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Rudy Giuliani Faces Disciplinary Case From Washington, D.C. Bar Over Election Fraud Lies.

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9 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

Nobody doubted Biden’s win, the Big Lie believers  are a minority and are shrinking. 

Nobody is stupid enough to believe that the number and size of rallies has anything to do with election results or especially during a contagious disease pandemic   This is one the stupidest fucking arguments that the Big Liars keep repeating and its just so completely brain dead.  

Nobody that you know doubts anything that they see on CNN or hear from Biden. Those people are just stupid. That's why they're your associates. 

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Dinesh D'Souza responds to Ben Shapiro's critique of 2000 mules. Geo-tracking of phones seems to be pretty strong evidence. 

Poor Giuliani, once again a conservative is feeling the full weight of the law while most progressives face no such consequences. Equal application of the law?

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27 minutes ago, ironstone said:

Dinesh D'Souza responds to Ben Shapiro's critique of 2000 mules. Geo-tracking of phones seems to be pretty strong evidence. 

Poor Giuliani, once again a conservative is feeling the full weight of the law while most progressives face no such consequences. Equal application of the law?

Barr was in Trump's inner circle...

"I was unimpressed with it" 
"If you take 2M cellphones ... by definition many hundreds will have spent time in the vicinity of these boxes"

The boxes are in well travelled locations.

"Our truck alone would have accounted for 6 cellphone signals.  Our route takes us by these things on a regular basis"

So Barr looked at it, and concluded it didn't "establish widespread harvesting".  


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Shared post - How accurate is cell phone geotracking? (locals.com)

I have to wonder why cell phone tracking is allowed as evidence in so many criminal trials if it's not accurate. I assume it would use the same or similar technology as ankle bracelets do in transmitting locations.

In the 2000 mules film they assert that these mules just by coincidence just happen to be at the different locations of ballot drop boxes in the wee hours of the mornings. Not to mention many of these mules also happened to be at locations of Democrat campaigns beforehand. 

Ben Shapiro may have said it best, "there is no smoking gun, but there is a gun".

Democrats challenge most elections they lose and the MSM does not bat an eye nor is there any real pushback for challenging election results. Totally different story when a Republican does it with some very interesting evidence which is hard to explain away. Just coincidence! Oh I was just dropping off ballots for my family members(at multiple drop off boxes)! The disposable gloves were for covid protection!?

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9 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

You tagged me just to look at a link that shows Ann Coulter is stupid? 

Do you think that the cel phone tracking data was wrong, when it was backed up with video evidence corroborating the cel phone data from the exact same people on multiple occasions at different locations? This phone went from here to here to here to here, and look, here's this exact person shoing up at all those plces at the exact same times. Does she think that there's a choo-choo train of people following these election fraudsters to the ballot boxes, so the data could be from other people who just happened to go to all the same places at all the same times? 

So dumb. 

Her theory is absolute bullshit. It just proves that she doesn't understand the basic concepts of the movie. 

The cel phone data just brought them to the trail. The video evidence of people going to all of these locations is what actually proves that they're guilty. There's no legal reason for one person to go to those dropboxes 20 times. 

Instead of making dumb accusations all the time and having them blow up in your face, just ask me next time. You obviously have no pride or you wouldn't keep quoting the same sources and getting stooged every time. 

I’ve already explained that how the movie doesn’t show that at all. It was a long post and you have a very short attention span so I’m not going to repeat myself. Go back and re-read my thorough debunking of the idiotic Big Lie grift movie and then go donate your life savings to these crooks so they can buy themselves another yacht at your expense 

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9 minutes ago, ironstone said:

Shared post - How accurate is cell phone geotracking? (locals.com)

I have to wonder why cell phone tracking is allowed as evidence in so many criminal trials if it's not accurate. I assume it would use the same or similar technology as ankle bracelets do in transmitting locations.

In the 2000 mules film they assert that these mules just by coincidence just happen to be at the different locations of ballot drop boxes in the wee hours of the mornings. Not to mention many of these mules also happened to be at locations of Democrat campaigns beforehand. 

Ben Shapiro may have said it best, "there is no smoking gun, but there is a gun".

Democrats challenge most elections they lose and the MSM does not bat an eye nor is there any real pushback for challenging election results. Totally different story when a Republican does it with some very interesting evidence which is hard to explain away. Just coincidence! Oh I was just dropping off ballots for my family members(at multiple drop off boxes)! The disposable gloves were for covid protection!?

Its all bullshit made for a willing audience who would never disbelieve them no material how dumb or incomplete the information. 

