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Rob Ford, mayor of Toronto UPDATES


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I take your point, given my remark...but, first, I don't consider "fiscal conservatives" to be stupid....but have long heard Fordites (up to and including Don Cherry, an "elite" if ever there was one) deriding all those to the left of themselves, as some sort of latte-sipping "elite."

I suppose getting involved in the tit-for-tat is less than useful....but it certainly isn't the case that ordinary, hard-working "fiscal conservatives" have been insulted by "liberal elites" for so long that they're now playing payback, or something.....

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I take your point, given my remark...but, first, I don't consider "fiscal conservatives" to be stupid....but have long heard Fordites (up to and including Don Cherry, an "elite" if ever there was one) deriding all those to the left of themselves, as some sort of latte-sipping "elite."

I suppose getting involved in the tit-for-tat is less than useful....but it certainly isn't the case that ordinary, hard-working "fiscal conservatives" have been insulted by "liberal elites" for so long that they're now playing payback, or something.....

I don't live in Toronto so I can only comment as an outsider, BUT it seemed that under David Miller, the people who lived in the Toronto suburbs were somewhat forgotten.

Ford's rise to power was most certainly built on people who thought "urbanites" couldn't give a crap about them.

You see this from Premiere Kathleen Wynne who, it would appear, would like to run the next election by adding up to 10 cents/litre to gas to mostly paying for downtown transit improvements.

This is a blatant wedge issue between rural/suburban voters and urban voters.

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I think "elite" could mean people that consider fiscal conservatives as "brick-stupid".

It's hilarious that some people still consider entitled rich kid Rob Ford a "fiscal conservative".

Ford has played fast and loose using taxpayers' money for personal purposes all along!

- city staff time organizing his football team and using city vehicles too

- city staff time and resources soliciting donations for his football team

- city buses demanded for his football team

- Ford's time as mayor mostly spent inspecting potholes and demanding that staff 'jump the queue' for his preferred constituents.

- Staff doing Rob's personal shopping and delivering it to his house, all using city staff time, money and vehicle.

- Ford spending his work time buying drugs and drinking vodka with his drug dealer.

And this is only Ford's misuse of taxpayers' money that we know about!

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I don't live in Toronto so I can only comment as an outsider, BUT it seemed that under David Miller, the people who lived in the Toronto suburbs were somewhat forgotten.

Ford's rise to power was most certainly built on people who thought "urbanites" couldn't give a crap about them.

You see this from Premiere Kathleen Wynne who, it would appear, would like to run the next election by adding up to 10 cents/litre to gas to mostly paying for downtown transit improvements.

This is a blatant wedge issue between rural/suburban voters and urban voters.

Gee ... maybe they should rethink Ford's "subways subways subways"! :)


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It's hilarious that some people still consider entitled rich kid Rob Ford a "fiscal conservative".

Ford has played fast and loose using taxpayers' money for personal purposes all along!

- city staff time organizing his football team and using city vehicles too

- city staff time and resources soliciting donations for his football team

- city buses demanded for his football team

- Ford's time as mayor mostly spent inspecting potholes and demanding that staff 'jump the queue' for his preferred constituents.

- Staff doing Rob's personal shopping and delivering it to his house, all using city staff time, money and vehicle.

- Ford spending his work time buying drugs and drinking vodka with his drug dealer.

And this is only Ford's misuse of taxpayers' money that we know about!

That's the narrative his opponents might have to use. Refute his conservatism.

Because laughing at Ford as an embarrassment hasn't seemed to hurt his popularity all that much.

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I have a concern that Ford doesn't have the particular brain cells to understand that he's out of line using city (taxpayer) resources for personal purposes, so I'm glad to see this happen:


BUT Ford still doesn't get it:

Launches reelection campaign using city (taxpayer) resources.


David Soknacki's excellent campaign slogan:

Stop the crazy train! :lol:


Edited by jacee
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I have a concern that Ford doesn't have the particular brain cells to understand that he's out of line using city (taxpayer) resources for personal purposes, so I'm glad to see this happen:


BUT Ford still doesn't get it:

Launches reelection campaign using city (taxpayer) resources.


David Soknacki's excellent campaign slogan:

Stop the crazy train! :lol:


What goes around comes around. His entire career is based on accusing people of wasting money. That same standard of course is going to come back and haunt him.

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Interesting article by Justin Ling today outlining the Toronto Star's over the top approach towards Rob Ford. The Star asked a select group of 'thought leaders' why they were not more vocal against Rob Ford. Ling essentially says the Star has gone beyond the journalistic boundary… perhaps by buying the Ford video.


