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Question for Trudeau Haters....

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furthermore, I am a Burkean counterrevolutionary conservative

that means that I believe that revolutions are counterproductive

revolutions just make things worse

if force were to be used to overthrow the government, that would be an even worse catastrophe

so I am not in any way calling for revolutionary action against the state

quite the opposite

what I am calling for, is for anyone in authority, to perform their role as they swore an oath to do

and check the lawless behaviour of the government by the letter of the law & constitution

preferably the judiciary, there has to be some judges left who are not cronies to power, surely

It's not even about Justin Trudeau per se

on this trajectory, every government will operate like this from here on

a precedent is being set, for completely lawless governance in Canada, forevermore

if they don't have to follow the constitution, then we are in free fall into the darkness

once these intuitions are broken, they cannot be repaired

once we go off the deep end into banana republic governance, there's no coming back from that

the damage being done, is permanent,

states do not recover from these sorts of collapses into lawless civil disorder

I don't have children

but it is stunning that those in authority

are apparently willing to sell their own children down the river into tyranny

we replaced the Common Law with the Charter of Rights & Freedoms

but the government has proven that they can invoke a state of emergency at any time

for any reason, they can invoke a state of emergency under false pretenses

then throw you in jail on trumped up false charges, and seize your property without court order

it's not going to happen, it has already happened

the Charter of Rights & Freedoms apparently does not prevent it

so in effect, we have no rights in Canada at all

permanent state of emergency is how all tyrannies were born

if Section 1 of the Charter can be used in this way

then the rest of the Charter is totally meaningless and void for all intents & purposes

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5 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

I agree with your sentiment about that case but, it was not a judge that let the guy out. It was the parole people. Different group.

I take issue with both, this guy made a decision to drink excessively on the plane knowing he had to drive home, he then got into his car without a second thought and drove... taking 3 lives in the process. his sentence should have been 25 years with no parole then this whole mess would not have been played out, he is not the first there are thousands of cases of drunk drivers killing someone and doing very little time. That's not justice that is the opposite.

As for the parole people, there should be no early parole for someone that has taken a life period. I get it prisons are overcrowded, they need to make more room, answer should be building more is what we should be saying. but like everything in this country it is underfunded and understaffed.  We can't even properly support the social programs we have now, but we continue to smash out new ones at an incredible rate.

At some point, this printing of money as they say has got to stop, or have we turned the page of new economics and deficits mean sweet dick all and it's OK to spend like a drunken sailor and if that's the case why are we dragging our feet on spending on  Health care, infrastructure, our entire security apparatus, shit every government department. Fuc* THAT, we have bigger fish to fry like child care, dental care, Pharma care... 


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5 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

At some point, this printing of money as they say has got to stop, or have we turned the page of new economics

we already passed that point some time ago

the Quantitative Easing,

which is printing money to buy the government's bonds to suppress interest rates to net negative

that started with the Dot.Com crash in 2001

that immediately started to incite asset class inflationary bubbles

so in 2008, the mortgage backed securities bubble crashed

then the money printing went into overdrive

so for the last 14 years, they have been inciting the mother of all asset bubbles

the whole stock market, the real estate market, both are now vastly overpriced

when you keep the interest rates at net negative for more than a decade, you have lost control

the way they did it, was to offshore the inflation, primarily to China, but basically any third world country would do

but the amount of printed money is so great now, they can't offshore the inflation anymore

it's all coming home to roost now, the Liberals have doubled the Canadian debt in just 7 years

$600 billion Canadian dollars, taken from the future, and dumped into the economy in the now

the production cannot keep up with all this future money flooding the system

you have too many dollars chasing too few products & services

that is how prices are rising so quickly

but most of the debt is actually monetary stimulus, not fiscal

fiscal stimulus is the government spending, monetary stimulus is the central bank printing

so there are vastly too many dollars, but it doesn't trickle down, it's on the central bank balance sheet

the central bank is borrowing from the future, not to spend in the economy

just to buy the government's debt, to stave off spiralling interest rates and an associated cascading default crisis


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what happens if they stop the monetary stimulus ?

they stop printing the money from the future to buy the government debt in the now ?

the bond markets will then set the interest rates, based on inflation

so 8% inflation would probably mean 12-15% interest rates, at minimum

it wouldn't just be people with mortgages going bankrupt overnight

government's would go bankrupt overnight, a sovereign debt crisis

what happens if they don't stop the monetary stimulus ?

keep flooding the system with more dollars on the central bank balance sheet to buy the debt ?

