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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/18/2024 in all areas

  1. I'm so sorry that hearing something you said like 5 minutes ago again is so emotionally traumatic for you Ohhh the memories. You ignored obvious evidence then and you're chewing someone out for ignoring obvious evidence now. Pretty straight forward.
    2 points
  2. But that isnt true: Joe Biden believes that his uncle may have been eaten by cannibals after his plane was “shot down” over Papua New Guinea during the Second World War. The US president’s theory is, however, contradicted by official war records of 2nd Lieut Ambrose J Finnegan’s death, which suggest that his aircraft suffered engine failure over the Pacific in 1944 and that he did not survive the crash. This is his personality, though. Joe has to make everything about him. When he walks into the room, he grew up with people just like the people in the room. Remember when he grew up on the black church, loved with Puerto Ricans, was jealous of all the people with Polish names, almost lost his house to fire as he told the Maui residents. It is always about him. Watch the video to see how out of touch with reality he is:
    1 point
  3. Someone should tell Herbie that his hero Carl Marx was pro-gun and a racist.
    1 point
  4. Has anyone proposed naming high schools in your honour or have admirers sent you their underwear? How is the Nobel committee coming along with your studies and datasets?
    1 point
  5. So what is the problem with stating simple obvious fact? You can do a simple web scrape and find that covid is not the number one story. Why? Who knows. Should it be? I do not care. However, I detect that your bias precludes you from acknowledging simple fact.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. Who whined like a little b1tch, and said "Make young people take the jab, make your kids take the jab, just to keep me safe!" Then who said "Forcing young people to take the jab - even though it injured thousands and even killed a bunch of them - was worth it, because I'm still here"? And we're "whining" about unnecessary injuries to kids? Go to hell. Straight to hell.
    1 point
  8. You're right. I surrender. Feel better now?
    1 point
  9. I'm just imagining all the beer I'll need to wash down my popcorn. I was lying. How did you miss that?
    1 point
  10. It is not an assertion.. it is simple verifiable fact. A calibrated thermometer is all you need and it matters not your views or opinions.
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. I am just pointing out obvious fact. If I was to walk outside my office in Carson City and tell you that the sky is blue and that the temp was 58 degrees Fahrenheit.. you would tell me that I have something against the sun, hot weather, etc.
    1 point
  13. another reason that folks have moved on.. their lives as of June 2022 were mostly back to normal (or pre-covid). When asked, most people only wanted life to return to normal. Well.. they got what they wanted so why keep rehashing it?
    1 point
  14. Gah. If only you had asked these questions of Trudeau before becoming such a super fan of woke. Polievre has said repeatedly he would reduce gov't size and control. Who knows? Maybe he's a secret totalitarian dictator, like the Turd turned out to be.
    1 point
  15. Yes - all thanks to your failed woke policies. And coming soon - climate change apathy, intolerance of immigrants, and homeless cities. well done Yeah. Imagine being upset that you've caused permanent harm to the poor, wiped out the middle class, reduced the quality of life of an entire generation, trashed the environment and made canada a laughing stock. Pffft - what a nothing burger. when conservaties win - everyone wins. When you guys win - everyone suffers. Except the rich who can move their assets. Like trudeau.
    1 point
  16. Emissions are up...jabs are down...economic disparity is increasing... And you people still whine like babies. It's phenomenal really.
    1 point
  17. That would still be a change in opinoin This has been explained to you. We didn't "win". We lost - and you got your chances to do things your way. It failed. You failed. Wokeism has failed. And now people see that your ideas lead to poverty and sickness. So they're joining our side in buckets. We didn't win - you just failed and failed hard. There's a difference
    1 point
  18. Well take your flinstones vitamins and drink your milk. It's a long shot but maybe it'll help.
    1 point
  19. As for why fewer are getting the vaccine.. simple recency bias. It is no longer the first story on the news.. not even close. Those who were going to get it.. have already done so. There is no data to suggest that we are going to see an uptick in the number of cases (especially as we hit the summer) so there is no urgency. Technically, both my wife and I could get boosters but we are not going to. Why? There is no urgency. It is not a matter of anyone doubting its efficacy. Simple do not need it.
    1 point
  20. Just like how so many folk don't play a sport or go to the gym as soon as highschool is over. It's not because they think exercise is bad. It's because they're lazy. 🙃
    1 point
  21. Nope. That's not my claim at all. My claim is that it's possible to believe something is a good idea, but that people still might not do them for all sorts of reasons. You probably believe that exercise is a good idea, but you still spend 16 hours a day glued to your chair arguing on the internet. Get it? 🤡 Once again, you're just arguing with yourself.
