decades now and what have they done with all that money? I say that they just blew it all for fun. Apparently from what I have read and heard is that the chiefs pretty much like to keep the money that they get from the taxpayer for themselves and not share it with their own people. If there is a problem with drugs and alcohol on these reserves well don't cry to me about. I have had it with them. These Indians should be cut off from receiving any more tax dollars from the rest of us taxpaying suckers. These Indians should by one of the wealthiest people in Canada. WTH. 

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7 hours ago, Argus said:

But this won't happen in Canada. Because our Muslim refugees are way different from THEIR Muslim refugees! 

After a massive refugee influx, Germany is confronting an imported anti-Semitism
A survey of victims of anti-Semitism commissioned last year by the German Parliament concluded that Muslims were most often identified as the perpetrators


But Angela Merkle is Jewish(pro multicultural/communist)and she is the one that brought in and allowed the millions of Muslims into Germany.  She should be the last one to say anything about the anti-semitism that is going on in Germany against the Jewish people. Letting in a million plus Muslims knowing full well that the majority of them are probably anti-Jew was a dumb thing to have done. Just saying. 

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On 1/18/2018 at 2:04 PM, eyeball said:

Speaking of which and to paraphrase Argus, record numbers of human beings are migrating around the planet, just as you flakes were told would happen decades ago.

It's a little late to cry now but here you are bawling like babies anyway.  Is it fair to say you probably don't recall also being told you haven't seen anything yet?

See how inattentiveness and miscomprehension just keep biting you in the ass every which way you turn every time?

A book called "The Camp of the Saints" was written several decades ago by a french writer(Jean Raspiel I believe)living in France in which was said that all of this massive third world immigration into France and Europe would happen one day and he was right. Now how did he figure that out way back when? It would appear as though this massive third world immigration into Europe was planned long ago by the elite globalist and just being brought forward now. The fix is now in. 

There is suppose to be hundreds of millions of these refugees all over the third world waiting to immigrate and enter into the West. But instead of trying to stop it, our dumb Canadian and those European politicians appear to want it to happen even more and have it get worse. Trump is one politician that is trying to stop all this illegal immigration into his country along with the leaders of Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and The Czech Republic. Those leaders are trying to save Europe and their countries. 

It is the liberal multicultural left wing snowflakes that have allowed Canada to be invaded by the tens of thousands of criminal illegal refugee migrants with no doubt plenty more to come. 

It is still not too late to do something about it. Canadians cannot count on our politically correct puppet on a string politicians who all dance to the same multicultural tune but we the people can. All is needed is for we the people to demand that this criminality stop by flooding our so called leaders with letters and petitions. But it would appear at this time as though the average attention span and comprehension of what is going on against Canada and Canadians with the refugee problem is sadly missing. To even comment on it will get someone called a racist. 


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38 minutes ago, taxme said:

But Angela Merkle is Jewish...

Completely false.  This is what happens when someone gets their information from lying websites such as the kind that promote white racial purity.


I can't find any sites that say she is Jewish.

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3 minutes ago, taxme said:

It is still not too late to do something about it. 

This is not a problem.  Social progress is making Canada a better place, and you can only make a case to the contrary by adding falsehoods such as "Angela Merkel is Jewish' to your carelessly spelled and researched posts.  Not that you are convincing people, but in case there are gullible people reading these, it helps to have someone point out your methods on here.

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1 hour ago, eyeball said:

Naw, its just the malignant pustulent sort of whining you engage in that does that.

Also falsehoods.  Don't forget that part.  People who come on here and decry MSM lies and talk about liars get their info from lying websites aimed at gullible types.  Then those people come here and paste the lies they cut, add a few lines of misspelled comments and claim they are laterns of truth in a dangerous world.


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15 hours ago, taxme said:

This PM has committed a federal criminal code offence by encouraging people to enter Canada illegally. This PM should be arrested and charged. If I did the same thing I would be arrested and charged. And as far as I know there has not been one politician that has said or done anything about this criminality going on. They all just sit back and watch it happen. I guess that this just shows that they all work together to screw we the people. I wish that there was some way where we could run this country without politicians and where the people will. Any ideas anyone as to how this could be done? Just wondering. 

Yes, there IS a solution (one which no politician will ever endorse):  eliminate partisanship by eliminating political parties.   Subject every elected representative to recall.   Increase direct democracy by having electronic voting on key issues.   Allow voters to petition for a mandate/plebiscite on any (controversial or other) issue.  Stagger terms so there is no national or provincial campaign, only local efforts to select a representative within a constituency (365 reps, 4 year term, one constituency runs an election every four days).  Make lobbying exceedingly illegal (BIG jail term and fines).  Cabinet elected from parliament, "leader" has only one year as PM before subject to affirmation by cabinet, parliament and people.

Government needs to be in the business of governing, regulating and enforcing - and answering to the people.   It is now primarily busy dispensing privilege in a partisan system of rule-by-special-interest.

Edited by cannuck
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15 hours ago, taxme said:

But Angela Merkle is Jewish(pro multicultural/communist)and she is the one that brought in and allowed the millions of Muslims into Germany.  She should be the last one to say anything about the anti-semitism that is going on in Germany against the Jewish people. Letting in a million plus Muslims knowing full well that the majority of them are probably anti-Jew was a dumb thing to have done. Just saying. 

People have forgotten who the muslims supported during the 2nd war.

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1 hour ago, PIK said:

People have forgotten who the muslims supported during the 2nd war.

People have lied about it too.



Islamophobic and other hostile voices in the West often mis­characterise the Arab and Muslim participation in the war as largely or entirely pro-Nazi, while Arab and Muslim societies tend to focus on anti-colonial struggles at the expense of the Second World War.

The record is a complex, mixed and nuanced one, but the overarching fact is that Arab and Muslim involvement in the war was overwhelmingly on the Allied side, and was a significant factor in fighting on the ground. The overwhelming majority joined the cause voluntarily, despite British and French colonialism.




And don't forget the 2.5 million Muslims that fought for the Allies during WW1



The forgotten Muslim heroes who fought for Britain in the trenches




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16 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Completely false.  This is what happens when someone gets their information from lying websites such as the kind that promote white racial purity.

It's not simply false. It's idiotic. Why would a Jew want to bring in hordes of Muslims? These people don't even put a thought into whether what they read has any logic or sense to it.

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