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Rudy Giuliani Faces Disciplinary Case From Washington, D.C. Bar Over Election Fraud Lies.

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13 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Sorry you’re so disappointed about that. Maybe your next attempted coup will be more successful.  Dictatorship is a small price to pay for cheap gas eh?

And I’ll tell you what else, you folks on the left wouldn’t know a dictator if your bank accounts got frozen by edict, and then your vehicle insurance illegally cancelled without an arrest, charges or a judge ruling on your guilt.  

Funny how the left in Canada go on and on about the evil dictator Trump, and then ignore the dictator moves of Trudeau.  

Beyond belief...

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Giuliani's case will go nowhere. It was never meant to. It was meant to shut him up. Which it did. One has to wonder if this is a gross abuse of the legal system.. 

As for the childish blatherings of The Beave and his (her? They? Its?) trusty sidekick traveler ... we all know you're desperate to keep Trump from running in 2024. From 2 failed impeachments, through the frankly gross mugging of a presidential election, to this asinine Jan 6 commission, the Democrats have scarred the USA and left a trail of failure in their wake.

Biden's presidency is the crown jewel of this failure. He and his angry mob have screwed the entire country.

So a parting gift for you shills and operatives...

This year the SCOTUS will kill Roe V Wade and return abortion to the states where it belongs. The Republicans will roll over the Democrats and take both houses. Cheyney, Kinsinger and the rest of the RINOs will be ousted. 

After that...a string of "Congressional Hearings" will drag Hunter and a host of sitting Democrats through the mud.

Then...in 2024...Trump or some other America First Republican, will become POTUS. The Democrats won't stand a chance without their mailin cheating.

Come upins will be swift and merciless. And while Republican rule will benefit the American economy, the mud-slinging will maintain this partisan bullshit. But that's what happens when you start a culture war. Feathers fly. 

Personally...I can hardly wait to see Adam Schiff with no feathers.

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40 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

1. One has to wonder if this is a gross abuse of the legal system.. 

2. Come upins will be swift and merciless.

3. Personally...I can hardly wait to see Adam Schiff with no feathers.

1. No - what he did was gross abuse of the legal system.  Bringing a case with spurious claims on purpose, to muddy the waters and bring publicity to a false claim is not what the system is for.
2. Your posts have the tone and substance of a zealot.  Really, given the relative similarity of the two main parties, there's no rational reason to get angry at one side or the other.
3. More of the same - you choose one set of politicians over another, like you think bronze handcuffs are better than steel ones.

As for the economy, Republicans and Democrats have both presided over wealth being hoarded by the wealthiest.  Do you like that result ?  If so, why ?

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11 hours ago, sharkman said:

You missed what I said.  Go back and look for my comment on why the mass shooters are going for schools.  Take your time.  Your media is also misinforming you but that's nothing new.  

So now you’re  your story. Most of the examples I gave weren’t schools anyway. Still waiting for you to give even one example of a mass shooter getting “shot to rags before he can even empty his first clip” by armed bystanders. 

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37 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. No - what he did was gross abuse of the legal system.  Bringing a case with spurious claims on purpose, to muddy the waters and bring publicity to a false claim is not what the system is for.
2. Your posts have the tone and substance of a zealot.  Really, given the relative similarity of the two main parties, there's no rational reason to get angry at one side or the other.
3. More of the same - you choose one set of politicians over another, like you think bronze handcuffs are better than steel ones.

As for the economy, Republicans and Democrats have both presided over wealth being hoarded by the wealthiest.  Do you like that result ?  If so, why ?

1. THAT is yet to be determined. There are a lot of people who don't think election cheating is "spurious" and many of the claims can be proven. They get tossed because by themselves, each doesn't represent a change big enough number to alter the results. But that's not really the point...is it. The point is, the sheer amount of cheating via mailin ballots and magical creates of pristine ballots "found" all of the sudden, the wrong people authorizing election rule changes, Zuckerbucks, etc...etc...etc...clearly reveals cause to suspect all sorts of "hanky-panky".