    1 point
  22. Hence why I never was on either bandwagon. Full of folks that I should listen to because they were talking. Supposed to trust them because they are adamant, outspoken, and passionate. Honestly, the louder someone barks.. the less I trust them. As for choice.. we did have it in the US. The mandate at my job was not absolute. If I had opted to not get the vax.. all that would have happened is that i would have to get tested once every friday (or about 22 times in total). Even then, I could have said no to the whole thing and just filled out some paperwork which would have eventually became obsolete.
    1 point
  23. This is an entirely disingenuous reply--and you know it. Anyone who knows what "fair use doctrine" is surely knows that quoting lines or passages from an article as supporting evidence is in no way a quotation of "entire articles" nor are there any copyright implications. 🙄 Blatantly false. Domestic violence and gang violence were both accepted conditions for asylum prior to Trump. The Trump administration changed that policy. The Biden administration just changed it back. They didn't "expand the definition" they just put it back where it was before Trump changed the policy. It's fine for you to hold the opinion that asylum should only be for political refugees, but that is not the law. The reason that these things are being decided on a policy basis by each administration is because the law as written is not explicit, and when that is the case the executive branch is empowered to make those decisions. So, again, the idea that Mayorkas isn't enforcing the law is pure political nonsense.
    1 point
  24. Well truth be told most people just assume politicians make up stupid lies. What he'll be judged on is his performance. Whcih makes the aforementioned bullshit story seem pretty good by comparison
    1 point
  25. How can anyone vote for this mess? Brandon always was a liar but this...this is just stupid.
    1 point
  26. You proved i didn't make it up when you couldn't refute it. You went on for pages refusing to clarify what you actually said You did say it and you spent pages refusing to refute it or clarify it. I get it - i'd be ashamed to admit it too if i said half the stuff you do And once again your stupidity is somehow my fault in your mind But the real interesting thing here is you can't post a single example of the effect of carbon taxes being exaggerated at all. So at the end of the day - despite your hissy fits, despite your lies, despite your desperate and sad attempt to change the channel... ... the carbon tax drives up inflation, makes everything more expensive and you can't come up with a single example of PP or the right exaggerating how bad it is. It has to go - it's another one of your failed leftie social experiments.
    1 point
  27. Nope. That's just you making up what you want to argue against...again! Too dumb to argue against anyone else, CdnFox can only argue against himself! Who will win? CdnFox, "Loser of the Year" or CdnFox "Fullretard strawman"? Even odds, I'd say.
    1 point
  28. That stark reality is something worth avoiding I think. Hence my point. Rolling the dice can be costly and there are better options than signing a waiver and stepping onto the mats IMO. It's not just chud-like whining over covid either, covid is a symptom of wider malaise. Over time, backlash usually happens and it usually goes too far. It's the appetite for such things that always surprises me though, too many foreign vacations maybe, I keep hoping for a different outcome.
    1 point
  29. Vox should stick to making amplifiers.
    1 point
  30. 1. No, the real evidence is Biden's f*ckups and complete uselessness. Don't be a dumbf*ck. 2. It's FOX you braindead cultist. Fox News. Learn it, Love it, Live it. 3. You'd be voting in a corpse, but that doesn't mean shit in the liberal hivemind.
    1 point
  31. A. Please cite the relevant portion of material you are trying to cite. Naked links are lazy, and almost always used, as in this case, to create the appearance of evidence without any substance. Sure enough, if you had read your own citation you'd see that the Biden administration didn't "expand the definition of asylum." They reversed Trump era policy opinions: " In June 2021, the Justice Department revoked the legal opinions that had disqualified migrants fleeing domestic or gang violence from asylum, and said those cases would be governed by the rules Mr. Biden ordered to define "particular social group." To be clear this doesn't even mean ungoverned, but simply through a different process. Meanwhile... B. Because, again, if you had read your citation (even just the headline!) you'd see that it undermines the larger point you are making. "After promising to expand asylum, Biden moves to limit access amid record border arrivals." It's literally and article about Biden limiting asylum access. C. None of this is relevant AT ALL because none of it has nothing to do with Mayorkas. Mayorkas didn't set this policy--that would be the POTUS and the AG. And even if he had, it would not be a case of "flat out ignored the requirement to secure the border" or "the government not following its own laws. Policy and legal opinion change--as they changed under Trump--but that's not ignoring the law. And at the root level that's why this impeachment was just asinine. Mayorkas is "guilty" of enforcing the laws and policies of the administration. Exactly as every other cabinet member in history. What did Nielsen do under Trump? Oh, yeah, the exact same thing. She enforced the policy of the administration. That's the job. What you're actually supporting here is the idea that every cabinet member can--and should--be impeached by the minority party simply for doing the job of a cabinet member in terms of executing administration policy. Literally, every single one, for every POTUS would be guilty of the same. It's a silly position.
