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America under President Trump

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23 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:


Does that include his f--- up son ?  I suppose it now does.  The next steps will be for some evangelical to state that insulting and demeaning your son is a sign of high moral fibre.  We all need fibre now.

Well, according to Tucker on Fox news Omarosa is a liar and many who worked with her have stated this also. She has been fired from many jobs because she is a bitch. She cried for Trump to give her a job in his cabinet and Trump did so and now look at all the nasty lies that she has said about Trump. She got fired because she broke White house rules. Your sources for news are never reliable enough for anyone with any intelligence to want to listen too and believe as a source for real and honest news. She got what she deserved. But anyway she is writing a book and you can read all about her lies and bull chit about Trump. Enjoy. :lol: 

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On 8/15/2018 at 11:34 AM, turningrite said:

Whatabout Trudeau, who characterizes basically everyone who reasonably or otherwise disagrees with his government's immigration and refugee policies as "racist"? Many progressives seem to applaud slurs consistent with their agenda. I guess "racist" is considered a polite slur in these crass times.

Okay, but we're talking about Trump here. He has a history of lambasting opponents, real and perceived, with rude insults. According to a Washington Post piece, he's used the word "dog" in insults hurled at Mitt Romney and Ted Cruz, neither one a woman and neither one black (see link below). And he once called Rosie O'Donnell a "fat pig," a slur consistent with his often derogatory treatment of women he seems threatened by. So it seems that Trump's propensity for generally bad behavior might in fact excuse his insult against Omarosa Manigault Newman. At the very least it's a stretch to construe it as explicitly racist. He seems unable to abandon his reality show persona despite the office he currently holds and many seem willing to tolerate this. On the other hand, people might not be so forgiving if it's verified that he's used the "N"-word in the past. That will be much more difficult to explain away. 




And Trump's supporters love and have no problem with people who need to be called dogs are called dogs. If Trump called them a bunch of pussycats who would be blamed for trying to insult women and their private parts.  If there is one thing that can always be expected from the lying and fake left wing liberal media is that they will take anything Trump says and they try to take it all out of context. And people like you and so many others here eat it all up like candy. I will never understand as to why people like you and so many others here have a problem with Trump? Can anyone here tell me as to where or how has Trump caused them any kind of pain? Many here act like Trump is their president. Personally, I wish Trump was the president of Canada.

So, here we are at page 397 with no doubt more pages to come with myself having to wonder as to when all of this Trump bashing will ever end? Geez, even Trudeau does not get bashed as much for what he is doing to Canada as Trump is getting from all these so called concerned Canadians about Trump and what he is saying and doing. There has to be something wrong with this bloody picture here. There appears to be too much anti-American and anti-Trump in this picture. Shocking indeed.  

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1 hour ago, taxme said:

Well, according to Tucker on Fox news Omarosa is a liar and many who worked with her have stated this also. She has been fired from many jobs because she is a bitch. She cried for Trump to give her a job in his cabinet and Trump did so and now look at all the nasty lies that she has said about Trump. She got fired because she broke White house rules. Your sources for news are never reliable enough for anyone with any intelligence to want to listen too and believe as a source for real and honest news. She got what she deserved. But anyway she is writing a book and you can read all about her lies and bull chit about Trump. Enjoy. :lol: 


Omarosa is one of those dogs that bites the hand that feeds her. Quite literally...

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Hopefully not. What Maxime Benier said was racist. DoFo's government has distanced themselves from Bernier's remark as well. 

The Irony is that Trump deeply cares how families reunite in his country he rails about chain migration all the time. 

Trump is not a Conservative. He may comfort Pro-Lifers but his personal life shows no indication of any Social Conservatism and his Anti-Free Trade ideology is the antithesis of a free market Conservative's approach. AND his tax cut is ballooning the debt which the Tea Party railed against when a black guy was in the white house. 


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18 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

I heard Trump lying through his teeth and licking her boots on the tape, what does it matter which news site played it ?  Seriously, it's trash on trash in a trash fight...

I heard that Obamarama is a homo on some internet website. But what does it matter which news site played it.  The only trash here is Omarosa, the kind of swamp trash that Trump is trying to clean up in Washington. I heard that on FOX news.  :D

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2 hours ago, Boges said:


Hey, just for your information. First: Bill Maher hates Trump so hence the very unfunny but stupid ass video. Second: Not all politicians stand up in Congress every time someone says something. It is not required to do so.  Are you sure that you are not a liberal in conservative clothing? One of those red leftists conservatives? You sure look like it to me.

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7 hours ago, Boges said:

Hopefully not. What Maxime Benier said was racist. DoFo's government has distanced themselves from Bernier's remark as well. 

