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Womens only swimming day at public pool.


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11 minutes ago, Benz said:


I did not say the burkini is a kind of saviour for women. Far from it. I think it is ridiculous and it rathers show how much they feel bad and oppressed, even if they think they do not.

I wasn't saying that YOU felt the burkini is a saviour for Muslim women.  I just was giving my opinion that it is certainly not a boon to Muslim women anywhere.

Sorry if you thought I was putting words in your mouth.  I was just agreeing with you.  :)

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12 hours ago, Goddess said:

I wasn't saying that YOU felt the burkini is a saviour for Muslim women.  I just was giving my opinion that it is certainly not a boon to Muslim women anywhere.

Sorry if you thought I was putting words in your mouth.  I was just agreeing with you.  :)

It would be definitly too familiar from you to put something in my mouth. :P

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I have mixed feelings about the separation - I meant all the while we are looking to be equal but now we still wish to have a special woman's  day.

I think in the future when women want to go really fast in the pool - they will change (literally their clothing)

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1 hour ago, RB said:

I have mixed feelings about the separation - I meant all the while we are looking to be equal but now we still wish to have a special woman's  day.

I think in the future when women want to go really fast in the pool - they will change (literally their clothing)

We are not looking for equality. We are looking for justice. Equality may not be just everytime. Women have sufficient enough reasons to request such a thing. Men would also want the same thing. 

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On 10/29/2016 at 2:12 PM, Goddess said:

This kind of makes me re-think things a bit......why do they still have to wear the gear when there's no men around? if they're going to wear it anyways, then why do they need their own swim times?

Very good question. Why? 

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On 10/30/2016 at 8:23 AM, Argus said:

And in a disaster, in a crash, when someone falls off a subway platform, it's men who rush to help while women stand back and watch.

Yup, women want equality, and when they are giving it, they won't risk their lives and put themselves in danger to help others if men are around. Men come to the rescue all of the time without hesitation. Why men go into action to help save a life in danger or in need of help is because it is in their nature and instinct to want to do so and to give aid and assistance to the weak and the helpless in our society. It has nothing to do with sex. It is just a man thing to do, and men don't mind or whine about doing it. Why these feminists hate men is beyond me. If they got themselves into a dangerous situation, the first thing that they would be looking for is probably a man to help them for whatever serious situation they find themselves in. All of a sudden they are happy to have a man around. Men will be men when a woman is around. They look as nature intended it to be.   

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WOW....That's a pretty tall statement, and while I do agree with most conservative ideas.....I do not support this one.....It is old school thinking that plagues our Canadian society....I can name you hundreds of women who I served with in the military that have gone above and beyond the call of duty, who have risked their lives and more just so they could be considered equals to men that worked with them.....I've seen a female medic rush into a hail of small arms fire to treat a downed Canadian soldier, with out thinking she just lept into action......doing what, we trained infantry soldiers were taught to do....but that day froze up for a few seconds to long....And not just this one girl....I meet hundreds of military women that I would go to war with any day....women that I served shoulder to shoulder with, women I was proud to call comrade in arms, or soldier....I have met other women that serve with in the RCMP, Coast Guard, Local fire halls, EMT's all with huge set of lady balls, that could, and do put men to ashame with  their dedication and service to their jobs.....

So before we paint the entire women race with one paint brush.....we should stop and think before we speak.....this is why we do not have true equal rights for both genders....this thinking it will truly never happen...This way of thinking is not just with in the Military.....but all through our nation....

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From the article:


Is it permissible for women to go to swimming pools?

I am a Muslim woman aged twenty-eight years, and I want to go swimming so that I can lose some weight. Can I go swimming in a swimming pool wearing clothes that cover me from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet? There are special clothes for Muslim women who want to swim and they cover the entire body, but they cling to the body when wet. What does Islam have to say about this? What if I wear a towel over these clothes and cover myself beforehand and straight after coming out of the pool? Is it permissible for me to swim in this case? Is it permissible for me to swim if there are some men present?




Islam enjoins women to stay at home and not go out unnecessarily, so as to preserve their chastity, maintain their dignity and protect them from all evil. 

Muslim women going out to public centres and swimming pools is something that is emphatically forbidden, because it involves a number of evils and negative consequences. 




If these swimming pools are only for women it is not permissible to go to them either, even if that is less serious than public baths. That is because women uncover their ‘awrahs, and even if the Muslim woman covers her body she will see those naked women and she will not be able to tell them not to do this evil action. 