2. If you don't like my "tone"...tough. There WAS a deep similarity. All Globalist shills. The rest was window-dressing. Hence Trump and the MAGA movement.

3. Yes. I choose politicians who put THEIR nation FIRST.


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14 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

1. THAT is yet to be determined.
2. There are a lot of people who don't think election cheating is "spurious" and many of the claims can be proven.
3. They get tossed because by themselves, each doesn't represent a change big enough number to alter the results. 4. But that's not really the point...is it. The point is, the sheer amount of cheating via mailin ballots and magical creates of pristine ballots "found" all of the sudden, the wrong people authorizing election rule changes, Zuckerbucks, etc...etc...etc...clearly reveals cause to suspect all sorts of "hanky-panky".
5. If you don't like my "tone"...tough. There WAS a deep similarity. All Globalist shills. The rest was window-dressing. Hence Trump and the MAGA movement.
6. Yes. I choose politicians who put THEIR nation FIRST.


1. Ok, true.
2. Cheating happened in the 2020 election, but it always does.  Bringing court cases as Giuliani did is a different thing.  He is in trouble, not because he couldn't prove it but because he didn't have valid claims or evidence when he brought the case.  The claim was a systemic and planned effort to steal the election.
3. Yes this is true.
4. Right and not only was it not proven, but Giuliani is in trouble for bringing claims to the court that were not investigated adequately, ie. abusing the court.
5. It's not that I like it or don't like it.  I'm just pointing out that you are doing emotional "angry politics".  I'm just pointing out that your emotional investment in these things isn't matched by mine.  I share your concerns about Global Corporations and Global Power to a degree, but if you are so blinded by anger to see only allies and enemies we're wasting our time talking about it.
6. Deep dive a bit into how "politicians" (kind of a non specific term) overlap their interests with those of their constituents.  I am confident that the mindset is not anything unique to Republicans, Liberals, Socialists or anyone.  Politician is a job.  Just like a ditch digger from India or America would likely see their role in society in a similar way, I'm sure that politicians do also.  Keeping them honest is our  job as "the" public.  It's not our job to pretend we're one of them and defend everything our team does.


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4 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. Ok, true.
2. Cheating happened in the 2020 election, but it always does.  Bringing court cases as Giuliani did is a different thing.  He is in trouble, not because he couldn't prove it but because he didn't have valid claims or evidence when he brought the case.  The claim was a systemic and planned effort to steal the election.
3. Yes this is true.
4. Right and not only was it not proven, but Giuliani is in trouble for bringing claims to the court that were not investigated adequately, ie. abusing the court.
5. It's not that I like it or don't like it.  I'm just pointing out that you are doing emotional "angry politics".  I'm just pointing out that your emotional investment in these things isn't matched by mine.  I share your concerns about Global Corporations and Global Power to a degree, but if you are so blinded by anger to see only allies and enemies we're wasting our time talking about it.
6. Deep dive a bit into how "politicians" (kind of a non specific term) overlap their interests with those of their constituents.  I am confident that the mindset is not anything unique to Republicans, Liberals, Socialists or anyone.  Politician is a job.  Just like a ditch digger from India or America would likely see their role in society in a similar way, I'm sure that politicians do also.  Keeping them honest is our  job as "the" public.  It's not our job to pretend we're one of them and defend everything our team does.


2. So what? Cheating goes on and all must accept it? Mike...this was cheating "above and beyond". It was obvious. Yet the Democrats hid behind the skirt of The Rona, in order to justify what became the most outrageous US election I've ever seen. It has been a blatant attack on the election process and thus on Democracy.

