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Is Canada going communist?


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Is Canada well on it's way to becoming a communist country? It looks to me like this is what is happening here in Canada. I have been watching many communist like government activities going on in Canada like with this "Online News(censorship)Act with Bills like C-11 and C-18. They both are pretty much meant to be acts to create censorship in Canada. Only a communist country would come up with an effort to try and control we the people's rights to freedom of speech. 

We have also heard of many people that have had their bank and credit card accounts frozen by this present day Marxist dictator in Ottawa during the truckers convoy protests in Ottawa a few years back. Who would have ever thought that we would see the day here in Canada when the government can freeze somebody's bank or credit cards accounts just because they did not like the convoy protesters peacefully protesting or their politics. Only a communist country would come up and do such a thing. 

And there is an effort to try and control Podcasts. Only a communist minded government would try and censor certain podcasts that are way to much for freedom of speech  and of course anything conservative. Trying to make certain pod caster's to have to report how much money they earn, and if they make over a certain amount of money in revenue, they must apply for permission to be able to be heard in Canada. Another what appears to be more control by the Marxist government in Ottawa. 

Where will it end? Will we all one day wake up and find that freedom of speech has been abolished for good in Canada, and there will be no more rights to protesting or assembling by anyone in Canada. It may just happen one day as the liberal Marxists in Ottawa are now getting desperate as they see the possibility of them losing the next election to the conservative party. I do not trust this Marxist in Ottawa. He is just the kind of Marxist that would try to abolish election, if he could, and he may well try to do so. The Marxist in Ottawa should never be trusted. He has shown us all that he does not really believe in democracy or freedom speech and assembly. He shows us all that he is a Marxist thru and thru. 

What say you? Is Canada fast becoming a communist country? I believe so, do you? ?


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You appear to be confusing communism with socialism.  While communism is a form of socialsm not all socialism is communism.

There is no doubt whatsoever that Trudeau has moved the country towards a socialistic state.  Whether or not that's  a sort of 'temporary' or permanent slide will depend on what the next gov't does.  But yes, there are many socialist policies that have been put forward.

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2 hours ago, taxme said:

Is Canada well on it's way to becoming a communist country? It looks to me like this is what is happening here in Canada. I have been watching many communist like government activities going on in Canada like with this "Online News(censorship)Act with Bills like C-11 and C-18. They both are pretty much meant to be acts to create censorship in Canada. Only a communist country would come up with an effort to try and control we the people's rights to freedom of speech. 

We have also heard of many people that have had their bank and credit card accounts frozen by this present day Marxist dictator in Ottawa during the truckers convoy protests in Ottawa a few years back. Who would have ever thought that we would see the day here in Canada when the government can freeze somebody's bank or credit cards accounts just because they did not like the convoy protesters peacefully protesting or their politics. Only a communist country would come up and do such a thing. 

And there is an effort to try and control Podcasts. Only a communist minded government would try and censor certain podcasts that are way to much for freedom of speech  and of course anything conservative. Trying to make certain pod caster's to have to report how much money they earn, and if they make over a certain amount of money in revenue, they must apply for permission to be able to be heard in Canada. Another what appears to be more control by the Marxist government in Ottawa. 

Where will it end? Will we all one day wake up and find that freedom of speech has been abolished for good in Canada, and there will be no more rights to protesting or assembling by anyone in Canada. It may just happen one day as the liberal Marxists in Ottawa are now getting desperate as they see the possibility of them losing the next election to the conservative party. I do not trust this Marxist in Ottawa. He is just the kind of Marxist that would try to abolish election, if he could, and he may well try to do so. The Marxist in Ottawa should never be trusted. He has shown us all that he does not really believe in democracy or freedom speech and assembly. He shows us all that he is a Marxist thru and thru. 

What say you? Is Canada fast becoming a communist country? I believe so, do you? ?


Right wing dictators like to control what people think or do, there are communist dictators and capitalist dictators.

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8 minutes ago, ironstone said:

Names please?

Exactly :)  You'll find that mostly 'dictators' tend to be either left wing or neither left nor right wing, just power hungry.

Would you say putin is right or left?  Was stalin? Mao? Castro? which other great dictators have we seen in the last century? Hitler was socialistic.  I can't even think of any right wing dictators or tyrants in the last 100 years off the top of my head, so even if i missed one along the way they're pretty heavily outnumbered by the left :)

The primary defining difference between what we think of as right and left today is mostly that the right believes in individual freedoms and individual responsiblity and meritocracy, whereas the left believes in societal goals and society's responsibility to produce equal outcomes as well as wealth distribution.

