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2 hours ago, Yzermandius19 said:

if the culture you are producing requires government subsidy to survive

it doesn't deserve to survive

especially if that culture is bullshit propaganda


A TV/radio network is not a culture.

Because it does not fit your narrative does not make it Bullshit.

Having said that, I agree that CBC should stand on it's own and become like other public broadcasting systems. A certain amount of subsidy, public donations and corporate sponsorship.

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11 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

Having said that, I agree that CBC should stand on it's own and become like other public broadcasting systems. A certain amount of subsidy, public donations and corporate sponsorship.

Asides from donation telethons, that's exactly what is has been and is doing.
Most of the CBC haters simply refuse to see any criticism of any gov't as 'liberal', haven't watched CBC since Hockey Night in Canada was exclusively broadcast by them, and see "letting" Nature of Things and Marketplace as proof CBC is left wing.
None have lived where CBC was the only broadcaster, many think if you can't afford cable or satellite you deserve to do without and very few ill even look at it just so they won't see any of the quality things it broadcasts that no commercial broadcaster will carry.
They'd rather drool along with laugh tracks on Happy Daze reruns, pay an extra $5 a month for Faux News and watch modern version Westerns that are 90% gunplay.

The money spent on CBC is just loose change in Canada's pocket.

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1 minute ago, herbie said:

Asides from donation telethons, that's exactly what is has been and is doing.
Most of the CBC haters simply refuse to see any criticism of any gov't as 'liberal', haven't watched CBC since Hockey Night in Canada was exclusively broadcast by them, and see "letting" Nature of Things and Marketplace as proof CBC is left wing.
None have lived where CBC was the only broadcaster, many think if you can't afford cable or satellite you deserve to do without and very few ill even look at it just so they won't see any of the quality things it broadcasts that no commercial broadcaster will carry.
They'd rather drool along with laugh tracks on Happy Daze reruns, pay an extra $5 a month for Faux News and watch modern version Westerns that are 90% gunplay.

The money spent on CBC is just loose change in Canada's pocket.

I have never heard of corporate donations to the CBC nor, public donations. All is government and advertising money.

Or, you can do like they do in Great Britain and pay a BBC TV licence fee.

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3 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

Or, you can do like they do in Great Britain and pay a BBC TV licence fee.

And the pretend that a compulsory fee is not exactly the same as a tax.

Oh- but it comes out of your right pocket, not your left(ist) pocket should be the usual reply...

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8 minutes ago, herbie said:

And the pretend that a compulsory fee is not exactly the same as a tax.

Oh- but it comes out of your right pocket, not your left(ist) pocket should be the usual reply...

Who is pretending what? That is what they call it in England.

They have had TV fees since 1946  and radio broadcast fees before that. All to support the BBC.

"With notable exceptions such as the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Portugal and the Netherlands; most countries in the developed world require TV owners to have a licence" 


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Sabrina Maddeaux: Pierre Poilievre is eating Jagmeet Singh's lunch

Younger Canadians stampede to the right

Author of the article:
Sabrina Maddeaux
Publishing date:
Aug 03, 2022  •  1 day ago  •  3 minute read  • 
Pierre Poilievre greets over 2,000 supporters who came to his rally at in Saskatoon, Sask. on Tuesday May 31, 2022. (Saskatoon StarPhoenix / Michelle Berg)Pierre Poilievre greets over 2,000 supporters who came to his rally at in Saskatoon, Sask. on Tuesday May 31, 2022. (Saskatoon StarPhoenix / Michelle Berg)

The slow bleed of younger millennials and older Gen Zers to the Conservative party has turned into a torrent that could realign Canadian politics in unexpected ways.




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OMG you missed the point entirely. A fee is a tax, but some will argue it's discretionary. You can avoid the tax by not having radio/tv, which is part of my previous post about people whining about paying for rural Canada.
Just like you could avoid the old toll on the Port Mann by not going to work anymore if you lived in Surrey! Or on the old Coquihalla Hwy by using the out of the way old Fraser Canyon when you went for your cancer treatments.

