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Also, who cares about this call for genocide from another Isaeli MK:

Behind every terrorist stand dozens of men and women, without whom he could not engage in terrorism. They are all enemy combatants, and their blood shall be on all their heads. Now this also includes the mothers of the martyrs, who send them to hell with flowers and kisses. They should follow their sons, nothing would be more just. They should go, as should the physical homes in which they raised the snakes. Otherwise, more little snakes will be raised there.”

Humanity at its finest.

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Also, who cares about this call for genocide from another Isaeli MK:

Behind every terrorist stand dozens of men and women, without whom he could not engage in terrorism. They are all enemy combatants, and their blood shall be on all their heads. Now this also includes the mothers of the martyrs, who send them to hell with flowers and kisses. They should follow their sons, nothing would be more just. They should go, as should the physical homes in which they raised the snakes. Otherwise, more little snakes will be raised there.”

Humanity at its finest.

You should maybe add some comments to these posts. How do you stand on this? Why did you link to these? I really don't know how to respond to your posts. Are they ridiculous? Of course.

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You should maybe add some comments to these posts. How do you stand on this? Why did you link to these? I really don't know how to respond to your posts. Are they ridiculous? Of course.

He can correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like Marcus is pointing to the fascist, immoral and ridiculous direction that the Israeli government and many of its supporters have gone towards.

I find it quite interesting that there is no uproar from the mainstream media in regards to what these Jews are advocating. Jews who probably have someone they know who went through concentration camps and ethnic cleansing. The very things they are advocating.

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The very things they are advocating.

Advocating slave labour, genocide, and treating humans like cattle. I'd love to see a cite on that.

Of course since you've framed that argument that the mainstream media is ignoring it, your citation probably won't be from them will it?

Edited by Boges
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He can correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like Marcus is pointing to the fascist, immoral and ridiculous direction that the Israeli government and many of its supporters have gone towards.

I find it quite interesting that there is no uproar from the mainstream media in regards to what these Jews are advocating. Jews who probably have someone they know who went through concentration camps and ethnic cleansing. The very things they are advocating.

It is easy for those of us that stand outside looking in to be critical. .. I doubt any of us has had to live their entire lives in a war zone, where terrorist attacks are a daily event, spending time in bomb shelters wondering if all your familiy is all right and accounted for, or is you home going to be there when the raid is over....This conflict with the PLO or Hamas has been ongoing since 1948....most generations know nothing else except conflict....with no end in sight...Everything has been tried to end this conflict and yet here we sit today with no solution....to the piont that the ridiculous and extreme are the only option left for both sides.....

I would guess that the mainstream media is not making that huge leap you are in regards to concentration camps , next there will be talk of final solutions, the building of ovens and gas chambers.

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It is easy for those of us that stand outside looking in to be critical. .. I doubt any of us has had to live their entire lives in a war zone, where terrorist attacks are a daily event, spending time in bomb shelters wondering if all your familiy is all right and accounted for, or is you home going to be there when the raid is over....This conflict with the PLO or Hamas has been ongoing since 1948....

It is quite telling that you are showing this amazing empathy towards the Israelis who have had to deal with homemade rockets that rarely reach the civilian area, let alone kill anyone. Yet, the massacres, the ethnic cleansing, the occupation, the imprisonments, the torture of children, the inhumane treatment, the land theft, the house demolitions, the daily humiliation of Palestinians since before 1948 do not tickle your empathy meter to even mention them.

It's like you are an extension of the self-censoring mainstream media.

I would guess that the mainstream media is not making that huge leap you are in regards to concentration camps , next there will be talk of final solutions, the building of ovens and gas chambers.

It is the Israeli officials who are talking about concentration camps and the genocide of Palestinians. When have you seen the mainstream media, except for CBC, talk about what these Israeli officials have said?

Edited by marcus
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It is quite telling that you are showing this amazing empathy towards the Israelis who have had to deal with homemade rockets that rarely reach the civilian area, let alone kill anyone. Yet, the massacres, the ethnic cleansing, the occupation, the imprisonments, the torture of children, the inhumane treatment, the land theft, the house demolitions, the daily humiliation of Palestinians since before 1948 do not tickle your empathy meter to even mention them.

It's like you are an extension of the self-censoring mainstream media.

It is the Israeli officials who are talking about concentration camps and the genocide of Palestinians. When have you seen the mainstream media, except for CBC, talk about what these Israeli officials have said?

Like i said before i spent 6 months in the Sinai pen with MFO traveled through the Gaza all the time to get into Israel .... I think it was more than a few home made rockets....more like bombers, IED's gun toting terrorists, with more fire power than we had....as for them not killing anyone , i think you should read some more history, or answer the question if they are that ineffective why is there so many bomb shelters, why have they invested so much in R&D cost for the iron dome...

