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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/29/2022 in Posts

  1. It's a good thing you're just living out some internet fantasy and were never actually armed by " Her magesties forces " because that would be scary, I've known many people that have served bravely and you sir lack the mental health and critical thinking skills to shine their boots
    3 points
  2. And yet today I would vote for a Jewish, gay, black man, with purple arms and bright orange legs if it meant we could retire Justin.
    2 points
  3. in the hood, Regent Park, everybody called me "Drew" that's like my Toronto inner city nickname then everybody in the army just called me Smitty I'm legendary in the 48th Highlanders of Canada if you want to confirm who I am you can contact the Commanding Officer of the 48th Highlanders of Canada Lt. Colonel Jason Morische he knows me well
    2 points
  4. You are indeed. My argument isn't that I don't think your opinion is valid...but that it's based on your feelings toward protesters whose opinions you don't like. The charges are all based on feelings and opinions. Not on dry facts. That's my opinion.
    2 points
  5. I think it's a righteous cause. Freedom to protest is supposed to be a right of Canadians. Pixie-Dust stomped on that and his minions in the legal system are trying to go along. Eventually this sort of shit will destroy any credibility those 2 "institutions" have left. That too is a "bad" thing.
    2 points
  6. You still don’t understand. The WEF isn’t a Dr. Evil directing our demise. It’s the Davos consensus about what governments and corporations should do to save the planet (read profits and power). They’re the elites driving our policies and media. It’s not conspiratorial. It’s top down control that uses the rhetoric of social justice and climate activism to offload corporate and government responsibilities onto the less privileged. Many members believe that their unaccountable oligarchy is a saviour, but they aren’t the ones who are impacted by higher prices and more restrictions. Our democracy and economies are very vulnerable to overreach, especially in times of crisis, especially when the power and money hungry see opportunities to exploit crises.
    2 points
  7. You're looking smaller with every post . . . . . a deflating gasbag.
    1 point
  8. I have never met Dougie personally. But one thing I do know is he has served in the Royal Canadian Regiment and has served his Regiment and Country with honor. More than most people in Canada could ever imagine doing. So much so he was chosen by his chain of command to train young Infanteers in the art of Combat. I guess that covers the mental health and critical thinking skills required to shine boots. He is a respected member of a brotherhood that regards him as a World Class Warrior. I'm not asking anything of you, just telling you have crossed a line that you have not earned.
    1 point
  9. if you get stuck with a partisan judge who doesn’t care about the law, you end up in jail whether you did anything or not when you then get a judge who does care about the law, he releases you from jail and they point out you shouldn't have been imprisoned in the first place being put in jail doesn't make you guilty, that's not how false imprisonment works
    1 point
  10. I don't think Canadians care much about religion at election time, but I could be wrong. Aside from Jagmeet Singh, who wraps his religion around his head, I couldn't tell you the religion of any of our politicians. I know that Trudeau in nominally a RC, but I only know that because he testified to be a muslim and then stated publicly that he was RC.
    1 point
  11. Lucky they didn't name you Cornoyer or Gainey lol. My kid plays baseball with a kid named Dryden. There are also a lot of kids named Linden & Kesler running around in the metro-Vcr area.
    1 point
  12. So you're arguing an issue without basic knowledge of the issue. Ok you're disqualified.
    1 point
  13. It would definitely be be better place without you...Godspeed.
    1 point
  14. F*** Trudeau is not a strong statement. It's a declaration you don't have the brains to specify what you don't like. Declares to the world what a simple minded moron you are. Now cover the entire side of the pickup box with detailed reasons and how Trudeau had anything to do with them... that would take commitment and be worthy of respect
    1 point
  15. Please. You are disturbing their slumber.
    1 point
  16. Old people and fat people are also at risk if they get the flu or pneumonia. If they die, we don't say they died because they were old or fat, we say they died from the flu or pneumonia. Why are you applying a different standard for Covid.