It's the tired old American 'why should I have to pay for someone else' argument used against CBC.

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22 minutes ago, herbie said:

OMG you missed the point entirely. A fee is a tax, but some will argue it's discretionary. You can avoid the tax by not having radio/tv, which is part of my previous post about people whining about paying for rural Canada.
Just like you could avoid the old toll on the Port Mann by not going to work anymore if you lived in Surrey! Or on the old Coquihalla Hwy by using the out of the way old Fraser Canyon when you went for your cancer treatments.

It's the tired old American 'why should I have to pay for someone else' argument used against CBC.

The smartest move the Yanks made was letting British North America go, because the Canadian south and urban Canadians (much the same thing) subsidize the infrastructure of the north, protections for Quebec’s and the rest of French Canada’s language and culture, as well as the East Coast’s seasonal work regime.  Why?  I’ve made the argument but I want to hear others argue it.  Is the CBC even propping up the cultural stuff, or is it just more urban Canada woke stuff?  I like Kim’s Convenience and Little Mosque on the Prairie, but they’ve got nothing to do with the Inuit or the Cape Breton Celtic stuff or much other Canadian culture.  CTV can do the same thing.  I don’t like the way Don Cherry was booted out because the eighty something guy said “you people” should wear the poppy, whatever that meant.  Now HNIC is endless reels of women’s hockey between the periods that no one wants to watch.  Wendy Mesley was also canceled over something she said taken out of context. I loved SCTV and Kids in the Hall, but the Baron Von Sketch Show was just okay.  The journalists are soft on Trudeau.  Not a lot of good content on the CBC.  Let them stand on their own feet, at least as much as CTV.  

Edited by Zeitgeist
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14 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

When the good times are rolling and people feel like their lives are generally improving, this kind of funding receives less attention.  I think if people really start feeling the economic pinch, government expenditures will come under greater scrutiny, as they must.  

Well, the CBC will inform us that it's time to talk about taxing the stinking rich but the real strategy is to trigger a backlash amongst conservative supporters to which the government will shrug, acquiesce and print more money instead.

Olde school business oriented Conservatives will chuckle amongst themselves  'suckers...works everytime'. Olde school business oriented Liberals will simply nod their heads.

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1 hour ago, eyeball said:

Well, the CBC will inform us that it's time to talk about taxing the stinking rich but the real strategy is to trigger a backlash amongst conservative supporters to which the government will shrug, acquiesce and print more money instead.

Olde school business oriented Conservatives will chuckle amongst themselves  'suckers...works everytime'. Olde school business oriented Liberals will simply nod their heads.

Seems that is the left's answer to everything printing more money... 

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I watch news on CTV mainly. It's not as good as CBC's coverage, less in depth coverage just 60 second highlights of more stuff and often wastes time on stupid meaningless crap like Hollywood controversies. I watch CTV for more news content, if I'm interested I follow it up at CBC online. And BBC online for events in Europe, Africa & Asia.

In most smaller areas CTV and Global are on free OTA only because they had to to compete with CBC who was already there. Hell where I live CBC decided not to 'spend all that money' during the digital conversion and went off the air here, forcing the community broadcast society to pick it up and relay it. So that's my point, it's now funded through another grant from the same public trough in the end. 
Hell the CBC could broadcast 4 stations on that old digital channel for the same cost, but guess what? No corporate station would share. None. No way. Just like a bunch of GOP Senators, not gonna cooperate even if it costs us way more just to spite their faces.

Canada's not big enough to have a PBS, we've got KNOW here in BC and it's damn good but no way it can scrounge the money to deliver news content or fund it's own productions.

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Old school business types? Yeah they'll save us alright.

The ones still stocking Diet Coke and DIet Pepsi when 1/3 of the population is diabetic and they haven't noticed in all these years men don't order diet pop in public? Two companies that make two products essentially the same for years now? Duh it worked for Chevy and GMC.... (uhh what happened to Mercury and Fargo?)

