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Rob Ford, mayor of Toronto UPDATES


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He's not going to fade into a footnote. He exemplifies the right wing perfectly and they will flock to vote for him. Ford more years!

Right on. Pass that crack pipe over here, crack open some more booze, flip the channel over to the John Stuart show and let's have yet another laugh at good old TO. They don't mind being a laughing stock, surely?

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Departing Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Ryback joined in Thursday, tweeting "Only a couple of hours left. Must...suppress...inner...Rob...Ford".

:lol: I think that's going to become a classic party joke.

Asked why voters should trust him after denying for months that he smoked crack, Ford replied: "That's all personal."

"Let the people speak for themselves," he said, adding that he'd rather have people vote against him than not vote at all."I've got the strongest track record," Ford added. "I've been the best mayor that this city has ever had."

There's just something so ... untrustworthy ... about a man who makes such outrageous claims about himself.

Like a former winning sprinter who loses, fallling face first on the track having a full blown temper tantrum and screaming "I'm the best! I AM the BEST!!!

I guess it's funny ... but it's pretty pathetic really.

He boasted that he's saved the city "hundreds of millions of dollars," created jobs and a "booming" economy in Toronto with a "business-friendly atmosphere of low taxes."

NOTE Ford backs down from much derided claim of saving a billion dollars.

Edited by jacee
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The loyalty which "Ford Nation" has shown their guy is truly heart-warming. Aren't Ford supporters in large measure the "tough on crime, say no to drugs" folks that can't stand crack-heads and couldn't care less what happens to them? That's the part that's so interesting to me. They hate the idea of drug liberalization and safe injection sites and anything that might show the least amount of sympathy or concern for people with drug problems. Except for Rob Ford, who's just a good guy fighting a problem who just needs some understanding so he can get back on track and the media are evil for picking on the poor guy and talking about his problem and it should be his own business and blah blah blah LEAVE ROB FORD ALONE!!!!

Why is Rob Ford the only crack-head in Canada who deserves our sympathy?


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The loyalty which "Ford Nation" has shown their guy is truly heart-warming. Aren't Ford supporters in large measure the "tough on crime, say no to drugs" folks that can't stand crack-heads and couldn't care less what happens to them? That's the part that's so interesting to me. They hate the idea of drug liberalization and safe injection sites and anything that might show the least amount of sympathy or concern for people with drug problems. Except for Rob Ford, who's just a good guy fighting a problem who just needs some understanding so he can get back on track and the media are evil for picking on the poor guy and talking about his problem and it should be his own business and blah blah blah LEAVE ROB FORD ALONE!!!!

Why is Rob Ford the only crack-head in Canada who deserves our sympathy?


It's ironic, isn't it? But don't confuse Ford drinking-drugging-because-we're-entitled nation with bible thumping social conservatives. Ford Nation heavy duty partiers can drink and do drugs. They're not 'addicts' like those loser criminals! They just like to have a good time! ;)

They're fiscal conservatives ... keeping a close eye on the taxpayers' money ... except when Ford's wife needs some lightbulbs or Ford wants to peddle his influence with city contractors to squeeze them for donations for his football team and such. IE, They're fiscal conservatives ... except when it's them at the trough.

And make no mistake ... Ford Nation doesn't think he needs to quit alcohol and drugs at all! That's just the wine-sipping lefty whiner elites saying that!

The more outrageous he is, the more they love him. They see themselves in Ford. He's like their pet pig who makes them howl with laughter with his antics.

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The loyalty which "Ford Nation" has shown their guy is truly heart-warming. Aren't Ford supporters in large measure the "tough on crime, say no to drugs" folks that can't stand crack-heads and couldn't care less what happens to them? That's the part that's so interesting to me. They hate the idea of drug liberalization and safe injection sites and anything that might show the least amount of sympathy or concern for people with drug problems. Except for Rob Ford, who's just a good guy fighting a problem who just needs some understanding so he can get back on track and the media are evil for picking on the poor guy and talking about his problem and it should be his own business and blah blah blah LEAVE ROB FORD ALONE!!!!