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Interesting article by Justin Ling today outlining the Toronto Star's over the top approach towards Rob Ford. The Star asked a select group of 'thought leaders' why they were not more vocal against Rob Ford. Ling essentially says the Star has gone beyond the journalistic boundary… perhaps by buying the Ford video.


Not interesting in the least.

Peter Kent looks like an idiot with that response too. The Star has gone after Ford.....oh noes !

Plenty of those people should have voiced an opionion, but chose not to. Fine, dont. Some of them suck on the teat anyhow so no surprise.

And of course not a single person defended Rob. At least they were that smart....'cept P Kent

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Ling essentially says the Star has gone beyond the journalistic boundary… perhaps by buying the Ford video.

That would be the death threats video and not the crack video. Their reason for buying the death threats video was because Ford's enablers criticized the Star so severely for reporting on the crack video without buying it first, leaving them with the option of ignoring the stories or paying the cash.
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Sounds a bit like the old chicken or the egg discussion but do you think we only know what Ford was up to because of the scrutiny, or did the scrutiny come about because of what he was up to? Crack smokin' videos of the mayor tend to get the attention of the media

The scrutiny started the minute he was elected. A fat conservative and that put the noses out of joint for the elite types and of course the star hates all conservatives. No other paper has ever done that before to anyone. So under your rules justin should be under the same micro scope, but instead he is being protected by the media. Only the sun reports on his failings when they can get to him, since sun reporters are not allowed to ask questions of his highness. Matter of fact sun reporters are barred from most left and enviroment events.
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A fat conservative and that put the noses out of joint for the elite types and of course the star hates all conservatives.

You don't think it was because of his criminal behaviour? Why is it that right-wingers only have a sense of personal responsibility when it comes to people they don't like?

The Star reporters that reported on the crack video were, quite simply, a credit to their profession. They silently withstood a rabid assault of insults from sick, partisan low-lifes and, incredibly, still withstand such abuse even though they have been proven right and Ford Nation has been proven very, very wrong.

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The scrutiny started the minute he was elected.

For good reason too. They knew the amount of police activity to his house, domestic squabbles and the like. Throw in...and Ill remind you this is all Pre-Mayor stuff, his public drunkeness, his pot bust, his sisters murder/violence/stupidity involvements. If you were a beat reporter you too would say "hmmm...best keep an eye on this guy"

But no, youre a bury the head in the sand conservative supporter who cannot take any time to look at facts instead support the unsupportable. Belioeve me when I say it looks bad....really bad on you.

And you are likely to assert some other hogwash too, like...

A fat conservative and that put the noses out of joint for the elite types and of course the star hates all conservatives.

Yea ...right on cue.

COuld it look even worse? Please go on...

No other paper has ever done that before to anyone. So under your rules justin should be under the same micro scope, but instead he is being protected by the media. Only the sun reports on his failings when they can get to him, since sun reporters are not allowed to ask questions of his highness. Matter of fact sun reporters are barred from most left and enviroment events.

No other paper? wow it does look even worse.

Anyhow, your last assertion takes the cake. Provide a link....because we all know you cant. Because it is not true.

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The scrutiny started the minute he was elected. A fat conservative and that put the noses out of joint for the elite types and of course the star hates all conservatives. No other paper has ever done that before to anyone. So under your rules justin should be under the same micro scope, but instead he is being protected by the media. Only the sun reports on his failings when they can get to him, since sun reporters are not allowed to ask questions of his highness. Matter of fact sun reporters are barred from most left and enviroment events.


Under "my rules"? I don't have any control over the press beyond deciding to buy a paper. Justin is where he is and the press can do as they see fit with him. People don't trust Sun news because it has been labelled Fox news north and Fox and News don't belong in the same sentence, in my opinion. However, put yourself in the position of a reporter for whoever, Ford is the gift that keeps on giving. He has got himself in the headlines yet again today.

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I think its pointless during conversations about Ford to label those perceived as saying anything against him leftist and those who say anything perceived in his favour, right wing.

I like the vast majority of people can be both. Sometimes we can agree with what has been said, other times not agree. It doesn't make us right or left.

People keep calling Ford a conservative? Who does that? Usually from what I see on this board, "leftists" if we must use such labels.

Since when does believing governments should be fiscally responsible and not waste money make one right wing? What b.s.

I am a typical Canadian, Torontonian, etc. We all want fiscally responsible government. That is not a political ideology. Never was,.

