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Should Hamas support rallies in Canada be stopped?

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2 hours ago, eyeball said:

Like I said your free to go edit history. I'm actually surprised you whiny little shits that cry about the MSM and fake news haven't taken over Wiki to produce a historical record that's more to your liking.

But as usual there's no courage or conviction so...

So what do you have to say about your comment that "Deir Yassin is the official start date of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict"? ?

Thanks for always being here to help prove how awesome I am ?

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3 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

So what do you have to say about your comment that "Deir Yassin is the official start date of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict"?

That its a better opinion on when the conflict started than the ones you put forward.

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8 hours ago, eyeball said:

Feel free to go edit history, that's what it's there for.

Feel free to ignore the facts in favour of your ideology - it's what you do,

Meanwhile israel will continue to pound gaza until hamas is utterly destroyed and the military infrastructure (tunnels etc) is destroyed. As they should.

If the gazan's are  as slow to learn as you are i doubt there'll be many left when it's all over.

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22 hours ago, blackbird said:

"God chose Israel for two main reasons. Firstly, He had promised Abraham that his descendants would become a great nation and occupy the land of Canaan 1. Secondly, God wanted Israel to be a model nation for all other nations to follow 12. The Israelites were chosen to become a model nation of God’s way of life, so that all people could have His blessings 1. God blessed Israel because of the faith and obedience of Abraham, but He made it clear it wasn’t because they were great or righteous 1. Unfortunately, they failed to be the model nation God desired; and because of their national sins, they incurred God’s punishment 1. God loves all people and He is now working spiritually with individuals from all nations."

Bing Chat with GPT-4


Gentiles are welcome in the Old Testament

Although God chose to work with the ancient nation of Israel, this decision did not exclude people from other nations (Gentiles) from understanding God and serving Him. God instructed the ancient Israelites to respect the people of other nationalities who came to live with them.

Regarding the observance of Passover (one of the festivals ordained by God in both the Old and New Testaments), God said: “But if a foreigner lives with you and wants to celebrate the Passover to the Eternal, he will celebrate it, and it will be like one of your nation; but no uncircumcised man may eat of it ”(Exodus 12:48). Because He was impartial to everyone, God continued: “The same law will apply to the native and the stranger who sojourns among you” (v. 49). God later added, “You shall neither deceive nor repent of the stranger, because you were a stranger in Egypt” (Exodus 22:21).

"A good example of God accepting the Gentiles in the Old Testament is found in the life of Ruth. Although she was a Moabite by birth (Ruth 1: 1-4), she came to respect and follow God. As Ruth told Naomi, her Israelite mother-in-law, after her husband’s untimely death: “Your people will be my people, and your God my God” (v. 16). So Ruth married an Israelite man named Boaz and became part of the family from which Jesus would come (Matthew 1: 1-16).

Gentiles are welcome to church

When the Holy Spirit was given to the followers of Jesus and the New Testament Church was founded on the day of Pentecost, the people of this first church were Jews (Acts 2: 5), one of the 12 tribes that made up ancient Israel. . Because God had specifically chosen and worked with their ancestors and now continued to do so, they considered themselves part of the “citizenship of Israel”, which gave them access to the “covenant of promise” (Ephesians 2:12).

These Jews who were the first Christians did not fully understand that God would also bring Gentiles to church. When God miraculously gave the Holy Spirit to a Gentile named Cornelius and his house, just as He had previously done to the Jews on the day of Pentecost, Peter and the members of the New Testament Church were able to understand that God was now calling to the gentiles.

The future of Israel

The ancient Israelites were taken captive for their sins and lost their national prominence, causing many to wonder why God chose Israel. Regardless, there is a bright future for these people. When Christ returns to this earth and establishes the kingdom of God, He will restore Israel to her position of leadership in the world (Isaiah 11:12; 14: 1-2). Then an obedient and humble people will play the role God assigned them."

Why did God choose Israel? - King James Version Bible (kjvonline.org)

The gospel has been preached in the world.  You have heard it, but what you do with it is up to you.   You can easily be part of God's family.  

"12  But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.  13  Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God."   John 1:12, 13 KJV

NEWS FLASH. I was listening to the Glenn Beck podcast show today and i heard that the hostages that are about to be released are just women and children. No so called Hamas terrorists. Just saying.