You don't need strong gov't controls to achieve personal freedoms - you DO if you're going to achieve societal goals and targets.  So left wing ideology creates a strong need for a 'father' figure who tells the country how to move.  ANd that tends to lead to dictatorships more easily.

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17 minutes ago, Gaétan said:

Right wing dictators like to control what people think or do, there are communist dictators and capitalist dictators.

It looks to me today like this is being done by a Marxist communist liberal dictator in Ottawa. 

But if we ever did end up with a WEF globalist controlled world, well then, that would be seen as a right wing capitalist dictatorship takeover. Both are evil. Both are not wanted nor needed. ?

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9 minutes ago, ironstone said:

Names please?

A communist dictator is the president of North Corea and a capitalist dictator is like Joe Biden, he's got a system to watch every people communicating in the world, he controls what the media say and by that way what people think by paying them with public funds, advertizing contracts  to sell vaccines to poison people for example. There are lobbeyists for every people elected to make laws to sell weapons to dictators in the world, pharma products, oil, gaz and other pollution products, this is a modern well organized dictatorship.

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1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

You appear to be confusing communism with socialism.  While communism is a form of socialsm not all socialism is communism.

There is no doubt whatsoever that Trudeau has moved the country towards a socialistic state.  Whether or not that's  a sort of 'temporary' or permanent slide will depend on what the next gov't does.  But yes, there are many socialist policies that have been put forward.

Socialism is total government control of society and industry and socialism will eventually lead to communism. The liberal party appears to be very communistic minded in what they are doing to fight freedom of speech in Canada. 

The many attacks against freedom of speech, which I already posted above, should tell us all that Canada is not all that much of a democratic and freedom loving country anymore. And the sad part for me is that this Marxist dictator in Ottawa has two more years to go and i do believe that the dictator ain't finished with us yet, pardner. I am pretty sure that there will be more anti-freedom legislation and attacks to come in the next two years. 

If this dictator believes that what he is doing will be good for Canada and Canadians, then let him bring on and call an  election and let the people decide as to whether they want freedom or communism. Of course, the dictator knows that he will be losing the next election, and so, we are stuck with the dictator for another two more years with, no doubt, more of his anti freedom of speech attacks. Can we survive another two more years of this buffoon. I doubt it very much. ?

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6 minutes ago, Gaétan said:

A communist dictator is the president of North Corea and a capitalist dictator is like Joe Biden, he's got a system to watch every people communicating in the world, he controls what the media say and by that way what people think by paying them with public funds, advertizing contracts  to sell vaccines to poison people for example. There are lobbeyists for every people elected to make laws to sell weapons to dictators in the world, pharma products, oil, gaz and other pollution products, this is a modern well organized dictatorship.

Both Canada and America have dictatorship like leaders that do not believe in democracy or freedom of speech. Just control and power. God only knows what those two dictators have in store for us all. I am pretty sure that it will not be pleasant. Enjoy your freedom while you still have it. It could be gone any day now. Believe it or not. ?

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Trudeau is bringing in immigrants that would support his Socialist agenda.  They come from countries where there is no democratic system and so they don't understand freedom.

Judeo-Christianity brought more freedom and human rights to the western world than anything else.  If you oppose Christianity you are setting yourself up to be taken over by a Socialist dictatorship.  I found from observation that atheists or agnostics often believe government should take care of them.

The word that describes Trudeau, liberals, and NDP is establishmentarianism, which means more government bureaucracy and control of every aspect of everyone's life.  Another similar word is authoritarianism.  It is bizarre how one man, like Trudeau, believes so strongly that he knows everything and nobody else knows anything.

Many people want government to provide for their every need.  There is a price to be paid for having government so involved in everything.  The price is freedom.  The more government gets involved in everything, the more convinced they are that they know what is best for everyone.  

Edited by blackbird
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1 hour ago, ironstone said:

Names please?

Right wing dictators In no particular order off the top of my head :

Vladimir Putin

Augusto Pinochet

Adolf Hitler

Benito Mussolini

Francisco Franco


You can find a definition of right-wing dictatorship and an extensive listing here:



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3 hours ago, taxme said:

Is Canada well on it's way to becoming a communist country? It looks to me like this is what is happening here in Canada. I have been watching many communist like government activities going on in Canada like with this "Online News(censorship)Act with Bills like C-11 and C-18. They both are pretty much meant to be acts to create censorship in Canada. Only a communist country would come up with an effort to try and control we the people's rights to freedom of speech. 

