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Are we witnessing the globalist hostile takeover of Canada by Justin Trudeau?

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5 minutes ago, taxme said:

Pierre Poilevre has said that if he is elected the PM of Canada in the next election he will have nothing to do with the WEF. Now, whether he means it or not we have to take his word for it and vote conservative in the next election.

Screw this so called climate change crisis. It is just another globalist big pharma covid #2 nonsense that people like suckers like you will one again fall for. Liberals like you will never learn from anything. There is no climate crisis to worry all that much about. It's all in your brain dead head of yours. The MSM pushes climate crisis every day which should mean by now, if you have some brain cells in your heads, that it is all just globalist propaganda to try and take more freedom away from you.

The globalist elite cabal will never practice what they preach. The globalist Marxist of Canada will never fly anywhere except on a private jet. Even when he goes on a personal holiday, the lying arse hole will never go economy on any regular ordinary passenger airplane for his vacation like you and i have to do. The turd is an elite member of the globalist elite cabal club or cult. 

The globalist Marxist dictator of Canada already knows that this climate change crisis is all just bullshit. The problem is, why can't dummies like you see that also? When someone buys an EV, they are buying into the global warming bullshit. 

Some people's kids? Disgusting indeed. 😀 

Are you sure you quoted the correct poster?

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On 12/26/2023 at 5:29 PM, herbie said:

So let's elect Tories who will do nothing.
You know, those guys who delivered FREE TRADE to get rid of "globalist" Liberals.

So now you can see into the future is there anything you can't do...and why would it matter, the liberals/NDP had 8 plus years to do something, anything and blew it...you guys had your chance...

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On 12/25/2023 at 8:35 PM, blackbird said:

There is a hot book on Amazon called:  "O CHINADA, The Manchurian Canadaian: Communist Patsy of Canada, CHANNELING CASTRO"

O CHINADA, The Manchurian Canadian: Communist Patsy of Canada, CHANNELING CASTRO eBook : Rosenberger, Richard Abram: Amazon.ca: Kindle Store

"We are witnessing the globalist hostile takeover of Canada through Justin Trudeau. Following the World Economic Forum playbook, Marxist powers of this age have "penetrated" the Liberal Government of Canada by the Queen's Royal Assent. Foreign actors and interests currently control the Prime Minister, all under the guiding eye of the Monarchy. An autocoup has already dismissed our Constitution, mandated tyranny, holding many nations. Treaties are signed, but you were NOT at the table!"

Is this for real or is this some kind of scam?  I don't know. 

We do know the Trudeau government puts a lot of trust in what the U.N. says and parrots them on some things like Covid vaccinations, climate change and now the war between Israel and Hamas, and mass immigration into Canada.  Canada already seems to be less of a sovereign country and more of some kind of property of the U.N.   We know Canada also sends billions of dollars to other countries.  Four billion to Iraq.  And we know Canada is spending tens of billions of dollars on EV battery plants as part of their war on climate change and the U.N. has been banging the gavel about the war on climate change along with COP28.  We need to ask why Trudeau and his minister need to using Canada on the war against climate change likely more fervently than any other country in the world.  Why are we paying such a heavy price for this war on climate change?

Maybe I will get the book on Kindle or get the paperback. It is hard to judge a book by its cover.



You are spot on, mate. We do have a globalist agenda going on all over the world where one of their main objectives is to get the Joe and Mary six packs into believing that bugs are great to eat. This is why meat is now so expensive to buy. They want we the peasants to start eating bugs. The globalist will always be eating steak, no matter what.

Apparently, some grocery stores are now placing on their shelves and in refrigeration areas some products with bugs inside those products. Better read that label on that product before you buy it. 

The cashless society is another one of the globalist ilk programs and agendas to get rid of cash, and go to a cashless society, where they will be able to, with the help of our Marxist government in Ottawa, to be able to keep tabs of what and where one spends their own money. And if they do not like as to what you are spending or doing with your own money, they will freeze your bank or credit card account.

We saw the globalists ilk do just that, with the help of the dictator in Ottawa, too many patriotic Canadians who attended the truckers convoy demonstration in Ottawa not so long ago. Peeve off the globalist elite ilk and they will freeze your bank account right away. Then, what are you going to do, eh? Maybe starve to death or get kicked out of your home because one cannot pay their rent. 

One more item to note is that those preacher globalists who try to get us to cut back on our carbon emissions are not really doing what they want us to do. They still and always will fly in their own private jets, run big expensive yachts and drive fossil fuel gas guzzlers and of course, still own two or three homes somewhere around the world. 

We are living in dangerous times where we the peasants need to be more vigilant as to what is going on in the world around us. Pay more attention the what those globalists are doing. And do not expect any help from the MSM. They are already owned by the globalists. It's all out there because they are already showing us now as to what they are up too.

It's wakey-wakey time. 😇 

26 minutes ago, Legato said:

Are you sure you quoted the correct poster?

I thought that i was replying to your post? But then again? 

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On 12/27/2023 at 11:29 PM, herbie said:

You can post all the links you want to their vague ill thought mumbo jumbo dance to avoid all financial cost, but that will never qualify it as a climate plan.

