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Islamophobia in Canada

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5 hours ago, eyeball said:

Bullshit, that's just a bunch of crap intended to trivialize a period of history fresh enough to contain living memory by people who don't want to be held responsible for anything. The only period of time that really matters in other words.

I see. Deny the significance of history. Certain factions on the left have a problem recognizing the importance of history, and a reputation for denying/ reinventing it. Perhaps you've fallen for that "bunch of crap" yourself, but I don't.

It's not about absolving one's self from responsibility. It's about understanding why we are where we are today. If you read history you get a broad sense of what humanity is all about. All humanity, not just the west, east, middle east etc. We are brutal killers, and civility is a thin veil that can be torn away in an instant. Every page is bloodshed, bloodshed. History shows that time and again. History affects the public's cultural attitudes in general, thus Islamophobia did not arise in modern times, and is no different than other cross cultural fears prompted by xenophobia, a recognition of "otherness". Ponder that with your morning cornflakes.

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3 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

I see. Deny the significance of history.

Or blow insignificance out of proportion.



Certain factions on the left...blah blah blah


There it is again...evoking terror over commies.  The west won that squabble okay...time to get over it. 


It's not about absolving one's self from responsibility. It's about understanding why we are where we are today.

I've heard it all before and my reply is the same.  Attempting to absolve yourself is precisely what you're doing and the case for explaining your behaviour is that history made me do it.  Now just run that past a truth and reconciliation process and maybe you'd have something.


All humanity, not just the west, east, middle east etc. We are brutal killers, and civility is a thin veil that can be torn away in an instant. Every page is bloodshed, bloodshed. History shows that time and again. History affects the public's cultural attitudes in general, thus Islamophobia did not arise in modern times, and is no different than other cross cultural fears prompted by xenophobia, a recognition of "otherness". Ponder that with your morning cornflakes.

I suspect just about everyone on a truth and reconciliation commission will be passing cornflakes through their nose if we send you to defend the west.

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16 hours ago, Bonam said:

So when are you giving Canada and the US back to the natives? 

He's speaking in a modern context.  Canada was not a nation before the take over. Same with the USA. But the real reasons the nations were created in the first place was because of Britain.

Oh and how is Afghanistan these days? How is Iraq doing?  Libya? Syria? 

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On 10/26/2017 at 2:27 PM, Argus said:

Lots of governments do their best to stir up trouble in other countries, their best limited by a variety of factors. South and Central America had lots of experience with this, yet we don't see that being constantly blamed for their present day behaviour - perhaps because they are mostly far and away more democratic now than any Muslim states.

Patently dishonest. No other nation comes anywhere close to doing what the USA has done for well over a century. The US's war crimes/terrorism in the ME id THEE direct cause for all this rampant Islamophobia. 


You are providing support for the equivalent of the Nazis. Why?

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2 hours ago, GostHacked said:

He's speaking in a modern context. 

No, he's speaking in the context where he doesn't care that he lives on the graveyard of a people that were almost completely exterminated, while taking joy in criticizing every action of another nation that is simply trying to survive. And unlike Canada and the US, where European colonists exterminated 95-99% of the existing population (through a combination of deliberate extermination and disease), the Palestinian population in Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank is growing and the people there are safer from being killed due to violence than in most of their neighboring countries. 

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On 10/31/2017 at 1:57 PM, Rue said:

No Palestinian leader has ever made an offer to recognize the state of Israel as a Jewish state and live peacefully side by side.

No Palestinian leader is required to recognize Israel as a "Jewish State".

However, Palestinian leaders have accepted Israel as a State. And they are a state. But there is no Palestinian State, because Israel is not interested in allowing one to be formed. Instead, they want to drag this on and on, with b.s. excuses that you continue to post, so that they can continue to annex more Palestinian land.

Your auto-b.s. comments have gotten SO old. Just be honest for once, instead of the excuses: The Zionist government is not interested in allowing a real, viable Palestinian State, as according to and as required by international law. 

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15 hours ago, hot enough said:

You reveal a lack of knowledge and history. 