We have also heard of many people that have had their bank and credit card accounts frozen by this present day Marxist dictator in Ottawa during the truckers convoy protests in Ottawa a few years back. Who would have ever thought that we would see the day here in Canada when the government can freeze somebody's bank or credit cards accounts just because they did not like the convoy protesters peacefully protesting or their politics. Only a communist country would come up and do such a thing. 

And there is an effort to try and control Podcasts. Only a communist minded government would try and censor certain podcasts that are way to much for freedom of speech  and of course anything conservative. Trying to make certain pod caster's to have to report how much money they earn, and if they make over a certain amount of money in revenue, they must apply for permission to be able to be heard in Canada. Another what appears to be more control by the Marxist government in Ottawa. 

Where will it end? Will we all one day wake up and find that freedom of speech has been abolished for good in Canada, and there will be no more rights to protesting or assembling by anyone in Canada. It may just happen one day as the liberal Marxists in Ottawa are now getting desperate as they see the possibility of them losing the next election to the conservative party. I do not trust this Marxist in Ottawa. He is just the kind of Marxist that would try to abolish election, if he could, and he may well try to do so. The Marxist in Ottawa should never be trusted. He has shown us all that he does not really believe in democracy or freedom speech and assembly. He shows us all that he is a Marxist thru and thru. 

What say you? Is Canada fast becoming a communist country? I believe so, do you? ?


You have no idea what the words communist, socialist or Marxist even mean. 

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2 hours ago, taxme said:

Socialism is total government control of society and industry and socialism will eventually lead to communism.

 Well, that IS one model but it's pretty out dated these days.  Socialism today strives for VERY STRONG control over soicety and industry, but not total control. They recognize that the market does solve problems that traditional socialism and communism simply can't fix.  So you see a lot of socialistic models where there's still private ownership of industry but it's very very heavily regulated.  The nazis pioneered that model and it worked well for them as far as the model goes. Nowadays europeans tend to refer to it as "democratic" socialism or sometimes 'market' socialism although that's even more control.


The liberal party appears to be very communistic minded in what they are doing to fight freedom of speech in Canada. 

Well, lets not nitpick - you mean they intend to exercise very very strong controls over what people can say or think out loud.  Yes.



The many attacks against freedom of speech, which I already posted above, should tell us all that Canada is not all that much of a democratic and freedom loving country anymore. And the sad part for me is that this Marxist dictator in Ottawa has two more years to go and i do believe that the dictator ain't finished with us yet, pardner. I am pretty sure that there will be more anti-freedom legislation and attacks to come in the next two years. 

Canada has always had a slightly socialistic bend to it.  It's still more european (where socialistic and communistic ideas tend to flourish) than it is north american in some respects. Certainly the east where the power largely rests.


If this dictator believes that what he is doing will be good for Canada and Canadians, then let him bring on and call an  election and let the people decide as to whether they want freedom or communism. Of course, the dictator knows that he will be losing the next election, and so, we are stuck with the dictator for another two more years with, no doubt, more of his anti freedom of speech attacks. Can we survive another two more years of this buffoon. I doubt it very much. ? 

No no no - you see the PEOPLE don't know what's best for them, they have to be TOLD wants best for them. Otherwise they'll just spend all their money on beer and popcorn! That's why it's up to justin and the gov't of the day to guide us to the right thinking - and by 'guide' i mean by controlling our speech and by force of law if necessary.  I mean it's for our own good after all.

Remember - this is our democracy we're talking about and the liberals Know that democracy is far too important and precious to be left to the people.

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13 hours ago, herbie said:

Did you sleeo through Social Studies and never darken a Library door?

It went over your head obviously, but I was curious to hear what capitalist dictator names he was going to come up with.

12 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Right wing dictators In no particular order off the top of my head :

Vladimir Putin

Augusto Pinochet

Adolf Hitler

Benito Mussolini

Francisco Franco


You can find a definition of right-wing dictatorship and an extensive listing here:



Hey, wait a minute! Where are your examples of left-wing dictators??

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13 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Right wing dictators In no particular order off the top of my head :

Vladimir Putin

Augusto Pinochet

Adolf Hitler

Benito Mussolini

Francisco Franco


You can find a definition of right-wing dictatorship and an extensive listing here:



How many were Papists?   Likely four out of five.  The Papacy is all about political power and control.  That is why it has a large bureaucracy.

I believe it was reported Putin is a defender of the Russian Orthodox Church.

