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CBC's Pro-Palestine Coverage

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9 minutes ago, suds said:

At the very least, Israel should want their security guaranteed and they don't put much trust in the UN to any large degree.

Entirely agree here. An essential part of the settlement would be international security guarantee to Israel, up to and including boots on the ground, within its internationally recognized borders.

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20 minutes ago, myata said:

Entirely agree here. An essential part of the settlement would be international security guarantee to Israel, up to and including boots on the ground, within its internationally recognized borders.

Maybe if the international community had stepped up to the plate and not allowed Hamas to take over Gaza in 2005 things would have been different. But no, even though many did voice their concerns they would be shot down as being 'undemocratic'. Or maybe the international community could just do as they always do and throw tons of money at both sides (but a lot more of it) and wipe their hands clean. What the international community could do is put boots on the ground specifically to prop up any future responsible Palestinian government from being taken over by terrorists or outside forces. That might lower concerns.

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11 hours ago, suds said:

Maybe if the international community had stepped up to the plate and not allowed Hamas to take over Gaza in 2005 things would have been different.

Nope, false parallels. Gaza was not a viable state and not a valid example. The whole Gaza narrative may have been invented to demonstrate the futility of the two state solution, while quietly continuing encroaching occupation of the West bank, the preconceived answer. Want to try it for real, the answer is known: two states in the 1967 borders with mutual recognition and guarantees of security. Anything else is a distraction.

12 hours ago, suds said:

What the international community could do is put boots on the ground specifically to prop up any future responsible Palestinian government from being taken over by terrorists or outside forces. That might lower concerns.

When and if there's a viable Palestinian state absolutely, full agreement. International community cannot always fix internal divisions in a country (Libya) but it can certainly go a long way. This is not the status quo now and the reason is known very well too. At this time, Israeli society, not just the governments is not ready to pursue a two state solution in good faith. The resulting tensions create a breeding environment for the terrorists. Brutal response raises the heat of hatred. I can't see any good prospects in this direction.

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On 10/28/2023 at 12:01 PM, BeaverFever said:

You’re just angry because Palestinian victims are also being humanized

I would caution posters to beware of prolific antisemites and Israel haters who inhabit this forum.  I have witnessed them before.  They have a very different view of the world and are constantly smearing our western Judeo-Christian culture and favouring the Islamic culture and Islamic world.  Whether they are actually Islamic agitators disguised as westerners is hard to say.   Anything is possible in this day and age as the internet is accessible to anyone.

The Ottoman Empire was an Islamic empire for the spread of Islam and control of as much of the world as possible.  Western Judeo-Christian civilization has had to fight and defend against the expansion of the Ottoman (Islamic) Empire for 600 years in eastern Europe.  There have been endless wars in various areas between western Judeo-Christian forces and the Islamic world in the form of the Ottoman Empire.  The struggle for control of Israel has been part of that for a good part of the last thousand years or more. Remnants of the Ottoman Empire still exist throughout the middle east in the form of many Islamic countries with many terrorists and jihadists.  It has also spread well into northern Africa and made it's way south to quite an extent.  Much of the world is antisemitic.  This is proven by the long list of anti-Israel votes by the U.N.  The reality is western Judeo-Christian civilization's only ally in the middle east is Israel.  

The CBC is an enigma and impossible to figure out.  They give voice to Islamists, first nation red power activists, LGBTQ progressives, and Socialists regularly.  They had a Muslim woman in a hijab as a host on their one hour daily political program for some time until she suddenly was off the program without explanation.  The CBC is about as far from our historic Judeo-Christian culture as it can get.  It is basically an opponent of Biblical Christianity.  It is certainly not a supporter of our historic Judeo-Christian civilization.  Neither is the liberal-NDP alliance for that matter. Canada is actually a weaker ally of the five eyes in defending western interests and civilization.  It seems many Canadians are naive to the influence of Communist China and the growing influence of Islam in the west.

Joel Kotkin: Jews are being abandoned by the left (msn.com)

Palestinian protesters.jpg

Edited by blackbird
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On 10/28/2023 at 5:52 PM, Michael Hardner said:

While it's disheartening to read posts like that, it's good to see them dismantled so handily by The Beaver..

Dismantled? May I remind you that The Beave said...

On 10/28/2023 at 3:11 PM, BeaverFever said:

The Palestinian Authority officially recognized Israel’s right to exist in 1993

Yet we're talking about Hamas. Then...to try to cover his tracks...he said...

On 10/28/2023 at 9:16 PM, BeaverFever said:

In 1993 when PA recognized Israel it was the “government” in Gaza. Hamas only seized power there more than a decade later in 2007,

Hamas DID NOT seize power in Gaza. They were ELECTED.

And Mikey...you're a f'cking twit for posting this drivel.!

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1 hour ago, Nationalist said:

Yet we're talking about Hamas. Then...to try to cover his tracks...he said...

