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Edmonton latest Canadian city to taste Muslim terrorism


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As has been shown before, the cult-like appeal of Islam to segments of its worshipers inspires violence wherever you find them, even in an unlikely place like Edmonton.



Edited by Argus
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So far they haven't released his name but they have found an ISIS flag.   This from the city that had to remove signs offering to help Muslim women who were victims of abuse because of complaints from Muslims.

Not to mention there was a terrorist knife attack in Marseillaise yesterday.  

Wonder if they'll teach this point of view  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4936754/Wives-men-jailed-rape-blame-victims-too.html

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No mention of it as of yet on MSNBC.com

I imagine they will only give a brief mention as with most other mainstream media outlets once they know for sure who and what the perpetrator or perpetrators  are linked with.

I'm surprised that Justin Trudeau has actually called it a terrorist attack,good for him to ditch the political correctness for once.


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2 hours ago, Argus said:

As has been shown before, the cult-like appeal of Islam to segments of its worshipers inspires violence wherever you find them, even in an unlikely place like Edmonton.

You can say the very same thing about people that are triggered to shoot up mosques.  Sometimes the shit people see and hear in the news, the internet or even a coffee shop conversation combines with the shit rattling around in their heads and blows up.

Sure its terrifying but its simply a mental dissonance that becomes unbearable - like tinnitus that finally drives you nuts.  Its entirely random and no amount of investigating or surveillance will prevent it.  This is a classic example of rats in an overstressed cage. All you can point to for certain is the stressed out state of life in the cage.  You can definitely say someone will snap but who or when is impossible to know and trying to tease out a reason why this individual or that snaps from a examination of their lives is almost pointless.

Its only going to get worse and we probably haven't seen anything yet. 

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So the suspect is confirmed as a Somali national, a refugee claimant known to police for his radicalized views. My question is, why was he then allowed to stay here? Why wasn't he kicked the hell out and sent back to Somalia?

And oh, by the way, most of the 'refugees' streaming across the border from the US out west are Somalis, more than half of whom have 'serious criminal records' according to border services.




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6 hours ago, ironstone said:

No mention of it as of yet on MSNBC.com

I imagine they will only give a brief mention as with most other mainstream media outlets once they know for sure who and what the perpetrator or perpetrators  are linked with.

I'm surprised that Justin Trudeau has actually called it a terrorist attack,good for him to ditch the political correctness for once.


With CNN and MSNBC what Trump has to say or do is more important to them. Anyway we now know that it was a Muslim terrorist that did the attack which almost killed a cop. And all we will get from our useless political correct politicians and the left wing liberal media is that Canadians should not get upset as to what happened or come to any bad conclusions about Islam. We will probably hear some sob story from the media that this guy just didn't understand Canadian values and ways of doing things, and had problems trying to fit in.

To bloody bad for him.

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6 hours ago, ironstone said:

No mention of it as of yet on MSNBC.com

I imagine they will only give a brief mention as with most other mainstream media outlets once they know for sure who and what the perpetrator or perpetrators  are linked with.

I'm surprised that Justin Trudeau has actually called it a terrorist attack,good for him to ditch the political correctness for once.


He would have to be an idiot to not at least say it was a terrorist attack.  That's nothing new.   But do you think he'll every say it was an Islamic terrorist attack or a jihadist attack?  Never.

Edited by blackbird
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Watching the pundits on tv - they're all wide-eyed with disbelief.  One even says he's shocked that something like this had happened. 

WHY SO SURPRISED?  :lol:  Practically most of us here know  it's just a matter of time.

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8 minutes ago, betsy said:

Watching the pundits on tv - they're all wide-eyed with disbelief.  One even says he's shocked that something like this had happened. 

WHY SO SURPRISED?  :lol:  Practically most of us here know  it's just a matter of time.


Indeed....now watch the Islamist supporters carefully change their narrative that nobody was actually killed...just stabbed and maimed !

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35 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

Indeed....now watch the Islamist supporters carefully change their narrative that nobody was actually killed...just stabbed and maimed !

Let's see if a single person on MLW identifies themselves as an 'Islamist supporter'.

Kind of like calling out idiots.  Everybody thinks they're around but nobody admits to being one.

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5 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Let's see if a single person on MLW identifies themselves as an 'Islamist supporter'.

Kind of like calling out idiots.  Everybody thinks they're around but nobody admits to being one.

In both cases they are in the eye of the beholder. 

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5 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

So you can deny being stupid and still be stupid.

And you can deny supporting terrorism and still support it.

Got it.

No, if I think someone is an islamist supporter and an idiot, they are. 

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