How come they don’t have footage of these “mules” visiting any box more than once?  How come they don’t uave footage of any of these “mules” depositing more than a couple of ballots at a time?


Commercially available cell phone location data available for purchase by the general public is not the same technology as ankle monitoring bracelets used to track criminals. 

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10 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

What do you bet Barr has better things to with his time than to debate random alternative media trolls. There’s nothing D’souza would love more than to gain the legitimacy of having that kind of attention from an actual important person. 

I'd take that bet. Is he even working now?

But I tell you what, you reference a single line and a mocking chuckle from Barr as support for what you call "debunking."

Very well, it's fair to hear what D'Souza said in reply then:


The level of ignorance displayed by Bill Barr here is truly stunning. He doesn't seem to understand the very concept of geotracking. I'll address this in detail on my podcast tomorrow https://t.co/zfEWm5gVCx

— Dinesh D'Souza (@DineshDSouza) June 13, 2022

Bill Barr is the stereotypical small-town sheriff, overweight and largely immobile, whose rank incompetence results in the whole town being robbed from under his nose. Then, asked to explain how it happened, Fatso breaks into laughter and insists the robbery itself is “bullshit”

— Dinesh D'Souza (@DineshDSouza) June 13, 2022

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8 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

I’ve already explained that how the movie doesn’t show that at all. It was a long post and you have a very short attention span so I’m not going to repeat myself. Go back and re-read my thorough debunking of the idiotic Big Lie grift movie and then go donate your life savings to these crooks so they can buy themselves another yacht at your expense 

I don't need to read any of your old posts. It's counter-productive to intelligent debate for some reason that I can't say without sounding mean. 

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4 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said:

I'd take that bet. Is he even working now?

But I tell you what, you reference a single line and a mocking chuckle from Barr as support for what you call "debunking."

Very well, it's fair to hear what D'Souza said in reply then:


The level of ignorance displayed by Bill Barr here is truly stunning. He doesn't seem to understand the very concept of geotracking. I'll address this in detail on my podcast tomorrow https://t.co/zfEWm5gVCx

— Dinesh D'Souza (@DineshDSouza) June 13, 2022

Bill Barr is the stereotypical small-town sheriff, overweight and largely immobile, whose rank incompetence results in the whole town being robbed from under his nose. Then, asked to explain how it happened, Fatso breaks into laughter and insists the robbery itself is “bullshit”

— Dinesh D'Souza (@DineshDSouza) June 13, 2022

Bill Barr did more than than mutter a single line and chuckle. And Dinesh is clearly the idiot who knows nothing about geotracking, he hilariously tweeted that the CDC uses geotracking to tell if people are socially distancing. He’s resorted to childish insults and doubling down on false claims in typical Republican fashion.  

Remember, Dinesh is a convicted criminal who was found guilty of election fraud. 

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8 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

I don't need to read any of your old posts. It's counter-productive to intelligent debate for some reason that I can't say without sounding mean. 

Ok - reply to the latest one then.

@BeaverFever- you are lured into playing whack-a-mole with these types of arguments.  We saw it on this board after 9/11.  Poke a hole in one conspiracy and they will clear the table and replace it with a new table set of conspiracies.

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6 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

Its all bullshit made for a willing audience who would never disbelieve them no material how dumb or incomplete the information. 

How come they don’t have footage of these “mules” visiting any box more than once?  How come they don’t uave footage of any of these “mules” depositing more than a couple of ballots at a time?


Commercially available cell phone location data available for purchase by the general public is not the same technology as ankle monitoring bracelets used to track criminals. 

Apparently they were supposed to have cameras at each drop box location  but there weren't, or they were turned off.

The non-profit organization, True the Vote, bought vast amounts of this type of cell phone data for geo-tracking in five cities in the key swing states. They looked specifically at areas surrounding the drop boxes. Wanting the lowest margin of error, the researchers only investigated phones that went to a minimum of 10 drop boxes and five ballot collection sites. In one case, the cell phone traveled across six counties to 27 different drop boxes. Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips, working for True the Vote, tracked 2,000 cell phones making such patterns. Not included in their research were cell phones that traveled to fewer than 10 drop boxes, or fewer than five ballot collection sites. Therefore, the data presented in this film actually under-represents the amount of illegal ballot harvesting in the election.

The complaints about 2000 Mules:

How do you know who had the phone?

How do you know they weren’t just dropping off ballots for family members?

How do you know they weren’t just walking by the drop box?

Why isn’t there surveillance video footage of these people?

Geo-tracking of cell phones isn’t valid evidence.