The scholars of the Standing Committee for Issuing Fatwas were asked: 

I am an engineer working in the holy city; my job is in the building permits department. A citizen has submitted to us a plan for a health centre offering natural remedies, with two sections, one for men and one for women. After studying the drawings and plans it was noted that there is a large swimming pool in the women’s section. The project manager was informed that this swimming pool is not permissible, because swimming requires women to take off their clothes and then put on tight clothes that, even if they do not show her ‘awrah, will show the shape of her body, and as is well known it is not permissible for women to uncover the ‘awrah among other women. So we explained to the project manager that, by way of blocking the means to evil and warding off evil consequences, he should not build this swimming pool because it was highly possible – especially nowadays – that among the workers would be someone who did not fear Allah, even among the women, and might take pictures of the women in secret, whether with a regular camera or a video camera such as is available nowadays. This would cause a great of trouble and would turn this centre from being a centre for healing to a centre of corruption and fitnah. And it is well known that everything that leads to haraam is also haraam. 


Now I'm confused....why are they asking for something in Canada that is expressly forbidden by Islam?

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50 minutes ago, Goddess said:



Now I'm confused....why are they asking for something in Canada that is expressly forbidden by Islam?

Because Islam is no more a one-size fits all religion than Christianity is.   Quoting a single site (or person) as if that site or that person is the be-all end-all of Islamic (or Christian) thought and then saying "But why are those people over there doing it differently" is pointless.   


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17 minutes ago, dialamah said:

Because Islam is no more a one-size fits all religion than Christianity is.   Quoting a single site (or person) as if that site or that person is the be-all end-all of Islamic (or Christian) thought and then saying "But why are those people over there doing it differently" is pointless.   


I thought fatwas were binding? No?

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Allah created women and men.

Allah commands that women cover themselves up from head to toe to be modest.

Women covering themselves up from head to toe causes them to not get enough sunlight, not produce enough vitamin D, and get rickets.


For some reason Allah didn't think to give women the ability to produce their own vitamin D.

It's almost like Islam is false...

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8 minutes ago, -1=e^ipi said:

Allah created women and men.

Allah commands that women cover themselves up from head to toe to be modest.

Women covering themselves up from head to toe causes them to not get enough sunlight, not produce enough vitamin D, and get rickets.


For some reason Allah didn't think to give women the ability to produce their own vitamin D.


They have an answer for that.

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4 hours ago, Goddess said:

I thought fatwas were binding? No?

They're binding if you believe them, similar to the way in which Christians may or may not believe in certain commands that are written in the Bible.   There are fatwas for lots of things, and they do contradict each other. There's even a 600 page anti-terrorism fatwa, delivered in 2010.  

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On 11/7/2016 at 4:41 PM, Goddess said:

They have an answer for that.


There are not a lot of good food sources that contain sufficient quantities of vitamin D. Fish is probably the best (salmon, mackerel), and farmed fish has way lower content than wild. If you had wild salmon or mackerel daily, then you would be ok. Otherwise you would need to take foods that have been fortified with vitamin D. Sunlight is still by far the best source as the vitamin D is produced by the cholesterol in your skin.

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13 minutes ago, ?Impact said:


There are not a lot of good food sources that contain sufficient quantities of vitamin D. Fish is probably the best (salmon, mackerel), and farmed fish has way lower content than wild. If you had wild salmon or mackerel daily, then you would be ok. Otherwise you would need to take foods that have been fortified with vitamin D. Sunlight is still by far the best source as the vitamin D is produced by the cholesterol in your skin.

Yes.  I worked for a private doctor for 2 years in a predominently Muslim area and we had a lot of women coming in with issues from constant covering of the face and head - a lot of alopecia, included.  The doc would tell them to get outside in the sunshine without the headcovers, but they all wanted to wear it constantly for fear their husbands would "make them".  But they also wanted their hair loss cured.  Can't have it both ways.

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  • 2 months later...
On 10/27/2016 at 3:48 PM, taxme said:

I was listening to David Menzies on The Rebel the other day, and he was commenting on how a public swimming pool in the Toronto area had gone female only for one day a week. Is this right? I this what we call equality? How can a public swimming pool say to men that they cannot go for a swim a certain day of the week? Is this discrimination against an identifiable group? It looks to me like it is. Don't the men in that community pay taxes to help maintain and keep that pool properly maintained and running? Is this a case for the Human Rights Commission then?

According to Menzies, he says that the reason for this act of discrimination was to please the muslims who's religion says that women are not allowed to associate with men in certain public areas. So, once again we see that Canada has bent over backwards to please another foreign culture and has given in to the demands of another ethnic group that does not want to become Canadian but wants Canadians to become a part of their culture. Why are these people allowed to come here and start telling Canadians as to how things are going to be done in Canada? 

Sikhs in BC don't have to wear motorcycle helmets because of their religion, yet the rest of us have too. No Christmas scenes allowed in public schools and government buildings because it may offend some other people and their religions. Now muslims get to tell Canadians that they cannot go swimming with muslim women for one day a week. Who and what religion is net? 

Why do foreign religions get their way but the Canadian tradition of celebrating Christmas is not allowed in public places?  We are told by our fake political leaders that we are to accept all religions and show being tolerant towards others and yet those others show no tolerance towards Canadian Christian traditions and religions.Is it time to put an end to all religions forcing their beliefs on others now? If Christmas is suppose to be offensive to others than muslim only swimming days are offensive also to others, and Sikhs should be force to wear helmets just like everyone else has too. Is this Canada or the rest of the world?

