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Burn a Qu'ran Day.

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hey Shady? Where's the commentary/condemnation from Limbaugh, Beck, O'Reilly, Hannity, Ingraham, etc., etc., etc.

Glenn Beck: "Burning the Koran is like burning the flag or the Bible. You can do it, but whose heart will you change by doing it? You will only harden the hearts of those who could be moved. None of those who are thinking about killing us will be affected, but our good Muslim friends and neighbors will be saddened. It makes the battle that they face inside their own communities even harder."


LOL! How many more times do you wanna be pantsed waldo! :lol:

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whaaa! Late to the game...

but where's "John McCain, the ranking Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, who brandishes his war-hero credentials at every opportunity and, in the past, has rushed to condemn anyone who dares criticize Gen. Petraeus? Where is the second-ranking Republican, James Inhofe of Oklahoma, who also sits on the Foreign Relations Committee? Where is Saxby Chambliss, who loudly supports big-ticket weapons systems in the name of national security (and the jobs they sustain in his home state of Georgia) but has thus far said nothing to support our troops on this front?"

but where's all the rest mentioned - hey, Shady? Where's Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (KY), Lindsey Graham (SC), Jeff Sessions (AL), and Susan Collins (ME), Rep. Eric Cantor (VA), Newt Gingrich, and Liz Cheney? C'mon, Shady... surely you can find something from them... I mean, after all, the spotlight is finally on them. They can run - can they (all) hide?

how about all the Republican media 'super patriots', hey Shady? Where's the commentary/condemnation from Limbaugh, Beck, O'Reilly, Hannity, Ingraham, etc., etc., etc.

And next, I expect the burning be denounced by each of the NFL teams, to be followed by the NBA.

Arizona Cardinals

Atlanta Falcons

Baltimore Ravens

Buffalo Bills

Carolina Panthers

Chicago Bears

Cincinnati Bengals

Cleveland Browns

Dallas Cowboys

Denver Broncos

Detroit Lions

Green Bay Packers

Houston Texans

Indianapolis Colts

Jacksonville Jaguars

Kansas City Chiefs

Miami Dolphins

Minnesota Vikings

New England Patriots

New Orleans Saints

New York Giants

New York Jets

Oakland Raiders

Philadelphia Eagles

Pittsburgh Steelers

San Diego Chargers

San Francisco 49ers

Seattle Seahawks

St. Louis Rams

Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Tennessee Titans

Washington Redskins

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Why can't people stop being complete idiots?

Stop burning Korans

Stop getting violent over Mohammad cartoons

Stop drawing Mohammad cartoons just to exercise your "right" to insult Muslims & unnecessarily provoke them.

Stop blowing up people in the name of radical loop-hole-filled bullsh*t (aka not Islam)

Stop supporting moronic wars that continue to kill Muslims unnecessarily

Stop trying to blow up more people in the name of radical loop-hole-filled bullsh*t (aka not Islam) in response to those wars

Stop being ignorant Islamophobes & doing stupid crap like burning Korans that does nothing but perpetuate this cycle of violence & hatred.

Why can't everyone just relax? All of the above has done hardly anything constructive vs being tremendously destructive. :rolleyes:

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Why can't everyone just relax? All of the above has done hardly anything constructive vs being tremendously destructive. :rolleyes:

Why can't everyone be able to burn anything (except leaves in fall which is against city ordinaces but smells like childhood...) without the fear of being murdered for it?

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Why can't people stop being complete idiots?

Stop burning Korans

Stop getting violent over Mohammad cartoons

Stop drawing Mohammad cartoons just to exercise your "right" to insult Muslims & unnecessarily provoke them.

Stop blowing up people in the name of radical loop-hole-filled bullsh*t (aka not Islam)

Stop supporting moronic wars that continue to kill Muslims unnecessarily

Stop trying to blow up more people in the name of radical loop-hole-filled bullsh*t (aka not Islam) in response to those wars

Stop being ignorant Islamophobes & doing stupid crap like burning Korans that does nothing but perpetuate this cycle of violence & hatred.

