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America under President Trump

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1 hour ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

Trump matters more than blackface Trudeau...always has.

That’s just because of the lib media here. 

If an Obama impeachment farce was going on down south and some PM Harper blackface photos/videos had turned up the media coverage would be reversed in a massive way.

“PM Harper must resign!” would be the focus of the first ten minutes of news coverage every day. As it is the blackface coverage here just showed Trudeau’s apology and a bunch of people saying that they aren’t affected by it, or “it sounds like dirty election politics.”

Basically the MSM coverage of blackface was full damage-control mode.

If Harper did it they would show a little black Greta crying, saying: “Is the PM going to come kill me?”

The next step is to give press to Trudeau’s new climate control measures, they’re taking away guns, etc. All very SJW heroic.

A bit of Canadian MSM history for a backdrop here..... Harper was accused of helping pay back $90K that Senator Duffy claimed in travel expenses that were theoretically bogus and it was serious headline news here for 3 full years. SNC and blackface are already relegated to making the rounds on social media. Trudeau has also ducked out of two debates now and the media barely noticed. 

Our country is f’d. 

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4 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

That’s just because of the lib media here.


No doubt....

Canadian media is already gearing up for a long, drawn out cross border orgy of political warfare in the U.S., just as it did for the Trump election in 2016.

Trump gets more eyeballs and clicks than even a blackface Trudeau, who ironically has already been found guilty of several ethics violations ("but no laws were broken").

How convenient....

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5 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

Trump gets more eyeballs and clicks than even a blackface Trudeau, who ironically has already been found guilty of several ethics violations ("but no laws were broken").

He gets the infamous Lisa LaFlamme eye-rolls. There’s no attempt at hiding media bias here. 

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1 minute ago, WestCanMan said:

He gets the infamous Lisa LaFlamme eye-rolls. There’s no attempt at hiding media bias here. 


That's OK by Trump, who has effectively weaponized media bias as "fake news".

...and there is no reason to think Trump and his base will walk away from those methods & victories.

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21 minutes ago, egghead said:

Actually, the truth is washington post got the tips, and they ran the story without fact checking it beacuse they only have 5~6 mins.

WP: "Yeah, we published a bit more fake news but we have another good excuse. No worries, peons will keep gobbling up everything we say, and the only thing that they'll remember long-term is the feeling of anger and mistrust towards the President. It works every time. We still have jobs, right?"

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21 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

WP: "Yeah, we published a bit more fake news but we have another good excuse. No worries, peons will keep gobbling up everything we say, and the only thing that they'll remember long-term is the feeling of anger and mistrust towards the President. It works every time. We still have jobs, right?"


This ship sailed a long time ago, when Dan Rather and CBS News conspired to take out George W. Bush in the waning months of the 2004 U.S. presidential election campaign.   All bets for competent journalism are off now, and I hope President Trump continues to ram it right back down their "fake news" throats...in spades.

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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1 hour ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

...and there is no reason to think Trump and his base will walk away from those methods & victories.

Party of Lincoln.   

The ends justify the means.

The Emancipation Proclamation was unconstitutional and a war crime.

The purpose was not to defeat Dixie, the purpose was to destroy Dixie.

Down with the Plantation Aristocracy traitors to the republic,  by any means necessary.


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10 minutes ago, BubberMiley said:

The Logan Act.



The Logan Act (1 Stat. 613, 18 U.S.C. § 953, enacted January 30, 1799) is a United States federal law that criminalizes negotiation by unauthorized persons with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States.

An example of a crime under the Logan act is if John Kerry actually had discussions with Iranian officials after he was no longer a member of the government.

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So are you guys done with being led around by the nose by CNN? Honestly I might start to miss the fun we've had talking about all these awesome topics:

"These women were being told by the CBP officers to drink water out of the toilet. They were drinking water out of the toilet." [but we never bothered to turn on the video cameras that we all have on our phones] That was a good one. Lots of people here gobbled that up.

"Walls are racist!" [Yup. And my car is a homosexual]

"Women have to be believed!" [mainly when they can't name a location, or a year, and their own witnesses deny any knowledge of the alleged incident. The exception to the rule is when the women have actual physical evidence and actual witnesses but they are testifying against Bill Clinton]. You gotta be a special kind of stupid to believe that. Should we open up that old thread? LMAO!

"There's a new Kavanaugh victim BOMBSHELL STORY!!!!!" [Nope it was another landmine. But stupid Dem Presidential candidates jumped in on it and screamed IMPEACH KAVANAUGH right away. It's like they don't know about fake news yet.]

"Sessions said that he never talked to Russian gov't officials or agents about collusion. BUT HE WAS RECORDED ON A PHONE CALL TO KISLYAK!!!!!!!! DUN dun dunnnnnnnnnnnnn!" [um, are we supposed to assume that you mean they talked about collusion? Like, hellooooooo? Can you finish that sentence? Because you know that stupid people will run around saying that is evidence of collusion]

"Walls don't work. I'm standing here beside a wall on the border, and there aren't illegal aliens running around here. So this is proof that we don't need the wall."  ????????????????????? CNN was even dumb enough to show that footage. Open mouth, insert foot.

