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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/18/2022 in Posts

  1. 2 points
  2. Don’t you find it ironic that people accept a billionaire who was born into obscene wealth, who flies a private jet, lives in a skyscraper that has his name on the side, dates prostitutes and trades in supermodel gold-digging wife for another… a “populist”? He’s not the solution to the rule of the elites, he IS the elite. And a disgusting one at that.
    2 points
  3. I'm like the bellweather. Consider me part of the control group. If I die, you can draw your own conclusions. But if I live and you die, then likewise. Because I reject the poison of the industrialized technology that came out of the studies done by Bayer I.G. Farben. If you know history you'll understand that untested vaccines are very risky to take. Other medications touted as miracle drugs for what ails ya turned out to be harmful as well. These noxious potions pumped out by mad chemists are not natural. But then again, neither was the coronavirus, so that's the trouble you sciencey aholes (not you) have put us in. Remember when the government and health authorities completely denied that Astrazeneca was responsible for the sudden rise in myocarditis. They didn't pull it off the market here in Canada, despite there being reports, until other countries did it first. For a few weeks the health authorititties were still shouting their vaccine mantra. "Get it anyway! The risk is low! " And so on. That's the level of hiding and incompetence that goes with big government. It's only one example of their bungling, confusion in messaging, not to mention what's happening now with these outbreaks. This is not health care. These people are not competent health authorities, because of what's happened for which they are 100% to blame. Same goes for the dofo's in government, whom are holding back money desperately needed to fix health care. They don't have the guts to do what's truly needed, and that is to fire the whole lot of these medical board members, advisory committees and the so-called Masters of Business Adminstration who run our hospital finances. Away, away with all of them. Let's get some new people in who are competent and ready to try some new ideas.
    2 points
  4. First off, you have my respect for being a substitute teacher. It's an honorable career. Second, I'm glad your not teaching my kids because anyone who thinks Ron is of sound mind obviously has issues far above and beyond being dissed for your career choices. Ron lied to migrants whilst spending taxpayer funds, to send migrants to Martha's vineyard by private jet. All as a political stunt because he knew he'd pull political points from his constituents because they are every bit the callus and cold hearted pieces of shite that he is
    2 points
  5. It's starting to look like all your comments are either all parroted alt-right garbage or meaningless.
    2 points
  6. Exactly.. now its about woke ideology and firing people or insulting people who don't buy in to their vileness
    2 points
  7. That would make sense with snake bites, but everyone was exposed to covid. Whether or not they got infected, or sick, depends a lot on their natural or vax-induced immunity. That's a major part of the equation which you are trying to ignore. The population of Canada was exposed in 2020, 2021, and 2022. What happened once 85% of us vaxed? Did it get us to herd immunity? Did deaths go down? Remember, herd immunity and "you won't get infected" were both on the bill of sale. We locked down, masked up, stayed out of restaurants, forced young people to vax, and what did it get us, Hodad? What good did the vax do for the people who got it? Bottom line: 85.7% of covid deaths came from the multi-jabbed. Covid deaths in our country weren't affected by mass-jabbinations. Stop trying to define vaccine efficacy by someone's arbitrary definition of "how many cases there were per death", we count noses and toe tags. Everything else is trivia, and everything that comes from a lab is suspect nowadays.
    2 points
  8. Ya, streets are paved in gold here, f***king money grows on trees and fly's out everyone's ass.I have to walk to work in 4 feet of 100-dollar bills , it's a nightmare... I was born in Calgary, lived in Edmonton for years so don't cry me a river on how bad you got it, and how good i got it because you do without. Average wage here is 36,000 dollars not much to masturbate over is it.
    2 points
  9. First Elon overpays for Twitter. Then, his sophomoric attempt's at monetizing it fail. And now, realizing he fired all those needed to remain in compliance with FTC regulations, he attempts to rehire those he so callously fired. What a grand clusterf**k Elon has orchestrated. Is bankruptcy next? https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/elon-musk-memo-twitter-workers-means-ftc-troubles-rcna57046&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwiH1fqZj7j7AhUuKEQIHX_cCjYQFnoECAgQAg&usg=AOvVaw2M8ev2mx_97UZbqLvKvyzj
    1 point
  10. These words will be forgotten tomorrow, already being condemned by irrelevant woke crowd who somehow think this man's opinions are an embarrassment to this nation. it makes me ill sometimes to think how far a great instruction like our Military has fallen to the state it is in today, be it our equipment status, our manning status, how many Soldiers, sailors, and air force members are leaving in droves, not all the people they are attracting now are up to the standards required to defend this nation, or close with and destroy our enemies. It seems the left has or is in mid step in destroying or dismantling our security apparatus, through cuts to budgets, manpower, and equipment, and the Canadian people are fine with that, most even clap at the job being down. in exchange for other programs like dental care or childcare where in a few years will also be under funded, when are we going to learn, are we even smart enough to learn these lessons. I think it is the new generations who do not care what they can do for the country, instead have their hands out waiting for the next social program, it's all about me, and F*ck the country, i pay my taxes, they owe me. I know it is hard for them to hear the country owes you nothing. we expect a few things from our country, good health care, every province and the Federal government has failed us, same as education, justice , every governmental department , defense of the nation, policing, fire all of it are under manned or underfunded, and we Canadians think that is normal, shit we even called for cutting funded to our police forces the men and women who do great things every day to keep us safe, with what little support they have. 'Making Canada better': An excerpt from the anti-woke speech by a general that caused an uproar (msn.com) There are many other media outlets that have covered the topic, but the leftist slant is almost to much.
