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How Fake News Goes Viral

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1 hour ago, Wilber said:

My guess is that I have spent more time in the US southwest than Trump and the Hispanics I have come across on a daily basis are anything but the type Trump goes on about. Nice people who aren’t afraid of work are the people I see.

I have no doubts about that. Almost all of the people that you see walking around day to day basis are just awesome, as long as you stick to the nicer places. The exact same can be said for born an' bred 'Muricans. 

The problems are: 1) the drugs and the actual serious criminals crossing the border and 2) the actual economic problems with unchecked immigration. They already regret taking in so many immigrants in Germany and eastern Canada. It's not easy to just provide decent housing for thousands of people, and you can't build it faster than you can build the supporting infrastructure. 

Trump is basically right about immigration, he just doesn't speak properly at times. Angela Merkel and Trudeau were dead wrong. If the nation can afford immigration, and there is a need for it, it should be done through proper, legal channels.

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How the US manages its borders is its business. Actually the US restricting illegal immigration would be good for Canada because it represents a huge pool of cheap labour that Canadian business (particularly agriculture) has to compete against. Trump isn't about not speaking properly, he openly promotes and exploits fear to marginalize people and advance his agendas. He is a lowlife.

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On 10/29/2018 at 8:09 PM, Wilber said:

How the US manages its borders is its business. Actually the US restricting illegal immigration would be good for Canada because it represents a huge pool of cheap labour that Canadian business (particularly agriculture) has to compete against. Trump isn't about not speaking properly, he openly promotes and exploits fear to marginalize people and advance his agendas. He is a lowlife.

I agree with you.  The best situation would be if he eliminated the tech visa.  All of the US companies that employ them would offshore the work to Canada, which would/should establish new tech hubs (not Toronto) to do this work.  It would probably even be American companies like IBM, HP and Unisys who have operations of varied scale in Canada anyway.  

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On 10/29/2018 at 8:09 PM, Wilber said:

How the US manages its borders is its business. Actually the US restricting illegal immigration would be good for Canada because it represents a huge pool of cheap labour that Canadian business (particularly agriculture) has to compete against. Trump isn't about not speaking properly, he openly promotes and exploits fear to marginalize people and advance his agendas. He is a lowlife.

Big business loves huge pools of cheap labour.  Especially illegal ones.  That way they can pay below minimum wage and no benefits.  Allowing such pools depresses wages for everyone.  These companies might get citizens to apply for their jobs if they actually had to pay decent wages and benefits.  It's anti-middle class to allow this to continue unfettered.

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  • 2 months later...

So this is, I think, an excellent example of wholesale adoption of fake news.

This brief clip from a video has appeared on just about every news station and in every newspaper. It apparently shows native elders drumming, and a bunch of teens in MAGA hats surrounding them and jeering at them. It is described as an example of hatred being shown by Trump supporters towards natives and universally condemned, with the students being called every name in the book.


Below is an actual video from the event. It's too long to watch it all, but you can skip from place to place. This is the best description I've seen of it from another group.

The indigenous peoples march occurred on the 18th in DC. As well, the Pro-Life event was happening the same day. The 'Red Hat' teens were there from Kentucky, largely for the Pro life march.

From what I can see, both events had already winded down, and the teens were waiting at the Lincoln memorial, for pickup by their buses. Enter the Black Hebrew Israelite group. There were 5(?) or so of these guys, and they gravitated to the red hat teens, as filmed in the vid.

I'm not sure if these guys are just the super fringe part of the group, but they seemed to be actively trying to instigate something with the red hats. At a couple times during the video they throw out some pretty vile comments, and try to single out the black teens in the red hats. They start screaming at the teens, yelling about the wall, and the red hats seem to respond with school chants/cheers. I didn't go over the vid finely with volume maxed, so I wasn't sure if the teens responded... poorl

Enter Mr. Phillips. He was there earlier from the indigenous peoples march, and from the sounds of things, moved towards the commotion. Mr. Phillips is the Vietnam vet, who has been at a number of high profile events/marches. He approaches the two riled up groups, playing ceremonial drum, with a number of followers

At this point I found it difficult to tell if the teens figured he was on their side and dancing with the drums, or were trying for mockery - maybe both? He walks into the group of teens, some smiling, some seemingly confused, some seemingly hostile and faces off with the teen in all the pictures going around. In the vids I've looked through, it doesn't ever look like the teens are preventing him from leaving - Teens perspective.