Try and go to some muslim country and try forcing your religious beliefs on that country. We all should know by now that will not happen. In some countries they will kill someone who is and practices Christianity. Canadians  need to stop being led by the nose by a bunch of multicultural fake politicians and the fake media that keeps telling us that we must be tolerant and understanding and not show being offensive to another culture and their religion. What about those coming here and trying to show intolerance towards our culture and Christian religion.   


What say you, eh?  Do you agree with me or disagree with me?  Over. 


Ottawa ought to shape up!





Muslim girls must swim with boys in Switzerland, European court rules after parents refuse classes

European judges throw out parents' claim that requirement violates freedom of religion


Switzerland has won a European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) case allowing it to force Muslim parents to send their daughters to mixed school swimming lessons.

A panel of seven judges found that freedom of religion had been “interfered with” but that the move was legitimised by the aim of “social integration”.


Edited by betsy
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On 11/9/2016 at 0:40 PM, Goddess said:

Yes.  I worked for a private doctor for 2 years in a predominently Muslim area and we had a lot of women coming in with issues from constant covering of the face and head - a lot of alopecia, included.  The doc would tell them to get outside in the sunshine without the headcovers, but they all wanted to wear it constantly for fear their husbands would "make them".  But they also wanted their hair loss cured.  Can't have it both ways.

I guess coming to Canada didn't do them much good for their health conditions, eh? Maybe if they join the Canadian culture and ways of doing things their existing problems will go away. I guess the advice of the doctor will not sway their boss controlled husbands. I guess most of the muslim women haven't yet learned that they don't really have to cover up anymore. They are now living in Canada, don't they know. Muslims only want it one way? Their way. All else is infidel nonsense. They say that Sikh religious women will not wear a bathing suit at the beach because their legs are covered in hair. Yee gads. Scary thing to see for sure. Thank god that Christian or some non-Christian women have beautiful shaved legs and that we are able to see their glowing hair in the sun. Western culture is the life for me. :)

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17 hours ago, betsy said:


Ottawa ought to shape up!



As long as the politically correct fake and phony liberals are in control Ottawa will never shape up. Ottawa would rather ship out the old Canadian ways and culture to please the rest of the world and their cultures. Now Muslims are starting to make Canadians accept their ways of doing things and that we must assimilate into their cultural ways of doing things. If a country will not fight and stand up for it's values and traditions and culture and allow others to have equal status to their culture then that country will be eventually doomed for takeover by another. Muslims will never assimilate but they will try their hardest to make the host countries people assimilate into their cultures.  

As you said immigrants or refugees who do not want to assimilate into Canadian society and culture then they should go elsewhere. I am glad that we still have people like David Menzies around who have no fear of telling it like it is. Faith Goldy is great also. I miss the Sun News Channel that was once on the air. I am pretty sure that the liberal elite globalist establishment had a lot to do with them going off air. The CRTC didn't help much either to help keep them on air. But then again look who controls the CRTC? Liberals. 

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  • 1 year later...

Okay first of all I think you guys are getting carried away. Are there even any women opinion over here? Lemme just tell you right now that being the shy woman that I am, I appreciate a women's only pool time. 


This is ONE day a week you guys need to RELAX. If women want to join the mixed pool time then go ahead and do so. No one is stopping you. 


You guys should hear your self, you sound like islamophobic kids. It's so petty of you to be so racist. Grow up and stop making Muslims out into a bad thing. You are in Canada for goodness' sake. 

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30 minutes ago, Row said:



You guys should hear your self, you sound like islamophobic kids. It's so petty of you to be so racist. Grow up and stop making Muslims out into a bad thing. You are in Canada for goodness' sake. 

Here we go again. So if someone voices legitimate concerns and questions about Islam they're automatically Islamophobic? Before tossing the racist card around willy nilly perhaps you should learn the definition of the word. Islam is a system that encompasses social, legal, military and religious conventions and rolls them up into one philosophy. Would you care to explain how one can be racist against a philosophy? Not to mention the fact that one can be Muslim no matter what their race. Are you suggesting that those who criticize Islam are racist against all races, including their own?

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6 minutes ago, AngusThermopyle said:

1)So if someone voices legitimate concerns and questions about Islam they're automatically Islamophobic?

2) Would you care to explain how one can be racist against a philosophy? 

1) She already said it's not a legitimate concern so your question is moot.

2) Xenophobic then.  I myself nitpick grammar, etymology and logic but these things don't toss out the legitimacy of Row's post.  If people want to have female-only pool days for whatever reason, why not give them what they want ?  

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6 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

... If people want to have female-only pool days for whatever reason, why not give them what they want ?  


For the same reason that male-only and whites-only pools and beaches went out of style in Canada.

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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