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  • 4 months later...
Guest Peeves

Thanks Rue.

A lot to chew on in that post. To my mind, we have high levels of immigration and we need to do what we can to integrate. Perhaps separate schools could do this, but I'd rather accommodate in the public system, where possible.

That said, this is not an easy issue and I'm not 100% sold on either side.

The fundamental issue (pun intended), is , has any law been broken? According to the source, no it has not. a means to teach religion may be accommodated if required.

Seems like the furor has died down. Well it did till the fact that some bigoted Muslim opinions, as in 'lessons' were being taught in a publicly funded school


Thanks Rue.

A lot to chew on in that post. To my mind, we have high levels of immigration and we need to do what we can to integrate. Perhaps separate schools could do this, but I'd rather accommodate in the public system, where possible.

That said, this is not an easy issue and I'm not 100% sold on either side.

Not sure how separate schools would further integration? Or excessive accommodation?

Guest Peeves

I'd rather we restricted our immigration and only let in people who aren't that religious.

Like uh? The alternative?

  • 4 years later...

Muslim immigrants hold “fundamentally different values” and that “mainstream Islam promotes violence”.Not all Muslim migrants are criminals. Among them are decent human beings who have gone through hellish experiences, and they need help.

On 7/27/2011 at 6:29 AM, kimmy said:

People become Canadianized by mixing amongst Canadians.


Not by being made to feel welcome?

Maybe try that for a change.

I recall how an old native I knew said things changed when us hippies showed up -"you'd invite us into your homes for a beer" he said.

A government without public oversight is like a nuclear plant without lead shielding.

20 hours ago, eyeball said:

Not by being made to feel welcome?

Maybe try that for a change.

I recall how an old native I knew said things changed when us hippies showed up -"you'd invite us into your homes for a beer" he said.

I have nothing against that... but the point of my post (6 years ago...) was that this pattern we're seeing of ethnic enclaves where people don't even have to mix with anybody outside their own group isn't helpful.

There won't be any hippies inviting their Muslim neighbors to come visit if the Muslims don't have any hippy neighbors.

There are parts of Vancouver now where a Chinese person could come and live their whole life without speaking a word of English or meeting someone from outside their own group.  Perhaps there will soon be Muslim neighborhoods were the same is true, if there aren't already.

I don't think having a patchwork of insular ethnic enclaves in our large cities was what anybody wanted when they talk about multiculturalism and diversity.


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(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Friendly forum facilitator! ┬──┬◡ノ(° -°ノ)


It's not enough to just talk about multiculturalism, Canada also needs to talk about racism and how it leads to insular ethnic enclaves and undermines diversity.

That's why Islamophobia needs to be regarded as racist in both thought, form and comparison to every other wave of phobia that took aim at immigrants in the past.

A government without public oversight is like a nuclear plant without lead shielding.

On 5/6/2017 at 11:22 AM, eyeball said:

It's not enough to just talk about multiculturalism, Canada also needs to talk about racism and how it leads to insular ethnic enclaves and undermines diversity.

That's why Islamophobia needs to be regarded as racist in both thought, form and comparison to every other wave of phobia that took aim at immigrants in the past.

Why do you assume it's racism that creates these enclaves?  People like to be around people like them. It's comforting, and it's also practical. If you're a Muslim and you're looking for a place to live in Edmonton, you can look in the Millwoods neighborhood and find mosques, and shops selling quality zabiha and halal foods, and lots of people who can speak your language and maybe help you find a job and establish yourself in your new location.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Friendly forum facilitator! ┬──┬◡ノ(° -°ノ)

Posted (edited)
On 6/16/2012 at 2:19 PM, Anti-Am said:

I'd rather we restricted our immigration and only let in people who aren't that religious.

Yes selectivity is the way to go. Our immigration policy and system is indeed in urgent need of reforms but selfish politicians are not listening. They are many among Muslim immigrants who are here because they disliked or hated the religious state or society in their home country so they came here giving up everything because they wish to live free so don't ban them all because they happened to be born in a Muslim country (something they had no choice or say) but instead SELECT them and give them a chance to come here and grow and start a new life and family and contribute positively for many years tax payers as teacher, engineers, doctors, drivers, ....

Edited by CITIZEN_2015
1 hour ago, kimmy said:

Why do you assume it's racism that creates these enclaves?  People like to be around people like them. It's comforting, and it's also practical. If you're a Muslim and you're looking for a place to live in Edmonton, you can look in the Millwoods neighborhood and find mosques, and shops selling quality zabiha and halal foods, and lots of people who can speak your language and maybe help you find a job and establish yourself in your new location.


I'm assuming it because of the assumptions of so many...too many...right wingers.

You figure Muslims are oblivious to the feelings that are directed at them? 

