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Tucker's Interview With Putin

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1 minute ago, Black Dog said:

Nah I'll get your mom to do that as soon as she's finished blowing me.

ROFLMAO - wow - what an original insult!! I've never heard that before :) 

Mind you given her age i think that's more of an insult to you than anything :)

Any way - kind of boring, could you step your insults up to a higher level? Like maybe grade six or better ? 


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6 hours ago, Black Dog said:

LOL you're soooooo close to understanding why Ukrainians sided with the Nazis. 

But what's harder to understand is why you, a far-right anti-communist, have a problem with Azov et al who are also far-right anti-communists, merely because of their, uh, problematic branding.

I didn't say the Ukrainians had no realistic beef with Stalin, I just said that they were Nazis. 

Ukrainian Nazis didn't just fight Russians, they massacredBelorussians, Jews and Poles too. They burned people to death. 

Just in case you missed that last part: the Ukrainian Nazis that you have so much respect for burned people to death. 


problematic branding.

Is it problematic? The Dems & Libs and our resident leftard trash here sure don't think so. They think the Azovs are A-ok. They think that sporting Nazi insignias are fine. A tattooed Nazi was given an award from the Pentagon by Jon Stewart.

Here: https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2022/09/06/aque-s06.html

Just read that, stupid. Take the whole weekend to do so if you must, but just learn something for once in your life.   

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37 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

I didn't say the Ukrainians had no realistic beef with Stalin, I just said that they were Nazis. 

Ukrainian Nazis didn't just fight Russians, they massacredBelorussians, Jews and Poles too. They burned people to death. 

Just in case you missed that last part: the Ukrainian Nazis that you have so much respect for burned people to death. 

Is it problematic? The Dems & Libs and our resident leftard trash here sure don't think so. They think the Azovs are A-ok. They think that sporting Nazi insignias are fine. A tattooed Nazi was given an award from the Pentagon by Jon Stewart.

Here: https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2022/09/06/aque-s06.html

Just read that, stupid. Take the whole weekend to do so if you must, but just learn something for once in your life.   


Most occupied countries had people serving in  Waffen SS units, including Russians. Ukraine wasn't unique.


You take a little slice of fact and build it into a huge fiction.

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2 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

I didn't say the Ukrainians had no realistic beef with Stalin, I just said that they were Nazis. 

Ukrainian Nazis didn't just fight Russians, they massacredBelorussians, Jews and Poles too. They burned people to death. 

Just in case you missed that last part: the Ukrainian Nazis that you have so much respect for burned people to death. 

Is it problematic? The Dems & Libs and our resident leftard trash here sure don't think so. They think the Azovs are A-ok. They think that sporting Nazi insignias are fine. A tattooed Nazi was given an award from the Pentagon by Jon Stewart.

Here: https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2022/09/06/aque-s06.html

Just read that, stupid. Take the whole weekend to do so if you must, but just learn something for once in your life.   

you know, when well known hard left socialist skiffs call the socialists you cite "a 'Trotskyist' cult"... then you know you're scraping the bottom of the barrel for credible evidence.

World Socialist Web Site

"socialist magazine New Politics, the Lebanese Trotskyist academic Gilbert Achcar described the WSWS as "pro-Putin, pro-Assad and 'left-wing' propaganda" combined with "gutter journalism ... run by a 'Trotskyist' cult ... which perpetuates a long worn-out tradition of inter-Trotskyist sectarian quarrels in fulfilling its role as apologist for Putin, Assad, and their friends.""

Edited by godzilla
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On 2/9/2024 at 12:48 PM, Black Dog said:

What the hell do you think would happen to those 18 year olds you're crying about if the west just let Russia steamroll Ukraine? This way they have a fighting chance. 

Sure seems like Ukrainians do!

If Ukraine loses it will no longer exist.