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6 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:

This whole event is indeed constructed by the media to present a false story.

These "Native elders" approached and harassed these kids while they were waiting for their bus.

Yelling 'Go back to Europe' at kids...classy.

I think those were the 'black Israelite'. I don't think they were associated with the natives, since they were yelling insults at the natives earlier too.

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2 minutes ago, Argus said:

I think those were the 'black Israelite'. I don't think they were associated with the natives, since they were yelling insults at the natives earlier too.


Either way, the media is painting these kids...dangerously seeing the death threats...as racists who need to be punished. Somebody will...

I hope the MSM is proud of their actions.

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Here is the first report I've found which does not run with the pack. From the Spectator.

If someone walks up to you and bangs a drum in your face, are you guilty of harassing the drummer? You might be if you’re white and wearing a MAGA hat. Just a day after rushing to judgment about a BuzzFeed story that claimed President Trump had instructed Michael Cohen to lie to Congress — a story Robert Mueller’s own office subsequently debunked, the blue-checkmark media elite had a new instant narrative to promote. It was a tale perfectly tailored to liberal biases: white Catholic teenagers in MAGA hats had harassed an old and frail Indian veteran during the March for Life, which was also the date of an Indigenous People’s March.

The narrative assumed that the Covington boys had surrounded Philips and stood right in his face, grinning in silent insult. When a second video seemed to show that it was in fact Phillips who had approached the teens, it received even less attention — much as those few voices of caution about BuzzFeed’s fable were ignored by the true believers. But there are more videos, including one that’s nine-minutes long and provides a great deal of interesting context.


A second report from the Spectator

According to The Narrative, it was the teen who approached Phillips. But according to the letter writer, the high schoolers were, as was their wont after the March for Life, gathered together cheering. ‘In the midst of our cheers,’ he writes, ‘we were approached by a group of adults led by Nathan Phillips, with Phillips beating his drum.’

‘They forced their way into the center of our group. We initially thought this was a cultural display since he was beating along to our cheers and so we clapped to the beat. However, after multiple minutes of Mr Phillips beating his drum directly in the face of my friend . . . we became confused and started wondering what was happening. It was not until later that we discovered they would incriminate us as a publicity stunt. As a result, my friend faces expulsion for simply standing still and our entire school is being disparaged for a crime we did not commit.’



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7 minutes ago, scribblet said:

There are videos posted on twitter disproving the media narrative yet these kids maybe expelled, all to get at trump. 

I don't see how that can possibly happen at this point. The video disproves the original narrative, and other media outlets are starting to point this out. The school's original statement sounds like a "oh my goodness!" knee jerk response without having any information.

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Cbc has deleted their tweet, also read that  Covington Catholic High School ‘may sue’ mainstream media outlets for spreading ‘fake news’ about their students allegedly harassing a Native 

I feel badly for these young people being doxxed and having their lives ruined by the media who do it in order to further their own left wing anti Trump narrative..   The real bigots where those throwing out racist insults telling white people to go back to Europe.    The left really has become bat sh.t crazy.

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3 hours ago, scribblet said:

Cbc has deleted their tweet, also read that  Covington Catholic High School ‘may sue’ mainstream media outlets for spreading ‘fake news’ about their students allegedly harassing a Native 

I feel badly for these young people being doxxed and having their lives ruined by the media who do it in order to further their own left wing anti Trump narrative..   The real bigots where those throwing out racist insults telling white people to go back to Europe.    The left really has become bat sh.t crazy.

This was a real thing on Reddit. Threads with thousands upon thousands of angry comments demanding extreme punishment for them. All kinds of the usual suspects, from actresses to politicians chimed in on twitter too, all expressing how horrible these kids are.

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13 minutes ago, Argus said:

This was a real thing on Reddit. Threads with thousands upon thousands of angry comments demanding extreme punishment for them. All kinds of the usual suspects, from actresses to politicians chimed in on twitter too, all expressing how horrible these kids are.

It is amazing, and sad that we now live in a society where a kid can be doxxed, harassed and threatened because he merely stood and smiled at an old man drumming in his face.   People are threatening the school, demanding universities not accept them etc. etc.  