A government without public oversight is like a nuclear plant without lead shielding.

Posted (edited)
17 hours ago, eyeball said:

I'm assuming it because of the assumptions of so many...too many...right wingers.

You figure Muslims are oblivious to the feelings that are directed at them? 

Are you a Muslim? Why do you pose as one in your responses such as the above?

Why is it you engage in the very discriminatory stereotypes you claim others do with Muslims posing as if you are Muslim and speak for all Muslims?

How are your slurs and stereotypes of this scapegoat you invented called "right winger" which appears to stand for anyone you d sagree with and blame all things on responsible for Islamophobia? Hmm?

Your contribution on posts is to engage in the very same negative slurs against  this invented "right wing group" as you think are directed at Musli

You pose as if you speak for all Muslims and their feelings but never once have you come on this forum and acknowledged you are a Muslim. So is one to assume you are a Muslim or just a patronizing bigot generalizing that they all have the same feelings and views as you do?

Racism?  Nonsense.  Muslims come in every skin tone and colour. They are not a race. They are a religious group. They have no race. Race is an outmoded meaningless stereotype label affixed to perceptions of secondary genetic traits of sin colour, nose shape and hair texture. You engage in Nazi definitions and you call others right wing and racist? You not  any right winger is stereotyping Muslims with racist terminology,.

As a Jew we went through discrimination in Canada like Chinese, Siekhs, Ukrainians, Irish. blacks who came escapings lavery in the US, Japanese, Italians, hell even Germans during WW1 and 2.  We all went through it. Not ironically like the aboriginal peoples before us but similar. We don't need some phony liberal guilt sheltered privileged silver spooners lecturing us. No gay person or women needs to be lectured by you what a fundamentalist Muslim says about them.

So just what is your agenda?   Are you a Muslim? You act as if you speak with personal experience as to the feelings of one? You either are and won't admit it on this forum, or you are a "racist"  claiming to know know how all Muslims think or feel.

So which one is it?



Edited by Rue
  • Like 1

I come to you to hell.

2 hours ago, Rue said:

against  this invented "right wing group"

It is generally right-wingers who are anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim.  Heck, people like Trump/Le Pen/Wilders campaigned on those very things and have a significant and loyal following, so this isn't an 'invented' group.  They exist.  They may not include all right-wingers, but those who don't toe the anti-immigrant line are accused of being leftists by those who support anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim policies.  Just look at Michael Chong, who probably won't win the Conservative leadership because he doesn't put forth any hint of xenophobic rhetoric.  That and his acceptance of climate change science has him fighting a very uphill battle.   And eyeball didn't even say *all right wingers*, so exactly what is your problem?   

2 hours ago, Rue said:

You pose as if you speak for all Muslims and their feelings but never once have you come on this forum and acknowledged you are a Muslim. So is one to assume you are a Muslim or just a patronizing bigot generalizing that they all have the same feelings and views as you do


Perhaps you'd like to say the same about me - certainly Argus and DoP have accused me of being Muslim and lying about it.  Why do you guys do this?  Is it because only Muslims are allowed or should defend themselves?   Are we all supposed to just accept the rhetoric of fear and hatred against Muslims?  

2 hours ago, Rue said:

As a Jew we went through discrimination in Canada like Chinese, Siekhs, Ukrainians, Irish. blacks who came escapings lavery in the US, Japanese, Italians, hell even Germans during WW1 and 2


Why would you bring up the discrimination Jews, Chinese, Sikhs etc., and use that to try to bludgeon into silence those who speak up for Muslims who are also experiencing exactly that kind of discrimination?



1 hour ago, Rue said:

You act as if you speak with personal experience as to the feelings of one?



It's the personal experience of 20 years of slagging for being a lefty that's given me a good sense of what discrimination and bigotry feels like.

F-k the god-damned right.


  • Like 1

A government without public oversight is like a nuclear plant without lead shielding.

1 hour ago, eyeball said:

It's the personal experience of 20 years of slagging for being a lefty that's given me a good sense of what discrimination and bigotry feels like.

F-k the god-damned right.


Yeah, I know what you mean...

2 hours ago, dialamah said:

Why would you bring up the discrimination Jews, Chinese, Sikhs etc., and use that to try to bludgeon into silence those who speak up for Muslims who are also experiencing exactly that kind of discrimination?

You haven't even demonstrated there is any evidence of discrimination against Muslims, let alone that it's anything like what Jews or early Chinese received. 

  • Like 2

"A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley

27 minutes ago, Argus said:

You haven't even demonstrated there is any evidence of discrimination against Muslims, let alone that it's anything like what Jews or early Chinese received. 