And as far as touting nukes, yeah we possibly could have some online in 15 or 20 years, so let;s avoid current alternatives and do nothing until then but scale up oil and gas exports.....

maybe the lefts math is different, i ran the numbers a few times, and it's not 10 to 15 years, but rather in 6 years a operational plant will be built infact 5 will be built by 2032...in case your math is as bad as mine thats only 8 years away...5 SMR's on line 4 will be used to create hydrogen as a fuel source, amd supplementing power to existing hydro and nuclear plants built before the pipelines could be built...imigine that conservatives doing all that and building pipelines...

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1 minute ago, Army Guy said:

So now you can see into the future is there anything you can't do...and why would it matter, the liberals/NDP had 8 plus years to do something, anything and blew it...you guys had your chance...

8 Plus years?!? are you forgetting the 90's where they kept promising to meet kyoto and didn't do a damn thing then either?

In fact it's 3 gov'ts and TWENTY years of inaction from the libs.

As chretein said - "you always go to the meetings and make a promise but you never actually do anything"

And this is supposedly the 'party of the environment' :)

Anyone who votes liberal because of the environment is too stupid to be a voter.

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32 minutes ago, Legato said:

Steven Guibeault minister of environment and climate change.

Thanks. So now, the dictator in Ottawa is hiring criminals now. No surprise here alright. It would appear as though the fool will only hire dumb and useless buffoons to do his dirty work. Is it no wonder that Canada has been going on the downslide for several years now. With crooked globalist liberals in power, who really needs enemies. 😒

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1 minute ago, Army Guy said:

maybe the lefts math is different, i ran the numbers a few times, and it's not 10 to 15 years, but rather in 6 years a operational plant will be built infact 5 will be built by 2032...in case your math is as bad as mine thats only 8 years away...5 SMR's on line 4 will be used to create hydrogen as a fuel source, amd supplementing power to existing hydro and nuclear plants built before the pipelines could be built...imigine that conservatives doing all that and building pipelines...

Not only are you correct and canada is moving towards nuclear options at a very quick speed,  BUT - it was the "environmentalists" who held back nuclear development for so long in the first place.

THe BC NDP just voted to reaffirm that nuclear power is illegal in british columbia and will remain so.  That's the 'left's contribution to climate change - herbie and his kind forced the world to rely on oil and gas for far longer than it needed to out of ignorance and hatred and self righteous piety. 

but it's our fault you see ;) 

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11 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

So now you can see into the future is there anything you can't do...and why would it matter, the liberals/NDP had 8 plus years to do something, anything and blew it...you guys had your chance...

Are you a conservative or just another liberal? Not sure now. 😇

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9 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:
22 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

Did you see what they did to us during Covid? I think that reveals their true motives. They are not on our side.

You mean they provided for their own constituants before bailing us out? Gee why don't we do that? 😁

22 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

Because they became communist at that point, and thus our enemies. It's pretty simple, one just has to not forget history.

Gee, so you are saying the Soviet Union in WW2 wasn't our ally or are you saying they weren't communist?

Who cares if China is communist? Why does that make them our enemy? 


1 hour ago, OftenWrong said:

They were a convenient ally at the time, yes, but Churchill knew exactly what he was dealing with when he said he had to make a deal with the devil (Stalin).

Plus immediately after the war and having utilized the atom bomb on Japan, the US and UK  considered nuking the Soviets, afraid they might get too powerful. They literally debated annihilating them before the soviets could develop their own nukes.

https://canadiandimension.com/articles/view/from-1945-49-the-us-and-uk-planned-to-bomb-russia-into-the-stone-age#:~:text=Just weeks after the Second,with a massive nuclear strike.

"Just weeks after the Second World War was over and with Nazi Germany defeated, Soviet Russia’s allies, the United States and Great Britain, hastened to develop military plans aimed at dismantling the USSR and wiping out its cities with a massive nuclear strike."

You probably knew that. Just forgot in the moment of passionate debate...   ;) 

I did read Operation Dropshot. Thanks. 

  • Operation World War III: Secret American Plan (Dropshot) for War with the Soviet Union in 1957 (1979). ISBN 0853681236. by Anthony Cave Brown

The USSR was a threat because of their belligerence. The fact that a country is communist or capatalist should not be an impediment to good relations or a reason to consider them an enemy. We did not break off relations with Cuba when Castro took over. It is inappropriate to tell other countries how to govern themselves. I can imagine how we would get our knickers in a twist if a hypothetical French President shouted "Vivre Quebec Libre," from a balcony in Quebec. When we butt into another country's affairs such as Prime Minister Trudeau lecturing President Xi  on how he could improve China, we saw how effective that was. 

At times like this where Europe is in peril because Russia is once again belligerent, we need all the allies we can get. We are in jeopardy, not from some ideology but one man's ego.

Like it or not, China is only going to grow in power, even with their current economic troubles. When the bar lets out and you and your friends are facing off against a group of loud mouth thugs, you should be standing behind the two biggest guys in your gang.

