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Pro-Hamas Rallies in Canada

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Took a history of the middle east course in college. What a muddled, bizarre story it is. Jews as a religion predate Islam. However culturally the arabs/berbers predate the modern Israelite by a few thousand years. This is not like one side is solely the aggressor and the other is simply sitting there taking the punishment. They have both attacked the other numerous times. The list of grievances is long for both sides. Having an established sovereign state of Palestine seems like the best solution if you want peace. However, neither side can agree to that. 

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21 hours ago, herbie said:

Which isn't even much of an ask.

They're not asking. They're demanding. And the universities mostly don't have any investments in Israel. So to justify themselves the protesters want the universities to divest themselves of any stock in any company that sells anything or buys anything from Israel, or any ETF or Mutual fund that has such stocks in it.

And who exactly are these ignorant little twats to demand anything? They should simply be booted off campus and expelled from the universities. The problem is the grownups aren't in control of universities and haven't been for decades now.

21 hours ago, herbie said:

Blabbing for months now about invading Rafah and still have their thumbs up their arse.

This is the sort of brainless hate I'm talking about. People like you would hate Israel if they invaded Rafah, and hate them if they don't. You'd hate them if they breathed. To your tiny pea brain they have uniforms and are successful therefore they are the oppressors, and your poor, helpless Palestinian terrorists are merely oppressed victims. Come on, admit it. You cheered when you heard they slaughtered a thousand Jews on Oct 7, probably poured eagerly over every description of the tortures, rapes and murders of women and children, right?


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21 hours ago, eyeball said:

Why is it that two wrongs always make a right in the right-wing-o-sphere

Why is it the left-wing-kook-o-sphere always pretends like that isn't an issue?

So they can explain away why they only ever care about something that they can use to condemn the Jews for?

Death and murder around the world, but the left cares about none of it, except where Israel is involved, desperate to get Palestine its independence so they can have another Islamic dictatorship in the world.

Why does the Left love Islamic theocracies so much? That's the question that really needs an explanation.


Edited by I am Groot
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10 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

Took a history of the middle east course in college. What a muddled, bizarre story it is. Jews as a religion predate Islam. However culturally the arabs/berbers predate the modern Israelite by a few thousand years. This is not like one side is solely the aggressor and the other is simply sitting there taking the punishment. They have both attacked the other numerous times. The list of grievances is long for both sides. Having an established sovereign state of Palestine seems like the best solution if you want peace. However, neither side can agree to that. 

An established Palestine would be an Islamic dictatorship, would immediately load up on weapons from Iran, and then launch another Oct 7 attack on Israel, this time with a far larger, better equipped military. How many hundreds of thousands of Jews would they get to kill before Israel gave the Palestinians the martyrdom they all crave?

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Just now, I am Groot said:

An established Palestine would be an Islamic dictatorship, would immediately load up on weapons from Iran, and then launch another Oct 7 attack on Israel, this time with a far larger, better equipped military. How many hundreds of thousands of Jews would they get to kill before Israel gave the Palestinians the martyrdom they all crave?

Maybe they would and maybe they would not. Either way, the current situation is unsustainable if someone truly wants peace. At present.. it is simply a matter of lather, rinse, and repeat. 

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8 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

2. "Virtually none" ... were Nazis ... you say of the convoy folks.  On the Israel protest: "These folks cheering don't believe in liberal democracy or basic human rights, they're Islamofascist Nazis.  " " a lot of them chanting 'From the river..."  "If Nazis marched down the streets of this country shouting and cheering genocidal antisemitic violence" "Most don't want peace and NEVER have" "I'm sure there's some actual peace-loving protestors in there somewhere.  But anyone who chants "From the river to the sea..." is a genocidal ethnic-cleansing sh!tbag, and that's a lot of them. 

Your stance on the two protests is markedly different, and you are relying on quantifying the nutjob contingent to justify that... but different ways. 

If someone had a megaphone and led the convoy protesters down the street and started shouting "Adolph Hitler had the right idea! Death to the Jews!" how many people do you think would have cheered? Anyone? Probably everyone would have been so gobsmacked they'd have stopped in their tracks.

When the Muslims leading these protests say similar things they are cheered. Large cheers, too. 

Do you see the difference that justifies thinking of them differently?


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I heard some of the Palestinian protesters in Los Angeles were converting to Islam.  This is not a big surprise.  That's what happens to people who don't have a clue about the world and just jump in head first to anything.  The way to hell is broad.

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15 minutes ago, I am Groot said:

Why does the Left love Islamic theocracies so much? That's the question that really needs an explanation.

They don't. The explanation for that is most lefties are atheists.

Why do right-wingers ask such dumb questions?

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19 hours ago, I am Groot said:

1. If someone had a megaphone and led the convoy protesters down the street and started shouting "Adolph Hitler had the right idea! Death to the Jews!" how many people do you think would have cheered? Anyone? Probably everyone would have been so gobsmacked they'd have stopped in their tracks.