Why can't everyone just relax? All of the above has done hardly anything constructive vs being tremendously destructive. :rolleyes:

reminds me of one of my favourite quotes...

"Everybody’s worried about stopping terrorism. Well, there’s a really easy way: stop participating in it."--- Noam Chomsky

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whoa! Shady, lil' buddy... thanks for the link to Beck's new... just launched this past week... web site/blog - 'The Blaze' - how flaming of him! So... Beck's excuse is he's been on holidays - right. Reading his 'on holidays' commentary, I'm really quite impressed with Beck's continued makeover, particularly his rebirth during the Beck-Palin-a-Palooza on "8/28"

The more I reflect on what happened on 8/28 the more I realize the amazing power of GOOD.

it is unfortunate it took mainstream media pressure to finally get a few reluctant prominent Republicans to comment... I guess the rest are on holiday - ya, that must be it. I'm sure, if they were available, we'd have them (all) condemn the threatened Koran burning... with the same vigour as their opposition to the NY Mosque. Wingnut Florida pastor Terry Jones, the great uniter... helping to bridge the partisan divide... one reluctant commenting Republican at a time!

I note one of the peanut gallery chimed in with a global warming angle... remember, Google is your friend!

Weirdly, conservatives who opposed building the mosque at ground zero are also against the Quran burning. (Except in my case. It turns out I'm for it, but mostly because burning Qurans will contribute to global warming.)

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really... never saw this coming! :lol:

Terrorist group to protect church during Quran-burning event

An armed Christian organization, Right Wing Extreme, will protect a church that is planning to host an "International Burn a Quran Day" on September 11, the church's pastor said Tuesday.

apparently, wingnut Pastor Terry Jones has also started to 'pack heat'!

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While it is wrong to deliberately antagonize someone or an entire religion we should also condemn over-reactions!

Has anyone yet pointed out the sad irony in how so many Muslims will commit violence as a reaction to those who accuse them of practicing a violent faith?

It is not some gospel book that deserves respect. It is the words inside! A book is merely paper and ink. Likewise, a flag is just a symbol. Burning it may be a sign of disrespect but the symbol is NOT the thing! It is greater than mere cloth and big enough to turn the other cheek at an attempted slur or insult.

Myself, I would never burn a Qu'ran or spit on a Bible, even though I am a 'devout agnostic'. That being said, I can't help but judge those Muslims who over-react with violence to be...primitive! This pastor may be guilty of provoking a Muslim 'kickback' but it sure seems that for many members of the Islamic faith they will find an excuse to react excessively anyway, if not over this action then over something else. We can't ignore that there are entire countries that will officially stone a woman to death on trumped up charges.

If the more violent members of the Islamic faith were to change their tactics and simply say to such provocations "Who CARES what an infidel thinks? Allah is too great to care about petty attempts at insult!" then pastors like this idiot in America would find very quickly that no one would pay them any media attention at all.

This is not being critical at all of their religion. A faith is of a much higher level than the actions of a few members. I am being critical of THESE SPECIFIC HUMAN BEINGS for their violent over-reactions, just as I would for members of any other faith who acted in a similar manner!

Edited by Wild Bill
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Burning the Koran could make some moderates move to the extremist camp. Then again it may not.

The pastor is scared because he needs to pack a gun while out in public. I will bet he calls the whole thing off a day before the burning will take place. He had his 15 minutes of fame .... next please.

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Why can't people stop being complete idiots?

Stop blowing up people in the name of radical loop-hole-filled bullsh*t (aka not Islam)

Stop trying to blow up more people in the name of radical loop-hole-filled bullsh*t (aka not Islam) in response to those wars

Stop being ignorant Islamophobes & doing stupid crap like burning Korans that does nothing but perpetuate this cycle of violence & hatred.

Why can't everyone just relax? All of the above has done hardly anything constructive vs being tremendously destructive. :rolleyes:

I think it is because Islam has been rather incapable of explaining to the non-Muslim world what the difference is between a "radical loop-hole-filled bullsh*it (aka not Islam)" and Islam. Once there is a clear delineation things will be a lot more relaxed, I'm sure.

