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43 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

Well, fact is Alberta's natural resources and not owned by Alberta

Report shows 70 percent of Canadian oilsands production is owned by foreign companies and shareholders


Still owned by Alberta.  Alberta receives the royalties from the oilsands production and has made billions of dollars on it over the years.  Ottawa steals Alberta's wealth and gives it to Quebec.

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25 minutes ago, blackbird said:

Still owned by Alberta.  Alberta receives the royalties from the oilsands production and has made billions of dollars on it over the years.  Ottawa steals Alberta's wealth and gives it to Quebec.

Ottawa doesn't get any royalties from alberta oil (well next to none, they have a very small ownership in some oil).

 So how are they 'stealing' alberta's wealth?

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1 hour ago, blackbird said:

Still owned by Alberta.  Alberta receives the royalties from the oilsands production and has made billions of dollars on it over the years.  Ottawa steals Alberta's wealth and gives it to Quebec.

And if the Chinese and others stopped paying royalties.... what does Alberta have?

Ottawa receives no royalties form Alberta. Also, if Ottawa didn't build pipelines and support Alberta oil sands, Alberta would just be a bloated wasteland. They have no pipeline and BC would charge Alberta to build them through their land and demand royalties LOL

Blackbird....let the reality hammer hit you. LOL

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2 hours ago, blackbird said:

If Ottawa gets its way, Alberta's energy industry will be destroyed in the great transition.

OMG the whole world is trying to wean itself of oil, and you're going to blame Ottawa. And pull a Danielle Smith and claim the Feds are trying to take something away from them.

You know that back in the 1980s Alberta demanded world prices for oil and they got it. So now they pay more for it, just like the ROC. Didn't believe that it would turn out it was cheaper to ship Saudi oil to the East coast than it was to build pipelines. Still don't want to believe it's not going to be the forever source of energy/ Want to believe Justin screwed them over pipelines even though TMX was ready to abandon it and he was the one who baled it out.....

Shall I go on? Or should we not even mention other uses for Alberta oil and ignore the companies that are adopting many right there in Alberta? Or make you a map that shows their market is SOUTH and they should be griping the USA isn't buying more?

You do know I'm talking about Alberta separatists and not the people of Alberta, eh? My family come from Alberta, I have souvenir stock certificates from defunct Alberta oil companies my Grandpa bought in the early years. Have lots of friends in The Pass that aren't snivelling that the glory days of coal mining are long gone. Their kids even made good money on all the wind farms there without getting lung cancer. My grandson has his choice of jobs there and like many of his friends has zero interest in working the oil fields.

It's a crying shame that so many people's vision for their country is still in shipping out raw resources. My Grampa and his friends used to discuss that in the early 1960s. Then again, they were all immigrants that came to this country because they saw possibilities and opportunities.

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27 minutes ago, herbie said:

OMG the whole world is trying to wean itself of oil, and you're going to blame Ottawa.

The whole world is still buying oil and without oil the whole world would come to a grinding halt.

Trudeau would rather shut down OUR oil and have russia sell people oil. 

Shutting down our oil before the world is READY to transition just starves poor people who are the first to pay for the higher inflation etc.

So yeah. 100 percent, blame trudeau for trying to virtue signal but shutting off the taps before teh world is ready for it.

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40 minutes ago, herbie said:


It's a crying shame that so many people's vision for their country is still in shipping out raw resources.

You're talking about an audience that doesn't believe in climate change, and buys into theories that it was made up as a global effort for governments to... I'm not sure what... destroy their economies I think.

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1 hour ago, herbie said:

OMG the whole world is trying to wean itself of oil, and you're going to blame Ottawa. And pull a Danielle Smith and claim the Feds are trying to take something away from them.

You know that back in the 1980s Alberta demanded world prices for oil and they got it. So now they pay more for it, just like the ROC. Didn't believe that it would turn out it was cheaper to ship Saudi oil to the East coast than it was to build pipelines. Still don't want to believe it's not going to be the forever source of energy/ Want to believe Justin screwed them over pipelines even though TMX was ready to abandon it and he was the one who baled it out.....

Shall I go on? Or should we not even mention other uses for Alberta oil and ignore the companies that are adopting many right there in Alberta? Or make you a map that shows their market is SOUTH and they should be griping the USA isn't buying more?