"Russian collusion is a big nothingburger" - Van Jones, the one time he told the truth. But CNN pushed Russian collusion for a year after that admission. Then the truth came out that there was no evidence of Russian collusion, just evidence that Russians offered to collude. That's kind of suspicious.

"The FBI isn't properly investigating Dr Ford's allegations! Kavanaugh needs to be impeached now!!!" [Yes they are. They just went to an undisclosed location and asked people who were never named as witnesses (because the ones who were named as witnesses already said that they never heard of this before) to talk about things that almost happened in a random year in the late 80s. Or they're laughing because D Ford was caught on several other lies and the FBI might be corrupt but they're not as dumb as the avg CNN viewer.]

"Racist white people put a noose around my [Jussie Smollett's] neck and threw bleach on me!!!! Waaaaaah!!!!" Nope, his own co-conspirators did it to dredge up racial division, but CNN says he did it for [I can't even remember the stupid reason they gave. Maybe because he was angry that his hemorrhoid medication wasn't working. It was something equally stupid]

"The Synagogue shooting happened because of Trump's anti-Semitism!!!!" [sure, he's Benjamin Netanyahu's best friend on this planet, and his daughter got married to a Jew in a Jewish wedding ceremony and his grandkids are being raised as Jews and then he gave that Jewish son-in-law a job in the Whitehouse...... Trump's as bad at being an anti-Semite as Jeffrey Epstein was at being prudish.]


That's a LOT of fake news, yet as soon as CNN belches out the next idiotic story I'm going to have to walk some firm believers through it fifty more times, and then CNN will save their day with the next massive round of BS to replace the stuff that has "unexpectedly" turned out to be wrong. 

Greg Gutfeld made a brilliant comment today. He likened impeachment believers to doomsday cultists, who predict a specific doomsday and then when the day comes and goes they just double-down and create a new fake date. In the case of CNN viewers it doesn't even have to be about impeachment, it's just "the next really sexy story that comes out about Trump and the Republicans is going to be true, even if it seems really stupid at the beginning!!!!" Why not just take a breath, and say "I'll wait to see if this story is legit before I run around screaming that it's just gotta be true because CNN said it."

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CNN's ratings dropped 25% after the Mueller Report dropped a big nothing burger.

A U.S. president has never been removed from office after being impeached (Johnson & Clinton).   Nixon resigned the office before impeachment could happen.

It takes 2/3rds of the Senate to convict, so the Democrats would need 20 GOP/Independent senators to convict Trump.

A majority of Americans do not want Trump impeached, preferring to defer to the next election cycle for Trump's fate.



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2 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

CNN's ratings dropped 25% after the Mueller Report dropped a big nothing burger.

A U.S. president has never been removed from office after being impeached (Johnson & Clinton).   Nixon resigned the office before impeachment could happen.

It takes 2/3rds of the Senate to convict, so the Democrats would need 20 GOP/Independent senators to convict Trump.

A majority of Americans do not want Trump impeached, preferring to defer to the next election cycle for Trump's fate.

Just a 25% drop? It's a start, but ffs, it's hard to believe that they still have any viewers.

I get that a certain percent of those people are watching just to laugh at the latest round of BS, and some businesses show CNN contractually, like airports and train stations, but there are still a lot of people who turn on the TV thinking that they're going to find out "what's happening in the world". Much like Charlie Brown keeps on believing that he's finally gonna kick that football.

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The sensational scandal of the events of the night from September 13 to September 14, 2019 still fuels the world community`s interest in the Middle East theme. And as a result of active discussions of the tragic events of attacks on oil facilities in Saudi Arabia, the world has become increasingly aware of the possibility of a military conflict between the United States and Iran, which, in turn, was immediately blamed by Washington.

As a result, oil production in the country halved, and its prices jumped by almost 20% (at some point, almost to $ 72 per barrel). And despite the fact that Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman, the head of the Energy Ministry of Saudi Arabia, promised that the previous production level would be restored by the end of September, prices fixed at around $ 65 per barrel (which is about 8% more than it was before the tragic events at the refinery). Obviously, prices will continue to help maintain tensions in the Middle East.

Of course, the conflict between the two regional powers - Saudi Arabia and Iran - is beneficial to the United States. The current American administration, led by an experienced businessman, with its bellicose statements and severe sanctions deliberately heat markets and relations between the two states.

Thus, for example, an attack on the largest refineries in the kingdom is beneficial for the American arms lobby, because now Trump’s plans to close the deal on selling weapons to the Saudis for $ 110 billion will not meet with resistance in Congress.