4. We will see what the outcome is.

5. Yes...I am angry. Our world is going through some hefty changes and most of them are avoidable. I do not think the USA, or any nation, should base their policies on what corporations want. That's why Trump was elected in the first place...and it was working beautifully. China was behaving. North Korea stopped firing missiles. ISES was destroyed. The southern border of the US was sealed...mostly. The economy was roaring. All minorities had benefited from the term. And in a matter of months, Joe Biden and his merry band of twits managed to trash almost all of it and turn the US into a limp reflection of what it was and needs to be.

6. Politics "should" be...or was "meant" to be...a representation of the electorate and their wishes. However...it is not. Politics is the "business" of collecting wealth and power to one's self. That needs to end.

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2 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. Ok, true.
2. Cheating happened in the 2020 election, but it always does.  Bringing court cases as Giuliani did is a different thing.  He is in trouble, not because he couldn't prove it but because he didn't have valid claims or evidence when he brought the case.  The claim was a systemic and planned effort to steal the election.
3. Yes this is true.
4. Right and not only was it not proven, but Giuliani is in trouble for bringing claims to the court that were not investigated adequately, ie. abusing the court.
5. It's not that I like it or don't like it.  I'm just pointing out that you are doing emotional "angry politics".  I'm just pointing out that your emotional investment in these things isn't matched by mine.  I share your concerns about Global Corporations and Global Power to a degree, but if you are so blinded by anger to see only allies and enemies we're wasting our time talking about it.
6. Deep dive a bit into how "politicians" (kind of a non specific term) overlap their interests with those of their constituents.  I am confident that the mindset is not anything unique to Republicans, Liberals, Socialists or anyone.  Politician is a job.  Just like a ditch digger from India or America would likely see their role in society in a similar way, I'm sure that politicians do also.  Keeping them honest is our  job as "the" public.  It's not our job to pretend we're one of them and defend everything our team does.


Wrong.. Giuliani brought forth sworn affidavits from poll watchers discussing irregularities. HE didn't make up anything... this whole nonsense is ridiculous.. we now going to start going after cops who take statements from individuals claiming a crime happened? 

It's also hilarious you aren't outraged by Shifty Adam Schiff for reading his delusional parody of the discussion between Trump and Zelensky into the court records. He flat out did lie. As a lawyer he should be facing discipline. Yet here you are engaging in fake outrage yet again

Edited by West
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1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

Keeping them honest is our  job as "the" public.

The public doesn't have the proper tools to do the job of keeping politicians honest.


It's not our job to pretend we're one of them and defend everything our team does.

Think about this in the context of the original French Revolutionary definitions for the terms right-wing and left-wing.

17 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

6. Politics "should" be...or was "meant" to be...a representation of the electorate and their wishes. However...it is not. Politics is the "business" of collecting wealth and power to one's self. That needs to end.

All too often politics is the business of pretending wealth and power serve the interests of the common man and conservatives have bought it hook line and sinker.  The old saying 'no poor man ever gave me a job' misses the point of the term commonwealth.

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10 minutes ago, eyeball said:

The public doesn't have the proper tools to do the job of keeping politicians honest.

Think about this in the context of the original French Revolutionary definitions for the terms right-wing and left-wing.

All too often politics is the business of pretending wealth and power serve the interests of the common man and conservatives have bought it hook line and sinker.  The old saying 'no poor man ever gave me a job' misses the point of the term commonwealth.

Would you quit phoning it in?

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1 hour ago, eyeball said:

All too often politics is the business of pretending wealth and power serve the interests of the common man and conservatives have bought it hook line and sinker.  The old saying 'no poor man ever gave me a job' misses the point of the term commonwealth.

I would agree with that...mostly. Today however, the Republicans and conservatives demand government FOR the people.

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15 hours ago, Aristides said:

Just keep sending Trump your money, he is laughing all the way to another of his scam charities.

That wasn't a reply, it was a dodge.

There is new evidence out which SHOWS how Dems cheated in the 2020 election, and by enough to alter the election in favour of Biden in the swing states.

You can't speak to that evidence. Your head just pops into a hole. 

FYI the ostrich defence isn't a real thing. 