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7 hours ago, taxme said:

"Enjoy your slaughter". What a sick pathetic non-human thing to say. You just showed us all that Jews are enjoying the slaughter of innocent human beings, like innocent women and children, who are the victims in this war by Israel against the Palestinian people. Go away you sick and pathetic poc. ?

I am beginning to think that Taxme cannot make it through a day, without attacking Jews. He is one of the worst antisemites I have ever witnessed on a political forum. 

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2 hours ago, DUI_Offender said:

I am beginning to think that Taxme cannot make it through a day, without attacking Jews. He is one of the worst antisemites I have ever witnessed on a political forum. 

He's the real thing.

Everyone else that's labeled anti-Semitic around here is by default also left-wing. Interestingly enough and as far as right-wing Israelis are concerned, Israeli lefties are anti-Semitic by default too

Progressives everywhere just roll their eyes and laugh their assess off at how seriously right wingers treat all this nonsense.

But taxme is definitely not a lefty and notice he also can't make it through a day without slagging one.

So yeah, he's the real deal alright.

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9 hours ago, taxme said:

"Enjoy your slaughter". What a sick pathetic non-human thing to say.

This from the guy who demands as many pics of burnt babies and raped women as he can get :)   I'm afraid you're in no position to make that statement :) 

And seeing as you approve of it you might as well enjoy it.  

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4 hours ago, taxme said:

NEWS FLASH. I was listening to the Glenn Beck podcast show today and i heard that the hostages that are about to be released are just women and children. No so called Hamas terrorists. Just saying.

Well of course the hostages are women and kids and such - and they're being exchanged for palestinian prisoners. The hostages will go back to isreal and their familes and the palestinian prisoners will go back to gaza and become meat shields.

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The son of a co-founder of Hamas blasted the terror organization in a blistering half-hour speech at the United Nations on Monday.

Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of Hamas co-founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef, defected from the terrorist group in the late '90s and secretly worked with Israel's security services to expose and prevent several Hamas terrorist attacks.


He later gave his life to Christ and wrote a 2010 autobiography titled Son of Hamas. Yousef, 45, now endeavors to expose the true face of Hamas' genocidal death cult.




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A must-watch to the end of the whole interview.


Mosab Hassan Yousef – who is the eldest son of Hamas co-founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef – says Hamas “wants to destroy” Israel.“It is not a secret that Hamas wants to destroy the state of Israel. They cannot accept Israel or accept Israel’s right to exist,” Mosab Hassan Yousef told Sky News Australia host Piers Morgan.“Since its establishment, Hamas has one goal in mind, which is annihilating the state of Israel.
”Mosab Hassan Yousef was a spy for Israel from 1997 until 2007 when he left the West Bank for the US.

His father was arrested on October 19 as part of Israel’s crackdown on Hamas following the October 7 attacks.




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On 11/23/2023 at 9:39 PM, DUI_Offender said:

I am beginning to think that Taxme cannot make it through a day, without attacking Jews. He is one of the worst antisemites I have ever witnessed on a political forum. 

Interesting to note though is that there are support Palestine and Palestinian rallys and demonstrations around the world and no or very few small support for Israel rallys.

Not picking sides, just making observational comment

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5 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

Interesting to note though is that there are support Palestine and Palestinian rallys and demonstrations around the world and no or very few small support for Israel rallys.

Not picking sides, just making observational comment

The israelis tend to believe in keeping a low profile. You don't see them doing a lot of demonstrations about much of anything. And that is ESPECIALLY truth with this. I think we both know that any such ralley would have a High chance of meeting with violence from 'counter protests' and they just don't want to go there. 

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16 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

Interesting to note though is that there are support Palestine and Palestinian rallys and demonstrations around the world and no or very few small support for Israel rallys.

Not picking sides, just making observational comment

That may ahve something to do with the Arab population being exponentially higher than the Jewish population in the World.  There are only 15 million Jews in the World, and only 7.5 million outside Israel. Compare that to 2.2 billion Muslims who support Palestine, or nearly 133:1 in ratio. 

I mean a "Icelandic Heritage Festival" will not attract as many people as a "Chinese New Year," considering there are over 4000 times as many Chinese people as there are Icelandic people.

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The other day I saw the same lunatics with those ridiculous beak looking masks out there protesting as they did in favor of covid lockdowns and vaccine IDs. Their new cause is protesting for Hamas who started a war by abducting well over 200 people including elderly, children and women while murdering 1300+ more. 