You do know I'm talking about Alberta separatists and not the people of Alberta, eh? My family come from Alberta, I have souvenir stock certificates from defunct Alberta oil companies my Grandpa bought in the early years. Have lots of friends in The Pass that aren't snivelling that the glory days of coal mining are long gone. Their kids even made good money on all the wind farms there without getting lung cancer. My grandson has his choice of jobs there and like many of his friends has zero interest in working the oil fields.

It's a crying shame that so many people's vision for their country is still in shipping out raw resources. My Grampa and his friends used to discuss that in the early 1960s. Then again, they were all immigrants that came to this country because they saw possibilities and opportunities.

Better go back to school.  Natural resource exports is Canada's main industry and make the most money.  Canada can't compete with China, Asia, and Mexico in manufacturing because those countries pay slave wages and poor benefits.  We make our money on shipping natural resources such as oil and minerals.  We could have been making lots of money on natural gas too if Ottawa had not blocked natural gas exports and not blocked the building of pipelines east and west.  Europe and other countries are begging for our natural gas but the Trudeau government is obsessed with fighting climate change and won't help.  They are next to useless.

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4 hours ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

It could be a story that reflects modern Canada. 

What if they were homeless, and his mother wanted smokes, so couldn't afford them with cash and had free sex with his father as compensation, and the condom broke? 

Plus they're crackheads. 

I see it like Meghan Merkle.

She didn't talk about her father, as when he got the opportunity to piggy back on her name, he went to town on it. Get to know the guy, and he's a piece of s*** who deserted his family, and would sell his own daughter for a dollar.

But you're right. Politics is a dirty game, as if anyone can find dirt on him, you'd best believe that it would be outted during his campaign.

I see it like Eminem mocking himself. He puts his struggles, and insecurities out there. Much harder to attack someone who is willing to impale themselves with their own blade.

I would be the same, in wanting to be transparent, to give people ammo sure, but harder to use it against me, when I already aired it out.

I prefer being vulnerable, as its empowering, if that makes any sense.

I can see why it would benefit a politician trying to show their human side.

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31 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

You're talking about an audience that doesn't believe in climate change, and buys into theories that it was made up as a global effort for governments to... I'm not sure what... destroy their economies I think.

Not to mention people who are so stupid they think somehow the carbon tax can fix climate change and that it doesnt' matter what china does.

Sorry - in that respect between the two you're on the LESS intelligent side :)

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1 hour ago, ExFlyer said:

Also, if Ottawa didn't build pipelines and support Alberta oil sands, Alberta would just be a bloated wasteland.

Ottawa killed the Energy East pipeline project.  They also killed the Northern Gateway Pipeline project to the B.C. coast.  Canada could have been shipping natural gas to Europe and other places but Ottawa drags its feet and doesn't help.  Alberta and Canada could have been making a lot more money if Ottawa didn't get in the way.

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34 minutes ago, blackbird said:

Ottawa killed the Energy East pipeline project.  They also killed the Northern Gateway Pipeline project to the B.C. coast.  Canada could have been shipping natural gas to Europe and other places but Ottawa drags its feet and doesn't help.  Alberta and Canada could have been making a lot more money if Ottawa didn't get in the way.

No, Quebec said no.

No, the BC indigenous chiefs did.

No gas to Europe, Quebec said no pipeline.

BC is finally getting a pipeline paid for by the feds when the private company bailed out.

The feds do not get any royalties from resources.

You really need to get your facts together LOL

Read the newspapers instead of the bible LOL

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26 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

No, Quebec said no.

No, the BC indigenous chiefs did.

No gas to Europe, Quebec said no pipeline.

BC is finally getting a pipeline paid for by the feds when the private company bailed out.

The feds do not get any royalties from resources.

You really need to get your facts together LOL

Read the newspapers instead of the bible LOL

You're absolutely right about teh first one,

Not so much about the second one. That one was still working forward until trudeau did the tanker ban

Not quite true about the third one -there were other options. AND we could have been selling hydrogen developed even in nova scotia from oil but... oil. So trudeau said no

Feds and royalties -.....  wellllll, not quite accurate.  There is federally owned land where the oil royalties and such are paid to the feds.  There are some other things for example the 'stump fee' for lumber that goes to the feds.  But - in essence its very very little. It might as well not even exist, It's like 500 million from all across canada these days.  They DO make revenue from income tax from oil workers - same as any other worker.