2. When the Muslims leading these protests say similar things they are cheered. Large cheers, too. 

3. Do you see the difference that justifies thinking of them differently?


1. I don't know that this happened...
2. Well that's terrible.  I didn't discount the Convoy, though, despite the fact that Racists and Wexiters were leading them.
3. Perhaps, but since we're not there either I can't be sure that characterizations of the protest one way or the other are entirely true.  And to be sure the protests are indeed characterized both ways.  Why should I believe your characterization before other accredited journalists ?  And why should I believe them over you.  I guess I could do hours of research, or go there myself but that's not happening.  In the meantime, I will say there is a point to it, they can express themselves freely even if I disagree, and violence and hate speech should be condemned and acted on.  I'm not so naive to believe anything on this issue.

Edited by Michael Hardner
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41 minutes ago, I am Groot said:

Come on, admit it. You cheered when you heard they slaughtered a thousand Jews on Oct 7, probably poured eagerly over every description of the tortures, rapes and murders of women and children, right?

I've never seen anyone talk about the atrocities of Oct 7 (real and imagined) with more painstaking detail and palpable excitement than Zionist bootlickers like you.

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21 hours ago, User said:

Not true at all. Here you are on this online forum, with all the time in the world to respond as you have been and continue to do so even now. 

You are incapable of offering a well-thought-out and articulate argument .....

I noticed you ignored the question of whether you condemned Hamas before I got here.......


I have given many "well-thought-out and articulate argument " and have taken the flack form a few, like you that disagree. This is not a forum for discussion or opinion, it is for the select few to agree with each other anything else will be chastised..

Let me reiterate for the umpteenth time what my stance on the middle east situation is....Nuke the place and turn the region into a radioactive wasteland...the only way to ensure peace and quiet. There are no good guys there.

18 hours ago, I am Groot said:

Says everyone who isn't either a jew hater, a vapid progressive, or a troll.

Owwwww, such vitriol.

To all that disagree with you? :)

Like the dirty ole man that's trying to pick up a young chick...my way or the highway :)

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40 minutes ago, I am Groot said:

Why is it the left-wing-kook-o-sphere always pretends like that isn't an issue?

So they can explain away why they only ever care about something that they can use to condemn the Jews for?

Death and murder around the world, but the left cares about none of it, except where Israel is involved, desperate to get Palestine its independence so they can have another Islamic dictatorship in the world.

Why does the Left love Islamic theocracies so much? That's the question that really needs an explanation.

You don't care about that stuff either. Hell, knowing you, you're cheering it on when it happens in places where brown people live.

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2 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

These are your chosen people:

The blockhead repeats as he once again posts ONE thing as an attribute of an entire people. All the while claiming others are fomenting hate.

Despicable hate mongering troll.

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1 hour ago, Black Dog said:

I've never seen anyone talk about the atrocities of Oct 7 (real and imagined) with more painstaking detail and palpable excitement than Zionist bootlickers like you.

You're the one showing how excited you are about what happened, and hoping for more of the same,  you antisemitic little c*nt.


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1 hour ago, Black Dog said:

You don't care about that stuff either. Hell, knowing you, you're cheering it on when it happens in places where brown people live.

I think it's sad but I don't really care, no. It happens all the time, every day, all over the world. Tragedies, slaughters, murder and rape, villages destroyed, people driven off to roam the streets in search of safety. That's how much of the world is outside the West.

I found what happened on Oct 7 particularly disturbing because unlike most of the rest of the world where such things happen, Israel is a Western country. I feel more kinship with such countries. 

As far as I can tell, the Palestinian territories are made up of people whose ferocious hate and barbarism has been cultivated by their leaders, including religious leaders, for decades. There seems to be little in the way of civilization among them. The sympathy I see and hear from people in the West towards a group who hold everything you claim to value in utter contempt and would do their best to destroy it if they could is just another example of how brainless and self-hating much of the Left is.

People like you want to destroy Israel. But like the Palestinians and much of the Muslim world, you also want to destroy the rest of the West, including Canada.

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6 hours ago, impartialobserver said:

Took a history of the middle east course in college. What a muddled, bizarre story it is. Jews as a religion predate Islam. However culturally the arabs/berbers predate the modern Israelite by a few thousand years. This is not like one side is solely the aggressor and the other is simply sitting there taking the punishment. They have both attacked the other numerous times.

That's overly simplistic and unrelated to Israel's story. 

FYI the Gazans weren't even muslims the last time that region wasn't ruled by a foreign power. 

What Arabs/Berbers did 4,000 years ago is not applicable to what's happening today. If we all held grudges that long then we'd all be obliged to kill each other, along half the people in our own families. 


Having an established sovereign state of Palestine seems like the best solution if you want peace. However, neither side can agree to that. 

Who do you think ruled over Gaza since 2006? Do you think the Israelis had police there? Army? Something? 

What is it about Gaza's existence in the last 18 years that indicates to you that they didn't have sovereignty? 

3 hours ago, herbie said:

The blockhead repeats as he once again posts ONE thing as an attribute of an entire people. All the while claiming others are fomenting hate.

Despicable hate mongering troll.

That's who you're supporting herbie. You're just too dumb to know it.

You're a despicable pro-genocide tool. 