Yet, the massacres, the ethnic cleansing, the occupation, the imprisonments, the torture of children, the inhumane treatment, the land theft, the house demolitions, the daily humiliation of Palestinians since before 1948 do not tickle your empathy meter to even mention them.

If you like i can you you many examples of everything you listed above, only these ones are examples of PLO and Hamas at the controls....but i guess your not interested , as we all know google works for both sides, and you have not bother to do any of your own research...to busy with those big crocidile tears for terrorists.....

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Ellie Wiesel Noble Laureate and holocaust survivor who speaks very eloquently here


In my own lifetime, I have seen Jewish children thrown into the fire. And now I have seen Muslim children used as human shields, in both cases, by worshippers of death cults indistinguishable from that of the Molochites.

What we are suffering through today is not a battle of Jew versus Arab or Israeli versus Palestinian. Rather, it is a battle between those who celebrate life and those who champion death. It is a battle of civilization versus barbarism


But before sleepless mothers in both Gaza City and Tel Aviv can rest, before diplomats can begin in earnest the crucial business of rebuilding dialogue... the Hamas death cult must be confronted for what it is.

Moderate men and women of faith, whether that faith is in God or man, must shift their criticism from the Israeli soldiers – whose terrible choice is to fire and risk harming human shields, or hold their fire and risk the death of their loved ones – to the terrorists who have taken away all choice from the Palestinian children of Gaza.

I call upon the Palestinian people to find true Muslims to represent them, Muslims who would never voluntarily place a child in danger.

I call upon President Obama and the leaders of the world to condemn Hamas’ use of children as human shields.

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It is quite telling that you are showing this amazing empathy towards the Israelis who have had to deal with homemade rockets that rarely reach the civilian area, let alone kill anyone.

It is quite telling that you fail to note that the primary reason few Israelis are killed by the relentless barrage of rockets has absolutely fuck all to do with a lack of prolonged and sincere effort on behalf of Hamas. The Israelis of course have built a lot of bomb shelters and a very expensive rocket defense system. Amazingly, they just don't want to die to meet your bizarre notion of fairness.

Would you be more sympathetic to the dirty Joos if they just rolled over and died to even up the body count? Is that what you seek?

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It is quite telling that you fail to note that the primary reason few Israelis are killed by the relentless barrage of rockets has absolutely fuck all to do with a lack of prolonged and sincere effort on behalf of Hamas. The Israelis of course have built a lot of bomb shelters and a very expensive rocket defense system. Amazingly, they just don't want to die to meet your bizarre notion of fairness.

Would you be more sympathetic to the dirty Joos if they just rolled over and died to even up the body count? Is that what you seek?

Would you stop with the slur terminology pls.


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Jacee this Jew says Overthere's comment that you find offensive is not and what you have posted on this board in favour of Hamas has been far more offensive to Jews that anything Ove there has suggested. In fact this Jew defends him and his care when defending we Jews and our right to exist as a state, and does note that he says nothing offensive about us OR Palestinians and his remarks are clearly directed towards Hamas and people who support and apologize for Hamas. I am grateful for his comments. He says them with full respect to my people and Palestinians held hostage by Hamas. He's like a lot of people on this board who hate violence and can not stand selective outrage


A Jewish poster who doesn't find what he said offensive and who thinks you finding it offensive is offensive which no doubt you will find offensive

Edited by Rue
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The comparison of Jews as Nazis by Hudson Jones/Marcus and the timing of their posts and identical syntax I get.

Seen that before on numerous anti Israel responses,

What I think these words show once again is that Hudson Jones is not criticizing the state of Israel. He is in fact deliberately insulting Jews of Israel who survived the holocaust and chose to flee to Israel which has nothing to do with the current conflict.

It vividly shows what some of us have argued and that Is that his posts are used to dehumanize Jews for choosing to go live in Israel rather than remain behind in Europe where they were slaughtered en masse or in the Arab world where they were forcefully expelled after being blamed for the creation of Israel or were forced to live as dhimmi-kaafir for centuries.

It shows a hatred towards ALL Jews who choose to be a collective of people protected by their state from further genocide.

The exercise of slurring Jews as Nazis because they defend themselves against Hamas which goose steps and uses the Nazi salute and chants to this day Nazi slogans calling for the genocide of Jews worldwide as well a the selective silence of Hudson Jones and Monty to Hamas' charter and calls for Jewish genocide and using the death of Palestinians to achieve this, speaks for itelf.