then you are going to have runaway inflation,

prices going so high, that will start to bankrupt the country as well

damned if they do, damned if they don't

that is the trap we are in now, and there is no soft landing, no way out

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like, stop worrying about what programs the government is or isn't spending money on

because the government is already insolvent

so start worrying about how you are going to ride out the coming storm

pick your poison

either we have a generational secular bear market recession bordering on a depression

because we are going bankrupt due to spiralling interest rates

or we are have a generational secular bear market recession bordering on a depression

because of spiralling inflationary prices inciting demand destruction

or rather, we will have both, one after the other

inflation will keep going up until it crashes the system

then it will all come spiralling down in a massive deflation

the technical term is a "melt up" rather than a "meltdown"

and we are talking worldwide here

everybody is in this trap, including China

so you are talking about a global recession bordering on if not fully into a technical depression

in fairness to Trudeau, while he did throw gasoline on the fire

everybody was doing that, America, Europe, Japan & China

so it's not a made in Canada crisis

that being said, the OECD is already projecting Canada to have the worst performing economy

of any industrialized nation

for the next forty years

forty years in the economic doldrums ?

that will alter Canadian society in ways we've never seen

it's not that our bad bordering on nonsensical governance has created this global crisis

but it has put us in such a weakened state, that the shocks will hit Canada harder than most

problem number one is demographic collapse, Canada is aging out

the high cost of living in Canada incited people to have fewer  or no children

shrinking population means a shrinking economy

problem number two, the Americans no longer view Canada as a partner

the Americans now view Canada as a competitor

Canada essentially dumping into the American economy, that is inciting American protectionism

Canada getting frozen out of the integrated economy, in favour of Mexico

problem number three is that Canada is crippling its own ability to bring resources to market

can't refine the oil & gas, nor get a pipeline built to ship it anywhere 

now we are adding this lawlessness on top

the government not even obeying the constitution, that will have dire economic effects as well

the rule of law was Canada's main advantage, without that, it's on track to Venezuela North

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2 hours ago, Army Guy said:

I take issue with both, this guy made a decision to drink excessively on the plane knowing he had to drive home, he then got into his car without a second thought and drove... taking 3 lives in the process. his sentence should have been 25 years with no parole then this whole mess would not have been played out, he is not the first there are thousands of cases of drunk drivers killing someone and doing very little time. That's not justice that is the opposite.

As for the parole people, there should be no early parole for someone that has taken a life period. I get it prisons are overcrowded, they need to make more room, answer should be building more is what we should be saying. but like everything in this country it is underfunded and understaffed.  We can't even properly support the social programs we have now, but we continue to smash out new ones at an incredible rate.

At some point, this printing of money as they say has got to stop, or have we turned the page of new economics and deficits mean sweet dick all and it's OK to spend like a drunken sailor and if that's the case why are we dragging our feet on spending on  Health care, infrastructure, our entire security apparatus, shit every government department. Fuc* THAT, we have bigger fish to fry like child care, dental care, Pharma care... 


You can take issue if you wish and I am also disgusted by the release but, it was a parole board that, for whatever reasons that were presented to them gave the parole. They gave parole to Homolka years ago and the other half of that duo still sits in jail. Its OK for him to be in jail but Homolka should be as well.

As for printing money??? I am not sure tof he relationship to the guy getting parole?

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Blockheaded stubborn morons accuse me of being a Trudeau admirer when I've never voted Liberal since I could vote in 1972.

Go ahead, assume everyone without F*** Trudeau on their pickup truck is a moron. The fact you have marked you vehicle so makes it easier to avoid even talking to you.

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2 hours ago, herbie said:

Blockheaded stubborn morons accuse me of being a Trudeau admirer when I've never voted Liberal since I could vote in 1972.

Go ahead, assume everyone without F*** Trudeau on their pickup truck is a moron. The fact you have marked you vehicle so makes it easier to avoid even talking to you.

what would be the upside of talking to a ceaselessly ranting & raving person like you ?

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the division is stark

every time you meet one of these flag waving patriotic trucker types

they are invariably the nice, friendly, reasonable Canadians you knew in the Canada of yore

and every time you encounter one of these trucker hating types, they are invariably ranting & raving lunatics


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On 7/30/2022 at 6:21 PM, ExFlyer said:

You can take issue if you wish and I am also disgusted by the release but, it was a parole board that, for whatever reasons that were presented to them gave the parole. They gave parole to Homolka years ago and the other half of that duo still sits in jail. Its OK for him to be in jail but Homolka should be as well.

As for printing money??? I am not sure tof he relationship to the guy getting parole?


He has to do with all the federal departments being underfunded and understaffed, which just increases the pressure of keeping things running as normal, but we continue to make new social programs adding to the over all problems.

