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15-Minute Cities

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49 minutes ago, Goddess said:

Given the clear grab for power that took place during covid and the overreaction in the form of unproven and unscientific NPIs and the desire to re-shape the world for now a climate "crisis", is it completely irrational to suspect that the interventions and grabs for authoritarian power for the climate "crisis" will be any different?

They want everyone driving electric vehicles - which few can afford - and want everyone on digital IDs for easy tracking of locations and carbon footprints.

So, some can sense a time coming, very quickly, where we are confined to a 15-Minute radius of your home, and if you try to drive further, your car shuts down and your digital ID both reports you and takes money directly from your account to fine you.

Governments WILL have that ability, that is a fact.

The question is - will they?

Some say that given the excesses, authoritarianism and overreactions to covid, it shows their hand.

So far, the only rebuttal I've heard is "Oh, for gawd's sake, they'd never do that to us."

Except they just did.  And they loved every minute of it.

Thank you for this thoughtful post. It's refreshing to read good, well thought out posts. ?

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6 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

This all sounds very '2030 Agenda-ish' to me.

The bit they left out is how the Global Resetter investment class like Black Rock and Vanguard have been buying up the suburbs while Gates and others by up farm and ranch land.

My personal suspicion is this is what the push to go electric with cars is about. Electric and driverless - that's what cars in the 15 minute cities will look like. While Gates and his buddies zip about the vacant countryside, choking down porter house steaks, cuddling city girls all too willing to do anything to get out. They all joke about how they've got the plebs in the cities eating bugs.

There's the conspiracy theory for you in its complete form. And I don't care who doesn't like it. Every day it gets a little more real. Drip, drip, drip.

We have one of these woke folk trying to make these types of cities in Saskatoon.. 

Over run a middle class blue collar neighborhood with homeless drug addicts so they can drive your property value down, scoop up all the property and raise rent prices so the average guy can't really do anything. Just remember you are a RACIST if you don't want a homeless drug addict shooting up in the bus stop or taking a dump on your front door step lol.. at least that's what these loonies tell you

Pushed the homeless out of downtown so his developer buddies can make some cash off the downtown. 

Also frustrates the hell out of drivers by putting ridiculous bike lanes, taking up much of the parking downtown for like 3 months of actual biking weather. Then does nothing for road maintenance.. 

Edited by West
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5 minutes ago, herbie said:

Jeezuz K Riest there's a lot of people dead set against doing anything that might make things better.

It's only you that have little puppet strings in your brain that people can 'control' and exercise 'power' over and see plots everywhere. Normal people don't.

They want to continue with urban sprawl where it is so expensive to live in cities that people have to spend hours commuting to and from work and have to drive to get anywhere.

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2 hours ago, Goddess said:

Given the clear grab for power that took place during covid and the overreaction in the form of unproven and unscientific NPIs and the desire to re-shape the world for now a climate "crisis", is it completely irrational to suspect that the interventions and grabs for authoritarian power for the climate "crisis" will be any different?

I guess that at the very least, we're probably looking at some sort of crony bureaucracy to oversee all of this, and it will end up being wasteful, as they always are. 

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There are many great aspects to New Urbanism and the idea of walkable, transit-friendly, human scale communities.  I wholeheartedly agree with Goddess, however, that when these communities are “enhanced” with all sorts of “smart” data collection, there’s a very real possibility that this data can be used for surveillance.  Digital ID and currency create the probability of totalitarian control.  Yes we should be worried.  China is well on its way with social credit “good citizen” metrics.

Just keep in mind that like Cassandra in Greek mythology, you won’t be believed. Many people have more or less put the 2.5 year pandemic response out of their memory, the way one forgets the harshness of winter by the end of summertime.

Just get back to the politics of left versus right and what’s trending on social media.  Ignore your sense of confusion and displacement. Our government took good care of us. Everything is great. Back to work.

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14 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

There are many great aspects to New Urbanism and the idea of walkable, transit-friendly, human scale communities.  