The Irony is that Trump deeply cares how families reunite in his country he rails about chain migration all the time. 

Trump is not a Conservative. He may comfort Pro-Lifers but his personal life shows no indication of any Social Conservatism and his Anti-Free Trade ideology is the antithesis of a free market Conservative's approach. AND his tax cut is ballooning the debt which the Tea Party railed against when a black guy was in the white house. 


Maxine Bernier is speaking up on what many Canadians are now questioning and asking about multiculturalism. That is not being racist. Only a liberal would say that. You are not a conservative at all. You are a red conservative liberal and you are in the wrong party. Time to move over to Trudeaus' gang of multicultural misfits that are trying very hard to turn Canada into a third world country. The introduction of multiculturalism is a genocidal program and agenda against the host people of a country and Scheer will not do anything about it but will carry on with the multicultural program and agenda but just do it at a slower pace. The majority of conservatives are not conservatives at all but appear to be more like and act like liberals and you appear to talk just like a liberal. The conservative party has ben highjacked by liberals. I believe that 90% of our politicians are nothing more than a bunch of  politically correct puppet on a string traitors to Canada. Just my opinion of course.

Trudeau allows chain migration in Canada all the time. So, what's your point?

You are not a conservative because all you keep doing is bashing real and true conservatives who truly do care about Canada and Canadians. Bernier and Leitch being just two of them. How can tax cuts balloon the debt? When taxpayer's have more money in their pockets they will spend that money to help the economy grow. And the government will still receive more tax dollars from all the spending of those extra dollars by the taxpayer's. That black guy and his ilk that was in the Whitehouse only knew how to try and destroy a great country like America and take people's freedoms and rights away. The black guy was either a communist or a Muslim which both are well known for their hatred and attacks on freedom of speech and people's rights to that freedom. At least Trump is trying to preserve freedom of speech in Canada where our dear leader tries to take our freedom of speech away from Canadians.  Sad indeed.

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1 hour ago, taxme said:

1. I heard that Obamarama is a homo on some internet website. But what does it matter which news site played it. 

2. The only trash here is Omarosa,

3. the kind of swamp trash that Trump is trying to clean up in Washington. 

1. Did you hear Obama himself say that ?  I heard Trump himself sound like a grovelling snail. :D

2. Trump snuggled up to her and now the Tabloid Presidency is in the shit yet again.

3. Trump himself brought her, there.  One of the 'best people'.

You would never criticize him in a zillion years and - believe me - people are saying that is a YUGE number ! :D


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17 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. Did you hear Obama himself say that ?  I heard Trump himself sound like a grovelling snail. :D

2. Trump snuggled up to her and now the Tabloid Presidency is in the shit yet again.

3. Trump himself brought her, there.  One of the 'best people'.

You would never criticize him in a zillion years and - believe me - people are saying that is a YUGE number ! :D


1.Have you gone stupid?  Why would he? Even Joan Rivers one time said that Obama was a homo and so was his husband Michelle(Michael). Joan died a short time later after saying that Coincidence? I read that on the internet. Hey, you never know. :D      So what does a grovelling snail sound like anyway? Just wondering, silly man. :D 

2. Trump will always be in shit with the tabloid left wing lying and fake and phony liberal lame duck media. That is a given. No one in their right mind can believe anything the tabloid media can drivel out of their corporate globalist mouths. All those so called journalists working for the globalists are nothing more than a bunch of well paid activists and actors and are paid well to keep on promoting lies and false bull shit reports and stories on Trump. Russia today. Porn stars yesterday and now Omarosa. All who cares stories. They are only created for people like you to read and listen to and believe. Colbert and Kimmel are on tonight. There you will get the real truth on Trump. LOL. :P

3. "Best people" my ass. She begged Trump for a job in his cabinet. One of the worse bitches Trump ever hired as Trump found out later. The bitch turned on Trump after he gave her a job in his cabinet. What a traitor she turned out to be. Anyway she is writing a book soon. Go buy and read her book when it comes out and enjoy reading all her lies and bull shit. I know that you love to listen to and read anything that has lies attached to it. Just saying.

I have no reason to criticize Trump. There is no reason that I see yet that tells me that Trump is not being a great president. Trump has not hurt me in anyway. Has he hurt you in some way? Pray tell. If Trump did I sure would like to read about it. Sadly, I cannot say anything good about our dear leader the prime mistake of Canuckistan. It's all bad. LOL.