The Harper government has engaged in the EXACT SAME carbon copy corruption, patronage and spending Chretiens did, and Mulroney before that and Trudeau before that. Give me a break with this right wing left wing nonsense about federal governments.

As for municipal governments, what ideology? Toronto Mayors for the most part were figure head baby sitters and councillors did what they always did, build little fiefdoms and get as much money spent in their riding as is possible to get them re-elected. It had nothing to do with ideology and everything o do with propping your own power base.

True when Miller came in he used a close connection with the unions but did that help or harm him? True there was a supposed left leaning council but what did it do really besides waste money? Seriously.

Most of you have no clue who David Crombie was. He was as progressive and socially concerned with the poor and marginalized as anyone. He balanced that with fiscal management. Some called him a Red Tory. He was what a typical Canadian politician tries to be and we really want to be, very tolerant and moderate and concerned about social programs and the poor, but balancing that with fiscal responsibility. We want a person who can balance the so called left and right. A mediator so to speak.

Crombie did that. Former Premier Bill Davis did that. They were neither right or left-smack in the middle.

Harper claimed to be right wing and he moved right back to the spending ways of Chretiens and Mulroney. You tell me, other than the patronage networks that arise, whether it be under Harper, Chretiens, Mulroney what has been the difference? Not much.

Ford? What I really resent as him being portrayed as a saviour of the right. This notion he has saved millions or bilions of dollars is a lie an out and out lie. He has deliberately manipulated the media message to make it appear only he and his brother care about spending and NO ONE ELSE..

Every discussion with council is portrayed in this manner. Its misleading, its insulting but it works.It reduces complex issues to black and white name calling and it plays right into the hands of socially retarded bafoons like Councilor Vaughan who were brought up oblivious to the implications of their image and insensitivity.

Ford the bafoon plays the George Bush aw shucks I am one of you guys cards. He plays to the dumb in people and they like it.

But has Ford done anything? Other than push for outside garbage contracts that is it. That is his entire legacy other than to lower the arena of municipal politics to a laughing spectacle of embarrassment.

Serious issues fester while this circus continues.

Now the man who claims he saves money shows he is as corrupt and wasteful of money as any politician. He demands it be spent to defend his bad behaviour, his absolutely unacceptable judgement, and continuous self destruction.

Where is his municipal lawyer now? Where is the legal circus he was going to launch to get him back his 10 other staff?

Here we have a city where his deputy Mayor studders and drools while he stands up and grandstands as some underdog hero trying to take personal credit for how he handled the ice storm.

Right. He would not declare a state of emergency because his buddy Norm would have been in charge and taken him out of the news.

Got it.

Now the city is what? Where does Ford think the money comes from for the clean up? He goes on and on we can save money but build a subway at the same time. Oh yah. Great.

He's an insult to common sense but he walks and talks in a world of municipal politics where the councillors are totally out of touch with their constituents other than to believe if they spend some money in their riding it gets then re-elected. That is the extent of the ideology. You think Colin Vaughan is some Markist? Please he is brought up in a generation of people who were brought up assuming everything is an entitlement.

He, Olivia Chow, its all about preserving entitlements. Everything is a given,. Take that given entitlement away, then you have a political tarntrum.

Ford? He is also part of that world. Only in his world of entitlement, Daddy ran everything and if you didn't listen to Daddy you were bad. Daddy says this, Daddy says that, Anyone who disagrees with my Dad is bad,

Whether Daddy is some family tyrant or the state, it has produced children who go into politics and engage in the politics of tantrum. Spoiled children.

Vaughan, Ford, just spoiled children who feel entitled and no one bothered to say no to either.

So don't call me right or left. Don't label Torontonians that way. Most are smack in the middle.

They don't like Chow, they don't like Ford. They are going to be split, and I predict a high number of no voters meaning the genuine leftist or rightist voters some of you think we all are will still come out and vote for their candidate but the final outcome may be a split vote allowing some to get elected no one predicted or worse still, Ford or Chow.

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It has been said that the mere fact that an individual is interested in becoming mayor of this dysfunctional rabble should disqualify them from running because they obviously do not understand the job. Toronto needs someone who can bring the sides together, who understands fiscal responsibility and who is trusted and respected by both sides. John Tory is the answer – but maybe he has a life and does not want to waste a large part of it straightening out this city. I believed that John would have made a good Premier of Ontario and would make a great mayor of Toronto.

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Tory is a good guy and would probably win if he won again. He's actually moved quite far to the left in his views on transit which might be a problem. But if you listen to his show he pinpoints the true "Gravy" in politics.