The ones so technologically incompetent they buy cheap tech that doesn't work or hire the most expensive where the techs customize software that holds the buyers to ransom? That sold us until saturated with hi-fi, then stereo, then quadrophonic, then digital... VHS, CDTV, DVD, until you're like me with a $400 BluRay that hasn't even been turned on in 5 years? Who sold us cable and satellite with optional "bundles" and are now doing the same with streaming? Gotta have Hulu for this Disney for that, Netflix for another, Prime for a couple more shows.

They know how to milk you, they're too stodgy and stubborn to know how to do it efficiently so you don't know you're being hosed. Can barely play their own game.

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9 hours ago, Dougie93 said:

Sabrina Maddeaux: Pierre Poilievre is eating Jagmeet Singh's lunch

Younger Canadians stampede to the right

Author of the article:
Sabrina Maddeaux
Publishing date:
Aug 03, 2022  •  1 day ago  •  3 minute read  • 
Pierre Poilievre greets over 2,000 supporters who came to his rally at in Saskatoon, Sask. on Tuesday May 31, 2022. (Saskatoon StarPhoenix / Michelle Berg)

Pierre Poilievre greets over 2,000 supporters who came to his rally at in Saskatoon, Sask. on Tuesday May 31, 2022. (Saskatoon StarPhoenix / Michelle Berg)

The slow bleed of younger millennials and older Gen Zers to the Conservative party has turned into a torrent that could realign Canadian politics in unexpected ways.









Lol - no wonder. millenials are turning away.   Jagmeet is simply a prop to Trudeau.  That's what the NDP has become.   There's nothing for millenials.   It's not to be taken seriously.


Poilievre has always been consistent with, and unafraid to express his views. 

Like Harper - what we see is what we get.

Poilievre is SEASONED dealing with hostile media and with Trudeau.   He wasn't called "Harper's Pit Bull" for nothing.  He's the only one who'll beat Trudeau.


Mind you - at the rate Trudeau spends money - most likely, anyone will beat Trudeau 2 years from now!


I'm so sick and tired of flip-floppers!  Two-faced politicians are simply in it for themselves.

Edited by betsy
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12 hours ago, herbie said:

OMG you missed the point entirely. A fee is a tax, but some will argue it's discretionary. You can avoid the tax by not having radio/tv, which is part of my previous post about people whining about paying for rural Canada.
Just like you could avoid the old toll on the Port Mann by not going to work anymore if you lived in Surrey! Or on the old Coquihalla Hwy by using the out of the way old Fraser Canyon when you went for your cancer treatments.

It's the tired old American 'why should I have to pay for someone else' argument used against CBC.

Mellow out Dude (or dudette).

I only said in the UK you pay, what they call, a fee. I, and they, really don't care what you want to call it.

Not sure who was whining about anything in rural Canada.

You analogy about not paying a bridge toll by not going to work anymore is the stupidest thing you have said in a long time.

You sure do wander far off the topic. LOL

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Not ranting out, just pointing out the old Conservative trick of replacing tax with fees and pretending you have a choice in paying them.

Certainly a less serious error than picking up one single op-ed that was carried everywhere and pretending it's news and therefore fact. Like that more millenials than usual took out Tory memberships therefore millenials must be rushing to that side of the political spectrum. There's no membership drive/leadership going on for Libs, NDP or Greens so how do you arrive at that conclusion?

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12 hours ago, betsy said:

I'm so sick and tired of flip-floppers!  Two-faced politicians are simply in it for themselves.

it all comes down to the global economic system

it's a debt based global economy

so there is moral hazard, which means there are no consequences, we don't pay the price of things

and the entire economy is based on cronyism rather than merit

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19 hours ago, eyeball said:

You'd rather tax the rich?

Let me know how that works out.

No, i would rather the nation stays within its budget, which most Canadian Citizens do automatically, and yet somehow it is peachy if the government runs up massive debts as long as the people get their piece of the pie.

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On 8/4/2022 at 5:08 PM, ExFlyer said:


A TV/radio network is not a culture.