    1 point
  11. Youch. Good luck with that appeal, dude. lol -- This is how Trump "drained the swamp," by pardoning his crooks and cronies. There has never been a more corrupt administration. He makes Nixon look like a boy scout.
    1 point
  12. Americans are savages. Most of my countrymen know nothing about the magic that is Tim Hortons. But there's no better way to fuel a mid-winter trip up the ALCAN than hot soup and sandwiches at every stop.
    1 point
  13. Yeah, that's way off from the facts with which most of us are familiar. We're going to need a link for a big claim like that. Preferably something reputable. I suspect that you're drinking the Kool-aid without asking what's in it, but I'm open to new information. Background reading
    1 point
  14. Supporting an ideology does not mean giving up all critical thought, hero-worshipping it's leaders or threatening extreme payback on the people who support different ideologies. That's immaturity of thought.
    1 point
  15. Musk is clearly a narcissist and megalomaniac. The kind of guy at whom it's hard not to chuckle when they trip over their own inflated sense of self and take a tumble. Still, schadenfreude aside, it's hard to wrap one's head around just how epic this comeuppance is. It's absolutely going to be a chapter in every business textbook in the coming years, and maybe psychology textbooks too. I've never liked Twitter either and indeed he may be doing us a favor and killing two birds with one stone--both the little blue bird and the strutting peacock.
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. No, you racist fool, FDR didn’t lock up Asians. Japanese-Americans were locked up. Not Chinese, or Filipinos, or Thais. Japanese. And only in California. The Governor of Hawaii didn’t lock up Japanese, only the Governor of California. You don’t even know the difference between different Asian groups. So a small subset of Asian Americans were incarcerated for about four years in one state, and you’re asking why it didn’t prevent all Asians from excelling throughout society?
    1 point
  18. Stop calling desperate migrants animals. You are disgusting. Dehumanizing others as an excuse for poor treatment reveals who among us is truly the least human. And transporting minors (or anyone, for that matter) to qualified detention facilities in other states (rather than just leaving the burden on Texas) is a world of difference from just dumping them in some random city with no notice or preparation. DeSantis is heartless, cruel and a first-rate a-hole, treating desperate people like pawns in a sick game. I hope he's indicted on human trafficking charges.
    1 point
  19. In WasteCanMan's case its refusal not hesitation. The number of hesitant people dropped from 21% to 7% in Canada between May and Aug this year - they aren't conspiracy nuts, they're open-minded and have the capacity to reconsider. Refusers OTOH... Hardcore determined refusers were lit up and inflated with conspiracy gas long long before COVID came along - stupidity is COVID's favourite vector.
    1 point
  20. Did Ron pay out of pocket for those flights or not. Why is it so difficult for you to admit your buddy wasted taxpayer money on a political stunt?
    1 point
  21. You can't stand up for human rights while you're sitting down with dictators. Human rights should have been at the top of our list of conditions for trading anything with anyone decades ago.
    1 point
  22. He also just tried to make all the remaining employees sign a culture pledge saying they'll work long hours and return to the office. It's like he's writing a text book on how to decimate employee morale.