First, a cell phone does not travel from drop box to drop box by itself. It is carried by someone, usually the person who owns the phone. Frequently, these people took selfies of themselves at the drop boxes to verify that they actually did what they were being paid to do – at $10 per ballot.

Were these people, all 2,000 of them, just dropping off ballots for family members? Why would someone have to go to 10 or more drop boxes, between the hours of 1:00AM and 5:00AM, the time all of these phones were tracked, to drop off grandma’s ballot? Remember the case I cited above – 26 drop boxes across six counties? As Dinesh D’Souza asks, “Can you think of even one reasonable and innocent explanation for such behavior?” I can’t.

Furthermore, people were not “just walking by” the drop boxes. The tracking shows people going TO the drop boxes, staying there a few minutes while they stuffed ballots in the boxes, and then leaving away from the boxes. In order to get to the drop boxes, these “mules” had to drive from box to box to box, often crossing county lines, and sometimes even crossing state lines. In the wee small hours of the morning. All of that movement recorded. They were not “walking by.”

As for the all-important question about video footage, there are actually 4 million minutes of video footage. Some of it shows the mules at the drop boxes, and it matches up precisely with the cell phone data. Unfortunately, a lot of the footage is of low quality, or even non-existent – a big problem and a big question mark. In Arizona, the cameras were mysteriously, and conveniently, turned off when these drops were being made. In other places, like Wisconsin, cameras were never installed, even though they were supposed to be. And in other places, the cameras were angled at the ground, or the lenses were cracked, etc.  Pretty convenient.

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8 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Ok - reply to the latest one then.

@BeaverFever- you are lured into playing whack-a-mole with these types of arguments.  We saw it on this board after 9/11.  Poke a hole in one conspiracy and they will clear the table and replace it with a new table set of conspiracies.

Yep I know how they play the game. And if you don’t respond to them they claim your silence is admission that they’re right. Under. the Bush Jr administration they learned that all you have to do is keep putting out lies: old debunked lies, new lies, nonsensical lies it doesn’t matter just keep lying because their supporters don’t make judgements based on factuality or logic. 

But just like their 911 lies and their WMD lies and their Kenyan birth certificate lies, eventually they have to give up on them  because it costs them a lot of time and money to keep putting lies out there while the truth is always free and readily available.  And now none of these righties will even admit to having believed the old ones. Eventually they have to redirect their resources to spread the next big lie and the old lies die and they pretend that their beliefs were bipartisan. A few years from now they’ll be claiming that everyone including  Republicans and Democrats believed in the Big Lie which is exactly what they say now about all those other past lies: “everyone thought Saddam had WMD and was behind 911, everyone thought Obama was Kenyan!” So for posterity I think wherever their lies are we have to confront them even knowing they pathetically resort to something else the next day. 

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18 minutes ago, ironstone said:

Apparently they were supposed to have cameras at each drop box location  but there weren't, or they were turned off.

The non-profit organization, True the Vote, bought vast amounts of this type of cell phone data for geo-tracking in five cities in the key swing states. They looked specifically at areas surrounding the drop boxes. Wanting the lowest margin of error, the researchers only investigated phones that went to a minimum of 10 drop boxes and five ballot collection sites. In one case, the cell phone traveled across six counties to 27 different drop boxes. Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips, working for True the Vote, tracked 2,000 cell phones making such patterns. Not included in their research were cell phones that traveled to fewer than 10 drop boxes, or fewer than five ballot collection sites. Therefore, the data presented in this film actually under-represents the amount of illegal ballot harvesting in the election.

The complaints about 2000 Mules:

How do you know who had the phone?

How do you know they weren’t just dropping off ballots for family members?

How do you know they weren’t just walking by the drop box?

Why isn’t there surveillance video footage of these people?

Geo-tracking of cell phones isn’t valid evidence.

First, a cell phone does not travel from drop box to drop box by itself. It is carried by someone, usually the person who owns the phone. Frequently, these people took selfies of themselves at the drop boxes to verify that they actually did what they were being paid to do – at $10 per ballot.

Were these people, all 2,000 of them, just dropping off ballots for family members? Why would someone have to go to 10 or more drop boxes, between the hours of 1:00AM and 5:00AM, the time all of these phones were tracked, to drop off grandma’s ballot? Remember the case I cited above – 26 drop boxes across six counties? As Dinesh D’Souza asks, “Can you think of even one reasonable and innocent explanation for such behavior?” I can’t.

Furthermore, people were not “just walking by” the drop boxes. The tracking shows people going TO the drop boxes, staying there a few minutes while they stuffed ballots in the boxes, and then leaving away from the boxes. In order to get to the drop boxes, these “mules” had to drive from box to box to box, often crossing county lines, and sometimes even crossing state lines. In the wee small hours of the morning. All of that movement recorded. They were not “walking by.”

