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Everything posted by Ginsy

  1. "in all thy sons command" is now "in all of us command." I, for one, am excited. Thoughts?
  2. I'm confused and disappointed. I was a fence sitter and Patrick Brown pulled me towards the tories. With new leadership I'm not entirely sure how I'll feel. Is everyone expecting Doug Ford to be next up? I like Lisa MacLeod but I guess that's not happening...
  3. Yeah, I'm also interested to hear if others will come forward. I'm hesitant to take any kind of stance until a full investigation has been done and Patrick Brown is given his due process, but apparently there has been suspicion about Patrick Brown being involved in sexual misconduct far before he came into leadership. I'm not sure how true or untrue these statements are. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
  4. Cool piece. 1. I feel like it would make more sense to take in less immigrants and provide them with better services than to take them in excess and sparsely divide services. I can't really back this up with any empirical data though, just a thought. 2. Our Government puts a lot of resources into immigration and sometimes it seems as if there is more value placed on helping immigrants than there is in helping Aboriginal peoples. I would rather have more resources, money, time, thought, etc. be put into helping Aboriginals who need assistance rather than immigrants. (Wow, I sort of feel bad saying that) Though, I'm not sure we use the exact resources for both, and if not, that makes my point moot.
  5. Funny reading this. Was just in Gatineau last night doing the same thing; they still don't care for ID
  6. Reading this made me slightly jealous of my friends in Geology! Really though, thank you. Unfortunately, it is a field I have no interest in
  7. Thanks for the reply! Very helpful. Based on your chart Economics ended up winning. And hey, listen, you can still be a Playboy photographer if you want. Don't let your dreams die Argus. I'm not sure I exactly want to be an Economist. I'm not even sure how the heck people become Economists. However, I am very interested in policy work and other things closely related to it. I figured Economics would allow me to get there easier as well as Political Science. Thanks for giving me things to consider. Also, accounting looks so boring! My dad is an accountant and I told myself I would never do that. Though, I do appreciate the work that accountants do
  8. Extremely sorry for the late reply, RB. Your response is greatly appreciated.
  9. Lady Gaga running for President is the only logical next step!
  10. I didn't! I don't remember learning about that in History class. I'll go check it out.
  11. Honestly, it is conflicting at times! I can acknowledge that teachings in Islam are homophobic and be opposed to the religion itself while also believing that people should not be subjected to discrimination simply for practicing Islam. I'm fine with criticism of the religion, not so much criticism of the individual who practices said religion. Of course, this is where it gets conflicting... Can the two be separated? Does someone who practices a certain religion adhere to every single teaching in it? After all, there are tons of unique interpretations of a religion. Is it fair to assume all followers of a certain religion interpret it in the same way?
  12. Has this gem already been posted?
  13. Ah. Is this why many consider academia to be a bad route? I've read so many articles on why a PhD is a bad financial decision because tenure is so difficult. But, then I could see why those who complete PhD's would branch off into private/public sector work. More stability I assume (?) and you probably need that if you want kids, a home, etc. That's a bit depressing! I imagine some have to decide between following their passions or going for practicality (though, this is an extreme and I'm sure there are many cases where the two overlap).
  14. Thanks for the reply, Bonam. In all honesty, I'm passionate about Politics and originally intended to do a Political Science degree, but I backed away because of the many horror stories I've heard of people struggling to find employment. Sigh. I figured Econ/Planning might be more useful, but that could be my ignorance speaking. Thoughts? I spend most (all..) of my free time reading political blogs, theory, etc. I was hoping Econ and Planning were both interesting enough to sustain my intellectual interests and also give me a solid exit option after I graduate. I'm not looking exclusively for employability. I kind of just want to learn, but also parental expectations, gonna have like 7K debt, want to get a car one day and do normal Canadian stuff. I figured an average/solid income would help with that a bit ha. Sadly, I doubt I can honestly go into any STEM fields. I don't care enough for it and would probably be a depressed lil shit everyday, and more importantly I seriously don't have the aptitude for it. I do appreciate the advice though. This is so hard! You sure the world has too many economist and planners? Room for one more maybe? I swear I'll be nice.