Liar this conversation has long ago evolved beyond just talking about Hamas to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and Palestinian people as a whole. My comments that you quoted above were in response to false statements that were not just about Hamas but of course people like you HATE having your narratives challenged and HATE relevant context  


1 hour ago, Nationalist said:

Hamas DID NOT seize power in Gaza. They were ELECTED.

1) the expression “seizing power” doesn’t preclude being elected 

2) In the 16 years since they haven’t held any other elections and engage in violent thuggery to keep any potential internal rivals at bay especially the Palestinian Authority. 

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2 hours ago, blackbird said:

The Ottoman Empire was an Islamic empire for the spread of Islam and control of as much of the world as possible.  Western Judeo-Christian civilization has had to fight and defend against the expansion of the Ottoman (Islamic) Empire for 600 years in eastern Europe.  There have been endless wars in various areas between western Judeo-Christian forces and the Islamic world in the form of the Ottoman Empire.  The struggle for control of Israel has been part of that for a good part of the last thousand years or more. Remnants of the Ottoman Empire still exist throughout the middle east in the form of many Islamic countries with many terrorists and jihadists.  It has also spread well into northern Africa and made it's way south to quite an extent.  Much of the world is antisemitic.  This is proven by the long list of anti-Israel votes by the U.N.  The reality is western Judeo-Christian civilization's only ally in the middle east is Israel.  

That’s hilarious narrative because during this same period western Judeo-Christians were doing the same thing to others and arguably they did worse when you look at what they did in the new world

The REAL narrative is not evil Muslim Ottomans vs good guy Christians. The real narrative is that until very recently, all countries whether Christian, Muslim, Turks or European attempted to expand their territories and conquer their neighbours. The Jews and Christians in the Ottoman Empire fared much better than Jews and Muslims in Christendom and that’s just a fact. 

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2 hours ago, blackbird said:

I would caution posters to beware of prolific antisemites and Israel haters who inhabit this forum.  I have witnessed them before.  They have a very different view of the world...


Its always hilarious when the fundies talk about the nonsense rattling around other people's imaginations. Of course it's also tragic when you realize how pervasive and  entrenched this sentiment is.

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3 hours ago, Nationalist said:

Dismantled? May I remind you that The Beave said...

Mikey hates getting publicly called out and humiliated, so he lets guys like Beave spread the lies and propaganda here and then MH just clicks 'like' on his posts. 

Just remember what's at stake here is the islamist/leftist theory that "Now that Hamas is running out of rockets, it's time for a timeout."

Israel needs to deal with the tunnels, period. It's their right to react to a massive attack like that and there's no law saying that their response has to be perfectly proportional. They're ensuring that there isn't another attack next year. 

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2 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Liar this conversation has long ago evolved beyond just talking about Hamas to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and Palestinian people as a whole.

This conversation is about biased news coverage.

Hamas islamic terrorists killed Israeli women and children, now they're hiding behind their own women and children and trying to act like the Israelis are bad.

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25 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Israel needs to deal with the tunnels, period. It's their right to react to a massive attack like that and there's no law saying that their response has to be perfectly proportional. They're ensuring that there isn't another attack next year. 

No you've got this all backwards. The tunnels are not the root cause of the conflict and by simply mowing the lawn Israel is ensuring this conflict will persist for centuries - assuming climate change hasn't settled the issue, which is likelier to happen within decades. 

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26 minutes ago, eyeball said:

No you've got this all backwards. The tunnels are not the root cause of the conflict and by simply mowing the lawn Israel is ensuring this conflict will persist for centuries - assuming climate change hasn't settled the issue, which is likelier to happen within decades. 

When did I say that the tunnels were the cause, dummy?

The cause is islamic religious bigotry. The Jews haven't been allowed to set foot on Temple Mount for 1,000 years and that has nothing to do with 1947 or Trump or Netanyahu or the West Bank or any of that. Islamic religious bigotry isn't new and it isn't going away. 

The muslims have been at peace with Pakistan since the day they were created, just like Israel was, and Pakistan has committed two genocides, both in the millions. Even if the Israelis nuked Gaza they'd still be a couple million people short of Pakistan's death toll. 

Now the islamic world is screaming about 6,000 deaths, the vast majority of them being terrorists and terrorist supporters. What civilian death toll there is is almost exclusively a result of the fact that Hamas forces their civilians to stay in harm's way.  

If you want to advocate for Israeli genocide that's your prerogative, but leaving those tunnels intact is a recipe for Israeli genocide. 

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Israel wasted their chance to neutralize Hamas. Now they will be in for a protracted, 2-front war. Not reacting immediately with a bombing that would have eliminated Gaza as a threat, and taken over the strip, has left them vulnerable.

Hamas will be reduced to a minor threat...but it cannot now be completely eliminated. 

War and morality do not mix.

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19 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Liar this conversation has long ago evolved beyond just talking about Hamas to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and Palestinian people as a whole. My comments that you quoted above were in response to false statements that were not just about Hamas but of course people like you HATE having your narratives challenged and HATE relevant context  


1) the expression “seizing power” doesn’t preclude being elected 

2) In the 16 years since they haven’t held any other elections and engage in violent thuggery to keep any potential internal rivals at bay especially the Palestinian Authority. 