Of course this is nothing new though. Urban planners and sci-fi novelists have talked of such things ever since there was paper. This is just leftist sloganeering to pretend that any positive aspect of this is new. It's the same old ideas with data collection added to it.  


I wholeheartedly agree with Goddess, however, that when these communities are “enhanced” with all sorts of “smart” data collection, there’s a very real possibility that this data can be used for surveillance.  Digital ID and currency create the probability of totalitarian control.  Yes we should be worried.  China is well on its way with social credit “good citizen” metrics.

IE, we already know for certain, but we just can't say it or we'll be called racist.


Just keep in mind that like Cassandra in Greek mythology, you won’t be believed.

Like in Canada, leftists won't acknowledge the truth, even with the benefit of hindsight. 

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14 hours ago, herbie said:


For those constant whiners that can't even read and whose minds are a conspiracy of their own.
Nowhere does it say you can't own a car or your not allowed to visit your daughter, those are delusions of your mental impairment. Not any great conspiracy, this has been planning policy in many places for decades under the name 'neighbourhoods'. 


They are not making sound statements, finding suspicion behind every decision ... but only because they read something somewhere that told them that something is suspicious.  There are millions of decisions being made that effect them every day but they post about very specific and strange ones.

I'm guilty of engaging with them for entertainment value, but these posters should really be starved of attention herbie.  There are better things to talk about than someone's delusions,  copied and pasted from a bot site.

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Is anybody up on this ESG thing? If so explain it to me.

Near as I can figure it stands for an Environmental, Social and Governance agenda amongst the big investment companies. Currently 30% of such companies have bought in. At the present time it seems more voluntary but there's a push to make reporting mandatory. That seems to be the current trend. So who gets the big money for investments will be decided somewhere by somebody or some thing and all seeking investment opportunities will submit to mandatory monitoring. Have too many lights on? Getting sued by a tranny? Not submitting to authority with acceptable vigor? No cash for you. Or at least that's the direction it's going.

My big question on it is how long before it filters down to the rest of us? How long before the money and other managers of your life such as banks and electric companies are managing your money and activities based on something like your ESG score? Apparently if you ask the question you're a tin foiler requiring pariah status from great tolerant thinkers like herb and Mikey. So what? These sorts of question need to be asked by the open minded. 

Edited by Infidel Dog
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1 hour ago, Infidel Dog said:

Is anybody up on this ESG thing? If so explain it to me.

Near as I can figure it stands for an Environmental, Social and Governance agenda amongst the big investment companies. Currently 30% of such companies have bought in. At the present time it seems more voluntary but there's a push to make reporting mandatory. That seems to be the current trend. So who gets the big money for investments will be decided somewhere by somebody or some thing somewhere and all seeking investment opportunities will submit to mandatory monitoring. Have too many lights on? Getting sued by a tranny? Not submitting to authority with acceptable vigor? No cash for you. Or at least that's the direction it's going.

My big question on it is how long before it filters down to the rest of us? How long before the money and other managers of your life such as banks and electric companies are managing your money and activities based on something like your ESG score? Apparently if you ask the question you're a tin foiler requiring pariah status from great tolerant thinkers like herb and Mikey. So what? These sorts of question need to be asked by the open minded. 

It already has.. Canada has to report their woke score to the UN. 

Trudeau takes alot of heat, and rightfully so, but Harper also signed us on to the woke score reporting. 

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8 minutes ago, West said:

 The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

In September 2015, Canada and 192 other UN member states adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The 2030 Agenda is a 15-year global framework centred on an ambitious set of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 169 targets and over 230 indicators. The 2030 Agenda envisions a secure world free of poverty and hunger, with full and productive employment, access to quality education and universal health coverage, the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls, and an end to environmental degradation.