  15. I agree Not entirely awesome that most (myself included..) view school as a way to get a job and not for the sole purpose of learning. Of course, that's a a consequence of tuition being so high that people need to pay back their loans and have a good ROI - which is completely understandable. But what about academia just for the love of it?! My understanding may be skewed, but I find that many university programs (okay, at least in the humanities, arts and sciences) are geared towards theoretical learning and are not actually meant for one to find meaningful employment, so I wish people would stop attaching going to university with finding a job. I was under the impression that college/trade programs exist solely to give people the skills needed to work in a specific profession. So, when and why did this mix in with university? I wish there were more concrete borders between the two.
  16. I'm sure you've all heard about the "useless" degree phenomena where graduates from arts, humanities, science and other programs go on to work at Starbucks for a cheap dime (*cough* me). https://www.thesimpledollar.com/10-worst-college-degrees-to-earn-in-2015/ I'm not certain if this can go here, or anywhere on this site for that matter. But you are an intelligent lot and I assume most of you are older than I am, so I was hoping I could benefit from your knowledge/experience. I just wanted to know if there will be a significant difference in my employment prospects graduating from university if I pursue an Economics degree vs. a degree in Urban and Regional Planning. Both majors have so many required credits that there's unfortunately no way I can do both. I would prefer to do Economics but I hear there a lot of good careers in planning. This is at Queen's in Kingston, ON btw. Do any of you have any idea which would set me up better for the job market? Thanks.
  17. Hm. I was talking to an older family member of mine today who runs their own business and they posed a question that really made me got me thinking. In short, they asked why I, at eighteen years of age with no formal training, in well, anything, actually deserve $14 an hour. I have no skills, have little to no work experience and have not in any concrete way proven that I am worth $14 an hour, much less $11 an hour. And you know, I couldn't really refute their point.As a private business owner, I can understand how this is annoying. To be forced to pay a green, no-experience employee doing work that isn't really intellectually challenging, more than what they "deserve". I do see Wynne's point about $14 being necessary for allow adults who have children and dire responsibilities to pay for whatever they need to pay for, but I don't think that changes the fact that a good chunk of people working minimum wage do so because they are not qualified to earn more (approx. 54% of those in minimum wage jobs have a high school diploma or less. There's nothing inherently wrong with only having those credentials, btw).
  18. It seems lots of people think Patty Brown is basically a closeted Liberal. I'm not entirely sure if this works to his benefit or detriment. On one hand he will attract small L's on the fence, on the other hand he may be disliked by PC supporters that are a bit further to the right. Interesting that you think this! I will likely vote for Patty or Andrea Horwath (but I'm leaning towards Patty), my gayness and all. My only problem with him is that he seems to be pretty uncharismatic and doesn't take a hard stance on issues.
  19. "I declare the inanity of God; and my brain sheweth my handiwork." Ginsy (1, 2017). See how easy it is to write something? I could write 300 pages of this and sell it as a hard copy and title it Ginsy's Book of Prophecy: The Principles to a Moral Life. Is starting my own religion really that simple? Like I said before, if he's seriously going to return and fuck shit up he needs to do it ASAP because I really don't want to write this economics midterm. Since you two seem to have a close relationship can you do a favour for me and ask him to come sooner? Have you ever done an average cost graph? It's actually brutal and I have no idea what's going on. What kind of God would put me through this? I wouldn't put my people through ECON112.
  20. Question. Why is the WASP factor important to you? Would you be fine if Canada was multiracial/ethnic but everyone still adhered to Canadian culture? (I know this is not exactly the case now.) I know plenty of minorities who are about as westernized, white-washed and Canadian as it gets, especially the ones born here. Many identify as Canadian before they identify as anything else. If you're the same way I can't see why you wouldn't get along with any of them. I'm not exactly sure why whiteness is so crucial; Canada and whiteness are not synonymous. I would also like some popcorn, whoever is selling it. Caramel popcorn is delicious.
  21. I guess you don't think God is from your imagination then? Where is your proof? Objective evidence? If he is not imagined then show me tangible evidence. No, really. I want to see it! Best thing I've read all day. Can the day of reckoning happen before March so I don't have to write my economics midterm? I'd rather God condemn me than to plot those graphs. Do you have any idea if this is happening anytime soon?
  22. That's my concern. This line of thinking literally horrifies me. What if God said that the morally right thing to do is to kill those who don't believe in him? Would you seriously accept that then? Just because he said it? My point is that anyone who is willing to follow anything that blindly without ever questioning it concerns the hell out of me.
  23. This is a non-answer. Yes or no? Which would you choose? I really want to know what you would say. If it's no then I have reason to question your devotion to god. If it's yes then I have reason to question your devotion to God.
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