Ur a true id1ot. No kidding Beave...an honest to goodness twit.

You posted bullshit. I called you on your bullshit. You try to change what you said.


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57 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

Israel wasted their chance to neutralize Hamas. Now they will be in for a protracted, 2-front war. Not reacting immediately with a bombing that would have eliminated Gaza as a threat, and taken over the strip, has left them vulnerable.

Hamas will be reduced to a minor threat...but it cannot now be completely eliminated. 

War and morality do not mix.

They should never have helped get Hamas off the ground in the first place in an effort to divide and weaken the Palestinians. Too clever by half. 



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48 minutes ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

They should never have helped get Hamas off the ground in the first place in an effort to divide and weaken the Palestinians. Too clever by half. 



Yup. Also true. One cluster-fck after another.

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10 hours ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

They should never have helped get Hamas off the ground in the first place in an effort to divide and weaken the Palestinians. Too clever by half. 


From your article;

Segev later told a New York Times reporter that he had helped finance the Palestinian Islamist movement as a “counterweight” to the secularists and leftists of the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Fatah party.


This sort of blooper is right up there with Canada choosing Nazi refugees over Jewish refugees after WW2.

I wonder how the End 'O' Times loonies and the End 'O' Commies wing-nuts will settle their differences in the future? They seem to get along like peas and carrots right now but...come a day right?


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On 10/31/2023 at 7:32 AM, Nationalist said:

Ur a true id1ot. No kidding Beave...an honest to goodness twit.

You posted bullshit. I called you on your bullshit. You try to change what you said.


LMAO You are clueless about yourself as you are to the subject of this discussion   Once again you’re defeated by the facts and humiliated at having your ignorance of the topic and your inability to keep track of the conversation exposed.  So you resort to your typical playbook of empty insult posts, the all to common proof that you’ve been defeated yet again. Sad. 

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On 10/30/2023 at 11:05 AM, Nationalist said:

Dismantled? May I remind you that The Beave said...

Yet we're talking about Hamas. Then...to try to cover his tracks...he said...

Hamas DID NOT seize power in Gaza. They were ELECTED.

And Mikey...you're a f'cking twit for posting this drivel.!

Dummy I was explaining to mor0ns like you who have ZERO knowledge of any history the situation got to where it is. It’s not my fault that you’re too simple to follow the plot.

To recap Israeli hardliners turned their back on peace partner the PA and started an extremely aggressive policy towards Palestinians.  The end result is they got Hamas in Gaza. Possibly this was the Israeli hardliner’s intention as it worked in their benefit:  Palestinian “government” such as it was in West Bank and Gaza now divided under  2 competing groups amd Has terrorism became a convenient excuse to declare the peace process dead. 

The expression “seize power” includes elections and is especially apt for oppressive regimes like Hamas you’re just desperately try to troll and fime something to pick up by your knowledge of English is just as poor as the other subjects it seems. 

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3 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Dummy I was explaining to mor0ns like you who have ZERO knowledge of any history the situation got to where it is. It’s not my fault that you’re too simple to follow the plot.

To recap Israeli hardliners turned their back on peace partner the PA and started an extremely aggressive policy towards Palestinians.  The end result is they got Hamas in Gaza. Possibly this was the Israeli hardliner’s intention as it worked in their benefit:  Palestinian “government” such as it was in West Bank and Gaza now divided under  2 competing groups amd Has terrorism became a convenient excuse to declare the peace process dead. 

The expression “seize power” includes elections and is especially apt for oppressive regimes like Hamas you’re just desperately try to troll and fime something to pick up by your knowledge of English is just as poor as the other subjects it seems. 

What a load of shit.

Israel was at the the table with the palestinians when they did a 'peace' deal with hamas - which broke off the negotiations.  Nice try rewriting history,

And at the end of the day the gazans started THIS war and whatever they have to suffer till it's over is their own doing.

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On 10/30/2023 at 1:53 PM, WestCanMan said:

This conversation is about biased news coverage...



Yes, and to that end:



CBC president defends broadcaster's Israel-Hamas coverage in a testy meeting with MPs

Catherine Tait, president and CEO of CBC/Radio-Canada, defended the public broadcaster's coverage of the Israel-Hamas conflict in a sometimes testy meeting with MPs Thursday.

Tait, who was called to appear before the House of Commons heritage committee after her term at the CBC was extended this summer, said CBC's journalists are independent from government, the company's executives and the board of directors and are free to report on the conflict as they see fit.



This would be all well and good were it not for Canadian government funding of the CBC as a Crown Corporation with the "national public broadcaster" mission and responsibility.

It is not the first time that the CBC has been accused of obvious bias in the never ending dirt farm war that is Israel vs. Palestine.   The CBC repeatedly takes refuge in "corrections" offered after publishing biased reports, disinformation, and outright falsehoods...err..."mistakes".

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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