The left seems a little offended by a book burning and there is no doubt it isn't helpful but it illustrates their hypocritical choices in intolerance. They will allow an American flag to be desecrated and a Bible to be burned as being freedom of expression. And I think their choice of support for the building of a Mosque at ground zero, if some radical loop-hole-filled bullsh*t (aka not Islam) decides to build one there or go on a killing rampage over a cartoon or the burning of a sacred book, is rather odd.

Would it help matters any if some radical loop-hole-filled bullsh*t (aka not Christianity) were going to have to go on a killing rampage if this line of thinking continues.

The eagerness to apologize to radicalism on any front is a recipe for disaster.

Edited by Pliny
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The left seems a little offended by a book burning and there is no doubt it isn't helpful but it illustrates their hypocritical choices in intolerance. They will allow an American flag to be desecrated and a Bible to be burned as being freedom of expression. And I think their choice of support for the building of a Mosque at ground zero, if some radical loop-hole-filled bullsh*t (aka not Islam) decides to build one there or go on a killing rampage over a cartoon or the burning of a sacred book, is rather odd.

I don't think the left (I might be part of the left) is offended at all about the book burning. Being an agnostic I should not care either way about the Koran, Bible or Torah and if they are burned. I and others, just don't think it's a wise idea. It does not promote anything good, and I would not want to see this pastor dead because of a bonehead move. If the pastor gets killed because of this, then some can use it and say 'SEE I TOLD YOU ISLAM WAS BAD'. Looks like he is setting himself up for a world of hurt.

If he goes ahead with the book burning, I kind of expect to see him in the obituaries within 6 months.

This is the stance many took who opposed the mosque, it just may not be a good idea, but it will happen regardless. The book burning and the gay bar are all in my view out of spite for the mosque, because they have been conditioned to believe that Islam=terrorism, or terrorism=Islam. And really look at it, it's not 9/11 that made the building available considering it has been abandoned since 1995 and has been looking for clients since then, so the damage to the building from the terror attacks is really inconsequential and should not really play into it. Sure emotions get in the way and this is why we see the resistance to the mosque.

We need to engage the moderates who don't want their religion hijacked. The koran burning will not facilitate this. It has the potential to make it worse. Not just for our troops overseas, but here at home.

Would it help matters any if some radical loop-hole-filled bullsh*t (aka not Christianity) were going to have to go on a killing rampage if this line of thinking continues.
The eagerness to apologize to radicalism on any front is a recipe for disaster.

Agreed, very true. However, many people wil support radicalism if it's done by their own people/government.

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I know you just want to lump them all into the same category. But that works for only a short while.

Maybe so, GH. Still, when someone says 'moderate Islam' they are also implying that violent Islamists are only a small percentage.

This is very much a moot point when the sheer size of some riots and violent Islamic reactions across the entire world shows that 'small percentage' is actually millions of people! For every suicide bomber there seems to be a hundred willing to actively support him and hundreds of thousands who at least approve!

Yes, not all Muslims are primitive fundamentalists, by any means. That being said, you can't solve a violence problem by pretending that only a tiny minority needs to be feared...

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Maybe so, GH. Still, when someone says 'moderate Islam' they are also implying that violent Islamists are only a small percentage.

This is very much a moot point when the sheer size of some riots and violent Islamic reactions across the entire world shows that 'small percentage' is actually millions of people! For every suicide bomber there seems to be a hundred willing to actively support him and hundreds of thousands who at least approve!

Yes, not all Muslims are primitive fundamentalists, by any means. That being said, you can't solve a violence problem by pretending that only a tiny minority needs to be feared...

But Bill, just because large numbers of people protest does not make them all radicals. Protest in a non-violent way is part of the system that lets people voice their discontent. Look for example at the NYC Mosque protests, large numbers of people coming out to protest against building the mosque. Some of them are bigots and muslim haters, but surely not all... there must be a few moderates among them ;)

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Maybe so, GH. Still, when someone says 'moderate Islam' they are also implying that violent Islamists are only a small percentage.