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On 8/16/2018 at 5:44 PM, taxme said:

1. Well, according to Tucker on Fox news Omarosa is a liar and many who worked with her have stated this also.  

2. She has been fired from many jobs because she is a bitch. She cried for Trump to give her a job in his cabinet. 

1. Is the tape of Trump grovelling and bowing to her doctored ?

2. Trump is a moron for hiring her.  "Trump gave her a job in his cabinet".  What a great judge of character.

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On 8/17/2018 at 6:16 AM, Boges said:

Hopefully not. What Maxime Benier said was racist. DoFo's government has distanced themselves from Bernier's remark as well. 

The Irony is that Trump deeply cares how families reunite in his country he rails about chain migration all the time. 

Trump is not a Conservative. He may comfort Pro-Lifers but his personal life shows no indication of any Social Conservatism and his Anti-Free Trade ideology is the antithesis of a free market Conservative's approach. AND his tax cut is ballooning the debt which the Tea Party railed against when a black guy was in the white house. 


What Bernier tweeted wasn't racist at all, it was an accurate statement that's just untenable in the political arena. 

Conservatives have to either disavow or defend that statement, and Trudeau's only chance to win the election is to turn it into a virtue signalling competition. 

It's imperative for this country that Trudeau is defeated in the next election and if that means throwing Bernier under the bus then so be it. He's the one that did this to his own party.


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On 8/17/2018 at 4:29 PM, Michael Hardner said:

1. Is the tape of Trump grovelling and bowing to her doctored ?

2. Trump is a moron for hiring her.  "Trump gave her a job in his cabinet".  What a great judge of character.

1. What tape?

2. At the time Trump thought that he was doing the right thing by hiring her and giving her a job in his cabinet. She biotch begged Trump for a job. Hey, everyone makes mistakes but never you of course, right? You speak very good Englishes with no erorrs ever to be found, eh? And you of all people should not be talking about great character judgments of others. You are pretty much lousy at it yourself. But hey.  LOL. 

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On 8/19/2018 at 11:33 AM, WestCanMan said:

What Bernier tweeted wasn't racist at all, it was an accurate statement that's just untenable in the political arena. 

Conservatives have to either disavow or defend that statement, and Trudeau's only chance to win the election is to turn it into a virtue signalling competition. 

It's imperative for this country that Trudeau is defeated in the next election and if that means throwing Bernier under the bus then so be it. He's the one that did this to his own party.


Maxine Berniers own conservative party appears to be against Canada and who are ready to throw him under the bus. Bernier was right to bring up the topic of immigration because today immigration is on plenty of Canadians minds. I honestly cannot see the difference between the liberal or conservative party's. Can you? 

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17 minutes ago, taxme said:

1. What tape?

2. At the time Trump thought that he was doing the right thing by hiring her 

1. https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2018/08/13/omarosa-tape-trump-sot-newday-vpx.cnn

2. He hires the best people I thought?  Including the countess number who were fired, who quit or are in jail or under charges.

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9 minutes ago, taxme said:

Maxine Berniers own conservative party appears to be against Canada and who are ready to throw him under the bus. Bernier was right to bring up the topic of immigration because today immigration is on plenty of Canadians minds. I honestly cannot see the difference between the liberal or conservative party's. Can you? 

Maxine Bernier is getting a bit too big for his britches, and playing right into Trudeau's hand at the same time.

Like I said before, Trudeau's only chance of winning is to make the election into a virtue signalling competition. If the conservatives get drawn into the conversation that Bernier is opening up then we might end up with another Liberal government. We can't afford the debt, or the damage to our energy sector that comes along with that. 

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1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2018/08/13/omarosa-tape-trump-sot-newday-vpx.cnn

2. He hires the best people I thought?  Including the countess number who were fired, who quit or are in jail or under charges.

1. Is that the best that you can post here? Between you and CNN I don't know as to who is the bigger jokester here. CNN ratings are at the bottom of the mainstream media list. Only idiots and fools will listen to CNN anymore and what they have to lie about today and tomorrow. There was nothing on that tape that said anything at all. Just plenty more of CNN nonsense. It said that Trump found out the next day about the lying biotch being fired. So, what's your point here? You just keep trying to make it appear as though you know all the facts about anything and what really goes on with anything. I have a different opinion on that. Just saying.     So, will you be buying her book when it comes out? LOL. 

2. Trump tries to get the right and best people for the job in his cabinet just like anyone else who owns a business and who only wants to hire the best people for the job. But it does not always work out that way. Trump is not a mind reader. Many people in the public or private sector get fired from their jobs. Many quit their job or have to quit because they were put in jail for whatever reason. It happens all the time.  C'mon, when are you going to start to think before you speak? 

Alert-alert. Error-error. Is that suppose to be countless rather than countess? Just curious? Just wanted to point out your possible error here. And here I thought that I was the only one here that committed spelling errors. Shocking.  I must be rubbing off on you. LOL.

Edited by taxme
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