If Ukraine loses...you are thinking only if people here, commendable but economically poor.  Tactically and Strategically very dangerous thinking as well. Ukraine before Russia's attack, was a major supplier of lithium.  Lithium is absolutely essential in ceramic heat linings, also in strengthening steel, but its main use you would find absolutely necessary is lithium ion batteries which power multiple cell phones, I pads, smart phones and other highly sensitive electronics.  We cannot hand that huge supply to the Russians.

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5 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

I didn't say the Ukrainians had no realistic beef with Stalin, I just said that they were Nazis. 

Ukrainian Nazis didn't just fight Russians, they massacredBelorussians, Jews and Poles too. They burned people to death. 

Just in case you missed that last part: the Ukrainian Nazis that you have so much respect for burned people to death. 

Is it problematic? The Dems & Libs and our resident leftard trash here sure don't think so. They think the Azovs are A-ok. They think that sporting Nazi insignias are fine. A tattooed Nazi was given an award from the Pentagon by Jon Stewart.

Here: https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2022/09/06/aque-s06.html

Just read that, stupid. Take the whole weekend to do so if you must, but just learn something for once in your life.   

They're your guys! You believe the same stuff! Name on thing you disagree with them about other than "Putin should get to f**k Ukraine." Just one.

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12 hours ago, Black Dog said:

But what's harder to understand is why you, a far-right anti-communist, have a problem with Azov et al who are also far-right anti-communists

Putin is a "genius" for these folks and Jong Un, "very honorable". Does it look and smell as anti-communism to anybody with a working brain? As for the far-right, they seem to have this puzzling affinity to dictator thugs? The opposites attract? Or one is just the words, and the other one, the real thing?

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6 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Ukrainian Nazis didn't just

I'm not going to discuss anything with a brainless propaganda spitting automaton, but factually, "Nazis" means the members the National Socialist Party of Hitler's Germany. That's none of Ukrainians so another lie, factually. One can note here that the frivolous use of the term coincides with that by no other than the criminal dictator thug Vlad Putin. He keeps Communist Party among his greatest fans and uses them regularly as his puppet to control his population. An interesting coincidence for self-proclaimed "far right anti-communist" but these are just words, and as everyone knows anything can be said these days.

While one can admit that the history was often complicated in this area, with atrocities perpetrated by multiple groups against each other, no meaningful or useful discussion can be had here with propaganda machines. They'll just pick the pieces that fall into their agenda and ignore everything else.

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9 hours ago, robosmith said:

Historians say the litany of claims made by Mr Putin are nonsense - representing nothing more than a selective abuse of history to justify the ongoing war in Ukraine.

And the Republicans, many of them are buying into it. Out of free will, and voluntarily. There are no explanations, no valid causes for giving your brain, principles and integrity to collective insanity. None: doesn't exist. Their choices will be written into the history, and the posterity will feel ashamed of the connection.

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You Libbies are so comical. CNN send that twat Amanpour to interview Assad and none of you squeak. Carlson interviews Putin and you all p1ss your g-strings.

Go do your laundry and grow the hell up.

Edited by Nationalist
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3 hours ago, Nationalist said:

You Libbies are so comical. CNN send that twat Amanpour to interview Assad and none of you squeak. Carlson interviews Putin and you all p1ss your g-strings.

Go do your laundry and grow the hell up.

Amanpour is a multiple award winning journalist (dozens) who has been a foreign correspondent for decades with CNN, ABC, CBS and PBS. Tuckers claim to fame is his lies costing his former employer almost $800 million. 

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5 minutes ago, Aristides said:

Amanpour is a multiple award winning journalist (dozens) who has been a foreign correspondent for decades with CNN, ABC, CBS and PBS. Tuckers claim to fame is his lies costing his former employer almost $800 million. 

I see, so it has not to do with WHO they are interviewing then.

"Because Carlson bad man"

Good point again, Arsestides

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28 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

I see, so it has not to do with WHO they are interviewing then.

"Because Carlson bad man"

Good point again, Arsestides

He isn't a journalist, he's a performer. He just gives Putin a platform and doesn't really call him on anything. Why do you think the Kremlin turned down all other interview requests. Uncomfortable questions they know Carlson won't ask.