    1 point
  17. We saved lives. Maybe even yours or someone you cared about.
    1 point
  18. Yes, and it did. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/71-607-x/71-607-x2021028-eng.htm
    1 point
  19. Of course virtually every medical professional and virtually every politician in the world, as well as the families of those "non-covid" deaths are all in the same conspiracy. Have you people not even a hint of common sense?
    1 point
  20. "hate driven MAGA maggots" One has to laugh. Illogic is so written into the hard drive of the Prog mind that they wouldn't even see the obvious lie of hypocrisy in that quote from the warped mind of Prog. They just "hate haters' so much.
    1 point
  21. We're not the only ones to notice: 6 terms Biden has redefined to further agenda, stigmatize opponents "Recession" is the latest, and almost chuckle-worthy in its desperation definition change. But isn't it disgusting how the Dems' secretarial pool in the Mainstream Media just instantly jumps on board with any new misnomer term or fraudulently "fixed" definition. What's wrong with everybody who isn't you, him or me though, Sharkman that they so willingly get comfortable with that crap and buy into it?
    1 point
  22. So it was 1st Nations who put themselves on reserves.
    1 point
  23. you don't give a shit if she is falsely imprisoned on trumped up charges because you don't approve of her cause you simply see the government as a weapon to punish your political opposition rule of law is far less important to you than punishing those you don't like
    1 point
  24. The smartest move they can make is to exit the EU asap and get rid of their oppressive WEF government. They’re engineering a food scarcity crisis. The run-off problem can be mitigated. They can sell the manure. It’s much worse than you think because at the same time that small farmers are being shut down, farm land is being bought up. The EU is also disrupting countries by planning a new city state that lays inside a few different countries. Sovereignty is being undermined.
    1 point
  25. I think I get that... yeah. For all things there is a cycle. A beginning, an ending. Perhaps the time has come for the west to decline. Even though it was the more advanced and enlightened empire amongst the others in the world (for a time), the time has ended. But let's not get all anxious and down about it. Life shall go on, friends. It won't happen right away. In the meantime, party on brother! All the goddam way down to hell!
    1 point
  26. As for this thread, I have no idea what the hell myata's talking about.
    1 point
  27. Your post above refers to garbage posted by a spammer, which has been removed. You better change it, as it is now misleading - people will have no clue what you are talking about.
    1 point
  28. https://tnc.news/2022/07/26/lich-released2/ So, Tamara is released yet again, another over reach by law enforcement. On the ruling that said she broke her bail conditions, the judge that has now released her said: “the Justice of the Peace Paul Harris had made “erroneous” conclusions and “misapprehended” the evidence against Lich when deciding she broke her bail conditions.”
    1 point
  29. 1. It was a thoughtful insight from a real conservative. I for one am interested in such things, vs. people just parroting conspiracy theories. 2. That's a prejudice. He hasn't overplayed his hand yet. If he runs and loses well that will be the end of him...
    1 point
  30. Very popular plan I see comrade ...Very equitable plan, Russia gets all the land it has seized with military force, illegally ... and Ukraine gets what exactly? The big Russian shaft...
    1 point
  31. See what they've done to you and so many others? You live for fear. Uncomfortable now without it. I pity folks like you. But I cannot blame you. I can blame those who formulate and perpetuate said fear. And...I do.
    1 point
  32. Well, the media seems to disagree with you, and if you had read my post i think you would as well. You can not compare Americans to Canadians there are no similarities at all. Americans rarely acknowledge our existence, except when we are just being retards, they also don't really care about what Canadians do or what they think about them. That's just us thinking we are more important than we truly are. We have been extremely lucky not to have a meltdown like the US, yes our economies are run slightly different, but don't think for a minute it was due to Canadian skill, or expertise, but rather sheer luck. And we did not survive unscathed either. And now that we are in much different times we will see if your so-called skill will save us again or is it our time to get unlucky.