This is very much a moot point when the sheer size of some riots and violent Islamic reactions across the entire world shows that 'small percentage' is actually millions of people! For every suicide bomber there seems to be a hundred willing to actively support him and hundreds of thousands who at least approve!

Yes, not all Muslims are primitive fundamentalists, by any means. That being said, you can't solve a violence problem by pretending that only a tiny minority needs to be feared...

I see your point. ....

I am looking at it in a relative sort of fashion. Over a billion Muslims on the planet, that's over 1/7th of the global population. Sure we see issues, but overall it is a small number compared to the total number of followers. They are also more violent towards each other than they are to the west. The riots in places like Indonesia and the like are every day Muslims against other every day Muslims could be because of the sect of Islam they prefer to follow. so I don't see them other than.

Islam is just as divided as Christianity is really. There are as many factions in Islam as there are Christianity. To say that Islam and Muslims are one large cohesive entity that follow a certain style of Islam is being ignorant at best, and I think many people do just that. They have more problems with each other than they do with the west!

The invasion of Iraq taught me a few things about Islam I'd never known before. Sunni's against Shiites. But in terms of our media here in the west, it wants to demonize the whole religion and get us all to be on board with demonizing the whole religion, when it's really just a small portion of asshats wanting to do harm.

If burning the book shows you are not scared of them, then why is everyone so scared or repercussions?

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Agreed, very true. However, many people wil support radicalism if it's done by their own people/government.

You mean support like the left apologizes for radical loop-hole-filled bull sh*t (aka not Islam)?

My whole view of the situation is that Islam wishes to run the whole show and in Iran they have every right to do so.

In a land of religious freedom they must abandon any idea of using force and force must remain in the hands of the government of the land. They have no right to attack that land as they did in 2001.

they cannot justify it by saying the US is evil and western materialism is poisoning their land. Well, any skeptic will tell you that science pooh-poohs the idea of a God and this is the real threat to Islam - secular humanism.

Who is really stirring the pot here? Most people on this forum that support the building of the mosque at ground zero also condemn the Pastor burning the Qu'ran and are also left wing - they are also secular humanists. So what difference does it make to them and why are they so vociferously defending one religion's position over another? They appear to sympathize with Muslims despite the fact they have the same opinion of them as they do of Christians. They beat up on Christianity because they can. The Muslims will be allies in helping them beat up on and further the goal of demoralizing Christianity so they are a useful tool. They don't envision the time when radical loop-hole-filled bullsh*t (aka not Islam) will come after them. I think they misguidedly believe that reason will prevail. Laws, the encapsulation of force, however can and will override reason and Islam has it's set of laws. Reason does not prevail in the face of law.

Say goodbye to Christianity and you can say goodbye to secular humanism.

Allah Akbar

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Islam is just as divided as Christianity is really. There are as many factions in Islam as there are Christianity. To say that Islam and Muslims are one large cohesive entity that follow a certain style of Islam is being ignorant at best, and I think many people do just that. They have more problems with each other than they do with the west!

The invasion of Iraq taught me a few things about Islam I'd never known before. Sunni's against Shiites. But in terms of our media here in the west, it wants to demonize the whole religion and get us all to be on board with demonizing the whole religion, when it's really just a small portion of asshats wanting to do harm.

This is a good point. One the secular humanists know is a weakness of religions. As in my previous post where I said that the secular humanists are playing Islam against Christianity, and Christianity has definitely been neutered as regards the use of force, they will play the different factions of Islam against each other until they have neutered them as well and they can finally erode their influence.

In the eyes of the secular humanists they are illogical insanities and opiates of the masses. Ask why they defend Islam? In the interest of peace? Followers of the left honestly believe that it is in the interest of peace. It is really in the interest of destroying the opiate of the masses and establishing secular humanism as the monopolist drug.

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