As for the all-important question about video footage, there are actually 4 million minutes of video footage. Some of it shows the mules at the drop boxes, and it matches up precisely with the cell phone data. Unfortunately, a lot of the footage is of low quality, or even non-existent – a big problem and a big question mark. In Arizona, the cameras were mysteriously, and conveniently, turned off when these drops were being made. In other places, like Wisconsin, cameras were never installed, even though they were supposed to be. And in other places, the cameras were angled at the ground, or the lenses were cracked, etc.  Pretty convenient.

The “explainers” that are supposed  to fill the gaps in the missing evidence are missing evidence of their own. 
4 million minutes of footage snd not one one shows the same person making more than drop.  The Excuse is another unproven zero evidence conspiracy that people tampered with the cameras to delete only the extra drops but not the initial drops. You know how much time that would take 2,000 mules times an average of 38 drops that means find all 76,000 clips of “mule” camera footage and edit out at least  74,000 of those clips so they only appear once without leaving any evidence. And of course nobody to corroborate their claims that cameras were nonfunctional etc  


Also no footage of anyone dropping off more than a few ballots at a time, mostly only 1 ballot yet they claim almost 400,000 were dropped off ridiculous  


A geolocation ping cannot differentiate between someone speeding by and someone stopped  FULL STOP


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52 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

Remember, Dinesh is a convicted criminal who was found guilty of election fraud. 

I was waiting for that one.

Dinesh D'Souza did time in jail for donating a few grand over the allowed limit to a buddy's campaign. Zuckerberg and his wife funneled almost a half a billion dollars through a leftist NGO that actually influenced the 2020 electoral process. 

So spare me your phony, lefty, virtue posture of the morally superior. The 2 tier justice you worship beclowns you.

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15 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

The “explainers” that are supposed  to fill the gaps in the missing evidence are missing evidence of their own. 
4 million minutes of footage snd not one one shows the same person making more than drop.  The Excuse is another unproven zero evidence conspiracy that people tampered with the cameras to delete only the extra drops but not the initial drops. You know how much time that would take 2,000 mules times an average of 38 drops that means find all 76,000 clips of “mule” camera footage and edit out at least  74,000 of those clips so they only appear once without leaving any evidence. And of course nobody to corroborate their claims that cameras were nonfunctional etc  


Also no footage of anyone dropping off more than a few ballots at a time, mostly only 1 ballot yet they claim almost 400,000 were dropped off ridiculous  


A geolocation ping cannot differentiate between someone speeding by and someone stopped  FULL STOP


It seems according to your side that geolocation data is only admissible depending on the political leanings of the person it's being used against.

Opinion | They Stormed the Capitol. Their Apps Tracked Them. - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

I'm of the opinion that cell phone tracking can indeed determine whether a person is stopped or speeding. My cell phone tells me how fast I'm driving and exactly where I happen to be.

You didn't read the post which stated that there were supposed to be cameras at all the drop box locations but at many locations they conveniently got turned off or were never set up in the first place. The cell phone data also indicated that the mules were not just passing by, but happened to stop at the drop box locations.

Highly suspicious to me but not even remotely suspicious to you. So be it, we can look at the same things and come to different conclusions. That is life. You look at Joe Biden and perhaps see the most charismatic, most popular,  intelligent leader of our time. I look at Biden and see someone that has enormous difficulty with communication and is in cognitive decline, not to mention likely very corrupt an certainly not the one in control.

We agree to disagree, same as usual.

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1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

Barr was in Trump's inner circle...

"I was unimpressed with it" 
"If you take 2M cellphones ... by definition many hundreds will have spent time in the vicinity of these boxes"

The boxes are in well travelled locations.

"Our truck alone would have accounted for 6 cellphone signals.  Our route takes us by these things on a regular basis"

So Barr looked at it, and concluded it didn't "establish widespread harvesting".  

If he thinks he can support that he shouldn't be afraid to debate D'Souza. D'Souza offers to support his claims why can't Tubby?

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1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

Ok - reply to the latest one then.

@BeaverFever- you are lured into playing whack-a-mole with these types of arguments.  We saw it on this board after 9/11.  Poke a hole in one conspiracy and they will clear the table and replace it with a new table set of conspiracies.

Actually what we're talking about is fact checking the fact checkers.

I know why you and Beave wouldn't like that though. Few Progs would. Beave in particular. I don't call him "King of Wrong" because he's right so much.

