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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/20/2023 in Posts

  1. Taking a leaky vaccine for a joyride, actually has entirely predictable results. Which is why the top virologists, epidemiologists and immunologists of the world....needed to be silenced. They were right from the beginning.
    2 points
  2. You dismiss the values of millions of people in this, doing exactly what the very problem is that creates irreparable division. "We are the future, forget the past, they're just old".
    2 points
  3. I just posted this in the trickle thread. It took 2 years for them to admit they were never tested for transmission. They are only now admitting that natural immunity is stronger. How long do you think it will take before they admit they were never tested for safety or efficacy either?
    1 point
  4. Yes you heard that right... they had to sign NDAs on the vaccine negotiations because the vaccine didn't go thru normal testing lol.
    1 point
  5. But, but, but... I thought that every single scientist in the entire world agreed that the vaccine was practically perfect in every way, right after they all agreed that Trudeau's private jet doesn't cause global warming because he buys carbon offsets.... ? TBH it's scary how thoroughly they blocked any form of dissent from the scientific community. Same with global warming. We should rename this continent North Dystopia.
    1 point
  6. I think a wall would work at Roxham Road. That and if the RCMP officers were there to keep people from breaching the wall instead of just being there to help people carry heavy luggage across that ditch.
    1 point
  7. They also are at least 3X MORE likely to get re-infected repeatedly with covid, than unvaxxed people. It's messing with people's immune systems by producing the wrong antibodies. I've posted all the studies and data from countries al over the world that show this. It's not even up for debate anymore. Anyone who disagrees is not following the science. They're following the propaganda.
    1 point
  8. If that was so, we would not have any politicians LOL For sure, that is a plus side
    1 point
  9. If you wanna see a perfect example of why I say that Health Canada and their flunkies only like to peddle disinformation, go here: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1257040/number-covid-deaths-canada-by-vaccination-status/ Below their chart you'll see this: When that John Elfein guy says "fully vaccinated" he's only referring to people who got two doses and stopped there. That is to say, he's actually excluding people who went on to get 3 or 4 vaxes, but it doesn't actually sound like it from his intentionally misleading wording. I know because I used the number of deaths from the 2x-vaxed column as the nominator and the total number of covid deaths from all of the columns (including old data from earlier charts which had the number of "vaxed but not yet protected" and "single-vaxed" on them) as the denominator and came up with their 16.8% figure. So he's only using some of the vaxed people for his calculation, leaving out the majority of them, and creating the impression that he's using all the multi-vaxed. It's pure disinformation, and I emailed Statista to tell them about it several times, all that happened is Health Canada stopped posting the data entirely. His lie has been there for about 8 months now, probably more. I don't know when he put that there because I just grabbed the data without reading the accompanying propaganda. And fwiw, who do you think those "stayed-at-2x-vaxed-permanently" people are???? They're almost exclusively people who took the two shots and stopped there because they were 1) forced to do it or 2) they didn't really feel like they needed it - i.e. healthy young people.
    1 point
  10. And I suspect you'd be standing by the road whistling and cheering them on while informing on those who opposed them. Quisling.
    1 point
  11. Our PM sure made it sound like our border was open. - Trudeau’s viral tweet – sent out shortly after Donald Trump moved to ban travellers from several Muslim-majority countries last January – read: “To those fleeing persecution, terror & war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith. Diversity is our strength #WelcomeToCanada.” He had to recant this open invitation six months later, after a lot of damage was done. “Our system now is in shambles, and I think a lot of this has to do with the messaging — the inconsistent messaging — that has been coming out of Justin Trudeau’s personal communication shop,” said MP Michelle Rempel, It's unsafe for the migrants, too if all we can offer them and their families when they come here is to live in a ghetto. You better join the gang, little homie.
    1 point
  12. A-historic types are the greatest threat to a civilization. Leftism, in particular communism requires that past history be re-written, since the truth is their enemy. Therefore keeping people ignorant of the past is a hallmark of the left. As we see right here, with these fellows...