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13 hours ago, Argus said:

Here is the first report I've found which does not run with the pack. From the Spectator.

Something else that has come up is that there was a group of religious kooks called "the Black Hebrew Israelites" in the area, who were spouting extremist ideology and basically trying to get everybody all riled up.  Someone who watched an extended video of the whole thing said that the natives, including Philips, actually got between the groups and seemed to have actually defused a confrontation between the "Black Hebrew Israelites" and the crowd around them.


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On 10/10/2018 at 11:55 PM, bush_cheney2004 said:

CBC fake news from 2016......

We can talk about all the fake news to get the USA into Iraq during Iraq's invasion of Kuwait.  That fake news was perpetuated by 99% of the US's main stream news media.

12-13 years later, we saw yet more lies and deceit by the USA to go to war.



In the 12 years between the first and second Gulf wars, however, an American official who helped compile the report said, it was clear that UN sanctions had been effective in persuading Saddam to disarm.

Mr Duelfer said Saddam's "prime objective was the termination of UN sanctions on Iraq. And he weighed all policy actions and steps for their impact on this overarching objective".

Saddam apparently believed WMD had stopped the US marching on Baghdad in 1991 and had prevented defeat by Iran.

A separate CIA report, leaked to the US press this week, severely weakened the Bush claim of a link between Baghdad and al-Qaida. It found no clear evidence of Iraq harbouring Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, a Jordanian terrorist believed to be behind many of the attacks and now holding the British hostage, Kenneth Bigley.

In all, 1,625 US and UN inspectors were working in Iraq for two years - from November 2002 to September 2004 - at a cost of over $1bn. They searched nearly 1,700 sites.



It's plainly wrong for a member of Congress to collaborate with a public relations firm to produce knowingly deceptive testimony on an important issue. Yet Representative Tom Lantos of California has been caught doing exactly that. His behavior warrants a searching inquiry by the House Ethics Committee.

Mr. Lantos is co-chairman of the Congressional Human Rights Caucus. An article last week on The Times's Op-Ed page by John MacArthur, the publisher of Harper's magazine, revealed the identity of a 15-year-old Kuwaiti girl who told the caucus that Iraqi soldiers had removed scores of babies from incubators and left them to die.

The girl, whose testimony helped build support for the Persian Gulf war, was identified only as "Nayirah," supposedly to protect family members still in Kuwait. Another piece of information was also withheld: that she is not just some Kuwaiti but the daughter of the Kuwaiti Ambassador to the U.S.


October 2, 2003 - David Kay, who heads the US search for weapons of mass destruction, reports to congressional intelligence committees that the Iraq Survey Group has found no such weapons in Iraq. Kay says he will need six to nine months to conclude his work.
January 28, 2004 - After retiring earlier in the month, Kay tells the Senate Armed Services Committee that there should be an independent investigation into the flawed intelligence about Hussein's weapons capability.
February 6, 2004 - Bush names a seven-member commission to investigate the nation's intelligence operations, specifically to study the information about Iraq possessing weapons of mass destruction.
October 6, 2004 - The final Iraq Survey Group report is released. The report concludes that Hussein did not possess weapons of mass destruction.

Rumsfeld lied through his teeth and his ass about Iraq's capabilities, then lied about those lies saying he never said he knew where the weapons were.

Fake news is dangerous and has been perpetuated by US media and the US government, even to the point where we have the POTUS pushing out fake news.

Fake news from POTUS's present and past have ALL put out a good deal of fake news.


When the Guardian is telling the truth, you know things are messed up.


In the 12 years between the first and second Gulf wars, however, an American official who helped compile the report said, it was clear that UN sanctions had been effective in persuading Saddam to disarm.

Mr Duelfer said Saddam's "prime objective was the termination of UN sanctions on Iraq. And he weighed all policy actions and steps for their impact on this overarching objective".

Saddam apparently believed WMD had stopped the US marching on Baghdad in 1991 and had prevented defeat by Iran.

A separate CIA report, leaked to the US press this week, severely weakened the Bush claim of a link between Baghdad and al-Qaida. It found no clear evidence of Iraq harbouring Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, a Jordanian terrorist believed to be behind many of the attacks and now holding the British hostage, Kenneth Bigley.