These people are crazy

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5 hours ago, West said:

The other day I saw the same lunatics with those ridiculous beak looking masks out there protesting as they did in favor of covid lockdowns and vaccine IDs. Their new cause is protesting for Hamas who started a war by abducting well over 200 people including elderly, children and women while murdering 1300+ more. 

These people are crazy

There is one big difference.

Supporting COVID vaccines is beneficial to society.  All one has to do is to compare the COVID fatality rates of countries that imposed mandatory COVID social distancing measures, as opposed to countries that did not. 

The Israel-Palestine issue is multi-layered.

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9 hours ago, DUI_Offender said:

That may ahve something to do with the Arab population being exponentially higher than the Jewish population in the World.  There are only 15 million Jews in the World, and only 7.5 million outside Israel. Compare that to 2.2 billion Muslims who support Palestine, or nearly 133:1 in ratio. 

I mean a "Icelandic Heritage Festival" will not attract as many people as a "Chinese New Year," considering there are over 4000 times as many Chinese people as there are Icelandic people.

Yeah sure. A supposition.

Point and fact is, there are support demonstrations for one side but none for the other. Make all the guesses you want.

7 hours ago, West said:

The other day I saw the same lunatics with those ridiculous beak looking masks out there protesting as they did in favor of covid lockdowns and vaccine IDs. Their new cause is protesting for Hamas who started a war by abducting well over 200 people including elderly, children and women while murdering 1300+ more. 

These people are crazy

As opposed to the other side capturing thousands and killing tens of thousands?

Both sides are playing the game.

Oh and, why are the Israelis being held are called hostages whereas the ones Israel has are called prisoners? Both are women  and children too.

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4 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

Yeah sure. A supposition.

Point and fact is, there are support demonstrations for one side but none for the other. Make all the guesses you want.

Under that logic, everyone in North America must be gay, since the Straight Pride marches that were attempted fizzled out, yet the Gay Pride marches draw thousands in large cities. 

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38 minutes ago, DUI_Offender said:

Under that logic, everyone in North America must be gay, since the Straight Pride marches that were attempted fizzled out, yet the Gay Pride marches draw thousands in large cities. 

Yeah, OK.

Straight/Gay exactly the same as a war where tens of thousands died and tens of thousands of buildings and hospitals and schools etc are destroyed.

What the F is wrong with you???

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5 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

Yeah, OK.

Straight/Gay exactly the same as a war where tens of thousands died and tens of thousands of buildings and hospitals and schools etc are destroyed.

What the F is wrong with you???


There are probably 500 million people in the Arab World (North Africa and the Middle East).  There are only 7.5 million Jews.  So the ratio of Arabs to Jews is almost 100 to 1.

And you expect the two groups to have equal number of supporters?  

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18 hours ago, CdnFox said:

The israelis tend to believe in keeping a low profile. You don't see them doing a lot of demonstrations about much of anything.

So how do you explain the largest protests Israelis have ever held against their government in the history of Israel under Netanyahu?

On Saturday, protest organisers said as many as 500,000 demonstrators took to the streets across Israel for the 10th consecutive week, in what the Haaretz newspaper called "the largest demonstration in the country's history".


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2 hours ago, DUI_Offender said:


There are probably 500 million people in the Arab World (North Africa and the Middle East).  There are only 7.5 million Jews.  So the ratio of Arabs to Jews is almost 100 to 1.

And you expect the two groups to have equal number of supporters?  

Nice try LOL

Got no good argument so a down vote is all ya got LOL 

Sign of a loser. ?

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On 11/23/2023 at 6:39 PM, DUI_Offender said:

I am beginning to think that Taxme cannot make it through a day, without attacking Jews. He is one of the worst antisemites I have ever witnessed on a political forum. 

Anytime that i can pizz you off a pos like you does make my day. More lies and bullshit. Where am i attacking Jews? Is it because i do not support the innocent bombing of Palestinian women and children who are being murdered by Israel? 

I cannot be much of an anti-semite when i am on the side of the semite Palestinian women and children. Geez, you Israeli lovers truly are a bunch of crackpots. Losers all. ? 

On 11/23/2023 at 8:18 PM, Moonlight Graham said:

I am shocked.

I am glad that you shocked. I bet that you listen to Ben Shapiro all the time, eh? Now that would not shock me. ?

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