    1 point
  13. Right, because democracy means doing what's in the bible right? What claptrap this is...
    1 point
  14. Your point is a natural reaction and a good point on the surface of it. But this is where you have to dig deeper and have some understanding of God's perspective as revealed in Holy Scripture. First, don't forget God is omnipotent, that is, all powerful. Therefore of course, if he had wanted to, he could have created a world of robots. Such a world could have been a perfect paradise with no evil, no wars, no crime, no corruption, and no illness and where all robotic beings could live forever. How would that suit you? But that was not his choice. Instead he chose to create our first parents, Adam and Eve, in the garden of Eden, a paradise. But they were not robots. God created them with free will, the choice to follow God or to disobey God and rebel against him. They were told they could eat of any tree except one tree. Then the serpent came along and tempted Eve with his words. Eve succumbed to the temptation and ate of the forbidden fruit and gave some to Adam, and he also ate of it. As a result, they became fallen human beings and as our first parents representing mankind, their fallen corrupt nature was passed on and inherited by all their descendants including us today. God sees that man was a fallen, lost being, but because of his love for man, he sent his Son to die on a cross for the sins of mankind. That was an expiation for sin or atonement. This atonement was to redeem those who believe in his Son, Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. You say what was the point of it all? The point is man caused the corrupt and evil world by rebelling against God. In God's view justice was served. God created man in his own image and mankind and all of creation belongs to him. Therefore, we must accept God's purposes are his prerogative. We do not get to decide how the world should be. We are the fallen people who share in the consequences for the fall of man. It is important to get an understanding of man's place in God's universe. People often think of God as some distant unknown person and somehow think he has no authority of them. This is where the error comes in. People do not recognize they are merely created beings and God is our omnipotent Creator. We must first, at least at a bare minimum, understand who God is and our own place in the universe as being created out of the dust of the earth and totally dependent on our Creator. God could have created a world without all the social problems, wars, slavery, and everything else, but that is not what God chose. He gave man free will and man chose to rebel. That is why the world is what it is. The Holy Scriptures tell us what the solution is. It is not a revolution or political solution. It is a rebirth of individuals one at a time and a personal relationship with God through his Son. That would seem to fit in with the concept of free will or personal choice. That was God's decision. Make any sense?
    1 point
  15. You were wrong in fact, but perhaps less so in substance. And certainly in comparison. The Russian interference in both elections was found to be fairly minor and generalized. It is widely agreed by neutral sources that it had little impact and what impact it might have had would likely have been to push people in directions they were already going. For example: https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/how-much-did-russian-interference-affect-the-2016-election/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/01/09/russian-trolls-twitter-had-little-influence-2016-voters/ In short, the 'interference' was things like POSSIBLY orchastrating the timing of the wikileaks documents. But - those were REAL documents, the info was real. Russians frequently reinforced negative impressions of Clinton and strongly promoted them, but they were based in real things the Clintons had done or were accused of. And the effect was minimal. They did it in a broad way rather than a particularly targeted way and while it certainly will have had some effect it almost certainly made no difference in the election In the Canadian case, the Chinese out and out lied to Canadian Chinese voters and spread disinformation in a very organized fashion targeting vulnerable ridings. And according to the CSIS reports, they were successful in turning a few ridings with their efforts - in other words there are more liberal seats and fewer CPC seats right now directly because of their efforts. The Richmond riding in greater vancouver is an example. So - it would be relatively accurate to say the Russians did not interfere effectively in US campaigns while the Chinese absolutely did in Canadian ones.
    1 point
  16. Their Trump Derangement Syndrome has not been cured yet. Trump is like the boogy-man in their closet. They go to bed at night, praying on their knees, please gawd don't let him come out...
    1 point
  17. Some days it's like shootin fish in a barrel. Most days, actually.
    1 point
  18. They might be hijacked by a foreign influence that seeks to make us attack one another.
    1 point
  19. No it didn’t. The Bible is about liberation and human rights. Your ignorance is staggering. What do you think society was like for people who weren’t Roman citizens in the time of Herod? What about for the slaves under Pharaoh during the time of Moses? You don’t understand the origins of your rights. Christianity was a liberating force for women and minorities because it emphasized that all humans are created equally and in the image of God.
    1 point
  20. Between Zeitgeist, Treebeard, and yourself there's great potential for a sharing of perspectives. Your views on the emerging generation would likely be shared by them, since they inherit an economy that has decided they shouldn't be paid enough to live. That alone will ensure that the future is tied to reality. As for passing on the values of the doomed boomers... the doomers.... sure focus on that. My grandparents used to do jigsaw puzzles in the home, so writing posts to the young to appreciate the value of the bible is probably as useful as that. We owe our society to a lot of things, but especially adapting to changes such as the decline of religion, the ascendant French and American philosophy around governance, the influence of the Chicago school, liberation theology, and media media media. We do have more of a culture of discourse than we realize in Canada, and that will help us.
    1 point
  21. Is the new Liberal destroying western civilization? Can anyone point to a single thing they've done that's resulted in a positive outcome for society? When will they be happy? When Trump dies? When Europe is at war? When the USA is no longer a sovereign nation? The world is splitting in two. A real war is being fomented. I would plead with Liberals to take honest stock of this Great Reset. But I know that won't happen. When the dust settles, a very few will have power over everyone left. And in cafes all across the western world, broken survivors of this Great Reset will be heard saying... "But how were we supposed to know this would happen?"
    1 point
  22. Yes. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/washington-secrets/new-border-wall-blocks-90-of-illegal-crossings-up-from-just-10 Thanks for playing...