And with reports of a missile over Saudi Arbaia and the recent rounding up of other top ranking people seems to go against MH's notion of  'stable'.

15 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Not the government, no.

Well not directly anyways.  But the CIA/USA did get Osama Bin Laden (A Saudi national .. imagine that)up and running with Stinger missiles back in the 80s.

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16 hours ago, Hudson Jones said:

No Palestinian leader is required to recognize Israel as a "Jewish State".

However, Palestinian leaders have accepted Israel as a State. And they are a state.

Your auto-b.s. comments have gotten SO old. Just be honest for once, instead of the excuses:

I will now respond to the above comment and call it out for what it is, a repeated falsehood presented by this individual and others on this forum.

To start with it has nothing to do with he thread but an example of how this individual with the  name "Hudson Jones" take threads and change the topic to advocate his political agenda.

I would remind you this individual came on this forum and referred to Zionism as a cancer that needs to be wiped out and then complained to the forum that I was unfair suggesting it meant he was codifying our couching a reference to engaging in genocide against Zionists. He claimed he only meant wiping out the ideology not the people who believe in the ideology. When I asked him directly how he would wipe out the Zionist ideology without killing Zionists he did not respond. When I asked him whether he had a medical vaccine he intended to inject in Zionists he remained silent.

Now he's back on a thread meant to discuss irrational fear of the Muslim religion and turns it once again into an excuse to piss on Israel for existing as a Jewish state.

Let's start with the words, "No Palestinian leader is required to recognize Israel as a Jewish state."  If I then responded no Israeli leader is then required to recognize a Palestinian state, unless there is quid pro quo, how is it logical for anyone to suggest A Palestinian state should be recognized but not a Jewish state. The very nation of a Palestinian state is predicated on the national identity of a Palestinian. The very nature of an Israeli state is predicated on the national identity of Jews.

Why is one demanded and the other not recognized. Would any rational person be expected to give someone rights the other party won't reciprocate in a peace agreement? Of course not.

Now let's  move to the next sentence. "However Palestinian leaders have accepted Israel as a state."  Israel is a Jewish state. To accept Israel as a state necessarily means accepting it as a Jewish state.

However we all know Hamas, the PA and the Arab League do not recognize and have repeatedly said they will not recognize Israel as a Jewish state:





The semantics  Hudson Jones plays is transparent. Hamas. the PA and the Arab League will only recognize a Muslim sharia law state in Israel as is stated in the constitutions of the PA and Hamas which both are in a declared state of war with Israel to end its existence as a Jewish state and turn it into a Muslim sharia law state.

Hudson is well aware Hamas and the PA will only recognize a Muslim sharia law state in Israel. Why does he not have the integrity, the honesty to say so? Why does he continue to engage in this bull sheeyat game of semantics couching his words that Palestinian leaders recognize a state but not a Jewish state but won't admit what state it is they will recognize.

Why does he not have the integrity to state they will only recognize a Muslim sharia law state?

Let's not forget its not just Palestinian leaders that will never recognize Israel its the Arab League as well:


Now I ask -what kind of forum contributor comes on this board time and time again and doesn't have the integrity to clearly state his true agenda which is to dismantle Israel as a Jewish state and replace it with a Muslim one> Why does he not have the integrity to say so? Why the semantic games? Why is someone who calls for Zionist to be wiped out not have the integrity to finish what he started and clearly and honestly disclose just once he wants Israel wiped off the map as a Jewish state as does  the PA and Hamas? Who does he think he misleads with the lie, "Palestinians accept Israel as a state" when Israel as a state is Jewish and he couches that Jewishness with a statement before that lie saying Palestinians don't have to recognize Israel as Jewish. How does one recognize the state of Israel if they ignore it as a Jewish state.