Because it does not fit your narrative does not make it Bullshit.

Having said that, I agree that CBC should stand on it's own and become like other public broadcasting systems. A certain amount of subsidy, public donations and corporate sponsorship.

Culture is one of the CBC selling points, CBC radio for some reason is the only radio station you can get to in the middle of nowhere, where you can hear all the latest trends in Canadian culture like a 2 hour special on how to make maple syrup while driving across northern Ontario nothing creates a good rubbernecking secession than that topic. And where would we put all that excellent Canadian content like the friendly giant, littlest hobo, corner gas, Schitt's creek, letter Kenny...and they say we don't have culture... I mean that's top-quality content right there. 

Edited by Army Guy
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12 hours ago, Army Guy said:

Culture is one of the CBC selling points, CBC radio for some reason is the only radio station you can get to in the middle of nowhere, where you can hear all the latest trends in Canadian culture like a 2 hour special on how to make maple syrup while driving across northern Ontario nothing creates a good rubbernecking secession than that topic. And where would we put all that excellent Canadian content like the friendly giant, littlest hobo, corner gas, Schitt's creek, letter Kenny...and they say we don't have culture... I mean that's top-quality content right there. 

Littlest Hobo, Corner Gas & Letterkenney were/are all Bell/ CTV productions

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12 hours ago, Army Guy said:

Culture is one of the CBC selling points, CBC radio for some reason is the only radio station you can get to in the middle of nowhere, where you can hear all the latest trends in Canadian culture like a 2 hour special on how to make maple syrup while driving across northern Ontario nothing creates a good rubbernecking secession than that topic. And where would we put all that excellent Canadian content like the friendly giant, littlest hobo, corner gas, Schitt's creek, letter Kenny...and they say we don't have culture... I mean that's top-quality content right there. 

You are so right. In my career, when in the Yukon or NWT, Labrador or anywhere up North on SAR ops, CBC was the only TV and radio.

You forget the great Canadian cultural icons like Peter Gzowski, Pierre Berton, Peter Mansbridge  LOL

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1 hour ago, ExFlyer said:

You are so right. In my career, when in the Yukon or NWT, Labrador or anywhere up North on SAR ops, CBC was the only TV and radio.

You forget the great Canadian cultural icons like Peter Gzowski, Pierre Berton, Peter Mansbridge  LOL

I liked and valued the CBC for similar reasons, but that CBC is gone.  The woke programming, cancel culture (Cherry, Mesley, etc.), as well as the softball reporting on government have demonstrated that the CBC has succumbed to the same pressures and problems we see in education and woke-green organizations like Disney and Coke.  I refuse to support my tax dollars going towards indoctrinating my kids to feel ashamed of themselves and their country, to whitewash unconstitutional government behaviour, and to inculcate views that are clearly left wing, quite far left actually.  I just can’t take that organization seriously anymore.  Subsidize the broadcast signal if need be so the remote areas get content, but otherwise let the content fight on its own merit for advertising dollars.   I’m tired of the “We know better what Canadians should want and think” from the CRTC and CBC.  The cultural argument is weakening because Canadians do well internationally in music, film, etc.

The saddest day for me in Canadian programming was when TV Ontario canceled A Night at the Movies (formerly Magic Shadows).  It contained countless hours of Elway Yost’s interviews with all the great actors and directors from around the world.  I loved watching the movie of the night and seeing the interviews.  I learned so much about these figures and film in general.  For some odd reason TVO replaced it with second rate local documentaries.  I don’t know who made that editorial decision or why.  The CBC similarly cannibalizes its successes.  HNIC has lost its edge.  The comedies feel canned and politically correct to the point of nausea.  

Edited by Zeitgeist
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3 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

I liked and valued the CBC for similar reasons, but that CBC is gone.

yeah, I used to work for the CBC on contract

me & Rex Murphy used to hang out at the CBC broadcast center

he's such a down to earth & decent fellow

now the CBC calls him a " Far Right White Supremacist"

it's absurd

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