Canada’s international development efforts have changed millions of lives for the better. However, as the recent pandemic threatens a decade of global progress in building a peaceful, just, inclusive, clean, resilient and prosperous world for everyone, it has also demonstrated how connected we really are. That is why the SDGs are more important than ever. They are a global blueprint to get us to that better world to achieve gender equality, reach net zero emissions, halt and reverse nature loss, build resilient and inclusive societies and economies, and make sure everyone has access to quality education and health care. While the goals are ambitious, they reflect the scope of these global challenges and give us real targets to strive toward, as well as a working agenda to achieve them. Through human rights-based and gender-responsive approaches, they remain our roadmap to a brighter future. We all have a role to play in realizing a better world. Now more than ever, let’s #GoForTheGoals.

Nothing there about Canada having to do anything... high level, high minded, cloudy dreamer language... 

In fact, if the left really had any clout then these would be mandatory - like our child poverty goals and commitments to the Truth and Reconciliation report that we fail to meet.  Of course just saying it's a good thing is too much for you.

Anyway, yeah, you're back to ignore.  At least you tried to provide a cite but it didn't back up what you said.  Nighty night.

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4 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Nothing there about Canada having to do anything... high level, high minded, cloudy dreamer language... 

In fact, if the left really had any clout then these would be mandatory - like our child poverty goals and commitments to the Truth and Reconciliation report that we fail to meet.  Of course just saying it's a good thing is too much for you.

Anyway, yeah, you're back to ignore.  At least you tried to provide a cite but it didn't back up what you said.  Nighty night.


Mike, don't get why you are getting so pissy brutha


"Data requirements for reporting on the SDGs represent an unprecedented opportunity for countries around the world to track and evaluate their progress."

So YES they must report their "progress" toward the SDGs (woke scores). 

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When I arrived in Calgary many years ago, I couldn’t get over the lack of traffic compared to Europe. Edmonton too. Calgary did get more congested but still seems to be a long way behind the likes of Vancouver and Toronto. 





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1 hour ago, West said:


Mike, don't get why you are getting so pissy brutha


So, data sharing.  No obligation, nothing other than telling people what we're doing and trying to reach a goal.

The strategy by those opposed to goals of ending poverty, addressing world problems is to spread the lies that national sovereignty has been compromised and try to scare ignorant paranoids into peeing their pants over it.

There should be an entire separate board for this stuff IMO.  There are lots of conservative, liberal and other people on here who understand how the world works and can talk about the plusses//minuses of policy without the scary organ music in the background.

Thanks for the new link, then.

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15 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

So, data sharing.  No obligation, nothing other than telling people what we're doing and trying to reach a goal.

The strategy by those opposed to goals of ending poverty, addressing world problems is to spread the lies that national sovereignty has been compromised and try to scare ignorant paranoids into peeing their pants over it.

There should be an entire separate board for this stuff IMO.  There are lots of conservative, liberal and other people on here who understand how the world works and can talk about the plusses//minuses of policy without the scary organ music in the background.

Thanks for the new link, then.

What scary organ music? You are whipping yourself into a tizzy here. 

The FACT is we have to report to the UN on SDGs... NOTHING I said was false.. 

I don't have to talk about the earth being flat, aliens or anything else... it's right on their website, hun

Now you can argue if you choose why woke scores are the way to go, but you CANNOT DENY that it's a thing lol

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6 minutes ago, West said:

 1. The FACT is we have to report to the UN on SDGs 
 2. Now you can argue if you choose why woke scores are the way to go,
 3. but you CANNOT DENY that it's a thing lol

1. We have agreed to do it voluntarily.  They can't impose a rule on us to do that as was implied.
2. If you felt you had a real argument, you wouldn't be including a silly name for it.
3. Yes I deny that Canada HAS to report woke scores to the UN.  The UN has no jurisdiction over us if we don't do it.  It's not a thing.

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3 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. We have agreed to do it voluntarily.  They can't impose a rule on us to do that as was implied.
2. If you felt you had a real argument, you wouldn't be including a silly name for it.
3. Yes I deny that Canada HAS to report woke scores to the UN.  The UN has no jurisdiction over us if we don't do it.  It's not a thing.

1. And? 

2. Well they try to market the filth under a palatable name.. 

3. They do... they signed onto the agreement. 

Actually that's false... anything ratified through the UN security council is generally legally binding. It's why they are trying to declare the environment a "human right".

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