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1 hour ago, Nationalist said:

I would agree with that...mostly. Today however, the Republicans and conservatives demand government FOR the people.

No, the Republicans demand conservatives for the government, the governed come after the wealthy...barely. 

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

That wasn't a reply, it was a dodge.

There is new evidence out which SHOWS how Dems cheated in the 2020 election, and by enough to alter the election in favour of Biden in the swing states.

You can't speak to that evidence. Your head just pops into a hole. 

FYI the ostrich defence isn't a real thing. 

250 million was donated to Trump’s Election Defence Fund,  which doesn’t exist.

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30 minutes ago, eyeball said:

No, the Republicans demand conservatives for the government, the governed come after the wealthy...barely. 

You're sloganeering to protect your preconceived notions instead of observing and thinking for yourself.

FYI when Biden and Trudeau gush money into the economy it goes to their friends, first and foremost, not to a bunch of "smelly peons" who they wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole. All the money that they create causes inflation as it circulates through the economy, but the first spenders of it get to use those dollars before the inflation hits. That's a topic unto itself.  

In Canada the first round of money goes to the media, they got billions from Trudeau which we know about.

Next is "foreign charity": when you give $10 Billion to a shithole country the leader and his friends take 50%, the donor gets rewarded handsomely, and some of the leftovers go into large gov't projects which mainly benefit the corrupt leaders' cronies as well (like Joe Biden's brother getting $1.2 Billion "to construct homes in Iraq" lol), and the peons t ground zero might benefit slightly from it. 

Then comes money sent to the sketchy engineering firms and contractors in our own country like SNC. Saying "we need to spend some infrastructure money" is like saying "my pals need faster, more luxurious private jets and bigger mansions, or more of them". Just remember that our PM created a law for SNC Lavalin alone. That was to enable them to feed at the infrastructure dough trough, and SNC is known to be very generous to the politicians who help them out, like Michel Fournier for example. 

"Charities" like WE and the Clinton Foundation get huge coin, massive amounts of that cash gets back into the hands of the well-connected. Like, for example, Margaret Trudeau or the Clintons' friends whose companies "helped to rebuild Haiti" (haw haw) with the money they raised. 

Occasionally people get smaller lump sums, like when Loblaws needs some new freezers, and not much of that little pittance gets back to the gov't, but a tidy sum of money gets back to Trudeau or Biden somehow, whenever they spend or gift massive amounts of taxpayer dollars away. 

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16 minutes ago, Aristides said:

250 million was donated to Trump’s Election Defence Fund,  which doesn’t exist.

You know that the 2020 US election was fraudulent, yet you choose to ignore the topic entirely. Why is that? Isn't democracy important to you?

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21 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

Bullshit. If you have support for why 2000 mules can't be considered as evidence show it to me. You've used the word debunked incorrectly again. Debunking can't be debunked and what you've got has been...qualitatively. 

Go ahead though. Do your copy and paste thing and I'll do mine. We'll see who's been debunked. Show me some crappy Snopes crap. I always like revealing them as the partisan hacks they are. The laughable "fact checkers" of the left are all a bit of a hoot though.

And the only real big lie that's been told is by you and your fellow big liars on the left. 2020 was rigged in ways including but not limited to fraud.

Oh, and I didn't say just corrupt justices. I used the word "cowardly" as well. Did you miss that? Shame faced, I must admit, we have some of those on our side as well. But neither the corrupt nor the cowardly brought a case to trial where evidence could be considered. The fact so many refused to proves nothing.

Its obvious why 2000 mules is a joke and Trump’s own attorney general made fun of it during his deposition where he called election fraud claims “bullshit”

I mean since  you’re such a willing audience member I didn’t really expect you to watch the film critically. It could have been 90 minutes of nothing but fart sounds and you still would have come away thinking it was a masterpiece of undeniable proof. 