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Just now, Aristides said:

He isn't a journalist, he's a performer. He just gives Putin a platform and doesn't really call him on anything. Why do you think the Kremlin turned down all other interview requests. Uncomfortable questions they know Carlson won't ask.

If you're now talking about quality issues, that's another story. The historical info Putin gave was rambling and hard to follow, and I don't agree that history over 1000 years justifies one country's claim over a piece of land today. Many borders were re-drawn after WW1.  What he said about more recent events was a lot more relevant.

That doesn't make everything he said 'true', and I said that earlier. But the parts about 2014, and the conflict involving Ukraine's rejection of an EU trade deal are true, imo.

Keep in mind, no president east or west would allow themselves to be put on the spot in front of a camera. Most likely the questions were already laid out and agreed upon long before the interview.

What questions would you have liked to see?

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I don't think the interview was a waste of time as it gives some insight to the way Putin thinks and why but basically it was just an opportunity for him vent for 2 hrs without being challenged. 

All kinds of questions could have been asked but at least Carlson could have challenged him on some of his more outrageous rewrites of history, particularly Poland being at fault for its own invasion in 1939, considering he is using that as an excuse for his invasion of Ukraine. I doubt whether Carlson knows much about European history himself.

Edited by Aristides
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13 hours ago, godzilla said:

you know, when well known hard left socialist skiffs call the socialists you cite "a 'Trotskyist' cult"... then you know you're scraping the bottom of the barrel for credible evidence.

World Socialist Web Site

"socialist magazine New Politics, the Lebanese Trotskyist academic Gilbert Achcar described the WSWS as "pro-Putin, pro-Assad and 'left-wing' propaganda" combined with "gutter journalism ... run by a 'Trotskyist' cult ... which perpetuates a long worn-out tradition of inter-Trotskyist sectarian quarrels in fulfilling its role as apologist for Putin, Assad, and their friends.""

Dude, what makes you think anyone cares what Gilbert Achcar, from the socialist magazine "New Politics", says about the WSWS? It's probably the least relevant 'fact' I've ever seen in my life.

Everything in the article I cited is factually correct and you haven't moved 1 inch towards debunking anything in there.  

I know this sounds hard to believe but there are times when even CNN reports facts correctly: it's called "when the facts support their narrative". Should we shut down CNN because they lie 85% of the time? I've never seen you try to make that case against CNN, CBC, NYT, etc before, so I don't see why I should accept your dislike of this source as being a relevant factor here.

Let's be honest, you spent more time looking for a way to discredit that source than you did looking into the Azovs, didn't you....

Why is that?

Why didn't you try to independently verify the facts instead of looking for a hit piece on that source? 

Are you trying to say that the Pentagon didn't give that guy an award, that Jon Stewart didn't present it, that the Azovs don't wear Nazi insignias, that the guy who accepted it wasn't a tattooed Nazi?

Why not just prove that? Find a fact checker that will say Stewart did no such thing...

If a Trump supporter said 'gesundheit' after someone sneezed and CNN said "OMG that's proof that he's a Nazi!" would you believe them? Kinda sorta? Why is it that when an Azov wears the uni and gets the tattoo you like to pretend that he's not a Nazi? 

The have Nazi tattoos and wear Nazi insignias for a reason. They say that they're Nazis for a reason. You and Gilbert Achcar don't get to overrule them. It's just absurd that you think you can. 

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22 hours ago, godzilla said:

Putin needs a bullet in the head because he is a dictator. end of story. all dictators are bad news. this is a historical axiom that Trump wants to convince his followers is not true. because he is one.

and the extreme right are ok with that.

This is the kind of mentality that led us (the global West) to defeat multiple times in the last 60 years, including thousands of dead soldiers on our side.

Replacing dictators in the Middle East, Africa and in Asia has made the areas less safe, more prone to violence, HDI goes down systematically after each intervention. Regime change wars have proven to be totally ineffective and backfired at us multiple times, if not all the times it's been done.