It's those people that make 6 figures studying, re-studying issues and pushing paper around from one office to another. The middle management in government is ridiculous. If Tory can actually tackle that issue, I'm sure lots of money can be saved.

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It has been said that the mere fact that an individual is interested in becoming mayor of this dysfunctional rabble should disqualify them from running because they obviously do not understand the job. Toronto needs someone who can bring the sides together, who understands fiscal responsibility and who is trusted and respected by both sides. John Tory is the answer but maybe he has a life and does not want to waste a large part of it straightening out this city. I believed that John would have made a good Premier of Ontario and would make a great mayor of Toronto.

I can't understand why people gush over Tory, are alternatives that bare? The man is the epitome of the entitled aristocracy, more so than Rob Ford. He's the son of a successful investor/politician born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He's attended only elite schooling, received jobs through nepotism (Ted Rogers is a family friend, or his family law firm), or ran canadian institutions (CFL) into the ditch. He's run unsuccessfully for Mayor and Premier; and always fallen back to broadcasting (loose definition) when everyone else abandons him.

He's never enhanced any position he's held. He's typically Cdn, dry as melba toast, and full of platitudes but no substance. Disagree with Rob Ford but he takes a stand, whether he has facts on his side or not, and is bombastic in his approach enough to energize people. John Tory energizes no one, his best argument is he doesn't anger anyone.

Edited by Bob Macadoo
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I can't understand why people gush over Tory, are alternatives that bare? The man is the epitome of the entitled aristocracy, more so than Rob Ford. He's the son of a successful investor/politician born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He's attended only elite schooling, received jobs through nepotism (Ted Rogers is a family friend, or his family law firm), or ran canadian institutions (CFL) into the ditch. He's run unsuccessfully for Mayor and Premier; and always fallen back to broadcasting (loose definition) when everyone else abandons him.

He's never enhanced any position he's held. He's typically Cdn, dry as melba toast, and full of platitudes but no substance. Disagree with Rob Ford but he takes a stand, whether he has facts on his side or not, and is bombastic in his approach enough to energize people. John Tory energizes no one, his best argument is he doesn't anger anyone.

No one is gushing over Tory. Stop classifying my prostate that way. I have total control. I support Tory because of all the choices he is the best. Rob Ford taking a stand on what? Wait let's look at what he stands for:

1-lying about smoking crack cocaine

2-drinking while driving

3-leaving work to drive drunk and smoke dope

4- appearing at mayor functions drunk and stoned

5-acting like a rude baboon at public meetings and events

6-lying repeatedly then when he gets caught lying says he won't like again and then lies again

7-wasting money on legal fees to defend his illegal behaviour

8-refusing to call a state emergency because he would not have been in charge

9-being a peace officer who has stated in public that what's the big deal about driving drunk, everyone's done it

10-going on t.v. to insult anyone who does not agree with him.

Yah that's a man who takes stands.

This is a man who repeats an out and out bold faced lie he has saved the city millions which he has now inflated to billions.

This is someone who has no clue what it is being presented on the council floor but says no as part of this mantra that if he says no to everything it makes him fiscally a prudent financial manager.

Go on vote for the pathetic lying, mentally deranged border line personality.

Oh but wait, then there is Olivia Chow or who else-Denzil? The twit who wants to flip flop on the LRT, Ms. Stintz? Right.

Its not about gushing. Its about sober choices.

One last thing-this notion that because Tory was born into money it makes him evil-let me respond to that directly-its b.s.

Judge a man by what he is and what he stands for, not things you resent. What a dumb thing to say-because he's rich it makes him suspect.

It makes him no more suspect than being poor. Neither disqualify a man from having merits and qualities.

Edited by Rue
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I can't understand why people gush over Tory, are alternatives that bare? The man is the epitome of the entitled aristocracy, more so than Rob Ford. He's the son of a successful investor/politician born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He's attended only elite schooling, received jobs through nepotism (Ted Rogers is a family friend, or his family law firm),

Who also fired him....

Disagree with Rob Ford but he takes a stand, whether he has facts on his side or not,

Rob Ford is a moron who wouldnt know a fact if it jumped up and slapped him in the face.

You want a guyspending hundreds of millions on transit and didnt even know the light rail line would not close any streets during construction..?..didnt know it would run thru a hydro ROW ? Thats sort of stupidity is exactly what we dont need. A drunk John Tory still couldnt be as bad as sober RoFo.

and is bombastic in his approach enough to energize people. John Tory energizes no one, his best argument is he doesn't anger anyone.

Energize a legion of late night pundits perhaps, they are still laughing
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