    1 point
  23. Sure. Just one page back on default. "The FBI had Hunter's laptop in their possession for 11 months before they released a statement in Oct 2020, one month before the presidential election, saying that the laptop story was Russian disinformation. They knew for a fact that it was not Russian D because, like I said, they had it for almost a year themselves. So they LIED."
    1 point
  24. As I heard it the wall was just going to be the first line of defense. When finished there were going to be censors, drones, added checkpoints and quick access to any point along the wall. The Israel/Palestine wall is at points just a fence but you really don't want to hop that section of fence.
    1 point
  25. I've very little doubt the main distinction for you is that it was the Liberals doing the cuts, and therefore bad, because Liberalism is bad. I'd love to hear your explanation otherwise though. That's what I have been doing, but you characterize that as "dragging you through the dirt". ?
    1 point
  26. You think? Nooo...you say what you're told to say. Walls, fences, baracades of all sorts...work.! Don't like what it costs? Explain that to all the parents of dead kids.
    1 point
  27. I think their is more to being a fiscal conservative than slashing everything to the bone, and doing just as much damage as he did good. Reducing deficits is but one bullet point in that definition. Then do so, but i think your more about dragging me through the dirt than challenging my argument. Do you like or accept when people go out of their way to lie, deceive every chance they get, or do you brush it off, accepting it as normal behavior...and regardless of what your chose is, where did that become learned behavior...was it at home, school, at work, or past political experiences...Did your parent think it was OK for you to lie to them? So why is it OK for our nations leader the highest office in the land , why is it acceptable for him and his party to do so? do you except that behavior off of co workers, employees...So ya for the most part i stand behind everything i wrote about liberals and liberal voters...It shows a huge lack of leadership, trust worthiness, honor, integrity, tradition, Look , here is the problem this is not some paper i passed in to be marked, you can comment all you want, but i would prefer you stay on the topic, instead of me . you either agree with it or you don't and counter it is really that easy.
    1 point
  28. You claimed that the FBI released a statement assessing the laptop story as Russian disinformation. That claim is false. Now, post after post, you continue digging deeper. You won't correct your misinformation or admit any mistake. You are now lying, blatantly, obviously, in front of everyone without remorse. Hence, you are hypocrite and a shameless liar. And a two-bit hack to boot. Why would anyone care about your speculation and conspiracy theories when you outright refuse to be honest about the basic facts of the matter? Probably some more name calling will help next time. Any minute now people will forget that you are shamelessly lying to us. Probably the next post, or the one after that, or the one...
    1 point
  29. It is, because in the long run it costs more to detain and process millions of people. And I mean millions. What's $1,000 times a million Barbie? Do I need to tell you?
    1 point
  30. Wow, a lot more words without you admitting to your lie. Lying while complained about lying? I think there's a name for that... I don't see any point in discussing deeper issues when you can't even be honest about the basic facts that you've misrepresented. But keep posting paragraphs. Maybe we'll forget. I'm sure it's working.
    1 point
  31. Yes, apparently you have no shame. You just called me a manipulator, you though I was wrong about covid deaths, so I provided you an article from the Star and a chart with our own gov''t's stats on it, showing that I was 100% correct. Instead of apologizing for incorrectly insinuating that I'm a liar, you're here running your mouth again. You owe me an apology Contrarian. Man up for once.
    1 point
  32. Boy, that's a lot of words to *still* not admit that you were FOS when you claimed that the FBI issued a statement calling the laptop Russian disinformation. More lies from WestCanMan. Demonstrably untrustworthy.
    1 point
  33. I might say the same to you. But I don't need to. The people I'm talking to are already open to the rational and obvious. I'll give you some examples. The problem with say, "Equity, diversity, and inclusion" is that it requires control. The decision on what is equal, diverse and inclusive must come from an authority above. They'll need power above the populace to enforce it. They need authority to say, equify (my word, spelling Nazis) and include a new diversity by say opening the border to let 7 million invaders enrich their new society. That is not equal opportunity. It is not choice for American citizens. It is enforced equity of outcome. Here's another one: The people I'm talking to (sometimes called the silent majority) don't need data to know Rachel Levine and Sam Brinton are ostensibly abnormal. The American Constitution allows Sam and Rachel to be weird, so that's OK to the average guy or gal. However, if you tell these average people you're going to stuff these weirdos into positions of authority and that openly appears to be based on nothing more than not just normalizing their weirdness but by prioritizing it the average person immediately rejects that. Inductive reasoning tells them that is a bad hiring practice and suggests no good can come of it. Some of us wonder why such a ludicrous thing would even be proposed, much less enacted. Deductive reasoning tells us the most likely answer when you consider the overwhelming evidence of not just this but similar nutty policies would be a strategy coming from somewhere that some sort of hopeful PTB force wishes to tear down 'what is' followed by the mistaken belief they can "build back better."