Also, experts believe that President D. Trump demonstrates that the departure of National Security Advisor John Bolton did not affect the tough US foreign policy towards Iran. However, it is unlikely that it will come to a strike to Iran (at least in the near future) due to the lack of direct evidence of its involvement and the pre-election race that has begun.

Although Trump is dear to his image of the president-peacemaker, which is advantageous in contrast to his predecessors, he still does not manage to maintain this image.

For example, Washington plans to send an additional US military contingent to the kingdom, and the head of the White House even ordered the US Department of the Treasury to «significantly increase» economic sanctions against Iran. According to President Trump, these sanctions are the toughest «of all that have ever been imposed» and they will send Iran to «hell».

This time, under restrictions fell the Iranian Central Bank and the National Wealth Fund. According to the expert of the Atlantic Council, Brian O'Toole, the new sanctions deprive the Central Bank of a special status, which implied an exception for the sale of medicines, medical equipment and food. Moreover, these sanctions violate all US international obligations.

In other words, the Americans want to deprive the Iranian population of food and medicine, they don’t want to hear and listen to Tehran’s position, despite appeals from France and a number of countries not to make hasty conclusions and understand what happened in detail.

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This will be a case of the coverup being worse than the crime. 

The Whistleblower complaint isn't about the call, it's about the White House's attempt to make sure no one see's the call. 

It's astonishing the White House released the transcript yesterday. They must really think it cleared Trump. :lol:

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Here's the complaint. 


The talking point that this claim isn't "first hand" is kind of blown out of the water because the claims made in the complaint are backed up by the transcripts released yesterday. The complaint accurately describes the transcript of the call. 

So to discredit this complaint you'd have to concede the Whistleblower is being honest about the contents of the call but dishonest about the complaints of a coverup. 

That's a tough argument to make. Especially considering it's pretty obvious the DOJ tried to prevent the release of the complaint. 

This could have been a "Nothingburger" if Trump wasn't an idiot and didn't think that transcript cleared him. :lol:

Edited by Boges
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56 minutes ago, Boges said:


I think we should be able to agree that we're past the point now where we need to cite anything just to call something in WasPo, NYT or CNN fake news. It's all fake to some extent, unless it's a fluff story that's got nothing at all to do with anything that's political in nature. It's just a matter of how fake it is. 

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1 minute ago, WestCanMan said:

I think we should be able to agree that we're past the point now where we need to cite anything just to call something in WasPo, NYT or CNN fake news. It's all fake to some extent, unless it's a fluff story that's got nothing at all to do with anything that's political in nature. It's just a matter of how fake it is. 

Actually that's not a productive way to have a debate. 

Are there any MSM sources that you'd consider Not Fake? 

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47 minutes ago, Boges said:

This will be a case of the coverup being worse than the crime. 

The Whistleblower complaint isn't about the call, it's about the White House's attempt to make sure no one see's the call. 

It's astonishing the White House released the transcript yesterday. They must really think it cleared Trump. :lol:

OMG I can't believe that you're just on to the next thing like the Dems' trained attack dog. It's like you have no clue that the last ten things that they brought up were all lies, and you think that you're just doing the right thing by blindly regurgitating their spew. 

The Dems think that it's ok for Hillary to funnel money through a law firm to Russians for election dirt but it's not ok for Trump to merely talk with a foreign leader about something that is actually known to have happened which completely reeks of "government officials using huge gobs of government money to force foreign governments to confer a benefit on their own family members". 

It's astonishing that you still post here, thinking that you're actually making sense. You're like a guy who steps on a rake wherever you go but you think you're the Fonz.

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Just now, WestCanMan said:

OMG I can't believe that you're just on to the next thing like the Dems' trained attack dog. It's like you have no clue that the last ten things that they brought up were all lies, and you think that you're just doing the right thing by blindly regurgitating their spew. 

The Dems think that it's ok for Hillary to funnel money through a law firm to Russians for election dirt but it's not ok for Trump to merely talk with a foreign leader about something that is actually known to have happened which completely reeks of "government officials using huge gobs of government money to force foreign governments to confer a benefit on their own family members". 

It's astonishing that you still post here, thinking that you're actually making sense. You're like a guy who steps on a rake wherever you go but you think you're the Fonz.

LOL at still talking about Hillary. Perhaps she should be impeached. :lol:

I notice you haven't refuted any claims. 

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6 minutes ago, Boges said:

Actually that's not a productive way to have a debate. 

Are there any MSM sources that you'd consider Not Fake? 

It's a waste of time to say "fact check the WashPo" now. You know as well as I do that they're extremely politically motivated at best, and outright liars at worst. 

They'll spin, omit, slip through some "mistakes" that they can retract on page six at a later date, etc. It's literally all garbage.

When did they ever come out and say "OK we totally botched it on the Kavanaugh story. Looking back now it's really embarrassing that we covered that story in such a biased and corrupt manner."


They do what they do and they leave their trail of slime for all to see, but people like you ignore it and just gobble up the next thing they spew. It's hilarious/pathetic/astonishing.

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