    1 point
  33. Lets put that into perspective BUD's, there are 3 parties, not one, so that vote is divided by 3 and while they are all left in retrospect, they go from left to outright crazy left...The Conservative party has garnered more votes than any of the left parties. Justin did not invent baby bonuses it has been around for decades, he added some money to it , Child care spots are for Canadians that make less than 36 k a year, and adds only a few thousand in each province if you are lucky, at the cost of 9 bil the first year...yes a waste of money, First nation people have done well this year with over 24 bil in new money, but like you said it has only scratched the surface. Bought a pipeline, what a joke, that is not what Canada wanted, what they wanted was to twin the same pipeline, which is still not done...and thanks to the Federals dicking around the original owners walked away from the program, because we could not build a popsicle stand if we wanted to. Bought western Canada a pipeline, another liberal myth, the same part of Canada that pays for all that poggy you get. ... Yes, he loves the west that is why he introduced anti-oil policies. he does not love Canadians he loves our money, he loves giving it away. he spent over 500 bil during the pandemic, where did it all go...CERB and business handouts only account for 175 bil...where is the rest of the beef...I know you don't know, don't care, you got your share, let's move on. You won't be a politician, you'd need to come off poggy to do that, work a full year you could not handle it... Our passport offices are a mess, our major airports are a mess, our health care is in crisis mode, interest rates are going through the roof, inflation is out of control, fuel prices are retarded, our international reputation is in tatters, and our entire security system is starving to death, our fishing stocks are decimated on both coasts, lumber prices are retarded, building a home costs on average here in NB 250 dollars a square foot, home prices everywhere are unaffordable, the pandemic wiped out entire sections of workers, global supply problems, Afghanis are still waiting to be rescued and live in fear of death because our government can't tie their own shoes, all the problems with long term care homes is still looking for a solution. as is all those promised manufacturing jobs making PPE, medicine, medical machines. it is all old news, liberals have forgotten all about it. and yes let's not forget Ukraine, god forbid we help another country with small matters as being invaded... I'm, sure there is a lot more that I have forgotten..., we don't hate Justin we just want him to retire and fade into history, be a ski instructor or something... He is the most hated politician in Canada...in the western world.
    1 point
  34. And here we have the campaign to vax toddlers in the US. WSJ actually prints that it seems political… https://www.wsj.com/articles/why-the-rush-for-toddler-vaccines-covid-pandemic-children-fda-pfizer-moderna-medicine-evidence-11656951993?mod=djemalertNEWS Edit: Biden proudly declared that they are the First Nation to offer vaccines for children as young as 6 months. The WSJ: “In fact, we don’t know if the vaccines are safe and effective. The rushed FDA action was based on extremely weak evidence. It’s one thing to show regulatory flexibility during an emergency. But for children, Covid isn’t an emergency. The FDA bent its standards to an unusual degree and brushed aside troubling evidence that warrants more investigation.”
    1 point
  35. I know you don't but the Constitution trumps your opinion if you don't like that, too f*cking bad you only invoke the constitution when you agree with it pretending abortion rights are in the constitution as if you care about the constitution was an obvious charade from someone arguing in bad faith about time you finally copped to it
    1 point
  36. show me where in the constitution it says there is a right to abortion none of that is in the constitution hence it being a states issue
    1 point
  37. Effects of Previous Infection and Vaccination on Symptomatic Omicron Infections | NEJM This study was huge in scale, data collected from over 100,000 people infected by the Omicron variant. Here are the key points: Those who have been "fully vaccinated" with two shots from Moderna or Pfizer are more likely to contract Covid-19 than those who have not been vaccinated at all Booster shots offer protection approximately equal to natural immunity, but the benefits wane after 2-5 months Natural immunity lasts for at least 300-days, which is the length of the study; it likely lasts much longer Key take-away: Vaccination increases risk of COVID-19, but infection without vaccination gives immunity This jives with what the government of Canada is finally admitting, that 4 out of every 5 covid deaths since mid-February are vaccinated, with 70% of those deaths being among the triple-vaxxed. The study shows that: Those who had a prior infection but no vaccination had a 46.1 and 50 percent immunity against the two subvariants of the Omicron variant, even at an interval of more than 300 days since the previous infection. However, individuals who received two doses but had no previous infection, were found with negative immunity against both BA.1 and BA.2 Omicron subvariants, indicating an increased risk of contracting COVID-19 than an average person. Over six months after getting two doses of Pfizer, immunity against any Omicron infection dropped to -3.4 percent. For two doses of the Moderna vaccine it was even worse - immunity against any Omicron infection dropped to -10.3 percent after more than six months since the last injection. Negative immunity means your immune system is failing, which is what the censored scientists and doctors said would happen ? Although three doses of the Pfizer vaccine increased immunity to over 50 percent, this was measured over JUST 40 days after the third vaccination, which is a very short interval. In comparison, natural immunity persisted at around 50 percent when measured over 300 days after the previous infection, while immunity levels fell to negative figures 270 days after the second dose of vaccine. Individuals that were previously infected but not vaccinated had half the risks of reinfection as compared to those that were vaccinated with two doses but not infected.