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5 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

I have giver=n many "well-thought-out and articulate argument " and have taken the flack form a few, like you that disagree. This is not a forum for discussion or opinion, it is for the select few to agree with each other anything else will be chastised..

Let me reiterate for the umpteenth time what my stance on the middle east situation is....Nuke the place and turn the region into a radioactive wasteland...the only way to ensure peace and quiet. There are no good guys there.

Well, you certainly have proven your lack of interest in articulate argument. 

Yes, you keep claiming there are no good guys there and to nuke them all... but this is only after you spend your time complaining about Israel and making absurd comments like they are committing genocide. Now, you do it when pressed to condemn Hamas. Instead of condemning Hamas, you play this they are all bad game instead. 

So, if your position is to nuke them all, why are you on here complaining about what Isreal is doing and pushing Hamas propaganda to do so?

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On 5/5/2024 at 9:02 PM, eyeball said:

I'm thinking the brutality was a calculated tactic that was pure politics. I've had no reason to believe ordinary Gazan's going about their lives and business on Oct 6 had any idea whatsoever about what was about to happen.  In their names as so many people around here maintain? I've never believed it. This was orchestrated by Iran, Russia and China. I wouldn't be surprised to find there's many within Hamas who never a clue either.

This is who lit the match in the Middle East — and who poured the fuel


Of course sowing greater divisiveness amongst Western democracies is a bonus and probably also uppermost in the minds of Russia, China and Iran.

Democracy apparently sucks at the long game. Probably explains why 70% of the human race now live under the thumbs of authoritarians.

War is politics, only old men and women start it, in the name of politics and our young men fight it...it is always been that way...It did not take long for the people of palestine to find out what was done in their name , and what did they do they celebrated like it was X-mas...young terrorist phoned home to brag how many women and children they had killed...recording their crimes on cell phones, sending those images out for the world to see..."look what i done" these are the people you support....these are the crimes you condone...these are the crimes we will continue to see if Hamas is not wiped out...

And your the one thats divided...you've eaten this propaganda up like it was hot oatmeal on a cold day... These terrorist and those that support them will eventually see their own ends....Hamas knows once all the hostages are returned or confirmed dead, Israel will destroy what is left of gaza....it may be this month or before winter...but it is going to happen...you people can cry and scream for peace all you want...the protend protestors will eventually give up, abandoned the universities....maybe even see Hamas for what it is.....but there will be no peace until Israel is done....


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6 hours ago, Black Dog said:

I've never seen anyone talk about the atrocities of Oct 7 (real and imagined) with more painstaking detail and palpable excitement than Zionist bootlickers like you.

Actually Hamas and those palestinian civilians that took part, video most of it and braged to the world what they had down...The rest of the world just sat back and watched, some not believing and others celebrating... Takes a brave people to deliberately take the fight to unarmed civilians women and children....to make a political point...This is where a good many of Canadians who does support this violence and cowardly acts , this is where our country is today....

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On 5/5/2024 at 7:56 PM, ExFlyer said:

Just for you, Army is the number one oldest element in the Military, but, i never wished I was in the Army. I liked the look from above and from my hotel room  :)

Deep down i know you wanted to join the army...come on you can say it...let it out you'll feel that much better. 

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5 hours ago, herbie said:

The blockhead repeats as he once again posts ONE thing as an attribute of an entire people. All the while claiming others are fomenting hate.

Despicable hate mongering troll.

One more thing, you stupid little child: the vast majority of Palestinians support those exact pictures I showed. 

When you support Palestinians, you are entirely supportive of this:


I fully support every missile and every bullet that Israel fired in this war.

For your information, Israelis don't rape and then murder muslim women, and then parade their naked bodies through the streets for children to spit on


Palestinians actually do rape and then murder muslim women, and then parade their naked bodies through the streets for children to spit on, and it's wildly popular. You support that. 

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11 hours ago, User said:

Well, you certainly have proven your lack of interest in articulate argument. 

Yes, you keep claiming there are no good guys there and to nuke them all... but this is only after you spend your time complaining about Israel and making absurd comments like they are committing genocide. Now, you do it when pressed to condemn Hamas. Instead of condemning Hamas, you play this they are all bad game instead. 

So, if your position is to nuke them all, why are you on here complaining about what Isreal is doing and pushing Hamas propaganda to do so?

Where and when have I complained about Israel?

Yes, I said genocide because by definition, what Israel is doing is genocide.

Yes, they are all playing a bad game. No favourites in it, all are culpable.

Again, where and when have I complained about Israel and pushed hamas propaganda? Because I said there are no good guys in this shitshow?



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10 hours ago, Army Guy said:

Actually Hamas and those palestinian civilians that took part, video most of it and braged to the world what they had down...The rest of the world just sat back and watched, some not believing and others celebrating... Takes a brave people to deliberately take the fight to unarmed civilians women and children....to make a political point...This is where a good many of Canadians who does support this violence and cowardly acts , this is where our country is today....

Interesting.Who are you speaking of? The ones that attacked on Oct 7 or the ones that have been continually attacking for the past 6 months?

Not picking sides, just asking clarification.

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