But if you're 'fact checkers" can't take a little fact checking don't be strutting around like you just received the final word on the subject.

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1 hour ago, Infidel Dog said:

I was waiting for that one.

Dinesh D'Souza did time in jail for donating a few grand over the allowed limit to a buddy's campaign. Zuckerberg and his wife funneled almost a half a billion dollars through a leftist NGO that actually influenced the 2020 electoral process. 

So spare me your phony, lefty, virtue posture of the morally superior. The 2 tier justice you worship beclowns you.

That’s a lie. Dinesh the convicted felon and wife-cheater used his mistress and his employee as straw donors to funnel $20,000 in illegal campaign contributions under their names and both of their spouses names Thats in addition to the $10k he donated on behalf of himself and his cheated-on wife.  Then when the candidate asked him about it he lied to her.  Dinesh admitted in court he knowingly and purposely broke the law. 

Americas political system of legalized bribery is a crowing achievement of Republicans who successfully brought many USSC cases that claimed corporations have the same rights as people and cash donations are free speech therefore corporate donations must not be limited.


Everything Zuckerberg did is perfectly legal in the US which is why he’s a free man. Meanwhile the long list of convicted Republican campaign finance crooks shows they can’t even meet the very low bar of the US, which allows all sorts of shady money schemes that are blatantly illegal in most developed countries. 

Edited by BeaverFever
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17 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Let's see: Hillary paid a sleazy lawyer, who has a keycard for the FBI headquarters, to get bogus Russian intel and simultaneously give it to the FBI and the MSM to start a witch hunt against a duly elected president, and when the gig was up no one went to jail. 

That's after all of the known lying to the FBI and a FISA court judge. 

That judge was so disgusted that they said this fiasco casts a shroud of doubt on any investigation ever done by the FBI

Of course there was a conspiracy, the only thing in question is who was actively involved in starting it, who took advantage of the fact that there was an investigation going on so that they could spy on Trump's associates, and who just went along with faking it after they knew it was a witch hunt.

Van Jones knew it was a witch hunt almost two years before CNN and the Dems finally had to admit that there was nothing to see. There were a lot of people who were just going through the motions when they knew that they were lying. Everyone at CNN and MSNBC for example, plus most of the Demmies. 

The FBI appears to have gone rogue according to FOX NEWS at night. From what I heard on FOX NEWS the other night was that Obamarama is also behind all of this push to try and nail something on Trump. They are trying to nail Trump to a cross with a feather in their stupid hands. Sadly for them, they just cannot seem to be able to do so. Ha-ha-ha-ha. The demonrats are like our own lefty liberal party in Canada. Both full of liars and bull shitters. 

But ask trump if he is really worried about their J6 hearing or soon to become just another fiasco by the demonrats. NOPE, Trump is not worried at all. Trump has been dealing with these liars in the demonrat party for over four years now. Trump has won all the time, and they have lost all the time. ?

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2 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Ok - reply to the latest one then.

@BeaverFever- you are lured into playing whack-a-mole with these types of arguments.  We saw it on this board after 9/11.  Poke a hole in one conspiracy and they will clear the table and replace it with a new table set of conspiracies.

This isn't a topic that leftards should even be opening up.

We all know who was on the lying side of Smollett, Sandman, Russian collusion, M Brown, G Floyd, Rayshard Brooks, Brionna Taylor, Ukranian Collusion, laptopgate, Rittenhouse, "all immigrants are animals", mostly peaceful riots, origin of covid, vaccines & herd immunity, vax efficacy, vax safety, inflation, the "Waukesha car crash", 2016 election illegitimacy, the election night 2020 declaration of unquestionable purity, the entire Jan 6th scenario, "protests outside of SCJs' homes are totally legit", Dems and their MSM aren't guilty of putting SCJs in danger, etc. And that's not even taking into account the lefts' daily accusations of racism which are completely without merit.   

There's no room for you to talk about conspiracy theories because literally every topic that comes out of the leftist MSM, and is subsequently your unfiltered mouth, is eventually proven to be total bullshit, but you just keep movin' on the their newest & shiniest bullshit without ever taking stock of their/your abominable track record.

If I was you I'd have either apologized 200 times for being rude & wrong or changed my username long ago. Over and over. 

If you think that there's even one topic in that laundry list that I named above, where the Dems or their leftist MSM weren't proven to be completely dishonest to the point of being outright liars, could you please name it? 

You just pick a single topic from that list and I'll remind you of how much of an idiot you were for following the leftist narrative. 


There's your answer MH. Are you a man or a mouse? Squeak up. 

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