    1 point
  34. It is a conspiracy and it's larger than just the courts. It's in education, religion, technology, media anywhere administrative structure can be invaded and hijacked by a pernicious ideology. The evidence is available to the eyes. It is is openly available to anybody who wants to look around and consider it. We used to call it cultural Marxism but others such as Globalists seem to have adopted its strategies. If your ideological mindset doesn't allow you to observe the obvious then no, you won't see it and you're trained to cry conspiracy against those who do. As far as the blatantly, sore thumb, obvious election thefts from Arizona candidates including Kari Lake you don't have a clue what you're talking about. Don't feel bad. I've seen your media. You can't be expected to. And "denialism" is just the new term for heresy against the new "Progressive" religion.
    1 point
  35. Is it easier to 1) walk across an open space 10km wide with 700,000 people or 2) cut a hole through 1/4 steel big enough to walk through?
    1 point
  36. You are objectively worthless. Every post you make is full of lies and misinformation and everyone is worse off for having read them. No need to see them anymore. Ignored.
    1 point
  37. The president's fake news network knew he was FOS and laughed about it off camera. His cases were laughed out of court about 60 times--sometimes almost literally. The most MAGA friendly SCOTUS ever didn't even think the cases were worth hearing. He never produced even a shred of evidence of any kind. And still you believe, lol. Might want to have those senses recalibrated.
    1 point
  38. Well by your definition the government are terrorists because they intimidated churches, clergymen, small business owners, and individuals.
    1 point
  39. I think the government is highly competent in being corrupt self-serving careerist a-holes who care about their own jobs more than their country. Soldiers risk their lives and mental health for their country. Politicians won't even risk their jobs for the good of their country.
    1 point
  40. A precedent has been set. Rouleau justified the use of the Emergencies Act, not because the Freedom Convoy was a threat, but because the government failed in their duties at all levels. Government Incompetence is now the threshold for suspending Civil Liberties in Canada. It means the government can screw up so badly that it incites anger nationwide & the precedent now is that it gives them power to take your rights away, when they lose control of a situation of their own making. We haven't seen the last of its use. I found the report quite contradictory in many places. Just one example, Trudeau said he couldn't meet with the protesters because there was no defined "leader" of the group. Then arrested Tamara Lich for being the leader of the group. The report was exactly what everyone said it would be and expected it to be, given Rouleau is a long-time fundraiser for the Liberal party and Trudeau's uncle, by marriage. This will be going to court in April (?I think? need to double-check). Rouleau was not mandated to determine legality. That's the court's job.
    1 point
  41. In rural places, cows tell people who to vote for. In urban places, avocados tell people who to vote for. Flora vs fauna, the age old battle for supremacy. I fully believe in this conspiracy theory, and you should too.
    1 point
  42. Anyone with ties to the CCP at this point should be removed from the country. If you're a naturalized Canadian citizen and you break your legal oath of citizenship and your allegiance to the Queen (and her heirs/successors) you should have your citizenship revoked and be deported. Bye. If you're a politician who breaks their oath you should be punished to the full extend of the law. The CCP is right to want the Liberals re-elected, they're a bunch of corrupt wusses and soft on security.
    1 point
  43. Fox was worried they would lose their viewers to competitors after they honestly reported that Trump lost AZ. So they switched to even STRONGER service to what their viewers wanted to hear instead of the the truth.
    1 point
  44. If Canada can't control who comes across its borders then it has no sovereignty. If international agreements prevent you from enacting policies you want in order to protect your border then back out of the agreements. If you're a legit refugee then present yourself at an official border port of entry and make a refugee claim like everyone else. You'll be given a health card and a work visa. If you're not a legit refugee claimant you shouldn't be admitted into the country. If you're coming from a safe 3rd country you should not be admitted into Canada until your claim is processed and approved, which it won't be because the refugee laws say you're not allowed to "refugee shop" and keep bouncing from western country to western country every time your claims are rejected looking to get lucky and for someone to slip up and accept you because of your bogus claim.
    1 point
  45. The left has been the bane of our species existence since we stopped being tree dwellers. In fact it's likely the left were the first to leave just to get away from the screeching feces hurling conservative monkeys above. The nuns used to hit my wife's left hand with a stick and tie it behind her back if they caught her using it. That's the best example I can think of for staying away from conservatives, especially the religious ones - a scab on humanities ass if there ever was one.
    1 point
  46. "Equality" does not mean LGBTQ+ dictating over Christians. Degenerates will either have to give religion its space or they may start a war. You don't want to start a war, do you? Best, Deluge.
    0 points
  47. LGBTQ+ wants full compliance and that ain't happening. Best, Deluge
    0 points
  48. It IS necessary. Look, I get that a stunted pervert like you doesn't get eternal progression, but there is no way we could have progressed until Adam and Eve bit into that apple. What else would you like me teach you? Best, Deluge.
    0 points
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