Why is Rob Ford the only crack-head in Canada who deserves our sympathy?


I think you are going on about a "wedge issue" that conservatives like to use.

But yeah, it does put the conservatives in an awkward position.


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The loyalty which "Ford Nation" has shown their guy is truly heart-warming. Aren't Ford supporters in large measure the "tough on crime, say no to drugs" folks that can't stand crack-heads and couldn't care less what happens to them? That's the part that's so interesting to me. They hate the idea of drug liberalization and safe injection sites and anything that might show the least amount of sympathy or concern for people with drug problems. Except for Rob Ford, who's just a good guy fighting a problem who just needs some understanding so he can get back on track and the media are evil for picking on the poor guy and talking about his problem and it should be his own business and blah blah blah LEAVE ROB FORD ALONE!!!!

Why is Rob Ford the only crack-head in Canada who deserves our sympathy?


It's ironic, isn't it. I think Ford has been successful in turning himself into a victim in the eyes of many.

See? All those left-wingers who are so sympathetic to gang bangers and child-molesters attack our hero for smoking crack once!

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Why is Rob Ford the only crack-head in Canada who deserves our sympathy?-k

Unfortunately you're a pyromaniac in a field of strawmen. I'm somewhat of a Ford supporter because I think he's done a pretty good job as mayor, and pursued good policies. However, I don't think he deserves sympathy for the mistakes he's made in his private life. That being said, why is Ford the only person hampered by substance abuse in which the left doesn't have sympathy for? See, strawmen can work both ways. :)

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Unfortunately you're a pyromaniac in a field of strawmen. I'm somewhat of a Ford supporter because I think he's done a pretty good job as mayor, and pursued good policies. However, I don't think he deserves sympathy for the mistakes he's made in his private life. That being said, why is Ford the only person hampered by substance abuse in which the left doesn't have sympathy for? See, strawmen can work both ways. :)

What is it with some conservatives???


It is beyond me how the support remains so strong after so much has gone wrong?!?!?!?


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As the personification of left on this board, I have no sympathy for any "substance abusers" because they don't deserve my sympathy. They get to enjoy what they want, do what they please, and get pleasure from doing so. I sympathize more with those who live dismal ascetic existences.

I think the worst thing Rob Ford did wasn't smoking crack (though even I wouldn't want to trust my tax money with a crack user). The worst thing he did was fire people who suggested he get help and call people liars for telling the truth.

Of course, the latter charge can be made against many in this thread too. Still no apology for such shameful behaviour either.

Edited by BubberMiley
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The loyalty which "Ford Nation" has shown their guy is truly heart-warming. Aren't Ford supporters in large measure the "tough on crime, say no to drugs" folks that can't stand crack-heads and couldn't care less what happens to them? That's the part that's so interesting to me. They hate the idea of drug liberalization and safe injection sites and anything that might show the least amount of sympathy or concern for people with drug problems. Except for Rob Ford, who's just a good guy fighting a problem who just needs some understanding so he can get back on track and the media are evil for picking on the poor guy and talking about his problem and it should be his own business and blah blah blah LEAVE ROB FORD ALONE!!!!

Why is Rob Ford the only crack-head in Canada who deserves our sympathy?


I've been trying to do a script for some animation I been working on. Political satire, but I simply cannot compete with what Ford has done and how he has acted. He is on the world stage for all the wrong reasons.

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Why is Rob Ford the only crack-head in Canada who deserves our sympathy?


The dislike of druggies, of 'crack heads' derives mostly from their propensity to knock over liquor stores or hit you on the head and take your wallet, and that they are otherwise largely on welfare. I wouldn't say there is a lot of sympathy for Ford. God knows I don't have any. But he doesn't fit into the normal box society uses for drug abusers. Also, from what I've seen on TV, not being a Toronto person, a lot of his support isn't from well off soccer moms and such, but poor minorities and working class white people. I remember seening an interview with someone like that saying "If you're getting evicted from your apartment, you know if you call the mayor he'll do his best for you".