    1 point
  38. Way back when...decades even, I noticed we weren't supposed to be saying Indian anymore. All of a sudden you were kind of required to say native. That's when I started to notice this thing I now call Prog - although I didn't have a name for it at the time. It was like 'who decided we needed the name change? What was wrong with the old one?' None of the Indians I knew minded the original name and as I heard it "Indian" means 'Beloved of God'. The name even comes with a history of Europeans screw-up. They kind of liked that. I imagine what I now know to be Progressive Socialists or the thing I call Prog figured there was something wrong with the guys that owned the North American label, Indian, so they decided to pretend they saw something better than the inferior being they believed they saw and could take a superior pose to the hoi polloi with a name change. I've watched Progs change a lot of names since then. For all sorts of reasons. For example with "Global Warming" the climate stopped warming in the radical way they wanted it to so they just corrupted and adopted another label of Climate Change. We let them do crap like that. They'll call a beneficial - or at least necessary gas like carbon dioxide, Carbon. The idea is they want you to see beyond the inconvenient reality of it as clear and odorles and think of it as dark and smoky, entitling them to then call it "Pollution." Really it's what plants need to grow but don't waste your time trying to educate a Prog away from his fantasy label of 'pollution." They can disappear the two sexes in their minds by calling them "genders." Male and female, Man and woman - Poof, they're gone. Lately they seem to be changing the names and pronunciations of cities. Not sure why. It used to be Kiev. It was pronounced Kee-Ev. Now something somewhere decided it's Kyiv, pronounced Keeve. Apparently there was something wrong with Calcutta for some reason in the Prog mind so now it's Kolkatta.
    1 point
  39. Crunching some numbers: 15.1 serious adverse events out of every 10,000 jabs = .15% That is larger than the risk the average person has of dying of covid. Certainly larger than mine at 0.02%. If 90% of Canadians are vaccinated, that is 33,300,000 people. At 15.1 adverse events per 10,000 people = almost a half a million (500,000) SERIOUS ADVERSE EVENTS, INCLUDING DEATH. Compare that to the 41,000 alleged "covid deaths" in Canada. If you think this is new information, it's not. The censored doctors and scientists have literally been screaming this from the rooftops for the last year. Remember a few months ago when you all called me a liar for saying people were dying and getting permanently disabled from the jabs? And that more people were dying/injured from the jabs than from covid? And you called me an idiot and other names? And you laughed at that Ontario father whose teenage son was found dead from the jabs on his bedroom floor, by his mother? And you posted how all the censored doctors and scientists were idiots and as proof, linked to their Wiki pages, freshly scrubbed of all their life-time accomplishments by ???who??? and now saying they were crackpot conspiracy theorists? Remember that? Remember when you called me a murderer of grannies and babies for not getting the jabs, even after I told you my sister is permanently disabled by them? Yeah. Wait til I post the study that shows it's the vaccinated that drove the new variants and are the ones responsible for spreading it now and put ALL of us in danger - exactly like viruses and mutations have done for thousands of years - totally predictable - and warned by doctors and scientists you all pissed on, because "CTV said so, neener, neener, neener." But yeah, let's shoot up all the kids and babies now. ? Idiots.
    1 point
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