But the vast vast vast vast vast majority of alberta's oil royalties goes to alberta. It's made up as much as 25 percent of their revneues many years


But the one you missed that i think is the MOST misunderstood is - alberta does NOT pay into 'equalization'. At no point in history has the gov't of alberta ever cut a cheque for 'equalization'.  And everyone in alberta seems to think that's how it works. Alberta 'pays into' equalization.

Equalization comes from income tax, and eveyrone in Canada pays the same income tax.  If you make 100 k in montreal or calgary- you're paying the same amount into 'equalization'.


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5 hours ago, blackbird said:


Footnote 19 of the same Wikipedia article cites to a April 13, 1971 article from The Ottawa Journal. The article states that the Trudeaus were visiting an unidentified island in the Caribbean and wanted the press to give them privacy:



To be clear: they disclosed all the other locations they visited but asked the press for privacy when they went to the “unidentified” island. Come on.

Justin Trudeau was born 8 1/2 months later. In 1976, Pierre eagerly became the first NATO leader to travel to Cuba. He brought his wife. Before even leaving the tarmac, both Trudeaus were showing an unusual amount of familiarity with Fidel considering he was a national leader they just allegedly met. Within hours of their first official meeting, Margaret was photographed intimately touching and holding Fidel Castro with both arms. The Trudeaus announced they had become besties with the dictator and sang his praises during the height of his human rights violations."

Of Course Fidel Castro is Justin Trudeau’s Dad. Nobody Has ‘Debunked’ Anything | by Karen Leibowitcz | Medium

So they go for a romantic holiday, Fidel steps in and Pierre is totally cool about it? I think everyone in Canada can agree that Trudeau père had a big ego. 

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48 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

But the one you missed that i think is the MOST misunderstood is - alberta does NOT pay into 'equalization'. At no point in history has the gov't of alberta ever cut a cheque for 'equalization'.  And everyone in alberta seems to think that's how it works. Alberta 'pays into' equalization.

Equalization comes from income tax, and eveyrone in Canada pays the same income tax.  If you make 100 k in montreal or calgary- you're paying the same amount into 'equalization'.


There are just more of those high earners in Alberta as a percentage of the total, so the effect is that taxpayers from the province contribute more to federal income tax. 

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2 hours ago, blackbird said:

Better go back to school.  Natural resource exports is Canada's main industry and make the most money

Went to school and learned that. Also learned that what was is not what always will be. Unlike some conservatives that didn't learn and think everything must stay the same.

As my Grandfather could see 60 years ago and too many Canadians still can't.

3 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

You're talking about an audience that doesn't believe in climate change, and buys into theories that it was made up as a global effort for governments to... I'm not sure what... destroy their economies I think.

An audience that has trouble accepting facts. Like thinking a tanker ban stopped oil exports. How do you think TMX will export oil, by plane? Or that the Northern Gateway wasn't almost unanimously condemned by all the towns and Bands in the area PLUS the BC Gov't (not NDP then) at the time.
And as someone else pointed out "Alberta" doesn't pay shit toward transfer payments, we all pay the same federal income tax and it's the same amount in BC. AB or NS. Docked right off your cheque - gone - pretending you have some claim to it is only exceeded by the delusional claim Alberta does.

We're taking a big financial risk and a lot of heat over LNG with no assured market and LNG's just a temporary transitional energy source too. Ten years too late.

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2 hours ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

There are just more of those high earners in Alberta as a percentage of the total, so the effect is that taxpayers from the province contribute more to federal income tax. 

Well sort of.  It is true that its 'average income' is higher - but also they are a very 'young' province.  The  average age is lower than most- mainly because their older people tend to move to bc in very large numbers.  Why would you suffer those winters in your 60's when you can have a fantastic home on the island with green grass you can actually see most of the time in december. That means more of their population is still working, so when people talk about the contributions from adults you have to keep that in mind. Meantime BC is paying the medical bills from a bunch of older people who aren't contributing much tax revenues due to their age and who paid into the alberta system all their lives. You dont hear them claimoring to correct that little issue tho :)  

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1 hour ago, herbie said:

1. Went to school and learned that. Also learned that what was is not what always will be. Unlike some conservatives that didn't learn and think everything must stay the same.

As my Grandfather could see 60 years ago and too many Canadians still can't.

2. An audience that has trouble accepting facts. Like thinking a tanker ban stopped oil exports. How do you think TMX will export oil, by plane? Or that the Northern Gateway wasn't almost unanimously condemned by all the towns and Bands in the area PLUS the BC Gov't (not NDP then) at the time.
3. And as someone else pointed out "Alberta" doesn't pay shit toward transfer payments, we all pay the same federal income tax and it's the same amount in BC. AB or NS. Docked right off your cheque - gone - pretending you have some claim to it is only exceeded by the delusional claim Alberta does.