And remember, there doesn't seem to be a hell of a lot of alternatives.

Edited by Argus
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The more outrageous he is, the more they love him. They see themselves in Ford. He's like their pet pig who makes them howl with laughter with his antics.

There's something to all of that, but I would say also that his base, especially the working poor, see in the attacks on him by the literati the same sorts of attitudes they feel. They think they're treated with contempt for their lack of education and money (they are), and the elites are disdainful of what they want or think (true). Even the left, which always proclaims itself the supporter of the poor, are generally seen as snobbish do-gooders who think they're better than those they represent, the we-know-what's-best-for-you type who'll smile blandly, then ignore what you say. So when they see all those smarmy columnists and TV people and lawyers like Clayton Ruby mocking and sneering at Ford they figure these are the same people who would be mocking and sneering at them.

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Only in your head.

Oh...maybe from his mommy and equally moronic brother. I'll give you that.

Uhm, actually... I have to say that given the deputy mayor's decision to fly to Florida during the height of it, combined with his protests that a state of emergency should have been declared, and that Toronto should call in the army now to deal with fallen branches... well, Ford comes out on top as far as I'm concerned. He said, paraphrasing 'we don't need the army to clean up. We can do it ourselves."

The army is for emergencies, not because the people of Toronto are too lazy to clean up some fallen trees and branches. It's not like they're blocking the roads. It smells like a bunch of simpering wimps who want 'those people in dungarees' to come and be labourers for them.

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Uhm, actually... I have to say that given the deputy mayor's decision to fly to Florida during the height of it, combined with his protests that a state of emergency should have been declared, and that Toronto should call in the army now to deal with fallen branches... well, Ford comes out on top as far as I'm concerned. He said, paraphrasing 'we don't need the army to clean up. We can do it ourselves."

The army is for emergencies, not because the people of Toronto are too lazy to clean up some fallen trees and branches. It's not like they're blocking the roads. It smells like a bunch of simpering wimps who want 'those people in dungarees' to come and be labourers for them.

Of course he wouldn't declare an emergency because if he does he gets elboed aside and his ego won't stand for that, although that's what happened anyway. Maybe you can talk to the people who were without power for nine days and convince them it was not an emergency.

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It's ironic, isn't it. I think Ford has been successful in turning himself into a victim in the eyes of many.

See? All those left-wingers who are so sympathetic to gang bangers and child-molesters attack our hero for smoking crack once!

Let's see, how many lies did Ford himself actually admit to? And you reckon your hero smoked crack once, because he said so. In that case, I have some property I'd like to show you.

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The loyalty which "Ford Nation" has shown their guy is truly heart-warming. Aren't Ford supporters in large measure the "tough on crime, say no to drugs" folks that can't stand crack-heads and couldn't care less what happens to them?

I happen to think the supporters of Ford couldnt discern between a liberal or a conservative . I dont think they have any political afilliation but back their man becuase they too drank the kool aid....hard working poorman everyday type guy who is as dumb as a brick.

Anyone with half a brain can look and see for themselves that apart from the garbage pickup, the man has done nothing to improve this city. Hell, how could he when he is chasing crack in underground pkg lots , drinking up a storm every day.

His record is abysmal . But those who support him probably have the same existence.....without realizing he is well funded and will never have to worry about money in his whole rotund existence.

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Of course he wouldn't declare an emergency because if he does he gets elboed aside and his ego won't stand for that, although that's what happened anyway. Maybe you can talk to the people who were without power for nine days and convince them it was not an emergency.

The city manager and the guys who run hydro said it would have made no difference. No one else has been able to point to any difference it owuld have made either. But talking about calling in the army AFTER all the power was back? Wimp city!

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Why people are supporting ford is because no other mayor has been put under that much scrutiny, and if they did that to every mayor it would be amazing to see what they would find. And another point is their is more regular people in TO then there is snobby elitists that think thier shit don't stink. And if people agree that he has done a good job on taxes and spending then they don't care what he did. And they did not need to call a emergency,that is why he did not do it, nothing to do with the power exchange. And he also stopped the deputy from calling in the army again. TO has been mocked by the rest of the country long before ford showed up. And now you get $100 checks for food. I was without power and water for 10 days in the last storm, I look after myself and helped out others and did not ask for anything. But someone burps in To and it is a major disaster. You better look in the mirror at yourselves before you rip others.