The whole premise of this film which is a scam that made millions for the filmmaker, is that hundreds of thousands of fraudulent ballots were “trafficked”  by “mules” from Democrat-run “stash houses” full of fake ballots to absentee ballot collection boxes. They “prove” this without actually showing any evidence of any actual “stash houses” or any “mules” or any fraudulent ballots.  

The only “proof” is that they claim some peoples cell phones were frequently pinged near these ballot boxes and also near certain buildings, therefore the only possible explanation is that the buildings were democrat “stash houses” full of fraudulent ballots which were being shuttled to the boxes. they were

Now exactly how the Democrats would have been able to produce or otherwise steal these fraudulent ballots without leaving a shred of evidence is quickly glossed over as an unimportant detail. You know if you want to use cellular data to prove to the public that the president is secretly meeting with space aliens for example you can’t really skip over the part where you first prove to people that space aliens are real and living among us. But that’s how the Big Lie conspiracy kool-aid drinkers roll.

Next up is the claim that the cell location data is accurate when in reality cell locations is only accurate to 30-40 feet (D’souza later lied and said its accurate to within 12-18 inches which every expert says is hilariously false) amd also can’t tell the difference between a stationary or moving device   So now assuming their data is even real, we’re down to people who were regularly within 30-40 feet of a box and also 30-40 feet of a certain building and may have simply been speeding past one or both at 100 mph on a nearby road without even stopping. 

Considering that these ballot boxes are conveniently located in busy densely populated areas and public spaces such as city halls, public libraries and the like where many people would regularly visit and work and pass by, its not surprising that some devices would regularly ping nearby, especially delivery drivers cab drive Uber drivers and the like, many of whom would have multiple mobile devices on them and therefore generating multiple location pings  Election workers also regularly attend the boxes to check and empty them  


Next they show security camera footage of the so-called “mules” making their ballot drops into the boxes.   Most notably they don’t show the same person making more than one drop despite the central part of their claim being that these “mules” are making multiple drops on average 38 times each  One guy takes a selfie while casting his vote which supposedly “proves” he’s a mule…..the selfie is supposedly the required proof that he did the dirty deed so he can get paid….even though none of the other “mules” took selfies,  just this one guy.  Another piece of “proof” is a woman who drops off her ballot wearing a mask and gloves- the only possible reason could be to hide her identity and fingerprints (not because it’s the middle of a COVID pandemic obviously ? )  So to recap if you are a mule you either have to take a full selfie of yourself depositing the fake ballots or you have to cover your face and wear gloves so that you can’t be identified at all  Makes sense right?

But there’s more…she then tosses her gloves into the garbage can right next to her, supposedly without even looking at the garbage can!  The film claims  only way a woman could have possibly made that no-look shot was if she was a regular “mule” at that location and knew exactly where the garbage can was!  You can’t make this shit up people LMAO!   Being a woman she must have missed the can on each of her first 37 mule runs but practice makes perfect amirite? Too bad the illuminati and the Space Jews deleted the footage of all her other visits but luckily they missed this one!  

Another alleged “mule” is shown dropping off multiple ballots, something which is perfectly legal in many states….for example you can drop off the ballots for you and your wife and your elderly parents on your way to work.  When its time to open and count ballots the ballots are validated before being counted.  There’s nobody dropping off dozens or hundreds of ballots as the Big Liars claim. 

Other mule “proof”: Someone dropped their ballots on the ground before putting them in the box!  Another one dropped off their ballot at nighttime!  What other possible explanation can there be? LMAO  


Oh and finally the master  rebuttal for this an all other Big Lie bullshit:  all this “evidence” is supposedly out there in plain view and yet all federal state and local law enforcement, judges and other official, INCLUDING REPUBLICANS have dismissed these claims and refused to charge or arrest anyone.   So now the conspiracy includes not just a ridiculously unbelievable massive caper by Democrats but also everyone else in society also including Republicans.  “Everyone’s in on it!!!”

There’s a name for a massive conspiracy that involves literally everyone:  it’s called REALITY   

Edited by BeaverFever
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