    1 point
  32. Yeah...no one was talking about small areas. The atmosphere is the whole thing. Not some little subsect. But I see who you are now. You are someone that doesn't have a grip on reality and will do or say anything to hold onto this liberal fantasy world you "live" in.
    1 point
  33. Only double? Did your credit card rate change or something? maybe the chip is wearing out, any decent credit card should triple the value of a home regularly so i'm told
    1 point
  34. Nope. Barely made double on the last one. Had to pay tax on that too! Yew shud lurn how,,,
    1 point
  35. What is that, like, four sleepless nights i've had because of you lately? Yeah that's what you'd call a seller's market i think
    1 point
  36. Fine. You get "Married to Hillary" then 😂. Sex with Paula Jones for $850K makes way more sense all of a sudden.
    1 point
  37. Good ol' part-time jobs and public-sector jobs to the rescue. Somehow the Dems just haven't gotten the recipe for 'spending their way to wealth' right just yet.
    1 point
  38. 78.1000003 % you mean, you fraudster!!!!! LOL well good luck getting him to see that.
    1 point
  39. That's because it echos so much in that empty head. And the polls and prevailing attitudes suggest that your echo chamber has been exposed as nonsense to the general public, Even the kids are leaving the ndp at this point. You and your kind had a chance to do all the good social experiments, UBI with cerb, Taxing the rich, very high immigration, gov't laws pushing trans and gay issues, safe supply, etc etc. It's all gone to shit. You failed. Badly, Everywhere. So i get why you're bitter. But its time to start accepting facts and truth and living your life better
    1 point
  40. Funny then how FOX News is running two extra channels on the trial and on each.one the Collections Plates are prominent in every paragraph where sneakers, pillows, towels and Trump stamped bibles .
    1 point
  41. For sure - but the problem they run into is that they pretend they're lilly white clean. And when you wear a white shirt and get mud all over you it's pretty obvious. Trump makes no such claims. And people expect him to be a bit of a muddy person. So when he gets mud on him everyone's like 'meh.' the dems think they can win throwing mud at trump - but they just get themselves dirty and it doesn't make trump look worse.
    1 point
  42. This impeachment was absolutely a farcical political stunt. Literally no meat on the bone. It shouldn't have happened, but given the fact that it did, I'm not sure dismissal is any better for the country. As is often the case, the damage will be due later. The Republicans have established impeachment as a political stunt rather than a constitutional remedy for real problems. In response, the Democrats have established summary dismissal of impeachment along party lines. So where does that leave impeachment as a tool the next time something real comes along? The next time someone like Trump tries to extort foreign leaders for political campaign assistance?
    1 point
  43. Yes. But that's not illegal. Writing off actual hookers like hunter biden did is over the top but hush money is a legit expense. He was. Does our commie loving resident hypocrite think he can convince anyone by deflecting ? From a point of view of moral behavior the clintons were worse by a hair - both of them knew about it and participated in the hush money - but it's not illegal. So yes - it does address the issue of the dems claiming it's a moral issue. From a legal issue point of view if they can show that he woudlnt' have done it if it weren't for the election then he may get slapped for campaign finance violations. Just like hillary did when she tried to hide the money that was used to buy the steel dossier LOL
    1 point
  44. No he didn't. You're understating it. We didn't win anything. So you're completely wrong - as usual. We didn't even try really - we simply told you what would happen and then let you do as you wished because you said you had this. You failed. This isn't "wining' or "losing" - you decided that rather than be serious about the issue you'd play stupid woke games and run social eperiments and they failed. As predicted. There was no way it COULD work without making everyone broke. Anyone with a brain realized this early on - its only people who are woke or wish to be seen as woke who said otherwise. You had the chance to do something about it. You failed. You failed knowing that what you were doing was simply a joke. If the climate becomes disasterous - it was your fault. You had the freedoms to do whatever you wanted. You chose carbon tax and fuel surcharges as your be all solution and freaked when anyone said otherwise. This is on you. Personally you as well. Something to keep in mind next time you look at your grandkids. And something to keep in mind next time we tell you something won't work.
    1 point
  45. The red flags, that no one wants to talk about, in this month's job report are that the big gains were not in areas that indicate economic growth. Three of top gainers were health care, government and social services. Health care is growing because the baby boomers are aging and needing more care. Government and social services growth were mandated. Combined, that was 165,000 of the 303,000 jobs added. The growth sectors like retail and manufacturing remained flat after losing last month. https://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.nr0.htm All this great economic news is a house of cards that will collapse soon.
    1 point
  46. I didn't say no scientists believe in creation, I said there's no such thing as a creation scientist. Lots of people believe in lots of ridiculous things Show me anyone with a degree in young earth creation. You can't
    1 point
  47. I don't find myself on the left side, no. Conservatives welcome opinions, and value debate. They don't talk about mindsets as filth, that's a fascist idea.
    1 point
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