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Why people are supporting ford is because no other mayor has been put under that much scrutiny, and if they did that to every mayor it would be amazing to see what they would find.

You mean like crack use, hiring known criminals, drunken and disorderly on an almost daily basis including impaired driving, hanging w hookers, running over Councilwoman, lying thru his teeth about accomplushments, lying about a reporter and insinuating pedophilia,having to apologize or face a libel suit?

The scrutiny according to low brow thinkers was evidenced by the facts. IOW, something horrible was going on, not the other way around.

And another point is their is more regular people in TO then there is snobby elitists that think thier shit don't stink.

True, and for the most part they dont support Ford, unless they too are as dumb as a brick.

And if people agree that he has done a good job on taxes and spending then they don't care what he did.

Hows the Kool Aid in your neck of the woods? Tasty....as in tastes like nothing? Because thats what he has done, nothing, apart from the garbage.

See post 2567 for more

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There's something to all of that, but I would say also that his base, especially the working poor, see in the attacks on him by the literati the same sorts of attitudes they feel. They think they're treated with contempt for their lack of education and money (they are), and the elites are disdainful of what they want or think (true). Even the left, which always proclaims itself the supporter of the poor, are generally seen as snobbish do-gooders who think they're better than those they represent, the we-know-what's-best-for-you type who'll smile blandly, then ignore what you say. So when they see all those smarmy columnists and TV people and lawyers like Clayton Ruby mocking and sneering at Ford they figure these are the same people who would be mocking and sneering at them.

This is probably true. I don't think the constituency of spite and envy is enough to carry the day for him, though.

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Why people are supporting ford is because no other mayor has been put under that much scrutiny, and if they did that to every mayor it would be amazing to see what they would find. And another point is their is more regular people in TO then there is snobby elitists that think thier shit don't stink. And if people agree that he has done a good job on taxes and spending then they don't care what he did. And they did not need to call a emergency,that is why he did not do it, nothing to do with the power exchange. And he also stopped the deputy from calling in the army again. TO has been mocked by the rest of the country long before ford showed up. And now you get $100 checks for food. I was without power and water for 10 days in the last storm, I look after myself and helped out others and did not ask for anything. But someone burps in To and it is a major disaster. You better look in the mirror at yourselves before you rip others.

Sounds a bit like the old chicken or the egg discussion but do you think we only know what Ford was up to because of the scrutiny, or did the scrutiny come about because of what he was up to? Crack smokin' videos of the mayor tend to get the attention of the media

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Here's a big link folks!


But take it with a big grain of salt because here's the follow up!


Now it looks like Ford has officially signed in as a candidate for mayor in the next municipal election and will be starting to raise money now.

Good luck Ford, but as far as I'm concerned, you're the worst politician in Canadian history!!!

If a road pylon was elected mayor, it would have made a much more significant contribution than your sorry pathetic Ford nation could ever accomplish! Maybe if you didn't smoke so much freekin dope/crack/whatever and drink a skid of beer a week you can form some clear thought and direction!


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UH OH!!!


TORONTO - Mayor Rob Ford's response to the December ice storm seems to have thawed his approval rating, according to a new poll.

A Forum Research poll provided exclusively to the Toronto Sun found Ford's approval rating slid up in the wake of last month's storm to 47% - up from 42% during the last poll on Dec. 9.

The poll conducted Monday night also found the number of people saying they'll vote for Ford in the next election jumped with 41% of those polled saying they'd vote for the mayor in the 2014 race - that's up from 33% last month. Around 54% of those polled said they wouldn't vote for Ford and 6% said they didn't know.

Forum president Lorne Bozinoff said the ice storm bump makes sense given the fact Ford was front and centre for more than a week over the holidays at daily press conferences chronicling the city's response to the storm.

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