    1 point
  23. And what do you think their important first actions are? Inflation? Immigration? Homelessness?... Nope.... They're Lazer focused on more important issues... Hunter Biden's laptop. Proving once again the GOP is more about revenge than working towards solving America's problems https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2022-election/house-republicans-plan-investigations-possible-impeachments-new-majori-rcna55912&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwj7yr22i7j7AhXEM0QIHSMdBTU4ChAWegQIBRAC&usg=AOvVaw0G5WslZuaLpLal9PFGeAYU
    1 point
  24. THIS is precisely the proof that you are a racist. Yes, a small number of black people IN AFRICA conspired with white people in slavery. But, because you are a racist, and yes you absolutely f-ing are, you equated the black slave hunters with the black slaves themselves. The slaves were the victims, but you’re making the slaves guilty by virtue of their race, and you’re ignoring the treatment they received from white people AS A WHOLE throughout American society. To further prove your racism, you deliberately ignore the clearly demonstrable fact that Southern racists were predominantly Democrats for 100 years because Abraham Lincoln was a Republican… yet beginning in 1964, Southern Democrats such as Strom Thurmond switched to the Republican Party, and the Republican Party today counts among its ranks the Southern racists, Klansmen and the Proud Boys, who Donald Trump ordered to “stand by.” Who supported naming military bases after Confederate generals? Republican Trump. Who opposed removing statues of Confederate generals from public places? Republican Trump. No Democrats. Republicans You are a racist and you will never wash it off.
    1 point
  25. And, they guy who wrote that “All men are created equal” owned 500 slaves at the time. And, the United States Constitution embraced slavery when it was written.
    1 point
  26. As all the 13 Colonies were originally slave states, it's accurate to say white privilege was part of the founding ethos of the US.
    1 point
  27. If they say it wasn't necessary, which is likely, those who had their accounts frozen will have every right to sue and those responsible should be held accountable. My guess is the far left judge will do his darnest to protect them from any sort of exposure tho. That's the way the system works
    1 point
  28. It's good enough for government work. The market for the likes of coal is worldwide and there is no preference given to sellers except for on price and reliability. Which is why countries have no problem buying oil and gas from the likes of Russia, Venezuela or Saudi Arabia.
    1 point
  29. Well, if "the facts" are gossip, innuendo and speculations, then yes. But truthfully, she went to the dark side for the money.
    1 point
  30. The rate of black incarceration is proportionally higher than white incarceration. The conviction rate is also proportionally higher. Why do black people get convicted of crimes at a higher rate? Consider drug convictions. More than one in four people arrested for drug law violations in 2015 was black, although drug use rates do not differ substantially by race and ethnicity and drug users generally purchase drugs from people of the same race or ethnicity. For example, the ACLU found that blacks were 3.7 times more likely to be arrested for marijuana possession than whites in 2010, even though their rate of marijuana usage was comparable. Of the 277,000 people imprisoned nationwide for a drug offense, over half (56%) are African American or Latino. Once pulled over, black and Hispanic drivers were three times as likely as whites to be searched (6% and 7% versus 2%) and blacks were twice as likely as whites to be arrested. Blacks and Latinos are more likely than whites to be denied bail, to have a higher money bond set, and to be detained because they cannot pay their bond. And it goes on and on. The deck is stacked against black people. Underneath all that, are black people more likely to commit crime? Drug crimes? No. Other crimes? Yes, probably, which correlates to their high rate of poverty. We can pretend all we want that everything is equal for black people today, but it is not. Their ancestors were enslaved. They were badly mistreated for 100 years after that, and legally denied equal rights across the board. They remain victimized by poverty, discrimination and police officers. It is difficult to be black.
    1 point
  31. I can't imagine a better use for free will.
    1 point
  32. Unarmed citizens are enough a lot the time. When protest/revolt takes stubborn root and enough people join it to hit critical mass, the army often either steps aside or turns against the leadership.
    1 point
  33. So weird. I coulda swore there was some kind of Emergency Act Commission or something happening. There may even be a thread about it here at Repolitics.
    1 point
  34. I understand it was one of her campaign promises, which she intended to carry out within the first 90 days of being elected.
    1 point
  35. Great commercial... That's really what I think.
    1 point
  36. Wait are you telling me that people on TV say things that they don't mean????
    1 point
  37. On top of all that, we're not being told much about how many are dying right now from these non-covid respiratory infections. Because we all know what we have done to ourselves. This is a self-inflicted epidemic brought on by poor decisions from political "health" leaders. That's why they don't want an inquiry.