We're taking a big financial risk and a lot of heat over LNG with no assured market and LNG's just a temporary transitional energy source too. Ten years too late.

1. does not change the fact that our natural resources make up a large portion of our GDP, be it oil, coal, or lithium, or silica. That being said we still do not have a source of energy that will replace fossil fuels...and yes we do have elctrical vehs, and solar panels and wind power, but it cost more in carbon to produce them than it does to burn fossil fuels...they teach that in school...

2. The Tmx pipeline is nothing to brag about , when it clearly could be shown as a waste of time and it cost the government bils to purchase 7.4 bil and times another 21.4 to finish it and it is still not finally tallied... so lets not pat yourself on the back just yet.... and it still not finished..

3. your quit the mathematician, we all don't pay the same income taxes, the higher wage you make means you earn more , the more you earn the higher your taxes are...to give you an example here in NB the average wage is 36 k a year...the average wage in Alberta is 129,000... your still think we all pay the same amount in taxes...thats personal income tax , you forgot to mention taxes from business, industry, not to mention all the taxes collected off nice new trucks , cars and homes...any and all federal taxes are sent to Ottawa then divided up, to the poorer provinces, most of it going to keep our French brothers alive and well...

4. The discussion around LNG has been around for decades, not just a liberal problem, conservatives own that as well, But to say LNG is just a temporary fix, that is just stupid...we still don't have a clean source of energy, and LNG is a lot clean than, coal, diesil or gas powered generation plants, and emits less carbon than mining lithium or silica. 

No assured market, we have had 2 nations come here and beg for LNG, not to mention coal fired power plants are going to phase out in the assian markets I'm sure there would be more customer than we have LNG for...this has been covered in the media millions of times...not sure where you came up with your idea there was no customers for it...

As for Quebec...they already agreed to a LNG pipeline, all that had to be done is build it...as for the other fossil fuel pipeline Quebec refused thats what the not withstanding clause is for... not many places to refine bitumen in Canada, that pipeline could mean that Atlantic Canada could refine Canadian oil instead of Saudi oil keeping profits here in Canada....im mean it just makes sense to give that money to the Saudis......are you from BC by any chance....

Average Salary in Alberta 2023 - The Complete Guide (salaryexplorer.com)

Building the Trans Mountain Expansion Project - Canada.ca

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4 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Well sort of.  It is true that its 'average income' is higher - but also they are a very 'young' province.  The  average age is lower than most- mainly because their older people tend to move to bc in very large numbers.  Why would you suffer those winters in your 60's when you can have a fantastic home on the island with green grass you can actually see most of the time in december. That means more of their population is still working, so when people talk about the contributions from adults you have to keep that in mind. Meantime BC is paying the medical bills from a bunch of older people who aren't contributing much tax revenues due to their age and who paid into the alberta system all their lives. You dont hear them claimoring to correct that little issue tho :)  

You’d want to pick your spot in BC with care these days. 

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6 hours ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

You’d want to pick your spot in BC with care these days. 

You'd want to pick a spot anywhere in canada with care these days :)  wildfires, massive storms and tidal surges, brutal arctic outflow events, etc etc.  Such is life,

But of all the places, the eastern coast of vancouver island is about as good as it gets. Not too warm, not too cold, lower chance of fire or deep freeze, you can tell it's spring when you can see the flowers instead of when you can see the sidewalk like the prairies.  Lots of older people already living there, strong availability of services and senior friendly housing. The occasional roof-goat population :) .  Lots of great day trips in easy range.  It's little wonder tonnes of people head there for retirement.

Although that's slowed down a little in recent years as housing even in those communities is shooting up much faster than it is in alberta, making it a little harder to sell in alberta and buy there with money left over.

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2 hours ago, CdnFox said:

 The eastern coast of Vancouver Island is about as good as it gets. Not too warm, not too cold, lower chance of fire or deep freeze, you can tell it's spring when you can see the flowers instead of when you can see the sidewalk like the prairies.  Lots of older people already living there, strong availability of services and senior friendly housing. The occasional roof-goat population.  Lots of great day trips in easy range.  It's little wonder tons of people head there for retirement.