I didn't realize how much discrimination existed against Muslims either until I arrived here and began reading posts by you and DoP.    I'm aware that this ill-feeling toward Muslims has not yet reached the levels experienced by Jews, Chinese or Japanese in Canada.   Is there some reason we should ignore it till it does reach the same levels?


  • Like 1
On 7/27/2011 at 6:22 AM, Shwa said:

I thought I had posted this as a topic already, but guess I didn't. However, it is an interesting issue since it touches on all those sensitive bits in society, especially nowadays.

Protesters oppose Muslim prayer in public schools

So it is not against the law to have prayer in public schools in Ontario, you just can't force anyone into it AND you can't have religious services, but you can accomodate prayers and other services I suppose.

The neighbourhood is almost all Muslim. Should we worry?

Ask these same politcally correct Peel Region school board liberals if they will allow Christmas festivities once again as it once use to be in school, until the liberals got rid of it, and they will all vote NO. We send our children to school to learn how to read write and learn arithmetic. We send our children to school to be educated not to be indoctrinated. School is for education, not for any foreign religions to practise their faith in Canadian schools. This is all due to the promotion and that disasterous program and agenda called multiculturalism and be pro-diversity. We are all now seeing the fruits of these liberals and their love for a multicultural Canada. All it has done these days now is to promote more anomosity towards others rather than unite. Multiculturalism must go to save Canada from third world ghetoes poping up every where in Canada. London, England, and Sweden are prime examples of where multiculturalism has gone wrong big time.  Canadians must not allow it to happen here. Either we want to live in Canada or live in the rest of the world. It is up to Canadians. 

Posted (edited)
20 hours ago, dialamah said:

I didn't realize how much discrimination existed against Muslims either until I arrived here and began reading posts by you and DoP.    I'm aware that this ill-feeling toward Muslims has not yet reached the levels experienced by Jews, Chinese or Japanese in Canada.   Is there some reason we should ignore it till it does reach the same levels?



Discrimination against Muslims = Having read the Quran

You're free to promote your favorite cult all you wish. However, Islam doesn't play well with others. It openly hates Jews, Christians and "Polytheists"...not to mention atheists. If this is something you want and support, expect some resistance to this antisemitism and what not. Perhaps your efforts will pay off and Islam will dominate Canada and Infidels such as myself will get their deserved comeuppance.

Or not...

Edited by DogOnPorch
21 hours ago, dialamah said:

I didn't realize how much discrimination existed against Muslims either until I arrived here and began reading posts by you and DoP.    I'm aware that this ill-feeling toward Muslims has not yet reached the levels experienced by Jews, Chinese or Japanese in Canada.   Is there some reason we should ignore it till it does reach the same levels?

I'm still waiting for evidence of discrimination. Or do you regard mere dislike of their political and social ideological views as being discriminatory? I assure you I disapprove of all sorts of stupid political and ideological views, and those whole hold them, so I'm not being discriminatory at all. I greatly disapprove of Communists, Fascists, and also Islamists. Are you concerned about 'ill feeling' towards Fascists by chance? I bet not.

"A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley

21 hours ago, dialamah said:

Is there some reason we should ignore it till it does reach the same levels?

It won't likely take long with the likes of those you mention continually stoking the fires.

9 minutes ago, Omni said:

It won't likely take long with the likes of those you mention continually stoking the fires.

You honestly think a few people on internet web sites are the cause of a growing distrust of Muslims throughout the Western world and not the continuing acts of terrorism, violence and intolerance coming from the Muslim world?

I mean, measured against people like me and DOG are the entire Canadian media, with its slavish devotion to multiculturalism and inclusiveness, and all three political parties at all levels assuring us of how wonderful Muslims are. And you think WE are in any way influencing things?

  • Like 1

"A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley

1 minute ago, Argus said:

You honestly think a few people on internet web sites are the cause of a growing distrust of Muslims throughout the Western world and not the continuing acts of terrorism, violence and intolerance coming from the Muslim world?

They don't believe there is any "continuing acts of terrorism, violence and intolerance" in the Muslim world.  It's all invented by the Western media, dont' you know?  All other religions are doing exactly the same things to the same extent, it's just not being reported by the media, don't you know?

"There are two different types of people in the world - those who want to know and those who want to believe."

~~ Friedrich Nietzsche ~~

3 minutes ago, Argus said:

You honestly think a few people on internet web sites are the cause of a growing distrust of Muslims throughout the Western world and not the continuing acts of terrorism, violence and intolerance coming from the Muslim world?

I mean, measured against people like me and DOG are the entire Canadian media, with its slavish devotion to multiculturalism and inclusiveness, and all three political parties at all levels assuring us of how wonderful Muslims are. And you think WE are in any way influencing things?


That's right...I did the iggy.

Who knew we were responsible for a millennium plus worth of Islam being a murderous cult?

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