Imagine if I came on this board and state I recognize Palestine as a state but not a Palestinian state. If simply reconizing Palestine is a state and not recognizing it as a Palestinian state, then using that reasoning Hudson Jones has no problem it being a Jewish state or a Jordanian state or a Christian state. Why would it be necessary to recognize its Palestinian identity

Here is what Hudson Jones hides and can't honestly admit:



You know its quite ironic Hudson Jones stated and I quote

"Your auto-b.s. comments have gotten SO old. Just be honest for once, instead of the excuses: "

Its time "Hudson Jones" practice what he preaches. I would suggest his hijacking this post to engage in another piss on Israel response which deliberately misrepresents the position of Palestinian leaders by playing semantics is SO OLD and just once instead of hiding from me and this forum as to his true agenda, he spit it out on the appropriate thread,

He won't. He doesn't have the integrity to admit what we all know, that no Arab leader at this time, Palestinian or otherwise could recognize Israel as a Jewish state and he knows why and no amount of pretending they recognize Israel "as a state" and omitting the word "Jewish" will couch, hide, conceal the refusal of any of them to recognize Israel as a Jewish state.




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On ‎2017‎-‎11‎-‎03 at 3:14 PM, Bonam said:

No, he's speaking in the context where he doesn't care that he lives on the graveyard of a people that were almost completely exterminated, while taking joy in criticizing every action of another nation that is simply trying to survive.

True but that is what Ghost refers to as "modern" you know being selective about what historic reference you subjectively remove out of context to support a specific political bias. Get with it Bo you ain' "modern" man.

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3 minutes ago, Rue said:

Let's start with the words, "No Palestinian leader is required to recognize Israel as a Jewish state."  If I then responded no Israeli leader is then required to recognize a Palestinian state, unless there is quid pro quo, how is it logical for anyone to suggest A Palestinian state should be recognized but not a Jewish state. The very nation of a Palestinian state is predicated on the national identity of a Palestinian. The very nature of an Israeli state is predicated on the national identity of Jews.

Why is one demanded and the other not recognized. Would any rational person be expected to give someone rights the other party won't reciprocate in a peace agreement? Of course not.

You jump on others for going off thread, Rue. What have you just done here with your long winded post?

Is there any other religion in the world that that been able to have a country established for it? Can you point me to, on a map, the countries of Catholicity, Protestantania or Rastafaristan?

How can you suggest that there has been any sort of quid pro quo. The following maps illustrate clearly you are being very loose with the truth here.


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In response to Hot's comment:

"You jump on others for going off thread, Rue. What have you just done here with your long winded post? "

Using his rational, when people hijack posts and misrepresent they should not be challenged on a debate forum.

In response to Hot's comments:

"Is there any other religion in the world that that been able to have a country established for it?"

The fact he even asks the question attests to his lack of intelligence. He would have people believe with the question he is unaware England is an Anglican state, the Vatican is a Catholic state, Israel while multi-cultural and tolerant of minorities is in fact a Hindu state, or that there are countless Muslim sharia law states not to mention:


In response to Hot's map and words:

"The following maps illustrate clearly you are being very loose with the truth here. "



I no longer respond directly to Not Enough because its evident he makes no effort to research what he responds to, just knee jerk reacts to try get attention.

My sole reason for response is to address the same old tired recycled misrepresentations. The fact he would even regurigitate the shrinking map argument which has been debunked on this forum so many times speaks for itself.


By the way and I doubt it applies to certain ignorant people who are just idiots: the technique of repeating the same falsehood over and over on web-sites such as the one Hudson engages in with pretending Palestinian leaders recognize Israel as a state,  is best described as follows:


As the article explains:

" Repetition makes things seem more plausible," says Lynn Hasher, a psychologist at the University of Toronto whose research team first noticed the effect in the 1970s. "And the effect is likely more powerful when people are tired or distracted by other information."

If you were to look back on this forum, by searching a member's name, you can see the number of times they will repeat the same comment about Israel over and over knowing its been discussed ad nauseum.

Its called the "illusionary truth effect" and its used by advertisers, trolls, disinformation agents, communicators of all kinds.

Of course there is another phenomena known as "crap attracts flies".

I like to think of myself as a responsible dog owner. When I see someone dump their crap I will pick it up but I sure as hell will point it out to them and had them the bag of crap and say you put it in the garbage.

No it does not surprise me if it attracts flies while I do that.