"Father Mitrofanov put it this way: "Orthodox belief is no longer understood as a belief in Christ, but as a totalitarian ideology, that mixes nationalistic ideas with zero-tolerance for internal and external critics, and a need to feel like a part of a powerful community."

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On 11/1/2023 at 6:43 PM, CdnFox said:

You appear to be confusing communism with socialism.  While communism is a form of socialsm not all socialism is communism.

There is no doubt whatsoever that Trudeau has moved the country towards a socialistic state.  Whether or not that's  a sort of 'temporary' or permanent slide will depend on what the next gov't does.  But yes, there are many socialist policies that have been put forward.

next step is communism, TurdO has taken Canada into the PinkO region and opened the next door to become communist which means Canada will be a war zone. A war zone and not communist country.


CdnFox dude or dudet, you will need to workout and eat well to live in the warZone of Chinada.

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23 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

You have no idea what the words communist, socialist or Marxist even mean. 

And of course, you do? So then, you tell me what the words really mean than? You now have the floor, O lefty one. ?

It has been quite obvious to me that you are one if those pesky lefty liberals who will support the dictator in Ottawa's plan to censor certain freedom of speech in Canada, you know, the conservative kind of freedom of speech. 

Why do you agree with Bills C-11 and C-18 and the next one Bill-C-32? You obviously appear to do so? And i must assume that you also agree with and believe that peoples bank and credit card accounts should be frozen when those people disagree with the government and their version of freedom of speech. 

You may think that it is all okay with you for the government to do what it has done in regards to freedom of speech in Canada but i do not agree. Only Marxist communists will go along with that Marxist communist in Ottawa. 

Have a shitty communist day, comrade. LOL

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21 minutes ago, taxme said:

And of course, you do? So then, you tell me what the words really mean than? You now have the floor, O lefty one. ?

It has been quite obvious to me that you are one if those pesky lefty liberals who will support the dictator in Ottawa's plan to censor certain freedom of speech in Canada, you know, the conservative kind of freedom of speech. 

Why do you agree with Bills C-11 and C-18 and the next one Bill-C-32? You obviously appear to do so? And i must assume that you also agree with and believe that peoples bank and credit card accounts should be frozen when those people disagree with the government and their version of freedom of speech. 

You may think that it is all okay with you for the government to do what it has done in regards to freedom of speech in Canada but i do not agree. Only Marxist communists will go along with that Marxist communist in Ottawa. 

Have a shitty communist day, comrade. LOL

Lol someone ran out of crazy pills. Don’t worry I hear Justin might be working on a pharmacare plan, soon you won’t have to go off your meds again   

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On 11/1/2023 at 5:49 PM, BeaverFever said:

Right wing dictators In no particular order off the top of my head :

Vladimir Putin

Augusto Pinochet

Adolf Hitler

Benito Mussolini

Francisco Franco


You can find a definition of right-wing dictatorship and an extensive listing here:



All left wing i'm afraid.   Putin literally runs a socialist country - hitler was a market socialist,  et etc.


So your idea is just to take all the left wing dictators and pretend they're right wing.  I guess that's one way of 'solving' the problem LOL

You missed stalin and mao :) 

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22 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Lol someone ran out of crazy pills. Don’t worry I hear Justin might be working on a pharmacare plan, soon you won’t have to go off your meds again   

I cannot wait for the next election when the conservative party wins that election. Then, we will be coming after comrades like you and quickly be putting you back on those crazy pills that you have been avoiding for all those days. I will be suggesting that they give you the extra strength ones. They should help to keep your comrade mouth quiet for a very long time. They will be coming to take you away ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha. LOL. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Look at the pseudo-scientific indoctrination garbage being forced onto government employees.  I hope people refuse to answer these surveys and launch lawsuits.  Governments of free countries have no business permitting this:


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On 11/2/2023 at 8:40 PM, BeaverFever said:

Lol someone ran out of crazy pills. Don’t worry I hear Justin might be working on a pharmacare plan, soon you won’t have to go off your meds again   

The good thing about Ignore List posters commenting is that I can catch comments like this that I missed.

My fave is when I go to a page and there's an entire wall of hidden comments that I have saved my precious eyes from.

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If you truly study the policies of some of the most heinous dictators in Europe recently; Ceaucescu (Romania), Hoxha (Albania), Zhivkov (Bulgaria), Franco (Spain) and Tito (Yugoslavia), you will notice that they were more power hungry than communist. They ruled with an iron fist and did not truly care about the lower income types.. hence the lack of true income redistribution. Yes, they were part of the "Communist party" in their respective nations but they did not follow the Marx handbook even a little bit

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