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15 minutes ago, Army Guy said:


He has to do with all the federal departments being underfunded and understaffed, which just increases the pressure of keeping things running as normal, but we continue to make new social programs adding to the over all problems.

again, most of the printed dollars are going to monetary stimulus

those are dollars spent on the central bank's balance sheet to buy the debt, keeping interest rates low

government spending is fiscal stimulus, dollars spent on programs

the reason you are short on dollars spent on programs

is that the debt is so massive now,

most of the dollars have to be diverted to keep the interest rates manageable

the way monetary stimulus works

is that you have the bond markets wanting more interest to buy the debt

so the central bank has to step in and buy more & more of that debt at the lower rates

if the central bank doesn't keep upping the ante, the interest rates rise by market forces

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On 7/31/2022 at 1:06 PM, Dougie93 said:

what would be the upside of talking to a ceaselessly ranting & raving person like you ?

None when you're an example of people who think talking is all about blabbing and never listening.


On 7/31/2022 at 1:13 PM, Dougie93 said:

they are invariably the nice, friendly, reasonable Canadians you knew in the Canada of yore

My ass!
The Canada of yore is no more. Good riddance to bad rubbish, like all the rest of "yore". Are you one of those people who think we should restrict immigration to only England because they're all gonna be white and have Cockney accents?

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The convoy are the people who would help a community rebuild after a disaster, keep the kids safe and entertained in a crisis, and make sure everyone eats and has a place around the campfire.  Salt of the earth.  Denigrating them is denigrating workers and everyday people of all races and backgrounds.  

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26 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

The convoy are the people who would help a community rebuild after a disaster, keep the kids safe and entertained in a crisis, and make sure everyone eats and has a place around the campfire.  Salt of the earth.  Denigrating them is denigrating workers and everyday people of all races and backgrounds.  

where is your cultural protectorate now ?

seems the Bolsheviks have overrun it



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1 hour ago, Dougie93 said:

I'm not a Cockney

I'm an Ulster Scot

Happy for you. My Granma came from Glasgow and was damn proud to be a Canadian instead of the subject of someone else. The ex's folks were from Dunedin and acted like bloody colonizers to their graves.

She and her folks said if I didn't leave here my daughter would end up marrying a 'bloody Indian' and can roll halfway over in their graves when I walk her down the aisle in a couple weeks.

2 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

The convoy are the people who would help a community rebuild after a disaster, keep the kids safe and entertained in a crisis, and make sure everyone eats and has a place around the campfire.  Salt of the earth.  Denigrating them is denigrating workers and everyday people of all races and backgrounds.  

I'm sure most of them are, but all of them are so politically ignorant they can't tell WHO is screwing them in the ass.

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39 minutes ago, herbie said:

Happy for you. My Granma came from Glasgow and was damn proud to be a Canadian instead of the subject of someone else. The ex's folks were from Dunedin and acted like bloody colonizers to their graves.

Ulster Scots are the Loyalist Protestant Orangemen of Northern Ireland

so we are the colonizers

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On 7/29/2022 at 2:57 PM, WestCanMan said:

For sure there are well over 3 million people who hate Trudeau. Maybe as many as 10 million people. It's definitely not a fringe group. 

I don't like Trudeau either. 

But I don't want to be counted with the Flag and Convoy lot. 

It's a pragmatic venture. I wouldn't trust the likes of PP with the role of PM> 

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1 hour ago, Boges said:

I don't like Trudeau either. 

But I don't want to be counted with the Flag and Convoy lot. 

That's a perfectly valid POV. 

I don't hate white people but I don't want to join the KKK either. There's a lot of middle ground. 


It's a pragmatic venture. I wouldn't trust the likes of PP with the role of PM> 

"The likes of PP"? Are you kidding me? 

Are you afraid that he'll commit genocide, Boges? 

Will he somehow make our country less of a democracy than it currently is under Fuhrer Trudeau? 

Has the MSM already "Trumped" him? Is everything that he does somehow evil?

"OMG, look at the way that guy licks his ice cream. What a racist!!!"

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3 hours ago, WestCanMan said:



"The likes of PP"? Are you kidding me? 

Are you afraid that he'll commit genocide, Boges? 

Will he somehow make our country less of a democracy than it currently is under Fuhrer Trudeau? 

Has the MSM already "Trumped" him? Is everything that he does somehow evil?

"OMG, look at the way that guy licks his ice cream. What a racist!!!"

Well just for the nature of his obsession with Crypto. 

Don't really want a Crypto Bro in charge of the country. 

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On 7/31/2022 at 1:28 PM, herbie said:

Blockheaded stubborn morons accuse me of being a Trudeau admirer when I've never voted Liberal since I could vote in 1972.

Go ahead, assume everyone without F*** Trudeau on their pickup truck is a moron. The fact you have marked you vehicle so makes it easier to avoid even talking to you.

You sound like a sucky NDPer.


19 hours ago, Boges said:

Well just for the nature of his obsession with Crypto. 

Don't really want a Crypto Bro in charge of the country. 

It’s about cashing in on the crypto transactions and allowing new forms of trade/transactions without Freeland chasing you down and freezing your bank account because you’re not pro choice or you don’t hold some government-approved view.  

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