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12 minutes ago, Rue said:

" Repetition makes things seem more plausible," says Lynn Hasher, a psychologist at the University of Toronto whose research team first noticed the effect in the 1970s. "And the effect is likely more powerful when people are tired or distracted by other information."

That is exactly how US and other western propaganda has been so effective, Rue. You have hit the nail on the head, for once. 

Look at how well it has worked for the USGOCT. There is zero evidence for the US government's fable about 19 Arab hijackers but still some people delude themselves into thinking it has a measure of credence.

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Rue: The fact he would even regurigitate[sic] the shrinking map argument which has been debunked on this forum so many times speaks for itself.

The fact that you, like so many others are too frightened to address what I post speaks volumes, Rue. 




Israel’s Settlements Have No Legal Validity, Constitute Flagrant Violation of International Law, Security Council Reaffirms

14 Delegations in Favour of Resolution 2334 (2016) as United States Abstains

The Security Council reaffirmed this afternoon that Israel’s establishment of settlements in Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, had no legal validity, constituting a flagrant violation under international law and a major obstacle to the vision of two States living side-by-side in peace and security, within internationally recognized borders.

Adopting resolution 2334 (2016) by 14 votes, with the United States abstaining, the Council reiterated its demand that Israel immediately and completely cease all settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem.  It underlined that it would not recognize any changes to the 4 June 1967 lines, including with regard to Jerusalem, other than those agreed by the two sides through negotiations.




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16 minutes ago, hot enough said:

The fact that you, like so many others are too frightened to address what I post speaks volumes, Rue. 



I addressed all 3 of Hot's responses to me directly and he then responded to those responses changing the subject stating the above as his introduction. 

That reminds me.

I miss Rodney Dangerfield because he would remind me,

If it were not for pick pockets he'd have no sex life at all.



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6 minutes ago, Rue said:

I addressed all 3 of Hot's responses to me directly and he then responded to those responses changing the subject stating the above as his introduction. 

A variation on "oh look a squirrel!". And yet you missed the UN post, Rue?

"Out, damn'd spot! out, I say!—One; two: why, then
'tis time to do't.—Hell is murky.—Fie, my lord, fie, a soldier, and
afeard? What need we fear who knows it, when none can call our
pow'r to accompt?—Yet who would have thought the old man to
have had so much blood in him?"


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2 hours ago, Rue said:

True but that is what Ghost refers to as "modern" you know being selective about what historic reference you subjectively remove out of context to support a specific political bias. Get with it Bo you ain' "modern" man.

Islam took the Jews area by force. The Jews got it back by declaration. I am sure you understand the difference between old and modern history. But that's just the Jew hate in me coming forth. I know it keeps happening, possible need therapy. Not sure.  Any advice?

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On 11/3/2017 at 3:14 PM, Bonam said:

No, he's speaking in the context where he doesn't care that he lives on the graveyard of a people that were almost completely exterminated, while taking joy in criticizing every action of another nation that is simply trying to survive. And unlike Canada and the US, where European colonists exterminated 95-99% of the existing population (through a combination of deliberate extermination and disease), the Palestinian population in Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank is growing and the people there are safer from being killed due to violence than in most of their neighboring countries. 

This whole planet is a graveyard. 

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2 hours ago, hot enough said:

It is sad, isn't it, PIK, the people making these largely fatuous arguments can't address them in any meaningful and honest fashion. Is this really what conservatism is all about, what it boils down to in its essence?

Get rid of Islam and the problem is gone, nice and simple.

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18 hours ago, GostHacked said:

Islam took the Jews area by force. The Jews got it back by declaration. I am sure you understand the difference between old and modern history. But that's just the Jew hate in me coming forth. I know it keeps happening, possible need therapy. Not sure.  Any advice?

Yes grow up. Erase the childish remark re. Charles Anthony who has censored me as much as you and stop writing me using this thread. Grow up and stop writing childish remarks and get over yourself.

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16 hours ago, PIK said:

Get rid of Islam and the problem is gone, nice and simple.

I can think of something else to get rid of that would solve the problem to. Now getting back to the actual thread, it has nothing to do with whether specific posters want to piss on Israel for existing as a Jewish state.

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