The attempt to suggest Israel defending itself from rockets is engaging in genocide by "Monty" and "Hudson Jones" who will not come on this board and criticize the slaughter in Sudan, Syria, against the Coptic Christians in Egypt by the Muslim Brotherhood, or the current attempt to wipe out people in Iraq refusing to convert to Islam speaks for itself.

Now you will notice on another thread Jacee called out Overthere for supposedly using terms offensive to Jews. Where is she now on this thread with these comments.

Where is Dre?

Where are all the posters who support Hamas but then claim they are neutral when such comments are made by Hudson Jones or Monty?

Same place they are whenever Hamas is called out for what they actually are, an organization that calls for genocide of Jews worldwide.

It is what it is and again demonstrates once again at the pith and substance of their denial of Israel's right to exist and therefore defend itself will be slurs not just against Israelis but all Jews who choose to live.

We do not apologize for surviving the holocaust.

We do not apologize for surviving the holocaust and choosing to create a state to assure that never again will a holocaust wipe us out.

We do not apologize for providing haven to 700,000 of 900,000 Jews thrown forcefully out of Arab League nations for only being Jews.

We do not apologize for providing haven to Felashie Jews who escaped slaughter.

We do not apologize for providing haven to the Bahaii people and their decision to create their chief Temple in Israel.

We do not apologize for honouring the gentiles including Arabs and Europeans who helped us survive and build our state,

We do not apologize for defending Israel from extinction or for choosing to be a state collective.

We do not apologize for Israelis being citizens no different than Canadians apologize for being Canadian.

We do not apologize for defending against Hamas and everything it stands for.

We do not condone nor want innocent Palestinians killed and placed deliberately in the line of fire by Hamas we hope on day they will be liberated from Hamas and other extremist organizations.

the Jews are Nazis canard will not detract from what Hamas has done and will do.

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He can correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like Marcus is pointing to the fascist, immoral and ridiculous direction that the Israeli government and many of its supporters have gone towards.

I find it quite interesting that there is no uproar from the mainstream media in regards to what these Jews are advocating. Jews who probably have someone they know who went through concentration camps and ethnic cleansing. The very things they are advocating.

He can correct me if I'm wrong but it looks like you and he are simply trying to use the ravings of a loony from a tiny extremist party to smear all Israelis, or in your case, all Jews.

I'm quite sure I can find some ravings from members of every government in the mideast which are every bit as bad if not worse, and probably from far more important personages. Hell, I'm sure I could some from American politicians, too.

Edited by Argus
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Citation would be really awesome.

Look at the previous page:

Hi everyone.

Who cares about this:

An Israeli official has called for concentration camps in Gaza and ‘the conquest of the entire Gaza Strip, and annihilation of all fighting forces and their supporters’.

Also, who cares about this call for genocide from another Isaeli MK:

Behind every terrorist stand dozens of men and women, without whom he could not engage in terrorism. They are all enemy combatants, and their blood shall be on all their heads. Now this also includes the mothers of the martyrs, who send them to hell with flowers and kisses. They should follow their sons, nothing would be more just. They should go, as should the physical homes in which they raised the snakes. Otherwise, more little snakes will be raised there.”

Humanity at its finest.

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It is quite telling that you fail to note that the primary reason few Israelis are killed by the relentless barrage of rockets has absolutely fuck all to do with a lack of prolonged and sincere effort on behalf of Hamas.

Would you be more sympathetic to the dirty Joos if they just rolled over and died to even up the body count? Is that what you seek?

This is the slur Jaycee is referring to. It is absolutely unnecessary on this forum for this kind of response.

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What "slur terminology"?

Pretty sure she was talking about this moronic garbage....

Would you be more sympathetic to the dirty Joos if they just rolled over and died to even up the body count? Is that what you seek?

I dont read every post here, but I havent read anything from Jacee that suggests she thinks the jews are "dirty" or that she wants them "dead". This is just the typical nonsense in threads about Conflict: Dirtfarm Holyland. Just a bunch of retards calling each other racists.

Lemme show you an example of how the same kind of thing might be directed towards you.

Jbq, would you be happy if all those dirty sand niggers were rounded up and shot in the face? Is that what you seek?

Pretty engaging and intelligent discussion huh? And you are a LOT more guilty of making veiled ethnocentric and derogatory statements about arabs and muslims then Jacee is against Jews.

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The slur was not a slur. Also the people who find it a slur are silent when Jews are compared to Nazis on this board so they can take their sanctimonious accusations and shove them up the selective staircase.

No one accused Jaycee of anything Dre suggested. No one has slurred Jews but Hudson Jones and Marcus in the discussions.

Interesting but to suddenly pick out those words Dre and remain silent as to the others speaks loudly to the insincerity of your position, once again.

Right I know you don't support Hamas and neither does Jaycee,

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