By the way, calling a democratically elected ex-president a dictator is incredibly stupid. Even worse, saying a sentence before that all dictators need a bullet to the head infers that you would kill Donald Trump if given the chance is extremely concerning for your mental health.

For this reason, for therapy, I really wish you to express your anger at the Russians, on the battlefield in Avdviivka. Pretend they all are Donald Trumps. See how it goes.

Please enrol now. I really want you to enrol for Ukraine.

1 hour ago, Aristides said:

He isn't a journalist, he's a performer. He just gives Putin a platform and doesn't really call him on anything. Why do you think the Kremlin turned down all other interview requests. Uncomfortable questions they know Carlson won't ask.

A journalist asks question.

A political activist debates.

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Just now, robosmith said:

Real journalists push back on lies because they don't want to play a role in spreading them. AKA, INTEGRITY.

Yeah, like in the good old times, like in 2003 when all the journalists were repeating the lies about Saddam's weapons of mass destruction.

Those were the time, my boy! Integrity at its finest.

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8 minutes ago, robosmith said:

Real journalists push back on lies because they don't want to play a role in spreading them. AKA, INTEGRITY.

Well that's not really true.  That's not a journaists job. They ask questions.  And they may ask follow up questions but they don't decide the truth and then tell the interviewee what the answer is.  I think you're thinking of "jeopardy".


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8 minutes ago, QuebecOverCanada said:

Yeah, like in the good old times, like in 2003 when all the journalists were repeating the lies about Saddam's weapons of mass destruction.

Those were the time, my boy! Integrity at its finest.

Did you know they were lies? How?

I had my suspicions, but I didn't KNOW.

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Just now, CdnFox said:

Well that's not really true.  That's not a journaists job. They ask questions.  And they may ask follow up questions but they don't decide the truth and then tell the interviewee what the answer is.  I think you're thinking of "jeopardy".


He's got his ideas of journalism from watching CNN, pardon his ignorance.

Maybe he would be anti-war if the host of his morning show displayed in his old-age residence TV changed sides.

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9 minutes ago, QuebecOverCanada said:

Yeah, like in the good old times, like in 2003 when all the journalists were repeating the lies about Saddam's weapons of mass destruction.

Those were the time, my boy! Integrity at its finest.

Or the time cnn and nbc edited tape of the christian school boys who 'harassed' the first nations protesters to completely alter what happened - got sued and lost too.

Or when the media that Robodolt loves in the states edited and spliced the George Zimmerman 911 tapes to make it look like zimmerman had made a racist comment.

That's Robosmith's version of 'integrity' - if they don't give the answer you want, just edit the tape until they do! 

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17 hours ago, Aristides said:

Most occupied countries had people serving in  Waffen SS units, including Russians. Ukraine wasn't unique.


You take a little slice of fact and build it into a huge fiction.

Slice this fact: Ukrainians were waving Nazi flags when the Germans arrived arrived, maybe not surprisingly considering their hatred for Stalin, but that doesn't change the fact that the Waffen SS committed atrocities on a scale that's inhuman.

All of the people who choose to wear that emblem now are doing it with full knowledge of exactly what that means. 

The NY Mafia aided the American military greatly in their Italian campaign. Do you call the mafia heroes? Or are they just slimy criminals who entered into a business arrangement that was beneficial to them?

Stalin and his Russians did far more to stomp the Nazis than Canadians ever did, do you call Stalin a hero? Were Canadians lazy? 

FYI it's possible to give the devil his die without worshipping him. It's possible to acknowledge Stalin's part in the war against Hitler without holding a beatification ceremony. Decent Ukrainians can despise Stalin without glorifying Naziism. That's just as real as it gets. 

I don't even 'thank' Stalin for fighting against Nazis. I thank Russians, and I thank God that Hitler attacked Russia, but there's a special place in hell for Hitler and Stalin both. I don't respect anyone who exalts either of them, and you shouldn't condone it. 

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