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34 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

Are you just waking up, or off your meds...i'm not sure...

I was just asking to be sure because some of your replies sure look pretty liberal to me. I am off my meds and have been off my meds for a very long time. But thanks for showing your concern, i think. 😀

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35 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

The USSR was a threat because of their belligerence. The fact that a country is communist or capatalist should not be an impediment to good relations or a reason to consider them an enemy

That is nice but not realistic in context of the ongoing battle of the superpowers. A battle that has been waging since the 1500's.

The rise and fall of the great powers

Good book. 

One should also consider the agressive nature of communism is due to its global ambitions. Communism can only work if everyone becomes communist. This was the stated goal of COMINTERN.


"Lenin and his associates viewed Russia as no more than a springboard from which to launch a global civil war. They feared that if the revolution remained confined to backward, agrarian Russia it would perish."

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1 hour ago, Queenmandy85 said:

I did read Operation Dropshot. Thanks.

Just a sticking point here- The difference being that took place in 1957, while my link discusses what took place between 1945-49. During that time only USA had nukes. In other words, they immediately discussed annihilating the soviet union. So much for being allies.

"With friends like you people, who needs enemies?"



... Because they knew. The COMINTERN.

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12 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

So, nuclear power. Why, then, should we not just use the power from the nuclear reactor rather than using it to produce hydrogen. The production of hydrogen consumes a lot of energy. 

The advantage of nuclear power is we have enough uranium to bridge the gap until we can get thorium reactors up and running and the carbon footprint is low. You re-build and electrify the rail networks to replace tranpertation that uses fossil fuels. 

You cannot run car with nuclear power but with hydrogen, yes.

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2 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

It is inappropriate to tell other countries how to govern themselves.

It's entirety appropriate for countries to tell one another to treat human rights universally.

If they don't, they should be shunned. Patron states of misbehaving clients should be sanctioned.

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5 minutes ago, eyeball said:

It's entirety appropriate for countries to tell one another to treat human rights universally.

If they don't, they should be shunned. Patron states of misbehaving clients should be sanctioned.

Not unless you're preapred to go to war over it.

You can make suggestions or complaints but it's called 'sovereignty' for a reason and butting into that ends about as well as getting between a husband and wife with marital issues.

Ask the us if that's caused THEM any problems :)   staying out of other countries business whenever possible is necessary to keep your citizens safe and prosperous.

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9 hours ago, eyeball said:

It's entirety appropriate for countries to tell one another to treat human rights universally.

If they don't, they should be shunned. Patron states of misbehaving clients should be sanctioned.

Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone. We express concern about China's intensions towards Taiwan but China see's Taiwan as a province of China just as we view Alberta and Quebec as an integral part of Canada. If either attempted to separate, we would have a civil war. The USA is the same with their civil war. We just have to embrace our hypocacy. We can hope China's recent announcements are just an attempt to influence the election in Taiwan.

Would you rather we fight China and Russia at the same time?

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50 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone..

According to Jesus to wear a weapon is criminal


Would you rather we fight China and Russia at the same time?

I'm not interested in fighting in any war and the best way not to do that is to get rid of Poilievre and Trudeau.


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19 hours ago, CdnFox said:

8 Plus years?!? are you forgetting the 90's where they kept promising to meet kyoto and didn't do a damn thing then either?

In fact it's 3 gov'ts and TWENTY years of inaction from the libs.

As chretein said - "you always go to the meetings and make a promise but you never actually do anything"

And this is supposedly the 'party of the environment' :)

Anyone who votes liberal because of the environment is too stupid to be a voter.

It's all just more globalist political bull crap. Many people are making plenty of moola and getting very rich off of this phony climate crisis nonsense. The WEF globalist elite ilk have taken over Canada. Half of the federal liberal party MP's in Ottawa are the children of the WEF. Even Klaus Swabster loves his little sucker boy Trudeau. Trudeau cares about the environment as much as i do, which i must say, isn't very much. 

So true. Anyone who votes or supports liberals these days really are showing signs that they truly do have some mental issues. Just my opinion of course. 😇

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21 hours ago, Army Guy said:

So now you can see into the future is there anything you can't do...and why would it matter, the liberals/NDP had 8 plus years to do something, anything and blew it...you guys had your chance...

Perhaps because they too can see reversing it would be the stupidest thing possible.

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1 hour ago, herbie said:

Perhaps because they too can see reversing it would be the stupidest thing possible.

So you're saying that stopping climate change would be the stupidest thing possible.

You are the king of mixed messages.  Go have a nap.

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10 minutes ago, Nefarious Banana said:

Steven Guilbeault  . . . . treacherous!

Trecherious in the way a mentally challenged gorrilla who's been blindfolded and pepper sprayed, given a chainsaw and let loose in a china shop would be.

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5 minutes ago, herbie said:

As you are the King of reading anything and not comprehending what you read. Congrats on that.

Awww little guy - look at you, trying desperately to come up with something to defend your inconsistencies with :)    You're always so cute when you get your hand caught in the kooky jar :)  

If you try being morally and logically consistent you won't have these problems in the first place :)

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