In all, 1,625 US and UN inspectors were working in Iraq for two years - from November 2002 to September 2004 - at a cost of over $1bn. They searched nearly 1,700 sites.


Nov 1999 Chalabi-connected Iraqi defector “Curveball”—a convicted sex offender and low-level engineer who became the sole source for much of the case that Saddam had WMD, particularly mobile weapons labs—enters Munich seeking a German visa. German intel officers describe his information as highly suspect. US agents never debrief Curveball or perform background check. Nonetheless, Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and CIA will pass raw intel on to senior policymakers. [Date the public knew: 11/20/05]

Oh shall we talk yellow cake from Niger?



Another, written on paper from a 1980s military government in Niger, bears the date of October 2000 and the signature of a man who by then had not been foreign minister of Niger in 14 years, sources said.

"The IAEA has concluded, with the concurrence of outside experts that these documents -- which formed the basis for the reports of recent uranium transactions between Iraq and Niger -- are not in fact authentic," ElBaradei said in his March 7 presentation to the U.N. Security Council.


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30 minutes ago, scribblet said:

I don't suppose the media will learn from any of this, but here's the boy's story and apologies are now rolling in ( and rightly so





It's pretty disgusting what the MSM did.

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10 hours ago, kimmy said:

Something else that has come up is that there was a group of religious kooks called "the Black Hebrew Israelites" in the area, who were spouting extremist ideology and basically trying to get everybody all riled up.  Someone who watched an extended video of the whole thing said that the natives, including Philips, actually got between the groups and seemed to have actually defused a confrontation between the "Black Hebrew Israelites" and the crowd around them.


Welcome back, your royal Kimmyness!

I watched the extended video. Well, skipping along. I didn't watch the entirety. The Black group are cultists and black supremacists.. They were shouting abuse at the kids and the natives, but had eventually focused on the kids. The kids started shouting abuse back, then one of them led them in what is apparently the school chant. This attracted the attention of Philips, a noted activist, because he said it was actually a New Zealand native chant and he thought they were mocking it (it's taken from the New Zealand rugby team). He and the others with him also thought the bunch of rednecks in the maga hats were picking on the small group of blacks. Apparently they hadn't been around listening to what that same group was saying about natives.

Anyway, he pushed his way into the middle of them, beating his drum. He has said he heard the kids saying things like 'build the wall' but there's nothing on any of the recordsings about that. What IS on the recordings is one of his fellow natives insulting the kids and telling them they don't belong in America and should go back to Europe.

Some media outlets have now come out with a different version of events, but as late as 10:30 last night CTV news was still talking about it, interviewing a native activist, with the ancherwoman expressing her 'horror' on seeing the video.


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2 hours ago, DogOnPorch said:


It's pretty disgusting what the MSM did.


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Don't attribute conspiracy to incompetence. The story was a 'good story' in that it folded in nicely with their preconceptions about both MAGA types, and anyone from a state like Kentucky. And the video given to the media was narrowly focused and only a minute long. It certainly SEEMED to show the kids surrounding this 'poor elderly native' and mocking him. With that one kid especially standing right in his face and apparently smirking. It didn't occur to a lot of people that it had actually been the natives who walked in among the kids, not the kids who had surrounded the natives.

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It is  certainly not disrespectful nor racist to smile quietly or even 'smirk'  at someone  who is trying to intimidate you as they try to goad you into a response, or force you to move.   It is disrespectful to approach a child, or even an adult, bang a drum within an inch of the child's face, and then lie about the circumstances of the encounter.

The school had to close today due to threats, what a world this has become.

Can they sue, should they


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Perhaps an excellent lesson for a lot of people.

The story is a Rorschach test—tell me how you first reacted, and I can probably tell where you live, who you voted for in 2016, and your general take on a list of other issues—but it shouldn’t be. Take away the video and tell me why millions of people care so much about an obnoxious group of high-school students protesting legalized abortion and a small circle of American Indians protesting centuries of mistreatment who were briefly locked in a tense standoff. Take away Twitter and Facebook and explain why total strangers care so much about people they don’t know in a confrontation they didn’t witness. Why are we all so primed for outrage, and what if the thousands of words and countless hours spent on this had been directed toward something consequential?



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