Although that's slowed down a little in recent years as housing even in those communities is shooting up much faster than it is in Alberta, making it a little harder to sell in Alberta and buy there with money left over.

Vancouver Island is getting very busy these days.  High fuel and grocery prices, a ferry system that you can't count on any more,  and a very large portion of the bush behind gates now.  If you're elderly and don't mind the rain running down the crack of your ass for 4-6 months a year . . . it might be the place for you.  

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18 hours ago, blackbird said:

Better go back to school.  Natural resource exports is Canada's main industry and make the most money.  Canada can't compete with China, Asia, and Mexico in manufacturing because those countries pay slave wages and poor benefits.  We make our money on shipping natural resources such as oil and minerals.  We could have been making lots of money on natural gas too if Ottawa had not blocked natural gas exports and not blocked the building of pipelines east and west.  Europe and other countries are begging for our natural gas but the Trudeau government is obsessed with fighting climate change and won't help.  They are next to useless.

Yes and??

We have out priced ourselves and we cannot afford to buy things made in Canada. So, we send materials out to get products in. Sounds like self inflicted wounds.

Yup, convince Quebec to allow a pipeline.

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15 hours ago, herbie said:

Or that the Northern Gateway wasn't almost unanimously condemned by all the towns and Bands in the area PLUS the BC Gov't (not NDP then) at the time.

"Northern Gateway has some aboriginal support. Enbridge says 26 aboriginal communities have accepted its offer of a 10 per cent equity stake in the project to be divided among the 45 communities directly affected by the pipeline. Of those, the majority were in Alberta. Just 11 of 27 eligible communities in British Columbia have signed on."

Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline: Some B.C. First Nations say there will be no compromise | CBC News

The process of negotiation was ongoing and pipeline had not even been started being constructed.

It takes time to negotiate with such a large number of FN communities.  This is always the case because that is the way Canada is populated.  It is the same for many projects.

Hearings had been held across the route of the pipeline for two years.  Some groups will never approve.  It is nonsense to say a project needs 100% approval.  It is not realistic.  If projects required 100% approval, nothing would ever get built or done.

When Trudeau was elected in 2015, he killed the project.  That was the end of it.  Then brought in a tanker ban on the west coast to stop oil tankers from being used.  He sabotaged a major project.


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14 minutes ago, blackbird said:

"Northern Gateway has some aboriginal support. Enbridge says 26 aboriginal communities have accepted its offer of a 10 per cent equity stake in the project to be divided among the 45 communities directly affected by the pipeline. Of those, the majority were in Alberta. Just 11 of 27 eligible communities in British Columbia have signed on."

Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline: Some B.C. First Nations say there will be no compromise | CBC News

The process of negotiation was ongoing and pipeline had not even been started being constructed.

It takes time to negotiate with such a large number of FN communities.  This is always the case because that is the way Canada is populated.  It is the same for many projects.

Hearings had been held across the route of the pipeline for two years.  Some groups will never approve.  It is nonsense to say a project needs 100% approval.  It is not realistic.  If projects required 100% approval, nothing would ever get built or done.

When Trudeau was elected in 2015, he killed the project.  That was the end of it.  Then brought in a tanker ban on the west coast to stop oil tankers from being used.  He sabotaged a major project.


And the hereditary chiefs stopped it and then they got support form other indigenous (even in Ontario) and the railroads were blockaded.

So, construction never began. The company pulled out.

And it was not politically worth it to carry on.




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32 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

And the hereditary chiefs stopped it and then they got support form other indigenous (even in Ontario) and the railroads were blockaded.

So, construction never began. The company pulled out.

And it was not politically worth it to carry on.




The hereditary chiefs do not represent the FNs in B.C.  They are a small group of extreme red power radicals who claim special privilege on the basis of the old hereditary aboriginal system. You are talking about the coastal gaslink pipeline which is partly constructed now.  That is not the same things as the Northern Gateway Oil pipeline project that was killed by Trudeau eight years ago.

Most of the elected band councils along the route of the Coastal Gaslink pipeline approved natural gas pipeline project.  Red power radicals in Ontario know nothing about B.C. and how FNs are governed and they don't care.  They are simply opposed to Canada building natural resource projects.  They are influence by Communists and agitators.  They should have been thrown in jail for blocking the railways back east.  They were not elected by anybody and are simply radical leftists trying to take advantage of a project dispute between radicals in B.C. and a government approved gas pipeline project that is well on the way to being completed.

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