    1 point
  38. They have all the actual stats there, they just do their best to present them in the most misleading ways possible. One of their favourite tricks is to present actual stats beside each other which are in now way comparable, which is basically just a base rate fallacy graph. They don't say the words "these are directly comparable", which would be to utter a base rate fallacy, they just put the numbers beside each other on a chart and leave you to assume that they are somehow comparable, when they are absolutely not comparable in any way. Eg, there have been a few million people quadruple-vaxed for one summer, and by contrast there were 38M Canadians unvaxed for the first covid flu season after the initial wave, and 6 million of us have remained unvaxed for the 22 months since then, which included another full flu season. Making a direct comparison between the total % of covid deaths from the 5M 4xers between Dec 14 2020 and Sept 25th 2022, when they only existed for one summer in that period, with the total % of covid deaths from the unvaxed in that 2-yr span, is the epitome of a base rate fallacy. That chart was absolutely put out to be misleading, but people like you, @ExFlyer@Hodad, and @Moonbox fell for it hook, line and sinker. If disinformation was a crime then CNN and CTV would be broadcasting from prison. Infobase didn't tell you how to interpret their information, what it actually meant, or tell you to disseminate it as if it was somehow meaningful or relevant, they just put two numbers on a graph which are in no way comparable to each other and let you misinterpret it for yourself. It's like they put an elephant turd and a chihuahua in an otherwise empty room and left you to blame the dog. You fell for it. They laughed. No crime was committed. Who am I gonna tell, and what do I have to offer them aside from information that they already have? Do I have enough money to compete with big pharma for the souls of Trudeau, Pelosi and Biden? Do you remember when I told you about how much of a conflict of interest it was for Drs to be allowed to receive compensation from big pharma for prescriptions that they give out? You're seeing that play out on a global scale now. Fauci knew that there was gain-of-function research being done on coronaviruses long before he ever started pimping the bat-pangolin-human farce. He knew that coronaviruses are airborne organisms. He even knew that the specific gain-of-function research done on them was to make the coronavirus more transmissible among humans. Then when The WHO said "We don't think that H2H transmission is occurring" he said nothing. He kept on pimping the bat-pangolin theory. When social media was deep-sixing the accounts of people who mentioned the Wuhan lab, Fauci was responsible for that. Why did people who were telling the truth get censored when the biggest liar and disinformer on the planet had the biggest platform of anyone? Donald Trump, whom you hate with all your heart and soul, took the correct action by going against the recommendations of The WHO and standing up to the allegations of racism by the American MSM & the Dems, when he blocked travel from China by non-Americans. The cat was already out of the bag by that time, but at least he took the right course of action. He was roundly excoriated for it by the MSM. Then Trudeau did the same thing to India when the Delta wave came out and suddenly it wasn't racist anymore, he was just being heroic gain. Well GOLLLLeeeee. Maybe it's time to reflect instead of just reacting.
    1 point
  39. No, what you did was use big words that you don't understand, which made you look dumb to everyone who understands basic proportions. I stated the death rates among vaxed and unvaxed with complete accuracy, and with proper perspective. That's the exact opposite of a base rate fallacy. Are there any other shiny new terms which you're itchin' to use but don't understand? I can definitely explain them to you but I can't understand them for you.
    1 point
  40. His entire term spent kissing Putin’s ass and all the time he spent bashing Ukraine He cultivated Putin-lovers like yourself You think it’s a coincidence half the MAGAs are pro-Russia?
    1 point
  41. 1) Yes. Facts don’t care about your ignorance 2) Nope you just suffer from a chronic case of confirmation bias that prevents you from considering inconvenient truths.
    1 point
  42. Unlike unsuccessful lonely souls like yourself I don’t have hours to spend disproving your same old nonsense over and over and over, so it does simply stating factually that YOUR lies are false does save me time. To be fair a liar is someone who knows they’re wrong but I think you genuinely believe your absurdity conspiracy theories, gibberish, false histories, absurdly flawed logic, etc are the truth. You are simply not smart enough to get what most people instinctively understand.
    1 point
  43. There’s a whole segment of cultural stuff you seem to be missing, such as ESG’s and Sustainable Development Goals. Net Zero is another mystical favourite. Yeah the oil and gas sector is on track for Net Zero. Lol. I guess the trick is to keep postponing the target date. What a farce.
    1 point
  44. My city has certainly improved under Dear Leader's reign. I get my daily fitness by dodging twitchy meth heads and leaping over their pools of vomit.
    1 point
  45. Myata does just fine, imo. Makes many interesting posts, and rarely ever addresses other members directly. Physician, heal thyself.
    1 point
  46. All we need to know is how Trudeau is to blame. or is he? If it’s Trudeau’s fault, why are oil companies making record profits? https://www.statista.com/chart/27887/big-oil-sees-profits-increase/
    1 point
  47. The Holocaust happened. We don't need to revisit the truth of that every time a troll or anti-semite needs attention.
    1 point
  48. 1. I feel I should be free to name liars, anti-semites and morons when they reveal their stupidity. 2. I said nothing to restrict your speech. You run to the only thing a liar and fool has to defend his lies and foolishness. That's because there's no defense to terrible ideas. 3. You take to the truth like a Vampire to sunlight.
    1 point
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